Multiple drug allergy syndrome

Our Dermatology Online
Case Report
A multiple drug allergy syndrome, multiple drug
intolerance syndrome and/or allergic drug reaction
with multiple immune reactants
Ana Maria Abreu Velez1, Vickie M. Brown2, Michael S. Howard1
Georgia Dermatopathology Associates, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2 Vickie M. Brown Dermatology, Milledgeville, Georgia, USA
Corresponding author: Ana Maria Abreu Velez, M.D., Ph.D., E-mail:
Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADR), multiple drug allergy syndrome (MDAS) and multiple drug intolerance
syndrome (MDIS), are very common in the clinical practice worldwide due to an aging population. Case report: Here we
describe a 61 year old Caucasian female, who presented complaining of large, tense bullae on her right anterior arm; the
bullae had been present for one week, with pruritus. The patient was taking multiple medications. The patient presented
with multiple large, tense blisters and scattered, smaller blisters on her legs and axillae. Materials and Methods: Biopsies
for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) examination, direct immunofluorescence (DIF) and immunohistochemistry (IHC)
analysis were performed. The H&E staining demonstrated diffuse, moderate epidermal spongiosis, with a subepidermal
blister. Lymphocytes and eosinophils were present within the blister lumen and around superficial dermal blood vessels,
hair follicles and sweat glands. Notably, blood vessels and lymphatics had altered shapes, many being narrowed, twisted
and or dilated. DIF showed significant deposits of fibrinogen, Complement/C3c and IgA around the dermal vessels;
some reactivity was also present at the basement membrane zone of the skin, as well as around dermal skin appendices.
Of great interest was the reactivity seen with anti-human fibrinogen against some dermal cell junctions. IHC staining
showed the presence of mainly CD4 and BCL-2 positive cells around skin appendices, with a few CD8 positive cells also
present. Cyclooxygenase-2 was also very positive around the dermal blood vessels, as well as within cells of the dermal
inflammatory infiltrate. The dermal lymphatics and dermal blood vessels appeared dilated, demonstrated by staining for
D2-40/podoplanin and von Willembrand factor. Conclusion: Adverse drug reactions and multiple drug allergy syndrome
have several overlapping features; the spectrum of immunopathologic and histopathologic features are not fully established.
Our case contributes to our knowledge of some of these features. In the authors’ experience, we have noticed that the
hallmark of these reactions is the prevalence of strong deposits of fibrinogen in several vessels and dermal skin appendices.
In addition, we have noted positivity on some types of dermal cell junctions. MDAS, MDIS and ADRs represent examples
of how to categorize adverse, simultaneous reactions to multiple classes of chemically unrelated drugs.
Key words: Multiple drug allergy syndrome, multiple drug intolerance syndrome, adverse drug reactions,
fibrinogen, vessels, intraepidermal blisters
Abbreviations: Multiple drug allergy syndrome (MDAS), multiple drug intolerance syndrome (MDIS),
adverse drug reactions (ADRs), direct immunofluorescence (DIF), immunohistochemistry (IHC), basement
membrane zone (BMZ), Ulex europaeus agglutinin 1 (UEA), hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), 4’,6-diamidino2-phenylindole (DAPI), B-cell lymphoma 2 gene (BCL-2), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2).
Multiple drug allergy syndrome (MDAS) is a clinical
diagnosis made in patients with adverse reactions to two
or more chemically unrelated drugs, with an underlying
immune-mediated mechanism causing the reaction [1].
The term multiple drug intolerance syndrome (MDIS)
has been used to describe patients who express adverse
How to cite this article: Abreu Velez AM, Brown VM, Howard MS. A multiple drug allergy syndrome, multiple drug intolerance syndrome and/or allergic drug
reaction with multiple immune reactants. Our Dermatol Online. 2016;7(1):40-44.
