www.alawaben.com The creative (المبدع) In English Level 3 لجميع الفروع األكاديمية *شرح لقواعد الكتاب مع االسئلة واالجابات *شرح لقطع الكتاب مع االسئلة واالجابات *شرح لكيفية كتابة مواضيع التعبير المختلفة إعداد األستاذ : محمود السيالوي 3875285870 1 www.alawaben.com Basics * بناء الجمله في اللغة االنجليزيه هو : )subject(s)+ verb(v)+ object(o اوال :الفاعل :واما ان يكون : -1اسم (معدود/غير معدود) مثال على األسماء غير المعدوده: Water, milk, sugar, money -2ضمير ((He/she/I/they/you/we ثانيا :الفعل :وهو اما ان يكون : - 1فعل مساعد كاالتي: *األفعال المساعدة تقسم الى-: 1-Verb to be : is ,am, are/ was ,were/ been 2- verb to do : do, does / did/ Done 3-verb to have: has, have/ had/ had - 2فعل رئيسي :وهو اما ان يكون: - Aمنتظم : مثال على الفعل المنتظم play/played/played : -Bغير منتظم : مثال على الفعل غير المنتظمwrite/wrote/ written : 2 www.alawaben.com Tenses (المضارع البسيط) 1- Simple present . الجمله المثبته 1.1. Affirmative : He (+) s or es + V1 She It I + V1 We You They مالحظات: -1اذا كان الفعل ينتهي باحد الحروف التاليه ,فانه ينتهي بـ es Ch, sh, s, o, x, z Passes, fixes, washes, goes -2اذا كان الفعل ينتهي بـ ( (yمسبوق بحرف علة ( )a, e, I, o, u.فقط نضيف s -3اذا كان الفعل ينتهي بحرف ( (yمسبوق بحرف ساكن نقلب yالى Iونضيف es 3 www.alawaben.com 1.2. Negation: : بعد الفاعل مباشرة كاالتيDon’t /doesn’t في حالة النفي نستخدم he she it + does + not + v1 Ex: he doesn’t read book every day (not/ read) I We You + do They + not +v1 Ex: They don’t read a book every day 1.3: Interrogation: بداية الجمله وفي نهايتها عالمة استفهامDo, does يتم تكوين السؤال من خالل وضع I Do + We + v1 +? You They 4 www.alawaben.com He Does + She + v1 +? It Ex : -You speak English -Do you speak English? -It snows in Alaska - Does it snow in Alaska? :مالحظات يكون, في الفراغ الخاص بالسؤال في المضارع البسيطbe اذا جاء-1 is, am, are اما,حلها حسب الفاعل اذا كان الفاعل جمعhaveاذا كان الفاعل مفرد وhas في في الفراغ نضعhave اذا جاء-2 Does, do وكذلك الحال بالنسبة لـ-3 Ex: He …is…..a doctor (be) I …am……doctor (be) Uses: 1- To talk about habits Ex: She brushes her teeth daily 5 www.alawaben.com 2- Scientific facts Ex: Water boils at 100 c Sun rises from east 3 - For time scheduling. Ex: The train leaves tonight at 8 pm The party starts this afternoon 4- non continuous verbs: Ex: He needs help now 5- with these key words: Often, seldom, rarely, sometimes, occasionally, always, time + ly usually, Correct the verbs between brackets: 1- She ………. (cook) rice everyday. 2- …………. (you) …………( cook) rice daily? 3- ..........You…….. (not cook) rice as a habit? 4- I …………… (not/ play)tennis everyday. 5- When…………the taxi usually ……….. ( leave)? 6 every, www.alawaben.com 2.Present continuous ()المضارع المستمر 2.1.affirmative: He She + is + v1 +ing it We You + are + v1 + ing They I + am + v1 + ing 2.2Negation: بعد الفعل المساعدnot نقوم بوضع Ex: The car isn’t moving now 2.3. Interrogation نقوم بوضع الفعل المساعد قبل الفاعل Ex: The car is moving Is the car moving? 7 www.alawaben.com Uses: للكالم عن حدث ما يحدث في نفس وقت الكالم-1 Ex: The car is moving Ali is screaming :للكالم عن ترتيبات المستقبل-2 Ex: I am talking to head master tomorrow They are coming next Friday لوصف شيء مؤقت-3 Ex: Ali at university, he is studying history :لألعمال التي تحدث بشكل متكرر في الوقت الحاضر-4 Ex: It always raining in London They are always arguing :يستخدم مع الدالالت التاليه-5 At the moment, at the present, at this time, currently, now, just now, right now, nowadays, today, tonight, listen, look, be careful, be quiet, watch now, hurry up. :مالحظات نقوم بتكرار الحرف األخير,*اذا انتهى الفعل بحرف ساكن مسبوق بحرف علة ing ونضيف Swim- swimming Run – running Cut- cutting Begin- beginning 8 www.alawaben.com *اذا انتهى الفعل بحرف eالصامته وكان قبلها حرف ساكن ,نحذف eونضيف ing Write- writing Make- making Live- living *اذا انتهى الفعل بحرف yفقط نضيف ing Study- studying Play- playing Cry- crying *اذا انتهى الفعل بحرف i eنقلبها الى yونضيف ing Lie- lying Tie- tying *األفعال التاليه ال يمكن ان تكون مستمرة ,وانما تكون بسيطة: -1افعال الحواسFeel, hear, see, smell, taste: -2افعال العقلUnderstand, know, mean, remember : -3افعال الشعورDislike, hate, hope, like, love, prefer, want: -4افعال القياسContain, consist of, cost, weight: -5افعال اخرىLook, seem, be, have: مالحظه :افعال الحواس تستخدم مع المستمر اذا اختلف معناها: Has- have يتناول See يخطط للقاء يشعر بأنه أفضل Feel *افعال ال تستخدم مع المستمر ( ال يمكن ان تكون مستمر): Cut, die, finish, start, begin, break, find 9 www.alawaben.com 12345- Correct the verbs between bracket: We ………….. (have) a party on Saturday. I ……………. (study) for my exam. Look! The sun…………… (rise). What……..you ……….. (do) right now? I …………. (not go ) to the theatre tonight. 3.Present perfect () المضارع التام 3.1. affirmative: He She + has + v 3 It I We + have + v 3 You They 10 www.alawaben.com 3.1.Negation: (Not) Have اوhas نضع بعد الفعل المساعد Ex: He hasn’t played football since 2010 3.3.Interrogation: نقوم بوضع الفعل المساعد قبل الفاعل ونضع عالمة استفهام Has Ali played football? uses: )للتحدث عن شيء حصل في الماضي واستمر للحاضر1 Ex: I have had a cold for two weeks She has been in England for six months :)مناقشة تجربتنا في الوقت الحاضر2 Ex: I have worked as a teacher for 13 years My last birthday was the worst day I have ever had 11 www.alawaben.com )للتحدث عن شيء حدث في الماضي وال زالت اثاره مستمرة3 Ex: I have broken my leg :)تستخدم مع الدالالت التاليه4 Already, just, recently, lately, never, ever, yet, so far, for, since, at last, once, twice, Times. Since- for: استخدامات ساعة/ تاريخ/ عيد ميالد/ شهر/ *عندما نريد أن نتكلم عن نقطة بداية مثل اسم يوم since نستخدم وتاتي بمعنى لمدةfor * عندما نتحدث عن فترات زمنية نستخدم Since مع السنوات اسماء األيام الساعات اسماء األشهر اسماء الفصول For عدد األيام الدقائق األسابيع السنوات األشهر Ex: *Since the morning, since the evening, Since Friday, Since July, Since he was kid, Since 1999, Since I left school, Since he arrived. *For long time, for 3 hours, for 3 days, for 1 month , for decades. *Asma has been playing the piano since she was thirteen. *Ali hasn’t seen his friend for two weeks. 12 www.alawaben.com Complete the folowing with since / for: 1- They have been talking for the last hour. 2-James has been teaching at the university ………… June. 3-She has been working at the company ……… three years. 4-We have been waiting here ……….…… more than an hour 5-I have been studying ……………… two hours. 6- Have you been studying ……………… two hours? Correct the verbs between brackets: 1- Hanan ……….them about the accident yet.( not/ tell). 2- Ahmad………..already …………..me. ( phone) 3- Where …………you ……..mahmoud recently? (see). 4- I ………… stamps since I was child. (collect). 5- I …………in such a nice place before. ( not/ be). 13 www.alawaben.com 4.Present perfect continuous ()المضارع التام المستمر 4.1.affirmative He She + has + been + v + ing It I We + have + been + v + ing You They 4.2.Negation: Has/ have بعد الفعل المساعدnot يتم وضع Ex: I haven’t been studying all morning 4.3. Interrogation نقوم باستبدال موقع الفاعل والفعل المساعد Ex: Have you been studying all morning? 14 www.alawaben.com مالحظة: في االمتحان الوزاري يأتي هذا الزمن وفي اخر الجمله ) )be/ verbألن الحل بدون beيمكن ان يتشابه مع المضارع التام. Uses -1يستخدم عند الكالم عن حدث بدأ في الماضي ويستمر لفترة من الزمن حتى اآلن. I have been reading book about history -2للكالم عن حدث من المتوقع أن ال ينتهي أو يكتمل. Nadia has been writing a letter all morning -3للتحدث عن حدث تكرر عدة مرات من الماضي وحتى الحاضر. She has been getting up at six for the last two weeks -4حدث طويل انتهى وال تزال نتائجه ظاهره في الوقت الحاضر. I have been painting the house that is why I have some paints on my clothes -5مع الدالئل التاليه: واغلب ازمنة How long, since, for , all morning, for a long time, المضارع التام مالحظة: اذا وجدنا احد األفعال التي التقبل ان تكون مستمرة بين األقواس فهنا يكون الحل وفقا للمضارع التام. )*I have known Rakan for three years now( know )*They haven’t seen me for two months( see 15 www.alawaben.com * correct the verbs beteen brackets: 1- Nour ………an essay all morning. (be, write). 2- Hatem looks tired. He……… his sience project allnight. (be, do). 3- The detectives …………people all week. (be, interview). 4- The child has ………….all night. ( be, sleep). 5.Simple past ()الماضي البسيط 5.1.affirmative: Sub + V2 Ex: I visited my friend yesterday 5.2.Negation: Sub + didn’t + V1 Ex: They didn’t play tennis in the last match 16 www.alawaben.com 5.3.Interrogation: Did+ sub + V1? Ex: Did you see Ali yesterday? Uses: للكالم عن احداث حدثت في الماضي وانتهت-1 Ex: Last year, I travelled to Japan I watched a movie yesterday للكالم عن مجموعة من االحداث التي كانت تحدث وانتهت في الماضي-2 I finished work, walked to the beach, and found nice place to swim yesterday. للكالم عن االعادات التي كانت تحدث في الماضي-3 Ex: He played the violin I studied French when I was a child :مع الدالئل التاليه-4 Last, in the past, ago, yesterday, in ….……تاريخ سابق 17 www.alawaben.com :مالحظة :Was/were ) نضعbe( *اذا كان الفعل بين االقواس Ex: ……was….. he a teacher in 2002 ?(be) ….were…. they students in 2007? (be) He…… was….. a pilot three years ago. had بين األقواس يكون الجوابhave *اذا جاء الفعل Correct the verbs between brackets: 1- They……….. (collect) postcards yesterday. 2- He …………. (have) a computer in 1999. 3- You …………. (jump) high last night, didn’t you? 4- You ………. (be ) thirsty when I saw you last night. 18 www.alawaben.com 6.Past continuous ()الماضي المستمر 6.1. affirmative: He She + was + v1 + ing It I We You + were + v1 + ing They 6.2.Negation بعد الفعل المساعدnot نضع Ex: I wasn’t reading a book 6.3. Interrogation: .نضع الفاعل بعد الفعل المساعد ( نعكس األماكن) ونضع عالمة استفهام اخر الجملة 19 www.alawaben.com Ex: He was playing football Was he playing football? Uses: للكالم عن األحداث التي كانت مستمرة قبل أو بعد حدث آخر في الماضي-1 Ex: When the phone rang, I was writing a letter You were not listening to me, when I told you to turn the oven off للكالم عن وقت محدد تم فيه حدث مستمر-2 Ex: -Last night at 6 pm, I was eating dinner -Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work للكالم عن األحداث التي تحدث بشكل متوازي في الزمن الماضي-3 Ex: -I was studying while he was making dinner -They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having good time 20 www.alawaben.com . هنالك أفعال ال يجوز أن تكون مستمرة بل يجب أن تكون في الماضي البسيط:مالحظه Ex: -Jane was being at my house, when you arrived (false) -Jane was at my house, when you arrived (true) : مع الدالئل التاليه-5 When +simple past, past continuous While+ past continuous, simple past Correct the verbs between brackets: 1- While I ………. (sleep), my mother came. 2- He………… ( not, study) , when her sister saw her. 3- When I arrived to school, my friends ………….( play). 7.Past perfect ()الماضي التام 7.1.Affirmative: Sub + had+ v3 Ex: Hassan had played football 21 www.alawaben.com 7.2.Negation: had بعد الفعل المساعدnot * نضع Ex: Hassan hadn’t played football 7.3. Interrogation: * نضع الفعل قبل الفاعل Ex: -I had done my homework before I went shopping -Had I done my homework before I went shopping? Uses: يستخدم هذا الزمن عندما يحدث حدثان في الماضي فيكون الزمن األقدم هو الماضي التام-1 والزمن األحدث ماضي بسيط : يستخدم مع الدالالت التالية- 5 Before, after, already+ v2, by the time, until, as soon as, (V2……because ……never……before) : يكون التركيب القواعدي لبعض الدالئل الخاصة بهذا الزمن كاالتي: مالحظة *Before+ simple past, past perfect *After+ past perfect, simple past 22 www.alawaben.com *Before By the time+ simple past + past perfect By….. *After Already + past perfect + simple past Until Never تكون مضارع تام, في جملة واحدةalready اذا جاء:مالحظة Ex: *Ahmad had written some notes, before he came to the class room. *After you had told me, I kept your books quickly. * correct the verbs between brackets: 1- We ………..our house by last week. (leave) 2-hatem had saved his documents before viruses ………. (crash) his computer.( )وزاري 3-after I ……… the medicine, I went to bed. ( have). 4- They………everything by the time I arrived office. ( arrange). 23 www.alawaben.com 8.Past perfect continuous ()الماضي التام المستمر 8.1. affirmative Sub+ had + been+ v + ing Ex: She had been calling her mother for two hours when I came 8.2. Negation had بعدnot * نضع Ex: She hadn’t been calling her mother for two hours when I came. 8.3.Interrogation: * نضع الفعل المساعد قبل الفاعل Ex: Had She been calling her mother when I came ? Uses: للتحدث عن أفعال كانت مستمرة في الماضي حتى وقت محدد توقفت عندما بدا فعل آخر-1 . احداهما ماضي بسيط واالخر ماضي تام مستمر, )ودائما تتكون الجمله من فعلين ( زمنين 24 www.alawaben.com :يستخدم مع الدالالت التالية-2 For, since, all, how long, again, because Ali had been thinking about his friend since he received text from him ,* يستخدم الماضي التام المستمر نفس دالئل المضارع التام على أن تحتوي الجملة على شقين .أحدهما بالماضي البسيط Correct the verbs between brackets: 1- He said that he………( study) English since you come 2- We……………(look for)her ring for two hours and then we found it in the bathroom. 3- How long she ………….. (learn) English before she went to London? 9. The future with will 9.1. Affirmative: Sub+ will+ v1 Ex: It will be cloudy tomorrow 25 www.alawaben.com 9.2. Negation: بعد الفعل المساعدnot *نضع Ex: It won’t be cloudy tomorrow 9.3. Interrogation: *نضع الفعل المساعد قبل الفاعل Ex: Will it be cloudy tomorrow? Uses: التنبؤ بالحقائق-1 According to the weather report, it will be cloudy tomorrow الرغبة في عمل شيء-2 The phone is ringing, I will get it القرارات المفاجئة-3 I will call the police 26 www.alawaben.com الكالم عن المستقبل بشكل عام-4 Children will grow up :مع الدالئل التاليه-5 May be, probably, perhaps, hope, think, tomorrow, next, tonight, today, in the future,soon Ex: *I think it will be cold today *I hope you will win again *Perhaps we will make another game *I will probably migrate to Canada *May be we will take a prize next month Correct the verbs between brackets: 1- The train………..( leave) soon 2- I ………( wait) for you until you return 3- Do you think he ……..( recognize) me when I meet him? 27 www.alawaben.com 10. The future with going to 10.1. Affirmative: He She + is + going to + v1 It We You + are + going to + v1 They I + am + going to + v1 10.2. Negation: بعد الفعل المساعدnot *نضع Ex: We aren’t going to attend lectures tomorrow. 10.3. Interrogattion: * نضع الفعل المساعد قبل الفاعل 28 www.alawaben.com Ex: Are we going to attend lectures tomorrow ? Uses: 1-: Intentions النوايا Ex: I am going to catch the thief. 2-Plans الخطط Ex: I am going to paint my room tomorrow. 3- Ambition الطموح Ex: The experienced climber insisted that he was going to climb that mountain. :االشياء المتنبأ بها المعتمدة على دليل مرئي-4 Ex: *I feel terrible; I think I am going to be sick. *The sky looking very dark, I think it is going to rain. 29 www.alawaben.com :األشياء التي يتم التخطيط لها مسبقا-5 We are saving up, because we are going to buy a car. : مع الدالئل التالية- 5 Plan, evidence, conclude, intend, arrange 11.Future continuous ()المستقبل المستمر 11.1.affirmative: Sub+ will+ be + v + ing *يستخدم للتحدث عن نشاط مستمر في المستقبل Ex: Don’t ring at 8 o’clock; I will be watching who wants to be millionaire. This time tomorrow, I will be sitting on the beach. :*يستخدم مع الدالئل التالية Month + specific time, tomorrow + specific time , between …..