Submission: 02.06.2015; Acceptance: 10.08.2015
© Our Dermatol Online 1.2016
drug reactions to three or more drugs, without a known
immunological mechanism [2,3]. Thus, it is difficult
in some cases to know if these nosologic entities refer
to the same phenomenon. Even more confusing is to
consider how single drug adverse drug reactions (ADRs)
relate to a defined MDAS or MDIS case. ADRs usually
affect the skin and/or mucosae (toxicoderma) [4-12],
and are challenging to dermatologists, toxicologists,
emergency physicians, allergists and immunologists.
A better understanding of the etiopathogenic mechanisms
of drug reactions is needed, and especially when these
reactions are concomitant with the presence of other
sequelae such as viral infections. Such non-drug reaction
forces could make selected immunologic processes
more complex than previously considered [5-9]. It is
also believed that allergic drug reactions may have a
genetic predisposition, and that epidemiologic factors
can also play a role. We describe a case that exemplifies
the complexity of adverse drug reactions.
An obese, diabetic 61 year old female presented to
the dermatologist with flaccid bullae and plaques,
on erythematous bases. The patient was taking
Doxycycline hyclate 100 mgs caps one at day orally;
Micardis HCt; oral Metformin® 850 Mgs tablets; an
oral multivitamin; Symlin® SubQ, Lantus® SubQ;
Novolag® SubQ. The patient described no personal or
family drug allergy history. Biopsies for hematoxylin and
eosin (H&E) examination, direct immunofluorescence
(DIF) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis
were performed. After receiving the biopsy results, the
patient was prescribed with econazole 1% topical cream
once or twice a day, and hydrocortisone topical 2.5%
lotion; the dermatologist also began working to change
and/or decrease her medications in consultation with
her other physicians.
Skin biopsies were taken for histology (H&E) studies,
for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and for direct
immunofluorescence studies (DIF); our techniques
were performed as previously described [7-12].
The skin was then incubated with primary and/or
secondary antibodies. We utilized FITC conjugated
rabbit antisera to human IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE,
Complement/C1q, Complement/C3, Complement/
C4, Kappa light chains, Lambda light chains, albumin
and fibrinogen. All of our antibodies were obtained
from Dako(Carpinteria, California, USA) with the
following details and exceptions. Our anti-human
IgA antiserum (alpha chain) and anti-human IgM
antiserum (mu chain) were obtained from Dako.
Our anti-human-IgE antiserum (epsilon chain) was
obtained from Vector Laboratories (Burlingame,
California, USA). Our anti-human IgD antibodies were
obtained from Southern Biotechnology (Birmingham,
Alabama, USA), and utilized at dilutions of 1:20 to 1:40.
The slides were counterstained with 4’,6-diamidino2-phenylindole(DAPI; Pierce, Rockford, Illinois, USA).
We also used Texas Red conjugated Ulex europaeus
agglutinin 1 (UEA) (from Vector Burlingame, CA, USA)
as a vascular marker. The samples were consistently run
with positive and negative controls. We classified our
findings as negative (-), weakly positive (+), positive
(+++) and strongly positive (++++).
IHC double staining
Our double stained IHC was performed using a double
staining system; we utilized the Leica Bond Max
platform autostainer with bond polymer refined Red
detection DS9390, alkaline phosphatase linker polymer
and fast red chromogen (red staining) as previously
described [5-9]. We also used a bond polymer refined
detection DS9800, horseradish peroxidase linked
polymer and DAB chromogen (brown staining).
The following antibodies were utilized from Dako:
Mouse monoclonal anti-human CD4; CD8; CD15;
CD68; B-cell lymphoma 2 gene (BCL-2) oncoprotein,
clone 124; cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), clone CX-294;
polyclonal rabbit anti-human vonWillembrand factor,
and D2-40/podoplanin. The following antibodies
were used from Novocastra (Chicago, Illinois, USA):
anti-human CD4 clone 4B12; anti-human C8
Clone C8/144B, and von Willembrand factor. We
counterstained the slides with hematoxylin. Positive
and negative controls were consistently performed.