+ ….future time……., this time + future time 30 www.alawaben.com )المستقبل التام( 12. Future perfect 12.1. affirmative Sub+ will have + v 3 *يستخدم للتكلم عن حدث سوف يكتمل بوقت محدد في المستقبل By 2019, the new motor will have opened. This time next month, my parents will have been married for twenty years. *يستخدم مع الدالئل التالية: By+future time, before +future time, future time +since/for Active and passive طريقة التحويل من المبني للمعلوم الى المبني للمجهول: -1حذف الفاعل من الجملة األصلية -2يوضع لك المفعول به في بداية الجملة -3احذف المفعول به من الجملة األصلية لكي ال تكرره في الجملة الجديدة -4قم باكمال الجملة على القواعد التالية: 31 www.alawaben.com Tense Modal verbs Active 1-Must, had to, would, shall, should, can, could+ base form 2-must, might,…+ have+v3 Present simple Past simple Present continuous V1 V2 Is, am , are+ v ing Past continuous Was, were+ v ing Present perfect Has, have+ v3 Past perfect Had+ v 3 Passive 1-Modal+ be+ v3 2-must, might,….+ have + been+ v3 Is, am, are + v3 Was/ were+ v3 Is, am, are + being+ v3 Was, were + being+v3 Has, have +been+ v3 Had+been+ v3 :والتالي التفصيل :Simple present المضارع البسيط-1 Active: S + (v 1 / v+es, s) + object Passive: Object + is, am, are + v3 *They speak English in Jordan English is spoken in Jordan : Simple past الماضي البسيط-2 Active: S + v2+ obj Passive: Obj + was, were + v3 32 www.alawaben.com *They spoke English English was spoken Present continuous المضارع المستمر-3 Active: S + is, am, are + v + ing + obj Passive: Obj + is, am, are + being+ v3 *He is playing football Football is being played Past continuous الماضي المستمر-4 Active: S + was, were + v + ing + obj Passive: Obj + was, were + being + v3 *The man was teaching the kids The kids were being taught :Present perfect المضارع التام-5 Active: S+ has, have+ v3+ obj Passive: Obj+ has/ have+ been + v3 *Murad has changed the wheels The wheels have been changed : Past perfect الماضي التام-6 Active: S + had+ v3+ obj Passive: Obj + had+ been+ v3 *He had broken the window The window had been broken 33 www.alawaben.com : Present perfect continuous المضارع التام المستمر-7 Active: S+ has, have + been+ v + ing Passive: Obj+ has, have + been +being+ v3 *Murad has been changing the wheels The wheels have been being changed : Past perfect continuous الماضي التام المستمر-8 Active: S + had+ been + v+ ing Passive: Obj+ had + been +being+ v3 * She had been playing football Football had been being played : Future simple المستقبل البسيط-9 Active: S + modal ( will, can, must, have to, going to) + v1 + obj Passive: Obj + modal+be + v3 1- I will pass the exam The exam will be passed 2- I am going to do the homework The homework is going to be done : Future perfect المستقبل التام-10 Active: S + modal + have + v3 + obj Passive: Obj + modals + have + been + v3 *They must have introduced laws Laws must have been introduced 34 www.alawaben.com في حالة سؤال المبني للمجهول نقوم بوضع الفعل المساعد في بداية الجملة وعالمة: مالحظة بعدالفعل المساعدnot استفهام في نهايتها اما في حالة النفي فنقوم بإضافة :اسئلة وزارية لسنوات سابقة 1- People saw smoke coming out of the forest. Smoke ……………………………………………………. 2- The government must save the historical sites. The historical sites………………………………………… 3- The farmer must water the plants in order to grow. The plant…………………………………………………….. 4- Everyone must save the natural resources. The natural resources………………………….. 5- Parents mustn’t give their children everything they want. Children ………………………………………….. 6- Children mustn’t leave bicycles in the driveway. Bicycles ………………………………………….. 7- Nobody can deny the role of the teacher. - The role of the teacher can be denied by nobody. - The role of the teacher can’t be denied. 8- Is Tom fixing the door? …………………. the door……………….…………………….? 9- Shakespeare wrote many plays. Many plays………………………………………………………. 10- Bill will invite Ann to the party. Ann….…………………………… 11- Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon. 35 www.alawaben.com The farmer’s wagon ……………………………………….. 12- I agree with Dr. Khalid’s theory. Dr. Khalid’s theory …………………………………………… 123456- Answers: Smoke was seen coming out of the forest The historical sites must be saved The plants must be watered in order to grow The natural resources must be saved Children must not be given everything they want Bicycles mustn’t be left in the drive way 36 www.alawaben.com Reported speech ( نقل الجمل الخبرية) 1-reporting declarative sentences *عندما نقوم بنقل كالم القائل نستخدم أفعال النقل وهي: Ex: * I have three dogs. Ali said that he had three dogs. Ali asked if he had three dogs. Ali wondered if he had three dogs. Ali told that he had three dogs. *الكالم المنقول هو نقل كالم المتكلم بارجاعه خطوة زمنية الى الوراء ,أي: مضارع -ماضي ماضي -ماضي تام *التغيير يكون على ما يلي: -1الضمائر و صفات الملكية -2األفعال -3الظروف و بعض الكلمات *ولكن في البداية يجب حفظ التحويالت التاليه: 37 www.alawaben.com :الضمائر-1 مباشر I We Me Us My فاعلyou مفعول بهyou غير مباشر He, she They Him, her Them His, her I, we, they, he, she Me, us, them, him, her :صفات الملكية-2 Our Your Mine Ours Their My, our, their, his, her His, hers Theirs :الضمائر االنعكاسية-3 Myself Ourselves Yourself Himself, herself Themselves Himself, herself :بعض الكلمات-4 This These Her Today Now At the moment That Those There That day Then At that moment 38 www.alawaben.com This week Yesterday Last week A week ago Ago Tomorrow Next week Tonight Come That week The day before The week before The week before Before The day after The week after That night Go : األزمنة-5 *مضارع بسيط – ماضي بسيط – ماضي تام *مضارع مستمر – ماضي مستمر – ماضي تام Direct speech Present simple v.1 Past simple v.2 Past perfect Had+ v.3 Present perfect Has/ have + v.3 Present continuous Is/ am / are+ v ing Past continuous Was/ were+ v ing Past perfect continuous Had+ been + v ing Present perfect continuous Has/ have+ been+ v ing Modals( will, shall, may, must….+ base form Reported speech Past simple v.2 Past perfect Had+ v.3 Past perfect Had+ v.3 Past perfect Had+ v.3 Past continuous Was/ were+ v ing Past perfect continuous Had + been+ v ing Past perfect continuous Had+ been + v ing Past perfect continuous Had+ been + v ing Would, should, could, might, had to + base form 39 www.alawaben.com :مالحظة هامة اال في الحاالت, عندما يكون هنالك فعلين في الجملة نقوم بتغيير الفعل األول فقط:آلية الحل :التالية Didn’t + v1 ------ hadn’t + v3 Sub+ was, were + ing ----- had + been + v + ing Examples: 1- I'm a teacher. - He said he was a teacher. 2- I'm having lunch with my parents. - She said she was having lunch with her parents. 3- I've been to France three times. - He said he had been to France three times. 4- I've been working very hard. - He said he had been working very hard. 5- I bought a new car. - He said he had bought a new car. 6- It was raining earlier. - She said it had been raining earlier. 7- The play had started when I arrived. - He said that the play had started when he arrived. 8- I'd already been living in London for five years. 40 www.alawaben.com - She said she'd already been living in London for five years. Re- write: 1- “ my mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend” Rami said that……………………………………………. 2- Majid asked Saif what kind of books bookshops sold Majid:”…………………………………………………… 3- I will do my best tomorrow to achieve my goals. We promised that………………………………. Answers: 1- His mother would celebrate her birthday the weekend after 2- Majid 3- We would do our best the day after to achieve our goals. 2-Reported questions: A-Wh question: :*خطوات التحويل . ) و التي تكون بالسؤال األصلي في خانة الحلwh ( نضع كلمة السؤال-1 .نضع بعدها الفاعل مع تحويله-2 .نضع الفعل مع تحويله-3 .أكمل الجملة و حول عالمة االستفهام الى نقطة-4 :مالحظة نحذفها ونحول الفعل الرئيسي للتصريف الثانيDo/ does * عند وجود 41 www.alawaben.com Ex: What does she work these days? Samir asked alia what she worked those days. Had+ v3 نحذفها و نحول الفعل الرئيسي الىdid * عند وجود Ex: *What did your wife buy from this mall? Ali asked Ahmad what his wife had bought from that mall. *How long are you going away for? She asked how long we were going away for. B-Yes, no questions :خطوات التحويل .) في خانة الحلWhether/ if( ضع كلمة-1 .ضع بعدها الفاعل مع تحويله-2 .ضع الفعل مع تحويله-3 .أكمل الجملة و ضع مكان عالمة االستفهام نقطه-4 نحذفهما ونحول الفعل الذي يكون خلفهما للتصريف الثانيDoes / did *عند وجود 42 www.alawaben.com Ex: Does your mother speak tow languages? Ali asked Samar if her mother spoke tow languages. Had + v3 نقوم بحذفها ونحول الفعل الىdid *عند وجود Ex: Did your mother speak tow languages? Ali asked Samar if her mother had spoken tow languages. . ان وجدت في الجملةWell, oh, please نحذف:مالحظة Ex: Is Ali happy? I wondered if Ali was happy. Was the girl playing in the yard? He asked me if the girl had been playing in the yard. :اسئلة وزارية لسنوات سابقة 1- “Does Huda‘s grandfather work in his farm during winter?” Ali wanted to know……………………………………………. 2- Mum, I have been working in the garden all the morning.” Samer told……………………………………………………… 43 www.alawaben.com 3- “Could you lend me the dictionary for an hour, please?” Huda asked Sami……………………………………………. 4- Ahmad: “have you ever been working during the summer holiday?” Ahmad asked Sami……………………………………… Answers: 1- If Huda‘s grandfather worked in his farm during the winter 2- Mum that he had been working in the garden all the morning 3- If he could lend her the dictionary for an hour 4-If he had ever been working during the summer holiday. 3-Reporting (command, request, advice, suggestion sentences) ثم الفعل المجرد في حال بدات الجملة بفعلto *في جملة األمر والطلب والنصيحة نقوم بوضع .أمر اي فعل مجرد غير منفي not to نحولها الىdon’t * اذا بدات الجملة بـ احذفهاplease * اذا وجدت كلمة :وهذه بعض األفعال الناقلة لجمل الطلب واألمر Ask, beg, command, forbid, instruct, order, remind, request, tell, urge, warn, want. 44 www.alawaben.com Ex: *Do your home work. Ali ordered me to do my homework. *Don’t waste your time. My father advised me not to waste my time. *Say hello to your mum. She asked me to say hello to my mum. ing بفعل مضاف لهsuggested تتبع,* في حال جمل االقتراحات Ex: I think we can play football. He suggested playing football. Or He suggested that we could play football. ويصبح حلها مثل تحويل الجملة الخبرية العاديةthat الكلمات التالية يمكن ان تتبع:مالحظة Claim, demand, promise, threaten, warn, admit, complain, deny, insist, on, suggest, explain, inform. 45 www.alawaben.com The causative *هذه القاعدة تتحدث عن األشياء التي ال يستطيع الشخص القيام بها بنفسه . ال تستطيع أن تقول لقد اصلحت سيارتي اال اذا كنت تعمل ميكانيكي سيارات:مثال :*القاعدة العامه Have + someone + v3 وبهذه القاعدة نعني اننا وكلنا احدا للقيام بذلك Ex: Ali had his hair cut. . بل احدهم قص شعره,هنا علي لم يقص شعره بنفسه : والجدول التالي يساعد في التحويل للجملة السببية Tenses Present simple Past simple Present cont Regular active form V1 V2 Is, am, are + v ing Past cont Was, were+ v ing Present perfect Has, have+ v3 Past perfect Present perfect cont Past perfect cont Had+ v3 Has, have+ been+ v ing Had+ been+ v ing Modals Will, can, might …+ base 46 Causative form Has, have + o+ v3 Had+ o+ v3 Is, am, are+ having+ o+v3 Was, were+ having+ o+ v3 Has, have had+ o+ v3 Had had+ o+ v3 Has, have+ been+ having+ o+ v3 Had+ been+ having+o+ v3 Will, can, might+ have+o+ v3 www.alawaben.com خطوات التحويل: نضع الفاعل األصلي للجملة كما هو.نضع haveاو اخواتها مكان الفعل الرئيسي للجملة( نغير شكل haveواخواتها بنفس شكل الفعل الرئيسي). نضع المفعول به كما هو في الجملة األصلية. -نضع الفعل الرئيسي في نهاية الجملة بالتصريف الثالث. Ex: *She has been cleaning the house. She has been having the house cleaned. *She will clean the house. She will have the house cleaned. *She doesn’t mind cleaning the house. She doesn’t mind having the house cleaned. *Mohammad fixed the car. Mohammad had the car fixed. مالحظة :احيانا نجد ان الفاعل في الجملة السببية هو ضمير فاعل ناتج عن تحويله من الجملة االصلية ,حيث كان فيها ضمير ملكية. 47 www.alawaben.com Ex: 1-The dentist is going to fill my tooth. I- am going to have my tooth filled. 2-Amal didn’t buy her own car, she had it bought. 3-Ahmad isn’t writing the report, he is having …….…. (write). 4-I didn’t deliver the flowers myself, I had them ……. (deliver). 5-Instead of buying a new bicycle, why don’t you have your old one……. (fix). .وقد نجد أن الفعل في الجملة األصلية منفي وهنا يجب أن يكون مثبت في الجملة السببية He doesn’t repair his car himself, he has it repaired. . وانما هنالك من اصلحها له, حيث أن هذه الجملة تؤكد أن الفاعل لم يصلح السيارة بنفسه فهنا يجب نفي الجملة,اما اذا دلت الجملة األصلية ان الفاعل ( المتحدث) قام باصالح السيارة بنفسه .السببية He repairs his car himself, he hasn’t it repaired. :مالحظة دائما يكون قبل الفراغ,لتمييز سؤال الجملة السببية عن األزمنة في سؤال صحح ما بين األقواس :مايلي للدالله على الجملة السببية Sub+ verbs to have + object 48 www.alawaben.com Exercise: Complete the following sentences: 1- (2011)- Majed didn’t repair his computer himself. He had……… (repair) 2- (2012) - Did you plant the trees in your garden yourselves? No, we had them ……………….. (plant) 3-(2015/w)- I didn’t deliver the flowers by myself. I had them …………………. .(deliver) 4- (2012)- Rawan didn’t type the report herself. She had it ……………………… (type) 5- (2014) Manal didn’t buy her English dictionary. She had it …………………………. (buy) 6- (2011)- He took the photos himself. He didn’t have them ………………………….. (take) 7- (2011)- Do you like this photograph of our family? We had it ………………….. by a photographer (take) 8-(2015) - Instead of buying a new bicycle, why don’t you have your old one ……………. (fix) Answers: 1. repaired 2- planted 3. Delivered 4. typed 5. bought 6. taken 7. taken 8. fixed Exercise: Rewrite the following sentences giving similar meaning: 1- My computer isn’t working properly; I need to fix it as quick as possible. - My computer isn’t working properly, I need to………………………………………………… 2- The Smiths painted their house themselves. - The Smiths……….………………………………………………………… 3- Rami’s tablet is lagging, he will repair it tomorrow - Rami …………………………………………………………………………… 49 www.alawaben.com . 4- She is cleaning the house. She ……………………….……………………………………… 5-My teacher usually types his documents. - My teacher ……………………………………………………………………………… 6- Brides sometimes design their wedding parties. ……………………………………………………………………………… 7- A girl manicures my boss's nails twice a week . - My boss …………………………………………………………………………… 8- Picasso painted my mother's portrait. - My mother ………………………………………………………………………… 9- The dentist is going to fill my tooth next Monday. I……………………………………………………………………… 10 - Has anybody ever read your palm? - Have you ……………………………………………………………………… 11- I’m going to pay someone to cut my grass. …………………………………………………………………...... Answers: 1- have it fixed. 2- had their house painted. 3- will have it repaired tomorrow. 4- is having the house cleaned. 5- usually have his documents typed. 6- have their wedding parties designed. 7- has her nails manicured twice a week. 8- had her portrait painted. 9- am going to have my tooth filled next Monday. 10- Have you ever had your palm read? 11- have my grass cut 50 www.alawaben.com Verbs followed with gerund / infinitive Verbs followed by infinitive ( to + v1) Want, afford, arrange, Verbs followed by gerund ( ing form) Stop, admit, avoid, consider, promise, agree, refuse, plan, deny, enjoy, finish, imagine, intend, hope, offer, manage, suggest,keep ,postpone forget, appear, seem , decide, claim, ask, would like,tend, pretend Examples: Kate agreed to come. I hope to see you soon. We plan to finish this shortly. They decided to return home. She promised to stop smoking. We agreed never to talk about it again. He offered to sell the house. I refuse to pay! You seem to be disappointed. She asked him not to leave. I want to drink. 51 www.alawaben.com She stopped smoking. I finished doing my homework. They keep on fighting. We discussed moving to Florida. John finished fixing the car. They suggested not keeping the luggage. Explaining possibilities: متاكدين من حدوث الفعل must متأكدين من عدم حدوث الفعل Can’t Sure, certain Sure…… not Certain….. not Must+ v1 Must+ have+ v3 I am sure it is outside, it must be hot outside Cant+ v1 Cant+ have+ v3 I am sure Ali didn’t come Ali cant have come غير متأكدين من حدوث الفعل أو عدمه May, might, could Unsure/ uncertain/ likely/ probable/ possible/ perhaps/ if/ there is a chance/ may be Might+ v1 Might+ have+ v3 It is possible that Ahmad comes Ahmad might come القسم الثاني يحتوي على الكلمة, الجملة تحتوي على قسمين, الحظ في المثال الوزاري:مالحظة وتبين لك ان الجملة ذاتها في زمن المضارع التامmight والتي جعلتنا نستخدمunsure الدالة . في جملة الحلHave+ v3 لذلك استخدمنا : نستخدم في الحل, اذا كانت الجملة األصلية بالزمن المضارع:مالحظة 52 www.alawaben.com Must/ cant / might + v1 :اما اذا كانت في الزمن الماضي او الماضي التام او المضارع التام نستخدم في الحل Must / cant/ might + have + v3 EX: (2014/ s): Ahmad class starts at 8: 45 and he isn’t her yet, I’m unsure whether he has missed the bus or not. Ahmad might have missed the bus. :خطوات الحل نركز على الجملة التي تحتوي على دالله االحتمالية ونحدد المودل المناسب-1 نحذف جملة االحتمالية-2 نضع الفاعل في بداية جملة الحل ويفضل ان يكون اسم-3 S+ must, cant, might+ v1 المستمر الى/نقوم بتحويل الجملة من المضارع البسيط-3 S+ must,cant, might+have+v3 الماضي البسيط او المستمر او المضارع والماضي التام الى Ex: (2015/s) The twins have quietly expression on their faces, I am almost sure they have done something naughty. -The twins must have done something naughty She is blond, I am unsure whether she is Russian or not -She might be Russian. 53 www.alawaben.com Exercise: Write sentences which explain possibilities of the following situations using the suitable modal verbs. 1- (2014/S)- Salma’s plants are dead. I am almost sure she hasn’t watered them. (can’t have) Salma………………………………………………………………… 2-(2014/W) The ground is wet here. There was almost certainly a lake once. (must have) ……………………………………………………………………………… 3-(2014/W) Those people are very thin, that’s why I’m certain they haven’t eaten much food lately. (can’t have) ……………………………………………………………………………… 4-My brother has been working for two hours. I’m sure he is very exhausted. (must be) My brother...................................................................... 5- My father is 80 years old, he has been working all morning, I am sure he is tired. (must be) My father…………………………………………………………………. Answers: 1- Salma can’t have watered her plants. 2- There (The ground) must have (once) been a lake once. 3- Those people can’t have eaten much food lately. 4- My brother must be very exhausted. 5- My father must be tired. 54 www.alawaben.com If clause ( conditional)الجمل الشرطية وتحتوي على اداة, ) وتسمى جملة الشرطIf clause( األول:تتكون الجملة الشرطية من قسمين . (وتسمى جملة جواب الشرطMain clause ( والثاني. If, unless ربط مثل Ex: If you study harder, you will pass. : الشرطية من اربعة أنواع وهيif *تتكون جملة 1 -Zero conditional: Form: If +present simple, present simple .ويستخدم للكالم عن قوانين و حقائق ال تقبل الشك If you freeze water, it turns to ice. If I don’t know a word, I look in my dictionary. 2-First conditional: Form: If +present simple ,future simple .ويستخدم للحديث عن أمور قد تحث أو ال تحدث في المستقبل بناء على الحاضر Ex: If you come today, we will visit you. I will call you, if I need any help. 55 www.alawaben.com If the weather doesn’t improve, we won’t( will not) have a picnic. 3-Second conditional: Form: If + past simple , S + would + v1 .يستخدم للتحدث عن حاالت خيالية لم تحدث في الواقع Ex: If it rained in summer, it would be nice. If I won the lottery, I would buy for my parent new house. 4-Third conditional: Form: If + past perfect, S+ would+ have+ v3 If Ali hadn’t died, we would have enjoyed this trip together. :للتعرف على كيفية االجابة على السؤال تتبع المثال التالي If they ….have…. (Have) time at the weekend, they will come to see us. فالحل سيكون مضارع بسيطfirst وبالتالي هذا يدل على ان الجملة هي, هنا مستقبل بسيط If teams train well, they will get high scores. وهنا نعتمد على, first اوzero هنا يوجد مضارع بسيط وهذا يدل على انه قد تكون اما فانه سيؤدي الى نتائج عالية, حيث انه اذا قام الفريق بالتدريب جيدا, االستخدام في تحديد اي نوع first اذا الحالة,في المستقبل 56 www.alawaben.com Exercise: Complete the Conditional Sentences by putting the verbs into the correct form. 1- If they …………………. (have)time at the weekend, they will come to see us. 2- If the team train well, they …………………… (get) high scores. 3- If we …………………………. (know) about your problem, we would have helped you. 4- If I ………………………… (be) you, I would not buy that dress. 5- I leave if she …………………… (come) to this place. 6- If I didn't have a mobile phone, my life ……………………. (not/be) complete. 7- If we sneak out quietly, nobody ……………………….. (notice) us. 8- We ……………………………….…………… (arrive) earlier if we had not missed the bus. 9- Okay, I ……………………….. (get) the popcorn if you buy the drinks. 10- If I ………………………………… (tell) you a secret, would you be sure not to leak it? 11- She ………………………………… (go) out with you if you had only asked her. 12- I would not have read your diary if you …………………………… (not hide) it in such an obvious place. Answers: 1- have 2- will get/get 3- had known 4- were 5- comes 6- would not be 7- will notice 8- would have arrived 9- will get 10- told 11- would have gone 12- had not hid. 57 www.alawaben.com Clef sentences: هي نوع من العمليات التحويلية التي تتم على الجملة ,وفيها يتم تحويل التركيز اما على الفاعل او المفعول به او الظرف ( زمان /مكان). Ex: john lost his wallet yesterday. لعمل هذه الجمل يمكن استخدام هذه البدايات لتحويل التركيز على الفاعل او المفعول به او الظروف وهي: …The thing that………….. …The person who……….. The time when…………….. ……………The place where The way in which………….. What…………………………. It was…………………………. خطوات الحل: -A - 1نحذف الفاعل او المفعول به او الظرف المقصود بالسؤال من الجملة االصلية - 2نضع ضمير الوصل المناسب في جملة الحل باالعتماد على الكلمة المراد التركيز عليها في السؤال - 3نكمل الجملة كما هي بالسؤال - 4ننقل الكلمة المراد التركيز عليها الى اخر الجملة وقبلها تصريف الفعل beمحول الى الزمن المناسب لجملة السؤال *The person who lost his wallet was john. *The thing that john lost yesterday was his wallet. 58 www.alawaben.com *The time when john lost his wallet was yesterday. -B : هوwhat التركيب القواعدي لجملة What + sub + main verb + verb to be + complement What john lost yesterday was his wallet. -C : هوIt was….التركيب القواعدي للجملة التي تبدأ بـ It was + bold word+ that + sub+ verb ……. *It was yesterday that john lost his wallet. *It was john that lost his wallet yesterday. *It was john’s wallet that he lost yesterday. Make cleft sentences, stressing the information in bold: 1- Queen Rania opened the children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE. It was……………………………………………….. 2- Petra was made a world heritage site in 1985 CE. The year………………………………………………… 3- It stopped working at 11 p.m. It was ……………………………………………….. 4- My father has influenced me most. The person …………………………………………. 59 www.alawaben.com Answers: 1-Queen Rania who opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE. 2- when/in which Petra was made a World Heritage Site was 1985 CE. 3- 11 p.m. when I stopped working. 4- who/that has influenced me most is my father Exercise: Make cleft sentences using the given structure: 1- I've come to discuss my future with you. The reason why………………………………………………. 2- Your generosity impresses more than anything else. The thing that …………………………………………………… 3- The jewels are hidden under the floor at 23 Robin Hood Road, Epping. The place …………………………………………………… 4- Mary works harder than anybody else in this organisation. The person who …………………………………………… Mary is the person …………………………………………… 5- The Second World War ended on 7 May 1945 in Europe. The day (when) ………………………………………………… 7 May 1945……………………………………………………… 6- We now need actions rather than words. What we now need ………………………………………… Actions rather than words ……………………………… 60 www.alawaben.com Answers: 1-The reason why I've come is to discuss my future with you. 2- The thing that impresses me more than anything else is your generosity. 3- The place where the jewels are hidden is under the floor at 23 Robin Hood Road, Epping. - Under the floor at 23 Robin Hood Road is the place where the jewels are hidden. 4- The person who works harder than anybody else in this organisation is Mary. - Mary is the person in this organisation who works harder than anybody else. 5- The day (when) the Second World War ended in Europe was 7 May 1945 -7 May 1945 was the day (when) the Second World War ended in Europe. 6- What we now need are actions rather than words. - Actions rather than words are what we now need. Relative clauses 1) Defining relative clauses وهي ضمائر الوصل التي يتبعها عبارات ضرورية التمام المعنى و تحديد الشخص و المكان الذي نتحدث عنه The man who broke the window was my uncle This the man who stole my bag 61 www.alawaben.com دائما الجملة التابعة تبدأ بـ Relative pronounوتشمل: فعل Whoاشخاص Which/ that......لغير العاقل Whereمكان Whenزمان ( للملكية) اسم Whoseاسم المالك (المفعول به العاقل) اسم Whom Ex: 1-This is the police who shot the criminal. 2-This is the school where I studied tawjihi. 3-This is the dog which chased me last night. 4-This is the man whose daughter I met in America. في األمثلة التالية والعبارات التي تحتها خط ضرورية التمام المعنى و تحديد الشخص و المكان الذي نتحدث عنه ,فلم نذكر اسم الشرطي وال اسم المدرسة ,حيث ان العبارات التي تحتها خط تحدد لنا من هو الشرطي والمدرسة. The police officer who shot the criminal. This is the school where I studied tawjihi. *هذه العبارات ضرورية و ال يمكن ازالتها ,حيث ان ازالتها قدد تؤدي الى حدوث خلل في الجملة. *يمكن حذف ضمائر Relative pronounاذا كان بعدها فاعل ,اما اذا كان بعدها فعل فال يمكن حذفها. Ex: The man I told you about was my uncle. 62 www.alawaben.com The man who broke the window is insane. . ألن بعدها فعلwho هنا ال يمكن حذف 2)Non- defining relative clauses: او مكان او شيء,هي عبارات اضافية نضيفها الى الجملة لتعطي معنى اضافي لشخص *Ali, who is studying there, took my food. *The Sahara desert, which is in Africa, is very hot. Relative pronoun ترتبط هذه العبارة الوصفية ب . حيث ان حذفها ال يختلف من خالله المعنى,*من الممكن حذف العبارة الوصفية غير المحددة اذا جاءت في منتصف, *غالبا ما تكون الجملة الوصفية غير المحددة بين فاصلتين او قوسين .الجملة Which نستخدم, عند استخدام حروف جر في جملة الوصل مع اسم الزمان او المكان:مالحظة Where اوWhen بدال من *That is the city which I was born in. *The day which I met my teacher on was Monday. Exercise: Use the most suitable relative pronoun to complete each sentence. (who/that/which/whose/where/when) 1- A hotel is a place ………………………… people stay when they're on holiday. 2- What's the name of the woman ……………………….. lives in that house? 63 www.alawaben.com 3- What do you call someone …………………….. writes computer programs? 4- A waiter is a person ……………………….. job is to serve customers in a restaurant. 5- Overalls are clothes ………………………. people wear to protect their clothes when they are working. 6-Is that the shop …………………….. you bought your new laptop? 7-He's the man ……………………………. son plays football for Manchester Utd. 8- Hal didn't get the job …………………………. he applied for. Answers: 1- where 2- who/that 3- who/that 4- whose 5-which/that 6- where 7- whose 8- which/that Exercise: Join these sentences using relative pronouns beginning with the words given. Omit the pronoun if possible. 1- The girl is my sister. I'm talking to the girl. - The girl who I am talking to is my sister. 2- This is the chair. The carpenter repaired it last week. - This is the chair ………………………………………. 3- She is married to a man. He is richer than her. - She is married ……………………………………………………… 4- She is the friend. She helped me with my homework. …………………………………………………………………………… 64 www.alawaben.com 5- That is the swimming-pool. I used to go swimming there. …………………………………………………………………………… 6- That is the man. His wife is a famous actress. ……………………………………………………………………………… Answers: 1- The girl I am talking to is my sister. 2- This is the chair which/that the carpenter repaired last week. - This is the chair the carpenter repaired last week. 3- She is married to a man who is richer than her. 4- She is the friend who helped me with my homework. 5- That is the swimming pool where I used to go swimming. - That is the swimming pool I used to go swimming in. 6- that is the man whose wife is a famous actress. 65 www.alawaben.com Derivation ويشمل األسماء والصفات واألفعال :nouns األسماء:أوال :تنتهي األسماء بالنهايات التالية Tion, sion, ness, ure, ment, dom, ism, ence, ance, ician, age, ist, tide, ship, ice, or, er, ing, ity, ty, ology. Ex: destruction, awareness, actress, development :مواقع االسماء هي :تاتي االسماء بعد المحددات-1 :وتشمل المحددات (One, two, three, any, some, no, a lot of, lots of, only, all, much, many, a few, a little, other, another). I have some biscuits (articles) A, an , the تاتي االسماء بعد ادوات التعريف والتنكير-2 The kingdom of jordan is famous for the protection of olive oil : ياتي االسم بعد ضمائر الملكية وتشمل-3 My, her, his, its, our, their I will be going to university to complete my education 66 www.alawaben.com : الملكيةS ياتي االسم بعد وقبل-4 Have you seen Nasser‘s collection of postcards? :ياتي االسم بعد حروف الجر واسماء االشارة التالية-5 at, without, of, about , From , to, for , after , in , On, with That, this, those, these Ministry of education is the largest ministry in Jordan We can’t comply with this decision :يستخدم االسم كفاعل-6 Jordan considers one of the most prominent countries in medicine :يستخدم االسم كمفعول به-7 Professor Ali presents grants for diligent students be بشرط ان ال تكون مسبوقة باحد افعالMore, most ياتي االسم بعد كل من-8 We need more patience in case of anger ياتي االسم بعد الصفة-9 Psychological diseases become pervasive nowadays فاذا كان هناك, نستخدم كل القواعد السابقة بشرط ان ال يكون هنالك اسم بعد الفراغ:مالحظة هامة .