Direct immunofluorescence (DIF)
Microscopic description
For DIF, the skin was imbedded in optimal cutting
temperature (OCT) compound for frozen-sectioning.
A: Examination of the H&E tissue sections demonstrated
diffuse, moderate epidermal spongiosis present.
© Our Dermatol Online 1.2016
A subepidermal blister was noted, with small numbers
of lymphocytes and eosinophils noted within the blister
lumen. Significant superficial papillary dermal edema
was noted. The dermis also displayed a mild, superficial,
perivascular infiltrate of lymphocytes and histiocytes;
eosinophils and neutrophils are rare. No frank vasculitis
was present; however, some fibrinoid alterations were
seen in dermal blood vessel walls (Fig. 1).
Direct immunofluorescence (DIF)
Our DIF demonstrated the following results: IgG
(+, focal dermal perivascular); IgA (++, focal dermal
perivascular and faint linear basement membrane
zone staining) (Fig. 1); IgM (+, focal dermal
perivascular and focal epidermal); IgD (+, focal
dermal perivascular); IgE (-); Complement/C1q
(+, focal dermal perivascular); Complement/C3
(++, focal dermal perivascular, and focal epidermal);
Complement/C4 (-); Kappa light chains (+, focal
dermal perivascular); Lambda light chains (+, focal
dermal perivascular and focal epidermal); albumin
(+, focal punctate dot epidermal stratum corneum)
and fibrinogen (++++, focal dermal perivascular,
perieccrine and +, faint linear BMZ). Of interest was
the positivity of some type of dermal cells junctions
seen with fibrinogen (++) (see Fig. 1).
Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Figure 1: (a) H&E stain shows a subepidermal blister (black arrow),
with dermal edema and dilation of dermal vessels. (b) DIF using FITC
conjugated anti-human fibrinogen, staining positive around the upper
dermal vessels (green staining; white arrow). The nuclei of endothelial
cells were counterstained with DAPI (light blue staining), and the
vessels were stained with Ulex europaeus (orange staining). (c) An
H&E stain, featuring the inflammatory infiltrate around the upper and
intermediate dermal vessels (black arrow; 200X). (d) IHC staining,
showing positivity of the lymphatic marker D2-40/podoplanin on
lymphatic vessels around a hair follicle (brown staining; black arrow),
and also neo-formation of lymphatics in the adjacent dermis (brown
staining; red arrow). (e) DIF using FITC conjugated anti-human IgA, and
showing positive staining against the upper and intermediate vessels
(green/white staining; red arrows). The white arrow highlights the
linear BMZ staining. overexpressed under the blister. (f) IHC, showing
von Willembrand factor expressed and grouped under the blister
(brown staining; black arrow). (g) Double color IHC, showing positive
staining for with BCL-2 in brown and COX-2 in red in the inflammatory
infiltrate around dermal blood vessels (black arrows). (h) zDIF, using
FITC conjugated anti-human fibrinogen and showing positive staining
around upper dermal blood vessels (green staining; white arrow). The
vessel endothelial cells were stained with Texas red conjugated Ulex
europaeus to confirm colocalization (pink/red staining). In addition, the
nuclei of endothelial cells and keratinocytes were counterstained with
DAPI (light blue). (i) Double color IHC, showing positive staining with
BCL-2 in brown and COX-2 in red around blood vessels supplying a
dermal eccrine sweat gland duct (red arrows).
© Our Dermatol Online 1.2016
D2-40 seemed to be overexpressed on lymphatic vessels
in areas such as under the blister, and around hair
follicles and sweat glands. Von Willembrand factor
staining showed that the blood vessels in the upper
dermis were somehow compartmentalized under the
blister (Fig. 1). CD15 was negative, as well as CD68.
CD8 was positive only in small amounts around some
upper dermal vessels. In contrast, CD4 was positive
around several upper dermal blood vessels and around
eccrine sweat gland ducts. BCL-2 followed the same
pattern of positivity as CD4. COX-2 was very positive
around the dermal blood vessels, as well as in other
areas of the inflammatory infiltrate.