اسم بعد الفراغ نضع الجواب صفة وليس اسم 67 www.alawaben.com : Adjectives الصفات:ثانيا :تنتهي الصفات بالمقاطع التالية Y, ory, ful, less, en, an, able, ive, ous, ect, al, ate, ant, ent, ish, ing, ed, any, ic Ex: stormy, scientific, fortunate, shocking. : وهي, للصفة ثالثة اشكال Stormy, small, natural :*الصفة العادية Boring, shocking, interesting : ing *صفة تصاغ باضافة Brocken, written :*صفة تصاغ من التصريف الثالث :وتأتي الصفة في المواقع التالية تاتي الصفة قبل االسم-1 She has beautiful hair be تاتي الصفة بعد افعال-2 The exam was easy Too, so , very, quite: تاتي الصفة بعد الصفات التالية-3 You are eating very slow : تاتي الصفة بعد االفعال التالية-4 Feel, get, find, taste, become, seem, look, appear 68 www.alawaben.com This cookie looks tasty )as .... صفة.... as ( تاتي الصفة في هذا الموقع- 5 She is as beautiful as moon be بشرط ان تكون مسبوقة باحد افعالthe more, the most تاتي الصفة بعد-6 land is more expensive than it was before تاتي الصفة بعد الظرف-7 Ahmad was extremely hungry :مالحظات هامة تستخدمing تستخدم لوصف العاقل والصفة التي تنتهي بed الصفة التي تنتهي ب-1 لوصف غير العاقل Boring film , bored man يكون قبل االسماء صفاتed وing ما ينتهي بـ-2 Interesting film / interested man يكون قبل وبعد االفعال اسماءed وing ما ينتهي بـ-3 Smoking is unhealthy/ I hate smoking تعامل معاملة الصفةp.p افعال التصريف الثالث-4 This letter is written by hand 69 www.alawaben.com ثالثا :الظرف /الحالAdverb عادة ما ينتهي ب lyوتركيبه دائما هو: )صفة )ly + aggressive___ aggressively يستخدم الظرف في الحاالت التالية: -1في نهاية الجملة مكتملة العناصر He greeted the guests warmly -2في بداية الجملة ,ويقع قبل الفاصلة fortunately, fares could pass the exam -3قبل الصفة He was extremely tired -4بين الفاعل ( اسم /ضمير) والفعل He surprisingly told me about the secret. مالحظة :نحصل على الظرف ( الحال) باضافة ( )lyلنهاية الصفة وباسقاطها من الظرف نحصل على الصفة. رابعا :الفعل : Verb وينتهي بالمقاطع التاليةAte, ise, ize, en, ve, ed : 70 www.alawaben.com Ex: Organize, eradicate, strengthen :و يقع الفعل في المواقع التالية :بعد الفاعل-1 Thanks a lot. I appreciate your kindness بعد المفعول به-2 Jordan improves education frequently ويكون فعل مجردto بعد-3 I need to evaluate my work Modals بعد افعال-4 You should study hard do بعد افعال-5 She didn’t succeed : التركيب يكون كاآلتي: والقاعدة العامة اسم, فعل, ظرف, صفة, اسم 71 www.alawaben.com مالحظات عامة على األشتقاق *ادوات العطف التالية : And, as well as, orتعطف كلمتين من نفس الجنس اي ان ما يتبعها يكون من جنس ما يسبقها. - Smoking ( n) and pollution (n) have the same effects. - Work makes you healthy ( adj) and wealthy( adj). *اذا جاء الفراغ: *في بداية الجملة ومتبوعا بفاصلة فانه يحتاج الى ظرف *في بداية الجملة ومتبوعا باسم فانه يحتاج الى صفة *في بداية الجملة ومتبوعا بفعل فانه يحتاج الى اسم *في نهاية الجملة مسبوقا باسم وفعل فانه يحتاج الى ظرف *محصورا بين فعلين فانه يحتاج الى ظرف *اذا توالى اسمين وراء بعضهما يكون االسم االول صفة لالسم الثاني *اذا خلت الكلمة من اي الحقة من لواحق االسم او الصفة او الظرف فهي غالبا ما تكون فعل *العبارات التالية: )(Lead to, due to, according to, belong to,looking forward يتبعها اسم او شبه جملة اسمية وليس فعل مجرد *اذا كان الفعل مسبوقا بظرف نعتمد على الكلمة التي تسبق الظرف لتحديد ما يحتاجه الفراغ فنعتبر ان الظرف كلمة زائدة 72 www.alawaben.com :المشتقات المطلوبة للمستوى الثالث Verb Produce ينتج …………. Inherit يرث …………… Originate ينشأ Invent يخترع Discover يكتشف Noun Production انتاج Product منيج Producer منتج Medicine طب Inheritor وارث Inheritance ميراث Nine تسعة Origin اصل Originality أصالة Adjective Productive غزير االنتاج Adverb Productively بشكل منتج Medical طبي Inheritable يمكن توريثه Ninth التاسع Original اصلي Medically طبيا .......................... Invention اختراع Inventor مخترع Discovery اكتشاف Discoverer مكتشف Inventive مبدع Inventively بابداع Discovered مكتشف Discoverable قابل لالكتشاف Influential مؤثر .............................. Influenceيؤثر Influence تأثير Wave ينسج Waverنساج Waving نسيج Attraction جذب Creature مخلوق Creation ابداع/خلق Translationترجمة Translator مترجم Appreciation تقدير Attract يجذب Create يخلق/يبدع Translate يترجم Appreciate يقدر Educate يعلم Collect يجمع Linstall يركب Operate يجري/يشغل عملية Expect يتوقع Contemporizeيحدث Visualize يبصر Ninthly تاسعا Originally اصال Waved منسوج Influentially بشكل مؤثر ...................... Attractive جذاب Creative خالق/مبدع Attractively جاذبية Creatively بابداع Translated مترجم …………….. Appreciatively بتقدير Educationally تعليميا Collectively بتعاون Expectancy Appreciative /ممتن مقدر Educationalتعليمي Educative تثقيفي Collective /تعاوني مشترك Installed مركب Operational /مشغل جاهز للعمل Expectant متوقع توقع Expectation امل/رجاء Contemprorisation تحديث Visionرؤية Contemporary معاصر Visual بصري Contemporarily بالتزامن مع Visually بصريا Education تعليم Educator معلم Collection مجموعة Installation تركيب Operation عملية/تشغيل 73 Operationally تشغيليا Expectantly بترقب www.alawaben.com …………. …………. Tradition تقليد …………….. Traditional تقليدي Extreme جدا Organize ينظم Organization منظمة Intend ينوي ……………… Intention نية Archaeologyعلم االثار Archaeologistعالم االثار Child طفل Children اطفال Training تدريب Trainer مدرب Person شخص People اشخاص/ناس Organized منظم organizationalتنظيمي Intended مقصود Archaeologicalاثري ………….. Train يتدرب …..………… Bring يجلب/يحضر ………… ……………. Traditionally تقليديا Extremely بدرجة قصوى Organizationally تنظيميا ………………. Archaeologically اثريا ………………… Trained مدرب .……………. Brought منقول ………….. Tourist سائح Tourism سياحه Prescription وصف Culture ثقافة Majority غالبية Infect يعدي Infection عدوى Diagnose يشخص Diagnosis تشخيص Diagnoses تشخيصات Believe يعتقد Belief اعتقاد Diagnosticتشخيصي Diagnosticalتشخيصي Diagnosedمشخص Believable معقول Succeed ينجح Conclude يلخص Success نجاح Conclusion خالصة Successful ناجح Conclusive ملخص ………. Surgery جراحة Surgeon جراح Reputation سمعة Surgical جراحي Believably بشكل معقول Successfully بنجاح Conclusively بشكل ملخص Surgically جراحيا Reputable حسن السمعة reputed Reputably بشكل موثوق Prescribe يصف Repute يحقق سمعة 74 Prescribedموصوف Cultural ثقافي Major كبير On going متطور/مستمر Infectious معدي Culturally ثقافيا Infectiously بشكل معد Diagnostically تشخيصيا www.alawaben.com Exercise: Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in brackets. 1- The Middle East is famous for the…………………………………. of olive oil. (produce) 2- Ibn Sina wrote ……………………………………. textbooks. (medicine) 3- Fatima al-Fihri was born in the …………………………………. century. (nine) 4- My father bought our house with an …………………………. from his grandfather. (inherit) 5- Scholars have discovered an ……………………… document from the twelfth century. (origin) 6- Do you think the wheel was the most important …………………………… ever? (invent) 7- Al-Kindi made many important mathematical …………………………..ies.(discover) 8- Who was the most ……………………………… writer of the twentieth century? (influence) Answers: 1- production 2- medical 3- ninth 4- inheritance 5- original 6invention 7- discoveries 8-influential. Exercise: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box translation / archaeology / appreciation / educate / collect / installation 75 www.alawaben.com 1- Petra is an important ……………….. site. 2- I will be going to university to continue ………….. 3- In our exam, we had to ………….. a text from Arabic into English. 4- They are going to ……………………….. a new air conditioning unit in our flat. 5- Thank you for your help, I really……………………… it. 6- Have you seen Nasser’s ……………. of postcards? He’s got hundreds! Answers: 1- archaeological 2- education 3- translate 4- install 5appreciate 6- collection Exercise: Complete the text with suitable words derived from the words in brackets. Madaba is the place whe€re most Jordanian weavers buy their raw materials. Sheep’s wool, and goat and camel hair are used by Bedouin tribes and villagers all over Jordan to ………………… (product) rugs, bags and other beautiful items. …………………………… (Traditional), the whole process is done by hand, from the washing of the wool to the finished article. There is a particular Bedouin style of ……………………….. (weave) that buyers find very ……………………….... (attraction). Another craft practised in Madaba is the……………………………. (creative) of ceramic items Answers: 1- produce 2- Traditionally 3- weaving 4- attractive 5- creation. 76 www.alawaben.com Articles ادوات التعريف و النكرة أوال: A / an : تستخدم قبل األسماء المعدودة عندما نذكرهم ألول مرة مالحظة :األسماء المعدودة هي األسماء التي يمكن عدها و جمعها مثل: Book –books, student- students اما األسماء الغير معدودة فهي األسماء التي ال يمكن عدها او جمعها مثل: Water, coffee, tea, money استخدامات :an/a (1نستخدم anمع األسماء التي تبدأ بحروف العلة وهي( ) A, o , I, e ,u Ex: I saw an elephant in the zoo yesterday. I need an apple, an orange and an egg. (2نستخدم aمع األسماء التي تبدأ بحروف ساكنة Ex: he read a book I bought a camera (3نستخدم A, ANمع األسماء المفردة المعدودة فقط (4نستخدم A, ANمع األعداد التي تعني واحد Ex: I have been studying for an hour I saw a hundred of butterflies in the garden 77 www.alawaben.com A doctor, an engineer : مع اسماء المهنA, an (نستخدم5 Ex: majid is an engineer Huda is a doctor : of مع عبارات الكميات وتنتهي بA, an (نستخدم6 Bunch of, group of, herd of, a pair of, a slice of Ex: I saw a herd of cows He gave her a bunch of flowers The :ثانيا او القارئ, عندما نتحدث عن شيء يعرفه المستمع و المتحدثthe (تستخدم1 Ex: The garden is beautiful : عند التحدث عن شيء واحد ال يوجد غيره مثلthe (نستخدم2 Ex:The earth, the world, the sun, the moon ) مع اسماء البحار والمحيطات واألنهار ومجموعة الجزر ( لكن ليس جزر فرديةthe (نستخدم3 .والسالسل الجبلية واسماء الدول المركبة The red sea, the Indian ocean, the united states, the river nile, Ex: The Nile River locates in Egypt Mallorac is one of the Balearic island est اي الصفات التي تنتهي ب, قبل صيغة المفاضلةthe (نستخدم4 The tallest, the biggest Ex: Ostrich is the biggest bird Ali is the tallest in the class 78 www.alawaben.com . مع األسماء التي تصبح معروفة لذكرها مرة ثانية في الجملةThe (نستخدم5 Ex: I read a book yesterday, the book was wonderful I saw an elephant in the zoo, the elephant was enormous مع االسم المفرد الذي يمثل صنفا او نوعاthe (نستخدم6 Ex: The cat is a tame animal The tea is a herbal plant قبل األرقام الترتيبية المستخدمة كصفاتthe (تستخدم7 Ex: This is the first student مع الصفات التي تدل على طبقة من الناسthe (تستخدم8 Ex: We should help the poor مع اسماء االالت الموسيقيةthe (تستخدم9 Ex: He plays the guitar well والتخصيص يكون دائما بوضع حروف جر او ضمائر وصل, للتخصيصthe )نستخدم10 بعد االسم Ex: The car which I bought is expensive The cake in the bakery looks delicious 79 www.alawaben.com No article )x( :ثالثا :تستخدم مع :) األسماء الغير معدودة واألسماء الجمع1 Chocolate, sweets, children, sheep Ex: I don’t like cars Milk contains many minerals , الشوارع, المدن, الشالالت,) قبل معظم اسماء الدول والقارات والجبال الفردية والبحيرات2 السنوات, األشهر,األيام Jordan, Arabic, Africa, mount Everest, lake, Geneva, Niagara falls, oxford street, Monday, April, 2000xs Ex: japan is a great country. )للتعميم وليس التخصيص3 Ex: Milk is good for you )مع اجزاء الجسم4 Ex: Her left leg is broken Car, plane, train, ship, bus, bicycle :)مع وسائط النقل5 Ex: he will travel by plane Breakfast, lunch, dinner: ) قبل اسماء وجبات الطعام6 Ex: I had lunch at home )اللغات والجنسيات7 Ex: he speaks French fluently She is Canadian 80 www.alawaben.com )قبل اسم العلم8 Ali, Ahmad Ex: Ali is a clever student Football, volleyball, skiing, basketball :) مع اسماء االلعاب الرياضية9 Ex: many people like football Exercise: Complete the text with a, an, the or – (zero article). 1- Rami’s father is ……………… pilot. 2- Hani is ……………… best student in the class. 3- ……………… Nile is ……………… longest river in the world. 4- Have you got ……………… pen? 5- She bought ……………… umbrella yesterday. 6- He wears ……………… uniform at work. 7- My brother goes to ……………… university. 8- I saw ……………… boy in our garden. ……………… boy was crying. 9- Rashid comes from ……………… United Arab Emirates. 10- My father is ……………… accountant. 11- They went to Syria by ……………… car. 12- My favorite subject is ……………… English. 13- Long live ……………… queen. 14- I like ……………… football very much. 15- Amman is ……………… capital of Jordan. 16- Last night, ……………… moon was shining. 17- They flew to ……………… Republic of China last week. Answers: 1- a 2- the 3- The/the 4- a 5- an 6- a 7- – 8- a -/the 9- the 10- an 11- – 12- – 13- the 14- – 15- the 16- The 17- the. 81 www.alawaben.com Exercise : Complete the sentences with a, an, the or – no articles. 1 - …………. Amman is …………. capital of …………. Jordan. 2- It’s one of …………. oldest cities in …………. world. 3- …………. Petra is in …………. south of Jordan. It’s …………. important archaeological site. 4- It was …………. important city until …………. Huge earthquake destroyed it in about 663 CE. 5- …………. Aqaba is next to …………. Red Sea; people often go there for their holidays. 6- I’m very interested in …………. history, in particular …………. history of …………. Jordan. Answers: 1- – /the/– 2- the/the 3- –/the/an 4- an/the 5- –/the 6- –/the/– used to Forms: 1) Is Am + used to+ v+ ing/ pronoun/ noun Are :االستخدامات *وصف امور مألوفة ومعتادة لنا في حياتنا اليومية 82 www.alawaben.com *We have lived in the city a long time, so we are used to knowing everything. *I am used to getting up at five in the morning. *She lived in UK for a year, she is used to speaking English now. *we have lived in the city along time,so we are used to the traffic. * I didn’t like getting up early,but I’m used to it now. * we weren’t used to three meals a day be بعد عائلةnot *في حالة النفي نضيف Salma isn’t used to speaking English. *في حالة السؤال نقدم الفعل المساعد على الفاعل Is Salma used to speaking English now? 2) Used to+ v1 :االستخدامات *لوصف عادات في الماضي ولكنها تغيرت اآلن 1-My mother used to buy my clothes, but now I choose my own. 2-She used to be a teacher, but now she is retired. 3-I used to like cartoon films when I was younger, these days I prefer action films. 83 www.alawaben.com Use to الىUsed to ) وتتغيرdidn’t ( في حالة النفي والسؤال نستخدم الفعل:مالحظة He didn’t use to work for me. Did you use to play football at school? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box: Be used to, use to, not be used to, used to 1- We needed warm clothes when we went to London. We weren’t ………………………. the cold weather. 2- My grandparents didn’t ……………………………… send emails when they were my age. 3- Rashed ……………………………….. go swimming every morning, but now he doesn’t. 4- We always go to the market across the street, so we ……………………………. eating fresh vegetables. 5- Please slow down. I ……………………………. walking so fast! 6- When you were younger, did you ………………………………………….. play in the park? Answers: 1- used to 2- use to 3- used to 4- are used to 5- am not used to 6- use to. Exercise: Choose the correct form of the verbs below. 1- I used to / am used to go shopping in the local supermarket, but it closed two years ago, so now I have to drive into town to shop. 2- There didn’t use to / wasn’t used to be so much pollution, but these days it is a global problem. 3- I think television used to / is used to be better than it is now. 84 www.alawaben.com Most of the programmes these days are just reality TV. 4- Most Jordanians are used to / used to the hot weather that we have in summer. 5- There was used to / used to be a lot more wild animals in the past, but they are becoming rare nowadays. 6- Salma has been practising the oud hard and she is now used to / now used to playing it. Answers: 1- used to 2- didn’t use to 3- used to 4- are used to 5- used to 6- is now used to. American vs British English : ومنها, هنالك بعض الفروقات ما بين اللغة االنجليزية األمريكية والبريطانية : فروقات في القواعد وتشمل-أ علما بأن األمريكيين, بينما يستخدمه البريطانيون, قليال ما يستخدم االمريكيون المضارع التام-1 .يستخدمون الماضي البسيط ( AE) did you see that film yet? (BE) have you seen that film yet? كتصريف ثالثGotten اللهجة األمريكية تستخدم-2 (AE) he had gotten us some ice cream (BE) he had got us some ice cream Have got بينما البريطانية تستخدم, إلظهار الملكيةhave اللهجة األمريكية تستخدم-3 (AE) I have a brother, do you have a sister? (BE) I have got a brother, have you got a sister? 85 www.alawaben.com : الفرق بين االنجليزية االمريكية والبريطانية في استخدام الكلمات- ب BE AE Lift Pavement Sweet Holiday Autumn Rubbish Petrol Biscuit Trousers Head teacher Flat Conservatoire Chemist Elevator Side walk Candy Vacation Fall Trash, garbage Gas Cookie Pants School principal Apartment Conservatory Drugstore : الفرق بين االنجليزية االمريكية والبريطانية من حيث الحروف- جـ BE AE Our Labour Harbour Flavour Colour Neighbour Favourite Re Centre Centimetre Litre Theatre LLl Travelling Jeweller Modelling Or Labor Harbor Flavor Color Neighbor Favorite Er Center Centimeter Liter Theater Ll Traveling Jeweler Modeling 86 www.alawaben.com Cancelled Marvellous Ise Realise Specialise Normalise Paralysed Canceled Marvelous Ize Realize Specialize Normalize Paralyzed The following sentences are in British English, re- write them in American English : 1- Have you seen the new sport centre? .............................................................. 2- I am going to have a look at these marvellous painting. ………………………………………………………. Mark is American and Bruce is British. How would Bruce say sentences 1-3 in British English? How would mark say sentences 4-6 in American English? 1- Mark: did you see that exhibition yet? Bruce: ……………………………………………….. 2- Mark: I usually take a shower in the morning. Bruce: ………………………………………………… 3- Mark: I just had my breakfast. Bruce: …………………………………………………. 4- Bruce: where’s Leo? Have you seen him anyway? Mark: ……………………………………………………. 5- Bruce: I‘d like to have a look at those paintings. Mark: ……………………………………………………. 6- Bruce: Leo‘s already done his project. Mark: ……………………………………………………. 87 www.alawaben.com Writing تقسم الكتابة الى نوعين: )1الكتابة الموجهه )2الكتابة الحرة اوال :الكتابة الموجهه Guided writing تتعدد انماط الكتابة الموجهة كاالتي: -1نمط يعطيك بالسؤال موضوع مع خصائص /مزايا /اهداف /خطوات /نصائح ,وعليك ترتيبها على شكل نص باستخدام ادوات الربط ,وبشكل متناسق ,وباستخدام ادوات الترقيم. *لتكوين جملة في الكتابة الموجهه ,نتبع ما يلي: )Aاذا كان عنوان الموضوع اسم جمع ,نتبع القالب التالي: …… for example …2……. Ing and …3العنوان…There are many ing, ……. Ing, too. Another thing is…4…….ing and……..ing , too. Ex: (Purposes of building dams )1 (Save water )2 (Irrigate plants )3 (Generate electricity )4 88 www.alawaben.com :)اذا كان العنوان سؤال نتبع القالب التاليB There are many suggestions/ ways of…1……., such as …2…. Ing ,and …3….ing, too. Another thing is …4….ing and ……5..ing, too. Ex: How to be brother or sister 1 Play game with them 2 Never hit them 3 Help them with their homework 4 Take them to the park 5 :وهنا نتبع القالب التالي, نمط يعطيك موضوع له سلبيات او ايجابيات-2 العنوانhas/ have many advantages, such as …1……ing and …2…ing, too. on the other hand, ……… العنوانhas/ have many disadvantages such as…3….ing and …4..ing ,…….. too. Ex: Phones Mobile Land line Advantages Carry with you 1 Cheap 2 Disadvantages Expensive 3 Large, heavy 4 :مثل, ويعطيك معلومات عنه, نمط يطلب منك كتابة سيرة شخص مشهور-3 *تاريخ ومكان والدته *دراسته وعلمه *نشأته وانجازاته *وفاته 89 www.alawaben.com وهنا عليك كتابة ( )biographyسيرة هذا الشخص باستخدام ادوات الربط المناسبة والمفردات المالئمة. -4نمط يطلب منك الكتابة عن موقع او مكان معروف ويعطيك معلومات عنه مثل: *الموقع * تاريخ البناء * الهدف من البناء *وصف البناء وهنا عليك الكتابة عن هذا الموقع باستخدام ادوات الربط المناسبة والمفردات المالئمة. -5نمط يعطيك رسم بياني( (Chartخاص بموضوع معين ويطلب منك الكتابة باالعتماد عليه وهنا من الممكن االستعانة بهذا القالب عند الكتابة: …اعلى نسبة......and which indicates that ...اسم اللوحةThis chart the ..... ... was the least.اقل نسبة… Was the highest, while ....نسبة اخرى... was more than ….نسبة اخرىIt also shows that the ... 90 www.alawaben.com ثانيا :الكتابة الحرة Free writing الكتابة الحرة للفصل األول ,وتشمل: )1المقالة بأنواعها ) (Essay )2تقرير () report )3ملخص)(Summary وهنا يجب ان نقسم الموضوع المطلوب للكتابة عنه بالسؤال حسب العناصر: )1العنوان Title )2المقدمة Introduction )3جسم الموضوع Main part )4الخاتمة Conclusion النموذج التالي يناسب كل من المقالة بأنواعها ,والملخص والتقرير: this is subject that is one of the most importantالجملة الواردة بالتعبير issues in our daily life, in this essay / report/ summary, therefore, I intend to write …………………………………………………………………………about ………………………………………………………………………...... .…………………………………………………………………..جسم الموضوع Finally, I hope that I have given useful information ………………………………………………………….الموضوعabout…….. 91 www.alawaben.com مالحظة: يتم اعداد ملخص summaryمن خالل كتابة المواضيع الرئيسية بالموضوع. اوال :المقالة تقسم المقالة الى ثالثة أنواع: )1المقالة الجدلية Argumentative )2المقالة االستطرادية Discursive )3المقالة الوصفية Descriptive تتشابه المقالة بانواعها من حيث التركيب ,حيث تتكون من: )1المقدمة )2الرأي الموافق )3الرأي المخالف )4الخاتمة ثانيا :التقرير ويتكون التقرير من: )1الهدف من التقرير )2المزايا والماساوئ( وجهات النظر المختلفة) )3الخاتمة ثالثا :الملخص للقيام باعداد ملخص ,نتبع ما يلي: )1لخص المحتوى بما ال يزيد عن سطرين 92 www.alawaben.com )حدد الكلمات الرئيسية التي ال يمكن االستغناء عنها2 )لخص كل فقرة بما ال يزيد عن سطرين3 Writing skills: coherence To make your essay “ flow” so that it is clear to your audience, you need to link your ideas: Indicating consequence: In this way, technology makes communication more convenient. As a consequence, family members who are away from home can communicate well their loved once. Therefore, people can communicate more quickly and conveniently. Indicating opposition: However, social media is time- consuming./ whereas, the more quickly and conveniently we communicate, the more likely it is that there will be misunderstandings. Despite the recent advances in technology, it is still unreliable and very inconvenient. 93 www.alawaben.com Critical thinking هذا السؤال ليس له اجابة محددة ,فعليك أن تعتمد على تحليل النص وربط األفكار المهمة والحكم على صحة رأي أو اعتقاد عن طريق تحليل ومناقشة الموضوع ,واالجابة دائما تكون من القطعة. وهنا بعض القوالب التي يمكن استخدامها: *يمكن استخدام هذا القالب اذا كان المطلوب منك كتابة وجهة نظرك عن الموضوع …. because……… also ………..القضيةFrom my point of view…….. …..,تفسير ذلكAccording to the text, the writer states that ………. ………اقتراح……… *يمكن استخدام هذا القالب اذا كان المطلوب منك كتابة اقتراحاتك عن الموضوع ….. and I suggestاالعتقادI think this statement is true …….. ….v+ing, v+ing…….and …v+ing. تحرير األخطاء Editing يعطيك باالمتحان الوزاري نص قصير فيه اربع أخطاء وعليك اكتشافها وتصحيحها انواع األخطاء :االمالء ,األحرف الكبيرة ,عالمات الترقيم. مالحظة: تاتي األحرف الكبيرة دائما في أول الجملة ,أو الفقرة ,ومع األلقاب واسماء المنظمات واالختصارات واأليام واألشهر ,وأسماء الدول واللغات والجنسيات واألديان والمدن ,ومع االتجاهات في األماكن والمناطق الجغرافية. أشكال األخطاء على األغلب تكون: -1تغيير شكل حرف في الكلمة ,مثال ( Cبدل )k -2وجود نقص في حروف كلمة 94 www.alawaben.com اضافة حرف على الكلمة-3 غالبا ما يكون الخطأ األول حرف صغير-4 The / a / an قد يكون خطأ في استخدام-5 قد يكون هنالك خطأ قواعدي-6 قد يكون خطأ في عالمات الترقيم-7 Irregular Verbs Present Meaning Past P.p Awake يوقظ Awoke Awoken Bear تلد Bore Born Bear يتحمل Bore Borne Become يصبح Became Become Begin يبدأ Began Begun Blow يفجر – يعصف Blew Blown Box يالكم – يعبيء Boxed Boxed Break يكسر Broke Broken Bring يحضر Brought Brought Build يبني Built Built Buy يشتري Bought Bought Carry يحمل Carried Carried Catch يمسك – يصطاد Caught Caught Choose يختار Chose Chosen Come يأتي Came Come Copy ينسخ Copied Copied Cost يكلف Cost Cost Cut يقطع Cut Cut Dig يحفر Dug Dug Do يفعل Did Done Draw يرسم – يسحب Drew Drawn 95 www.alawaben.com Dream يحلم Dreamt Dreamt Drink يشرب Drank Drunk Drive يقود Drove Driven Drop يسقط Dropped Dropped Eat يأكل Ate Eaten Fall يقع Fell Fallen Feed يطعم Fed Fed Feel يشعر Felt Felt Fight يحارب Fought Fought Find يجد Found Found Fly يطير Flew Flown Forget ينسي Forgot Forgotten Get يحصل – ينال Got Gotten Give يعطي Gave Given Go يذهب Went Gone Grow يزرع – ينمو Grew Grown Hear يسمع Heard Heard Hide يختبيء – يخفي Hid Hidden Hit يضرب Hit Hit Hold يمسك Held Held Hurt يؤذي – يؤلم Hurt Hurt Keep يحافظ Kept Kept Know يعرف Knew Known Lay يضع Laid Laid Learn يتعلم Learnt Learnt Leave يترك Left Left Let يسمح – يدع Let Let Lie يتمدد – يرقد Lay Lain Light يضيء – يشعل Lit Lit Lose يفقد Lost Lost Make يصنع Made Made Mean يعني Meant Meant 96 www.alawaben.com Meet يقابل Met Met Pay يدفع Paid Paid Put يضع Put Put Ride يركب Rode Ridden Run يجري Ran Run Say يقول Said Said See يري Saw Seen Sell يبيع Sold Sold Send يرسل Sent Sent Set تغرب – يضبط Set Set Shake يصافح Shook Shaken Shoot يطلق النار Shot Shot Sing يغني Sang Sung Sleep ينام Slept slept Smell يشم Smelt Smelt Speak يتكلم Spoke Spoken Spend يقضي – يصرف Spent Spent Stand يقف Stood Stood Stick يلصق Stuck Stuck Swim يسبح Swam Swum Take يأخذ Took Taken Teach يعلم Taught Taught Tell يخبر Told Told Think يظن Thought Thought Throw يرمي Threw Thrown Wake يوقظ Woke Woken Wear يرتدي Wore Worn Win يفوز Won Won Write يكتب Wrote Written 97 www.alawaben.com Module 1 Starting Out Unit1 : Information Technology Vocabulary: the history of computers Word Calculation computer ship floppy disk Pc Program Programme Smartphone Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic عملية حسابية a way of using numbers in order to find out an amount. رقاقة حاسوب a very small piece found inside every computer. القرص المرن a flexible, removable magnetic disk that stores computer information. الحاسوب الشخصي a computer designed for one person to use. برنامج حاسوب a set of instructions enabling a computer to function برنامج على اإلذاعة او التلفاز content which is intended to be listened to on radio or watched on television الهاتف الذكي a mobile phone that connects to the internet. 98 www.alawaben.com World Wide Web rely on all the information shared by computers through the internet. to have trust or confidence in something or someone شبكة الويب العالمية يعتمد على THE HISTORY OF COMPUTERS When you are using a computer, think about the technology that is needed for it to work. People have been using types of computers for thousands of years. A metal machine was found on the seabed in Greece that was more than 2.000 years old. It is believed that this was the first ever computer. فالناس ال, فكر في التكنولوجيا التًي يحتاجها ليعمل,عندما تستخدم الحاسوب يزالون ٌستخدمون الحواسيب منذ اآلف السنين وقد تم إيجاد آلة معدنية فًي قاع البحر في . ومن المعتقد بأنها كانت أول حاسوب على اإلطالق.اليونان يزيد عمرها عن ألفًي عام In the 1940s, technology had developed enough for inventors to make the first generation of modern computers. One such model was so large that it needed a room that was 167 square meters to accommodate it. During that decade, scientists in England developed the first computer program. It took 25 minutes to complete one calculation. In 1958 CE, the computer chip was developed. تطورت التكنلوجيا بشكل كاف للمخترعين لصنع الجيل األول من الحواسيب,وفي األربعينات متر مربع ليوضع167 واحتاج الى غرفة مساحتها. واحدى هذه النماذج كان كبيرا جدا.الحديثة دقيقة التمام25 احتاج الى, طور العلماء في انجلترا اول برنامج حاسوب, خالل ذلك العقد.فيها . تم تطوير رقاقة الحاسوب, م1968 عملية حسابية واحدة وفي عام 99 www.alawaben.com The first computer game was produced in 1962 CE, followed two year later by the computer mouse. In 1971 CE, the floppy disk was invented, which meant that information could be shared between computers. The first PC (personal computer) was produced in 1974 CE, so people could buy computers to use at home. وفي عام.واتبعت بعها بعامين فأرة الكمبيوتر,م تم انتاج أول لعبة كمبيوتر1962 وفي عام وفي عام.م تم اختراع القرص المرن مما عنى امكانية مشاركة المعلومات بين الحواسيب1971 . لذا تمكن الناس من شراء الحواسيب لتستخدم في البيت, تم انتاج أول حاسوب شخصي,م1974 In 1983 CE, people could buy a laptop for the first time. Then, in 1990 CE, the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web. It was not until 2007 CE that the first smart phones appeared. Today, most people use their mobile phones every day. ,م1990 في عام, وبعدها. استطاع الناس شراء الحاسوب المحمول ألول مرة,1983 في عام حتى2007 لم يكن حتى عام.طور العالم البريطاني تيم بيرنرز لي شبكة الحاسوب العالمية . معظم الناس يستخدمون هواتفهم الخلوية كل يوم, اليوم. ظهرت أول الهواتف الذكية What will happen in the future? You can already buy watches which can do the same as mobile phones. Scientists have also developed glasses that are capable of doing even more than this. ماذا سيحدث في المستقبل ؟ يمكنك شراء ساعات يد والتي يمكن ان تقوم بنفس ما تقوم به الهواتف . وقد طور العلماء أيضا نظارات يمكنها أن تقوم بنفس المهمة واكثر من ذلك. المحمولة Life in the future is going to see further changes in computer technology. It is likely that all aspects of everyday life will rely on a computer program, from how we travel to how our homes are heated. ومن المحتمل بأن كل مظاهر الحياة.ستشهد الحياة في المستقبل تغيرات أكثر في تكنلوجيا الحاسوب . من حيث كيفية السفر الى كيفية تدفئة بيوتنا,اليومية ستعتمد على برنامج الحاسوب 100 www.alawaben.com Answer the following questions about the article. 1. According to the text, how old is the world’s oldest computer? وفقا للنص كم يبلغ عمر اقدم حاسوب في العالم؟ It could be more than 2,000years old 2. Where was the first ever computer found? أين وجد أول كمبيوتر؟ It was found on the seabed in Greece 3. What information in the text shows that the first modern computers were very large? ماهي المعلومات التي في النص التي تعرض بأن أول الحواسيب الحديثة كانت كبيرة جدا؟ A very large room was needed to keep the computers in; the room was 167 square meters 4. There are many inventions that were completed between 1958 CE and 1974 CE. Write them down. اكتبهم. 1974 و العام1958 هنالك العديد من االختراعات التي اكتملت بين عام The computer chip / the first computer game / the computer mouse /The floppy disk / the first personal computer. 101 www.alawaben.com 5-Find a phrasal verb in the last paragraph which means “confidence in something or someone”. جد شبه جمله فعليه في الفقرة األخيرة والتي تعني الثقه في شيء ما او شخص ما Rely on 6. Who developed the World Wide Web? And when? من طور شبكة الويب العالمية ومتى؟ The British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, in 1990 CE. 7. According to the text, the writer states that the life in the future is going to see further changes in computer technology. Explain this statement, justifying your answer? .يخبر الكاتب بأن الحياة في المستقبل ستشهد تغيرات ابعد في تكنلوجيا الحاسوب,وفقا للنص .اشرح هذه الجمله وبرر اجابتك It is likely that all aspects of everyday life will rely on a computer program, from how we travel to how our homes are heated. 8. What is the purpose of invention the floppy disk? ماهو الغرض من إختراع القرص المرن That information could be shared between computers. 9. Quite the sentence which indicates that computer technology will develop further in the future. .إقبس جملة والتي تشير إلى أن تكنولوجيا الحاسوب ستتطورإلى حد أبعد في المستقبل 102 www.alawaben.com Life in the future is going to see further changes in computer technology Critical thinking There are many advantages and disadvantages of having laptop computer, tablet computers or smart phones. Think of this statement and, in two sentences, write down your point of view. . حواسيب لوحية أو هواتف ذكية،هناك العديد من حسنات وسيئات إمتالك حاسوب محمول . وفي جملتين أكتب وجهة نظرك، الجملة.فكر في هذه In my point of view, I think the advantages are that they are light, portable and convenient but the disadvantages are that people use them all the time and then don’t speak to people face to face. 103 www.alawaben.com Vocabulary: Using technology in class The word Blog Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic a regularly updated personal website or web page, usually written in an informal style. a series of emails between two or more people, each email generally a reply to the previous one social interaction between people and communities on websites or blogs مدونة صفحة شخصية على اإلنترنت Tablet computer a mobile computer, with a touch screen, processor and battery all in one unit الكمبيوتر اللوحي White board a touch screen computer program that enables you to draw sketches, write and present ideas and talks to colleagues or students اللوح االبيض الذكي Email exchange Social media 104 تبادل االيميالت وسائل التواصل االجتماعي www.alawaben.com Post to put a message or document on the Internet so that other people can see it نشر رساله او ملف على االنترنت web-building program a software that helps you to create a website برنامج النشاء المواقع االكترونيه web hosting Business of hosting, serving and maintaining files for one or more websites. استضافة المواقع االلكترونيه c Using technology in class إستخدام التكنولوجيا فًي الصف Young people love learning, but they like learning even more if they are presented with information in an interesting and challenging way. Today, I am going to give a talk about how you can use technology in Jordanian classrooms. لكن يحبون التعلم أكثر إذا قِدمت لهم المعلومات بطريقة مثيرة لالهتمام،يحب الشباب التعلم .