From the immunologic point of view, we have seen
allergic skin reactions becoming more common in an
aging population. These reactions involve interactions
between multiple medications, and also reactions to
soaps, detergents, hair dyes, shampoos, toothpastes
and food preseratives [5-9]. Multiple simultaneous
medications can alter how the body metabolizes the
drugs, and also can produce alterations in the immune
system. The ADR/MDAS/MDIS classifications
are potentially more complex than the classic Gell
and Coombs classification [13]. The Gell-Coombs
classification divides drug hypersensitivity and other
immune reactions into four categories, known as
type I-IV reactions. In cases like ours, we see an immune
response that features several units of the Gell-Coombs
classification, manifested by our COX-2, B and T
lymphocytic and fibrinogen findings.
Our laboratory has extensive experience with skin
biopsies from patients with multiple drug reactions. In
many of our ADR/MDAS/MDIS cases, we note that a
histologic hallmark is the presence of fibrinoid material
in the superficial and deep dermal blood vessels [9-12].
The classic immune response is demonstrated by a
significant anti-human-fibrinogen antibody component.
In the current case, we noted that the dermal vessels
demonstrated changes in their sizes and shapes; these
changes could trigger deposits from the clotting cascade.
We also demonstrated that both lymphatics and blood
vessels were affected by these changes. We speculate
that these vessels could become immunologically
active by the drug reaction damage, and molecules
such as inducible COX-2 could become active in these
sites [14]. It also has been reported that many drug
eruptions are due to T cell-mediated hypersensitivity
reactions; these reactions can involve activation of
multiple pro-inflammatory mechanisms, which would
explain the varied manifestations. However, other
allergic drug reaction immune components have also
been described [15,16]. In this context, our CD68
staining was largely negative, suggesting that significant
activation of the classic antigen presenting cell pathway
did not occur. Moreover, some immunologic aspects of
drug reactions challenge our classical understanding of
antigen processing and presentation. New immunologic
hypotheses have been proposed in their study, including
whether complement and/or immunoglobulins can
formally alter molecules. The altered molecules could
then, in theory, act as new haptens [15,16].
In our case, we also found that some of the cells staining
with CD4 and CD8 were also positive with BCL-2;
BCL-2 is considered an important anti-apoptotic
protein [17]. In addition, recent discoveries have
also noted that BCL2 molecules are indispensable
for activation and maturation of T lymphocytes
following antigen presentation [17]. One group of
authors identified patient factors that could increase
the risk of MDIS, in a total of 25,695 patients
with documented drug intolerance. Their findings
demonstrated that MDIS was associated with female
gender, multiple comorbidities, and previous hospital
admissions. A documented allergy to penicillin did
not increase the likelihood of MDIS [2]. The cases
seen in our laboratory also had shown agreement with
these findings, especially relative to comorbidities and
advanced patient age.
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In our experience, when a multiple drug allergy
syndrome and/or allergic drug reaction is being
evaluated the DIF usually demonstrates significant
reactivity with fibrinogen and complement. We have
noted significantly less reactivity with IgG and IgA,
contrary to classic autoimmune blistering diseases
that often demonstrate significant deposits of these
immunoglobulins, Complement/C3 and fibrinogen
at the basement membrane zone. Additionally, most
linear IgA deposits at the BMZ seen by DIF in adults
present in allergic drug reactions [17].
The approach and assessment of patients with
possible ADRs/MDAS/MDIS involves taking a
comprehensive drug allergy history, ruling out viral or
other concomitant infections [18], and immediately
contacting other physicians that are treating the patient
to work together to decrease the dosage of and/or
discontinue some medications.
We would like to thank Jonathan S. Jones, HT
(ASCP) for excellent technical work at Georgia
Dermatopathology Associates.
The examination of the patient was conducted
according to the Declaration of Helsinki principles.
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Copyright by Ana Maria Abreu Velez, et al. This is an open access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.