والتحدي ساتحدث اليوم عن كيفية إستخدام التكنولوجيا في الغرف الصفية األردنية here are some ideas Many classrooms now use a whiteboard as a computer 105 www.alawaben.com screen. As a consequence, teachers can show websites on the board in front of the class. Teachers can then use the internet to show educational programs, play educational games, music, recordings of languages, and so on. ، ونتيجة لذلك.تستخدم اآلن العديد من الغرف الصفية اللوح األبيض (الذكي) كشاشة كمبيوتر ٌ ويمكنهم بعدها إستخدام.يستطيع المعلمون عرض مواقع اإلنترنت على اللوح أمام الطالب وتسجيالت، وتشغيل الموسيقى، وتشغيل ألعاب تعليمية،اإلنترنت لعرض البرامج التعليمية .لغوية وغيرها In some countries, tablet computers are available for students to use in class. Therefore, students can use the tablets to do tasks such as showing photographs, researching information, recording interviews and creating diagrams. Tablets are ideal for pair and group work. يمكن، لذلك. فان الحواسيب اللوحية متوفرة للطالب إلستخدامها في الصف،في بعض الدول والبحث عن،للطالب أن يستخدموا الحواسيب اللوحية للقيام بالمهام كعرض الصور فالحواسيب اللوحية مثالية للعمل، تسجيل المقابالت وإنشاء جداول الرسم البياني،المعلومات .الفردي والجماعي Teachers can perhaps ask their students to start writing a blog (an online diary); either about their own lives or as if they were someone famous. They can also create a website for the classroom. Students can contribute to the website, so for example they can post work, photos and messages. 106 www.alawaben.com ربما يستطيع المعلمون أن يطلبوا من طالبهم البدء بكتابة مدونة (يوميات على اإلنترنت) إما عن حياتهم الخاصة أو كما لو كانوا أشخاص مشهورين .ويمكنهم كذلك إنشاء موقع على اإلنترنت للغرفة الصفية .ويمكن للطالب المساهمة في الموقع ،مثال يمكنهم نشر أعمالهم، الصور والرسائل. Most young people communicate through social media, by which they send each other photos and messages via the internet. Some students like to send messages that are under 140 letters for anyone to read. Teachers can ask students to summarise information about what they have learnt in class in the same way. If students learn to summarise quickly, they will be able to use this skill in future. يتواصل معظم الشباب عبر وسائل التواصل اإلجتماعية ،والتًي عن طريقها يرسلون لبعضهم الصور والرسائل عبر اإلنترنت ،يحب بعض الطالب أن يرسلوا الرسائل التًي تكون من ٌ يستطيع المعلمون أن يطلبوا من طالبهم تلخيص 140حرف ألي شخص ليقرأها .و المعلومات التي تعلموها في الصف بنفس الطريقة .إذا تعلم الطالب التلخيص بسرعة ،فإنهم سيكونوا قادرين على إستخدام هذه المهارة في المستقبل. We all like to send emails, don’t we? Email exchanges are very useful in the classroom. Teachers can ask students to email what they have learnt to students of a similar age at another school. They could even email students in another country. As a result, students can then share information and help each other with tasks. كلنا نحب إرسال البريد اإللكتروني ،أليس كذلك؟ تبادل البريد اإللكتروني مفيد جدا ً في غرفة الصف .يستطيع المعلمون أن يطلبوا من الطالب إرسال ما تعلموا لطالب من نفس العمر في مدارس أخرى.ويمكنهم إرسال بريد لطالب في دول أخرى .ونتيجةً لذلك ،يستطيع الطالب بعدها مشاركة المعلومات ومساعدة بعضهم البعض بأداء هذه المهام. 107 www.alawaben.com Another way of communicating with other schools is through talking to people over the computer. Most computers have cameras, so you can also see the people you are talking to. In this way, students who are studying English in Jordan can see what students in England are doing in the classroom while they are speaking to them. You can also use this system to invite guest speakers to give talks over a computer. For example, scientists or teachers from another country could give a lesson to the class. If you had this type of lesson, the students would be very excited. طريقة أخرى للتواصل مع المدارس األخرى من خالل التحدث إلى أناس عبر جهاز ، لذا يمكنك كذلك رؤية الناس الذٌين تتحدث إليهم، ومعظم الحواسيب لديها كاميرات.الحاسوب وبهذه الطريقة يستطيع الطالب الذين يدرسون اللغه اإلنجيلزية في األردن رؤية الطالب فًي ويمكنك أٌيضا ً إستخدام هذا النظام.إنجلترا ما يفعلونه في الغرفة الصفية بينما يتكلمون إليهم مثال بإمكان العلماء أو،لدعوة المتحديثن الضيوف إلعطاء محاضرات عبر جهاز الحاسوب فان، فإذا كان لديك هذا النوع من الدروس.المعلمون من دول أخرى إعطاء درس للصف .ً الطالب سكيونوا متحمسين جدا Students often use computers at home if they have them. Students can use social media on their computers to help them with their studies. Including asking other students to check and compare their work, asking questions or sharing ideas. The teacher must be part of the group, too, to monitor what is happening. Thank you for listening. Does anyone have any questions? ويمكنهم من إستخدام وسائل التواصل.يستخدم الطالب الحواسيب غالبا ً إذا كان لديهم وتضم كذلك أن يسألوا طالب آخرين.األجتماعي على حواسيبهم لمساعدتهم في دراستهم المعلم يجب أن يكون. وأٌيضا طرح األسئلة ومشاركة األفكار،لفحص وممارسة أعمالهم هل لديكم اية أسئلة؟.جزءا ً من هذه المجموعة لمراقبة ما يحدث شكرا ً لالستماع 108 www.alawaben.com Answer the following questions about the article. 1. Young people love learning, in what way they like learning even more? بأٌي طريقة يحبون التعلم أكثر؟،الشباب يحبون التعلم If they are presented with information in an interesting and challenging way. 2. Teachers can use the internet for many purposes. Write down them المعلمون يمكن أن يستخدموا األنترنت لعدة أغراض؟ أكتبهم Show educational programs, play educational games, music and recordings of languages. 3. Students can use the tablets for many purposes. Write down them. .الطالب يمكن أن يستخدموا الحاسوب اللوحي لعدة أغراض؟ أكتبهم Showing photographs, researching information, recording interviews and creating diagrams. 4. Teachers can ask their students to start writing a blog in two ways. Write these two ways down. 109 www.alawaben.com أكتب هاتين الطريقتين.المعلمون يمكن أن يطلبوا من طالبهم البدء بكتابة مدونة في طريقتين Either about their own lives or as if they were someone famous. 5. Give an examples about how can students contribute to the website? أعط أمثلة حول كيفية إمكان الطالب أن يساهموا في مواقع اإلنترنت؟ They can post work, photos and messages 6. Write down the sentence which acts as an introduction? أكتب في األسفل الجملة التي تمثل المقدمة؟ Young people love learning, but they like learning even more if they are presented with information in an interesting and challenging way. 7. Write the sentence which tells you what the talk is going to be about? أكتب الجملة التًي تخبرك عن ماذا تحدث المحاضرة؟ Today, I am going to give a talk about how you can use 110 www.alawaben.com technology in Jordanian classrooms. 8. Write down two sentences which end the talk? أكتب في االسفل جملتين والتي أنهتا المحاضرة؟ Thank you for listening. Does anyone have any questions? 9. Explain the difference in meaning between these phrases “to share” and “compare idea”. ."إشرح الفرق في المعنى بين أشباه الجمل " تشارك األفكار وتبادل األفكار Share ideas: to give your ideas to another person or to a group. Compare ideas: where two or more people consider how their ideas are similar or different. (Student’s Book p.9) Explain the different in meaning between these phrases from the article The phrase Share ideas Meaning in English To give your ideas to another person or to a group. 111 Meaning in Arabic تشارك االفكار www.alawaben.com Compare ideas Create a website Contribute to a website Research information Where two or more people consider how their ideas are similar or different. To construct a website that currently does not exist. Offer your writing and work to a website To use a verity of sources to find the information you need. Present information To give the results of your research in a presentation. Monitor what is happening You know what is happening and you are following the developments. You don’t know what is happening and you want to discover it. Find out what is happening 112 تبادل االفكار انشاء موقع على شبكة االنترنت المساهمة في موقع على االنترنت البحث عن معلومات تقديم معلومات مراقبة ما يحدث معرفة ما يحدث www.alawaben.com Give a talk to people You have prepared a speech and you are giving this speech to a group of people who are expecting it. Talk to people An informal discussion You show people photos that you have in person. التحدث مع الناس You send photos to someone over the Internet or by post. ارسال الصور Show photos Send photos 113 القاء محاضرة على الناس عرض الصور www.alawaben.com Vocabulary: The Internet of Things THE WORD MEANING IN ENGLISH Access to find information, especially on a computer. a program that checks whether certain content on a web page should be displayed to the viewer illegal actions using the identity of someone else, normally to buy things. controls available on social networking sites which let you decide who can see what information. Filter Identity fraud Privacy settings Security settings control available on computer programs which let you protect your computer from viruses. 114 MEANING IN ARABIC الوصول الى المعلومات )برنامج تصفية( فلترة انتحال الهوية الشخصية اعدادات الخصوصيه اعدادات األمان www.alawaben.com User a person who uses a product or service, especially a computer or another machine. مستخدم THE INTERNET OF THINGS انترنت األشياء A- What is the "Internet of Things‟? Everyone knows that the internet connects people, but now it does more than that – it connects objects, too. These days, computers often communicate with each other; for example, your TV automatically downloads your favourite TV show, or your 'sat nav' system tells you where you are. This is known as the 'Internet of Things', and there's a lot more to come. ما هو إنترنت األشٌياء؟ إنه- لكنه اآلن يقوم بأكثر من ذلك،كل واحد منا يعرف أن االنترنت يربط الناس ببعضهم ،مثال, الحواسيب غالبا ً تتصل مع بعضها البعض، وفي هذه األٌيام.ً يربط بين األشياء أٌيضا وهذا. أو أن نظام المالحة الفضائي يخبرك أٌين أنت،يقوم تلفازك بتحيمل عروضك المفضلة . وهناك المزيد ليأتي،ما يعرف بإنترنت األشياء 115 www.alawaben.com B- An easy life! In just a few years' time, experts say that billions of machines will be connected to each other and to the internet. As a consequence, computers will increasingly run our lives for us. For example, your fridge will know when you need more milk and add it to your online shopping list, your windows will close if it is likely to rain; your watch will record your heart rate and email your doctor; and your sofa will tell you when you need to stand up and get some exercise! !حياة سهلة يقول الخبراء بأن باليين من األجهزة ستكون مرتبطة مع بعضها،في السنوات القليلة المقبلة . فان الحواسيب وبشكل متزايد ستقوم بإدارة حياتنا لنا، ونتيجةً لذلك.البعض ومع األنترنت مثال ستعرف ثالجتك عندما تحتاج المزيد من الحليب وتضيفة لك على قائمة التسوق وستقوم ساعتك بتسجيل. وستغلق نوافذك إذا كان هناك إحتمال لسقوط المطر،اإللكترونية وستخبرك أريكتك عندما تحتاج للقيام والحصول على.معدل نبضات قلبك وتراسل طبيبك .بعض التمارين C- A frightening future. Many people are excited about the 'Internet of Things'. For them, a dream is coming true. They say that our lives will be easier and more comfortable. However, others are not so sure. They want to keep control of their own lives and their own things. In addition, they wonder what would happen if criminals managed to access their passwords and security settings. The dream could easily become a nightmare! 116 www.alawaben.com مستقبل مخيف العديد من الناس يشعرون باإلثارة حول إنترنت األشياء .وبالنسبة لهم الحلم القادم يتحقق. ويقولون بأن حياتهم ستكون أكثرسهولٍة وراحة .ومع ذلك فان آخرون غير متأكدين .يريدون أن يبقوا مسيطرين على حياتهم وأشيائهم الخاصة .باألضافة إلى ذلك ،فانهم يتساءلون ما الذي سيحدث أذا تمكن المجرمون من الدخول إلى كلماتهم السرية وأعدادات األمان الخاصة بهم .فان الحلم بسهولة يمكن أن ٌيصبح كابوسا ً. Answer the following questions about the article. 1. What does the „internet of things‟ mean? Give an example from the text. ماذا نعني بإنترنت األشياء؟ أعط مثاالً من النص It means the connections between different computers. Examples from the text are TV downloads and sat nav. ‟2. According to the text, how will the „internet of things ?help you to keep fit وفقا ً للنص ،كيف سيساعدك إنترنت األشياء لتكن الئقا صحياً؟ The sofa will tell you when to get some exercise. 3. Find a word in the first paragraph which has the same meaning as “speak to‟. 117 www.alawaben.com جد كلمة في الفقرة األولى والتي لها نفس معنى" يتكلم مع"؟ Communicate. 4. What does the word "others‟ in bold in the third paragraph refer to? على ماذا تعود الكلمة في اللون الغامق في الفقرة الثالثة؟ Other people with a different opinion 4. According to the text, why are some people excited about the future? Why are others worried? لماذا بعض الناس يشعرون باإلثارة حول المستقبل؟ وآخرين قلقين؟،وفقا ً للنص Some people are excited because they think their lives will be made easier and more comfortable. Others are worried because they want to keep control of their own lives and their own things 6. According to the text, many people are not excited about the internet of things for two reasons. Write down two of these reasons. 118 www.alawaben.com أكتب هذين. العديد من الناس ال يشعرون باإلثارة حول إنترنت األشياء لسببين،وفقا ً للنص السببين؟ A. they want to keep control of their own lives and their own things. B. they wonder what would happen if criminals managed to access their passwords and security settings 7. According to the text, the writer thinks that in just a few. Years‟ time, experts say that billions of machines will be connected to each other and to the internet. Explain this statement, justifying your answer? يقول الخبراء بأن باليين من األجهزة، يعتقد الكاتب أنه في السنوات القليلة المقبلة،وفقا ً للنص مبررا ً إجابتك؟،إشرح هذه الجملة.ستكون مرتبطة مع بعضها البعض ومع االنترنت Computers will increasingly run our lives for us. For example, your fridge will know when you need more milk and add it to your online shopping list 8. According to the text, give two examples of how technology can keep us fit. أعط مثاال حول كيفية إمكان التكنولوجيا بأن نكون الئقين صحيا؟،وفقا ً للنص Your watch will record your heart rate and email your 119 www.alawaben.com doctor; and your sofa will tell you when you need to stand up and get some exercise! 9. Write down the sentence that indicates a dream for many people about the internet of things is real. أكتب في األسفل الجملة التي تشير بان الحلم للعديد من الناس حول إنترنت األشياء هو حقيقي؟ Many people are excited about the 'Internet of Things'. For them, a dream is coming true. 10. In your opinion, is the "internet of things‟ exciting or worrying? Why? هل إنترنت األشياء مثير أم مقلق؟ ولماذا؟،في رأٌيك In my opinion, the internet of things makes an easy life because it connects people and objects. 120 www.alawaben.com Module Two: Health Unit 2: A healthy life Vocabulary: complementary medicine The word Acupuncture ailment Allergy Arthritis herbal remedy Homoeopathy Immunization Meaning in Meaning in English Arabic الوخز باالبر A form of complementary medicine which uses thin needles مرض An illness or disease which is not very serious. حساسيه Conditions that make you ill when you eat , touch or breath a particular thing التهاب مفاصل A disease that causes pain and swelling in joints التداوي باالعشاب An extract or mixture of a plant used to prevent , alleviate , or cure diseases المعالجه باالعشاب a system of complementary medicine in which illness are treated by minute doses of herbs and other natural substances. ابر اللقاح/التلقيح Giving a drug against illness 121 www.alawaben.com Malaria Migraine Antibody complementary medicine Conventional Option Practitioner Skeptical Viable A dangerous disease transmitted by mosquitoes An extremely bad headache A substance produced by the body to fight disease A medical treatment which provides an alternative to scientific medical practices Having been used for a long time and is considered usual Something that is or maybe chosen someone who is qualified or registered to practice a particular occupation or profession having doubts; not easily convinced. effective and able to be successful. 122 المالريا صداع نصفي/الشقيقه الجسم المضاد الطب/الطب التكميلي البديل تقليدي خيار شخص مؤهل للمارسة مهنه او مهارة متشكك قابل للنجاح/قابل للتطبيق www.alawaben.com Complementary medicine: is it really a solution? هل هو حل واقعي:الطب التكميلي Most doctors used to be sceptical about the validity of homoeopathy, acupuncture and other forms of complementary medicine. If patients wanted to receive this kind of non-conventional treatment, they used to have to consult a private practitioner who was likely not to have a medical degree However, in recent years, the perception of this type of treatment has changed. These days, many family doctors study complementary medicine alongside conventional treatments, and many complementary medicine consultants also have medical degrees. الوخز,)اعتاد معظم األطباء بأن يكونو متشككين حول فعالية المعالجه المثليه( باألعشاب فإذا أراد المرضى الحصول على هذا,)باالبر وأشكال أخرى من الطب التكميلي (البديل ومن المحتمل, فإنه يجب عليهم استشارة ممارس خاص,النوع من المعالجة الغير تقليديه ادراك مفهوم هذا النوع من, في السنوات األخيرة, على أية حال.ليس لديه شهاده في الطب العديد من أطباء األسرة يدرسون الطب التكميلي جنبا الى جنب,هذه األيام,المعالجة قد تغير . والعديد من مستشارون الطب التكميلي لديهم شهادات طبيه,المعالجات التقليديه Whereas critics used to say that there was no scientific evidence that non-conventional treatments actually worked, now it is more common for medical experts to recognise that conventional medicine may not always be the only way to treat an ailment. بينما أن النقاد أعتادوا على قول أنه ليس هناك دليل علمي بأن المعالجات الغير تقليدية تعمل وأنه اآلن أكثر شيوعا ً بالنسبة للخبراء الطبيون بإدراك أن الطب التقليدي قد ال يكون،بالواقع .دائما ً الطريقة الوحيدة لمعالجة المرض 123 www.alawaben.com At a surgery in London, 70 per cent of patients who were offered the choice between a herbal or a conventional medicine for common complaints such as insomnia, arthritis and migraines chose the herbal remedy. Fifty per cent of patients then said that the treatment helped. One doctor said, “I now consider homoeopathy to be a viable option for many different conditions, including anxiety, depression and certain allergies. It provides another option when conventional medicine does not address the problem adequately. بالمئة من المرضى الذين عرض عليهم األختيار بين70 ،في إحدى العيادات في لندن التهاب المفاصل والشقيقة, لشكاوي شائعة مثل األرق،العالج باألعشاب أو الطب التقليدي قال. بالمئه من المرضى قالو بأن العالج ساعدهم50 وبعدها.فاختاروا التداوي باألعشاب أحد األطباء"اعتبر اآلن بان المعالجة المثلية هي خيارا قابال للتطبيق للعديد من الحاالت فهي تعطي خيارا. التي تشمل القلق واالكتئاب وأنواع معينه من الحساسيه,المختلفه .آخرعندما ال يحل الطب التقليدي المشكله على نحو كاف However, complementary medicine cannot be used for all medical treatments. It can never substitute for immunisations as it will not produce the antibodies needed to protect against childhood diseases. It also cannot be used to protect against malaria. ال يمكن أن. إن الطب التكميلي ال يمكن أن يستخدم في جميع المعالجات الطبية،على أٌية حال كما أنها لن تنتج األجسام المضادة التي يحتاجها الجسم، )يكون بديالً عن التلقيح (التطعيم . كذلك ال يمكن أن يستخدم للحماية من المالريا،لحمايتة ضد أمراض الطفولة One doctor said, “I will always turn to conventional medical treatment first to ensure that no underlying condition is missed. However, the idea of complementary treatments is no longer an alien concept. In my opinion, it should work alongside modern medicine, and not against it. 124 www.alawaben.com " سألجا دائما ً إلى المعالجة الطبية التقليدية أوالً للتأكد من أنه ليس هنا حالة،قال أحد األطباء في رأٌيي أنه. فكرة المعالجات التكميلية لم تعد مفه ِوم غريب، على أٌية حال.خفية تم إغفالها .يجب العمل جنبا ً إلى جنب الطب الحديث وليس ضده Answer the following questions about the article. 1 . The article suggests that people's perception of complementary medicine has changed over time. Why do you think this is the case? لماذا ذلك باعتقادك؟.تبين المقالة بأن مفهوم الناس عن الطب التكميلًي قد تغير بمرور الوقت I think people’s opinions of complementary medicine might have changed because of more information being freely available on the internet. Additionally, more research may have been done on the effects of complementary medicine 2. " Complementary treatments should work alongside modern medicine, not against it.” Explain this statement in two sentences, justifying your answer with examples from the article “ " إشرح هذه العبارة. ولٌيس ضده،الطب التكميلًي يجب أن يعمل جنبا ً إلى جنب مع الطب الحديث . مبررا ً إجابتك بأمثلة من المقالة،في جملتٌين The complementary medicine provides another option when conventional medicine does not address the problem adequately. For example, Fifty per cent of patients said that the treatment helped 3. Complementary medicine has two forms. Write these two forms down اكتب هذين الشكلين في األسفل,الطب التكميلي لديه شكالن Homoeopathy and acupuncture. 4. If patients wanted to receive this kind of nonconventional treatment, what they have to do? ماذا يجب ان يفعلوا؟,اذا اراد المرضى تلقي هذا النوع من المعالجة الغير تقليديه 125 www.alawaben.com They used to have to consult a private practitioner who was likely not to have a medical degree. 5. Complementary medicine cannot be used for all medical treatments for two reasons. Write these two reasons down. ما هما؟.الطب التكميلي ال يمكن استخدامه في جميع المعالجات الطبيه لسببين A.It can never substitute for immunisations as it will not produce the antibodies needed to protect against childhood diseases. B. It also cannot be used to protect against malaria. 6. According to the text, why complementary medicine cannot be used as an immunisation? لماذا ال يمكن إستخدام الطب التكميلًي كلقاح (للتطعيم)؟،وفقا ً للنص It will not produce the antibodies needed to protect against childhood diseases. 7. There are common complaints for patients who were offered the choice between a herbal and a conventional medicine. Mention these complaints هنان شكاوى شائعة بالنسبة للمرضى الذٌين عرض علٌيهم األخت ٌيار بين طب األعشاب والطب . أذكر هذه الشكاوى.التقليدي Insomnia, arthritis and migraines 8. Many different conditions consider that homoeopathy to be a suitable option. Mention these conditions. . أذكر هذه الحاالت.ً العديد من الحاالت المختلفة تعتبر بأن العالج باألعشاب خيارا ً مناسبا Anxiety, depression and certain allergies. 126 www.alawaben.com 9. Quote the sentence which indicates that complementary medicine cannot be used in all treatments إقتبس الجملة التًي تشير إلى أن الطب التكميلًي ال يمكن أن يستخدم في كل المعالجات However, complementary medicine cannot be used for all medical treatments. 10. Decide if these sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences قرر إذا كانت هذه الجمل صحيحة أم خاطئة وصحح الخطأ 1 - Doctors and patients used not be convinced that complementary forms of medicine work. /T/ 2- Nowadays, many doctors study complementary forms of treatment. /T/ 3- At the surgery mentioned in the article, the majority of patients found that the herbal remedy did not help them. /F/ Fifty per cent of patients said it helped. 4- Complementary medicine can work as a replacement for immunisations or to treat malaria. /F/ complementary medicine cannot be used for all medical treatments 127 www.alawaben.com Vocabulary: Are happier people healthier – and, if so, why? The word Meaning in English Feel blue To feel sad See red Have the green light To be angry Out of the blue apparently from nowhere .unexpectedly in the act of doing something wrong something that has cost a lot of money but has no useful purpose to start to be successful again after a difficult time to direct your attention or effort at something specific Red-handed White elephant Bounce back Focus on to have or give permission to go ahead with something to happen. 128 Meaning in Arabic يشعر بالحزن يغضب يسمح/يعطي اإلذن مفاجىء/غير متوقع يرتكب خطأ مكلف بدون فائده النجاح بعد االخفاق يستعيد قوته يركز على www.alawaben.com Optimistic Raise Setback believing that good things will happen in the future. a question to bring up a problem or cast doubt on something a problem that delays or stops progress, or makes a situation worse. متفائل يطرح سؤال اخفاق انتكاسه Are happier people healthier – and, if so, why? اذا كان كذلك لماذا؟-هل الناس السعداء أكثر صحه It’s normal to feel a bit blue from time to time. However, studies show that negative emotions can harm the body. تبين الدراسات أن، مع ذلك.من الطبيعي أن تشعر بالقليل من الحزن من حين إلى آخر العواطف السلبيية يمكن أن تضر الجسم Anger can also have harmful effects on health. When you see red, your blood pressure is raised and you can suffer from headaches, sleep problems and digestive problems. However, what about positive feelings and attitudes? Until recently, scientists had not investigated whether there is a link between positive feelings and good health يرتفع ضغط الدم، عندما تغضب.يمكن أن يكون للغضب أيضا ً تأثيرات ضارة على الصحة ، على أٌية حال.لديك ويمكن أن تعاني من صداعات ومشاكل في النوم ومشاكل في الهضم لم يتحقق العلماء فيما إذا كان هناك صلة بين،ًماذا عن المشاعر واإلتجاهات اإليجابية؟ حديثا .المشاعر اإليجابية والصحة الجيدة Then, in a study that had followed more than 6,000 men and women aged25 to 74 for 20 years, researchers found that 129 www.alawaben.com positivity reduced the risk of heart disease. Other factors influencing health included a supportive network of family and friends, and an optimistic outlook on life. 74-25 رجل وامرأة تراوحت أعمارهم بين ال6000 في دراسة تتبعت أكثر من،وبعد ومن. وجد الباحثون أن اإليجابية خفضت خطر أمراض القلب،ًسنة لمدة عشرين عاما العوامل األخرى التي تؤثر على الصحة شملت شبكة من العائلة واألصدقاء داعمة ونظرة .متفائلة للحياة The research showed that children who were more able to stay focused on a task, and who had a more positive attitude to life at age seven, were usually in better health 30 years later وأظهرت األبحاث أن األطفال الذين كانوا أكثر قدرة على االستمرار في التركيز على كانوا عادة في حالة، والذي كان له توجه أكثر إيجابية في الحياة في سن السابعة،المهمة . عاما30 صحية أفضل بعد The study has been controversial. Some health professionals believe that bad lifestyle choices, such as smoking or lack of exercise, are the reason for heart disease and other illnesses, and not an individual’s attitude. The researchers, while agreeing, raise the question: why are people making bad lifestyle decisions? Do more optimistic people make better and healthier lifestyle choices? يعتقد بعض المختصين في الصحة بأن خيارات أسلوب الحياة السيئة.لقد كانت الدراسة جدلية وليس توجه، هي السبب ألمراض القلب وأمراض اخرى،مثل التدخين أو قلة التمارين الباحثون وهم موافقون يسألون عن السبب الذي جعل الناس يتخذون قرارات في.فردي هل يقوم الناس األكثر تفاؤالً بإتخاذ خيارات أفضل وأسلوب حياة.أساليب الحياة السيئة صحية؟ The researchers appreciate that not everyone’s personal circumstances and environment make it possible to live without worry. However, they believe that if we teach children to develop positive thinking, and to „bounce back‟ 130 www.alawaben.com after a setback, these qualities will improve their overall health in the future. يقدر الباحثون أنه ليست الظروف الشخصية لكل شخص وبيئتة تجعالنة يعيش حياة بدون فانهم يعتقدون أنه إذا تمكنا من تعليم األطفال بأن يطوروا التفكير، على أٌية حال.قلق فان هذه الصفات ستحسن كامل صحتهم في،اإليجابي وأن ال ينهاروا بعد كل إنتكاسة المستقبل Answer the following questions about the article. 1. What are the possible effects of anger and stress on someone's health? ما هي التأثيرات الممكنه للغضب والتوتر على صحة الشخص؟ They can raise blood pressure and cause headache, sleep problems and digestive problems, as well as leading to illnesses such as heart disease. 2. What is controversial about the researchers' study? ما هو الجدل حول دراسة الباحثين؟ Many other researchers believe that bad lifestyle choices are responsible for these problems and not individual’s attitude. 3. What is your opinion of the researchers' findings? ما رأيك بنتائج الباحثين؟ In my opinion I think that not everyone’s personal circumstances and environment make it possible to live without worry. However, if we teach children to develop positive thinking, and to ‘bounce back’ after a setback, these qualities will improve their overall health in the future. 4. Are happier people more healthier and if so, why? هل الناس السعداء أكثر صحة؟ اذا كان كذلك لماذا؟ 131 www.alawaben.com I think happier people are healthier than unhappy people. They will do almost everything with an optimistic attitude. Because of this, I think that they will make healthy, positive decisions in life; for example, they will choose to eat well and exercise more often 5. According to the text, the writer mentions two qualities that will improve children's health in the future. Write these two qualities down ما هي الصفات التي ستحسن األطفال في المستقبل؟ If we teach children to develop positive thinking, and to ‘bounce back’ after a setback. 6. Some health professionals believe that bad lifestyle choices are the reason for heart disease and other illnesses. Write these bad lifestyle choices. يعتقد بعض اخصائي الصحه أن خيارات أسلوب الحياة السيئه هي السبب ألمراض القلب اكتب خيارات أسلوب الحياة السيئه؟.وامراض أخرى Such as smoking or lack of exercise 7.What does the underlined phrasal verb “feel a bit blue “mean? ماذا نعني بشيه الجمله الفعليه الذي تحته خط؟ to feel sad (sadness) 8. There are two things that can have harmful effects on health? Write these two things down. اكتبهما؟.هناك شيئين يمكن أن يكون لهما آثار ضارة على الصحه Negative emotions and anger. 132 www.alawaben.com 9. Quote the sentence which indicates that children who had a positive attitude to life in a young age were in better health أقتبس الجملة التي تشير إلى أن األطفال الذٌين لديهم توجه إٌيجابي نحو الحياة في سن صغيرة كانوا بصحة أفضل The research showed that children who were more able to stay focused on a task, and who had a more positive attitude to life at age seven, were usually in better health 30 years later 10. Find a word in the last paragraph which means “start to be successful again after a difficult time”. جد كلمة في الفقرة األخيرة تعني النجاح بعد االخفاق Bounce back. 133 www.alawaben.com Vocabulary: Health in Jordan: A report WORD Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic commitment a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way. the prevention or treatment of illness by doctors, dentists, psychologists, etc. the length of time that a person or animal is expected to live. death, especially on a large scale (e.g. infant mortality); the rate of deaths that occur (mortality rate) the common opinion that people have about someone or something. to decrease in quantity or importance Healthcare life expectancy Mortality Reputation Decline 134 التزام الرعايه الصحيه العمر المتوقع للحياه الوفيات السمعه ينخفض www.alawaben.com Sanitation the system which supply water and deal with human waste Dental immunisation Relating to teeth infant mortality work force Giving a substance to a person (often by needle) to prevent them from getting a particular disease deaths amongst babies or very young children the people who are able to work نظام الصرف الصحي مرتبط باألسنان تطعيم وفيات المواليد القوى العامله Health in Jordan: A report الصحة في األردن:تقرير Introduction Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East. This is largely due to the country’s commitment to making healthcare for all a top priority. Advances in education, economic conditions, sanitation, clean water, diet and housing have made our community healthier 135 www.alawaben.com مقدمة هذا وبشكل أكبر نتيجة.تعتبر الظروف الصحية في األردن من األفضل في الشرق األوسط التقدم في التعليم والظروف.إللتزام الدولة بجعل الرعاية الص ًحية للجميع أولوية قصوى اإلقتصادية والصرف الص ًحي والماء النظيف والحمية واإلسكان جعل مجتمعنا أكثر صحة A. Healthcare centers As a result of careful planning, the number of healthcare services has been increasing rapidly over the past years. More than 800 different kinds of healthcare centers have been built, as well as 188 dental clinics. In2012 CE, 98 per cent of Jordanian children were fully immunised, thanks to immunisation teams that had been working towards this goal for several years. Although there were remote areas of the country where people had been without consistent access to electricity and safe water, almost 99 per cent of the country’s population now has access مراكز الرعاية الصحية فان عدد خدمات الرعاية الصحية تزايدت بشكل سريع ففي،وكنتيجة للتخطيط الحكيم باالضافة الى, نوع من مراكز الرعاية الصحية تم بناؤها800 وأكثر من. السنوات األخيرة بالمئة من األطفال األردنيين تم تطعيمهم98 ,2012 في عام. عيادة لطب األسنان188 بشكل تام بفضل فرق التطعيم والتي عملت على هذا الهدف لعدة سنوات على الرغم من تقريبا, حيث كان الناس بدون اتصال بالكهرباء والمياه اآلمنة,وجود مناطق نائية في الدولة . بالمائة من سكان الدولة موصولون االن99 . B. hospitals Although the country has been focusing mainly on improving its primary healthcare facilities, it has not neglected its advanced medical facilities. The reputation of Jordanian doctors has spread in the region, and now many more patients come to Jordan for 136 www.alawaben.com open heart surgery. In Jordan, the open heart surgery programme started in 1970 CE in Amman. المستشفٌيات ،بالرغم من أن الدولة كانت تركز بشكل رئيسي على تحسين منشآت الرعاية الصحية األولية ، فقد انتشرت سمعة األطباء األردنيين في المنطقة.فإنها لم تتجاهل منشآتها الطبية المتقدمة بدأ، في األردن.والعديد من المرضى اآلن يأتون إلى األردن إلجراء جراحة القلب المفتوح . في عمان1970 برنامج جراحة القلب المفتوح في عام C. Life expectancy The life expectancy figures show that Jordan’s healthcare system is successful. In 1965 CE, the average Jordanian’s life expectancy was age50. In 2012 CE, this average life expectancy had risen to 73.5. According to UNICEF statistics, between 1981 CE and 1991 CE, Jordan’s infant mortality rates declined more rapidly than anywhere else in the world – from 70 deaths per 1,000 births in 1981 CE to only 32 deaths per1,000 births in 2014 CE. العمر المتوقع للحياة كان1965 ففي عام.تبين أرقام العمر المتوقع للحياة أن نظام الرعاية الصحي األردني ناجح ارتفع معدل العمر2012 في عام. عام50 معدل العمر المتوقع للحياة في األردن عند عمر 73.. المتوقع للحياة الى انخفضت معالت1991 وعام1981 فانه بين عام,وفقا الحصاءات منظمة اليونيسيف حالة وفاة لكل70 وفيات المواليد في األردن بسرعة أكبر من أي مكان آخر في العالم من .2014 مولود في عام1000 وفاة فقط لكل32 الى1981 مولود وفي عام1000 Conclusion The low infant mortality rate, as well as the excellent healthcare system, have been contributing factors to Jordan’s healthy population growth, which will result in a strong work force with economic benefits for the whole country. 137 www.alawaben.com خاتمة باإلضافة إلى نظام الرعاية الصحي المتميز كانا من العوامل،تدني معدل وفيات المواليد المساهمة في النمو السكاني الصحي لألردن والذي سينتج عنه قوى عاملة قوية مع الفوائد .اإلقتصادية للبلد بأكمله Answer the following questions about the report. 1. According to the report, health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East for many reasons. Write down these reasons. أكتبهم في,الظروف الصحية في األردن أفضل من الشرق األوسط لعدة أسباب,وفقا للتقرير األسفل؟ This is largely due to the country’s commitment to making healthcare for all a top priority. Advances in education, economic conditions, sanitation, clean water, diet and housing have made our community healthier. 2. Give two examples showing that the number of healthcare services has been increasing rapidly over the past years? اعط مثالين تعرض فيهما أن عدد خدمات الرعاية الصحية تزايدت بشكل كبير في السنوات األخيرة؟ A. More than 800 different kinds of healthcare centres have been built, as well as188 dental clinics. B. In 2012 CE, 98 per cent of Jordanian children were fully immunized. 3. The report says that the State does not neglect the advanced medical facilities. How is that . كيف ذلك,يقول التقرير بأن الدولة لم تهمل منشآتها الطبية The reputation of Jordanian doctors has spread in the region, and now many more patients come to Jordan for 138 www.alawaben.com open heart surgery. 4. What are the contributing factors to Jordan’s healthy population growth? ما هي العوامل التي تسهم في النمو السكاني الصحي في األردن؟ The low infant mortality rate, as well as the excellent healthcare system. Vocabulary: get moving The word Meaning in English Obese Strenuous Cope with (phrasal verb) extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous to your health. using or needing a lot of effort. to deal successfully with, or handle, a situation. Meaning in Arabic سمنة مفرطة متعب/ مجد يتعامل مع Get moving! A: A growing problem. In many countries, an increasing number of young people and adults are overweight or even obese. One reason for this is the growing popularity of fast food, which didn’t use to be as common as it is now. Another big factor is lack of exercise. People would often walk to school or work, but these days many more of us drive. Modern technology has 139 www.alawaben.com also played its part; we spend more and more time focusing on computer screens. Before the Internet was invented, nobody had dreamt of online shopping, but now we can buy almost anything without leaving the sofa مشكلة متنامية في العديد من الدول ،عدد متزايد من الصغار والبالغين الذين يعانون من زيادة في الوزن أو حتى السمنة المفرطة .أحد األسباب لهذا هو الشعبية المتزايدة للوجبات السريعة ،والذي لم تكن شائعة كما هي اآلن. ()1والعامل األكبر اآلخر هو قلة التمارين .كان الناس غالبا ً ما يمشون إلى المدرسة أو العمل ولكن هذه األٌيام العديد منا يذهب بالسيارة .كذلك لعبت التكنولوجيا الحديثة دورها في ذلك، فنمضي المزيد والمزيد من الوقت مركزين على شاشات الكمبيوتر .وقبل إختراع اإلنترنت، لم يحلم أحد في التسوق اإللكتروني ،ولكننا اآلن يمكننا شراء كل شيء دون أن نغادر األريكة. B: Time to listen Health experts have been warning about this trend for years and their advice is clear. Adults should aim to exercise for at least two and a half hours every week; for children and teenagers the target should be at least an hour a day. This might not sound very much. However, recent research shows that less than 50% of the British population manages this. School children are less physically active than they used to be. Girls in particular often dislike PE. This can lead to serious health problems. وقت اإلصغاء حذر خبراء الصحة من هذا التوجه لسنوات ،ونصيحتهم واضحة .يجب على البالغين أن يكون هدفهم التمرن على األقل ساعتين ونصف كل أسبوع ،أما بالنسبة لألطفال والمراهقين يجب أن يكون هدفهم على األقل ساعة يوميا .وقد ال يبدو هذا كثيرا ً .على أٌية حال ،بين بحث حديث بأن أقل من 50بالمائة من السكان البريطانيون يتمكنون من فعل ذلك )2(.إن أطفال المدارس هم أقل نشاط جسدي مما كانوا عليه سابقا .التحب الفتيات خصوصا ً حصص اللياقة البدنية .وهذايمكن أن يؤدي إلى مشاكل صحية جدية. 140 www.alawaben.com C: It's good for you! Experts recommend a mixture of activities. These should include moderate exercise, such as fast walking, and more strenuous exercise, like running.They also advise exercise that strengthens the muscles, for example sit-ups. The more muscle we build, the more calories we burn, and the fitter we become. In addition, exercise is a great way to cope with stress. In a recent study, patients who had been suffering from depression reported a great improvement after increased physical activity. !انه جيد بالنسبة لك مثل المشي، وهذه يجب أن تتضمن تمارين معتدلة.يوصي الخبراء بالتنوع في النشاطات ،) وينصحون أيضا بتمارين تقوية العضالت3(. وتمارين شاقة أكثر مثل الركض،السريع المزيد من السعرات الحرارية نحرق، المزيد من العضالت نبني.مثل الجلوس والنهوض ٌ باإلضافة إلى أن التمرين طريقة.فنصبح أكثر لياقة في دراسة.عظيمة للتعامل مع اإلجهاد أن المرضى الذين كانوا يعانون من اإلكتئاب أبدوا تحسنا عظيما ً بعد زيادة النشاط،حديثة .الجسدي لديهم D: Useful tips Of course this raises a question: how can I manage to fit in all this extra exercise? The best way is to build it into our daily lives so that it becomes a routine. (4) It doesn’t have to take much extra time. You could get off the bus one stop earlier than usual, or stand up when you’re on the phone! Most importantly, we should find a sport that we enjoy doing. That way, we will all become fitter, healthier and happier. نصائح مفيدة كيف يمكن أن أتدبر أمور كل هذا التمرين اإلضافي؟ إن أفضل:بالطبع فإن هذا يطرح سؤاال ً وال يحتاج ألن يأخذ وقتا.طريقة أن نجعله جزءا ً من حياتنا اليومية بحيث يصبح روتينا أو أن تقف وأنت تتحدث في، يمكنك النزول من الباص قبل نقطة وصولك.إضافيا ً كثيرا بهذه الطريقة سنصبح كلنا. يجب أن نجد رياضة نستمتع بالقيام بها،الهاتف! واألكثر أهمية .الئقون وبصحة وأكثر سعادة 141 www.alawaben.com Answer the following questions. 1. According to the article, what are the main reasons for higher rates of obesity? ما هي األسباب الرئيسية للمعدالت المرتفعة من السمنة؟,وفقا للمقالة The growing popularity of fast food; increasing in activity (preferring to drive rather than walk, and shopping online). 2. What is the minimum amount of exercise recommended for someone in your age group? ما هي أقل كمية من التمرن التي يوصى بها لمن هم في فئة عمرك؟ At least an hour’s exercise every day. 3. Do most British people get enough exercise? Which sentence in the article tells you this? هل معظم البريطانيين يمارسون ما يكفي من التمارين؟ أي جملة في المقال تخبرك بذلك؟ No, they don’t: ‘however, recent research shows that less than 50% of the British population manages this.’ 4. Guess the meaning of the highlighted word in paragraph C. C خمن الكلمة المسلط عليها الضوء في الفقرة Strenuous means requiring a lot of effort. 5. The author suggests some ways of including exercise in our normal lives. Give two examples from the article. . أعط مثالين من المقالة.يقترح المؤلف بعض الطرق التي تشمل التمارين في حياتنا العادية Getting off the bus one stop earlier than usual; standing up when you’re on the phone. 6. Health experts have been warning about this phenomenon and they have some advices for adults and children. Write down these advices. حذر خبراء الصحة حول هذه الظاهرة (السمنة المفرطة)وكان لديهم بعض النصائح للبالغين .واألطفال أذكر هذه النصائح Adults should aim to exercise for at least two and a half hours every week; for children and teenagers the target 142 www.alawaben.com should be at least an hour a day. 7. Quote the sentence which indicates that less than a half of the British people get enough exercise? إقتبس جملة والتًي تشير إلى أن أقل من نصف البريطانٌيون يمارسون ما يكفي من التمارين؟ ‘Recent research shows that less than 50% of the British population manages this. 8.Health experts recommend various activities. Mention these activities. أذكر هذه التمارين؟,يوصي خبراء الصحة بالتمارين المتنوعة These include moderate exercise, such as fast walking, and more strenuous exercise, like running. They also advise exercise that strengthens the muscles, for example sit-ups. 9. According to the article, there are many benefits of doing exercise. Write down these benefits أكتب هذه الفوائد؟.هناك عدة فوائد للقيام بالتمارين,وفقا للمقالة Build muscles, burn calories, cope with stress. 10. According to the article, the writer mentions some ways to become fitter, healthier and happier. Write down these ways. أكتب في. أكثر صحة وسعادة، ذكر الكاتب بعض الطرق كي نصبح الئقين،وفقا للمقالة .األسفل هذه الطرق You could get off the bus one stop earlier than usual, or stand up when you’re on the phone! Most importantly, we should find a sport that we enjoy doing. 143 www.alawaben.com Unit Three Medical advances Vocabulary: young Emirati inventor is going to travel the world WORD Meaning in Meaning in English Arabic )جهاز ( أداه Apparatus the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular purpose. Appendage Artificial Limb Prosthetic Sponsor(v) a body, such as an arm or leg, connected to the main trunk of the body. made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally Arm or leg of a person An artificial body part to financially support a person or an event 144 )طرف ( جزء من الجسم صناعي )طرف ( ذراع او ارجل طرف صناعي يدعم ماديا www.alawaben.com Young Emirati inventor is going to travel the world مخترع اماراتي صغير سيسافر حول العالم Ten-year-old Adeeb al-Balooshi, from Dubai, is going to travel to seven countries on a tour which has been organized and funded by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad, Crown Prince of Dubai. سيسافرالى سبع دول في جولة نظمها ومولها, من دبي, ذا العشر سنوات,أديب البلوشي . أمير دبي, الشيخ حمدان بن دمحم The boy caught Sheikh Hamdan‟s attention with his invention – a prosthetic limb for his father. The Sheikh has taken a special interest in the boy, and hopes the tour that he is sponsoring for Adeeb will give the young inventor more self-confidence and inspire other young Emirati inventors. وقد أخذ الشيخ إهتمام خاص. طرف صناعي لوالده- لفت الولد إنتباه الشيخ حمدان بإختراعه ً ويأمل بأن هذه الرحلة التي يرعاها ألديب ستع،بالولد طي المخترع الصغير المزيد من الثقة .بالنفس وتلهم المخترعين اإلماراتيين الصغاراآلخرين Adeeb got the idea for a special kind of prosthetic leg while he was at the beach with his family. His father, who wears an artificial leg, could not swim in the sea as he could not risk getting his leg wet. This inspired Adeeb to invent a waterproof prosthetic leg. ، والده.جاءت أديب فكرة نوع خاص من القدم الصناعية بينما كان على الشاطىء مع عائلته . لم يستطع السباحة في البحر ألنه ال يمكنه المخاطرة بتبلٌل قدمه،الذي يرتدي قدما ً صناعية .وهذا ألهم أديب إلخترع قدما ً صناعية مقاومة للماء Adeeb is going to visit the USA, France, the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Italy and Germany, where he will be staying with relatives. However, while he is in Germany, Adeeb will not be spending all his time sightseeing. He will be working with a specialist doctor to build the appendage. He will also 145 www.alawaben.com be attending a course on prosthetics and learning about different kinds of medical apparatus. سيزور أديب الواليات المتحدة األمريكية وفرنسا وبريطانيا وإيرلنده وبلجيكا وإيطاليا وألمانيا لن يمضي أديب كل وقته، وبينما هو في ألمانيا، على أٌيه حال.حيث سيمكث مع أقاربه سيحضر ايضا ً دورة عن األطراف. سيعمل مع طبيب مختص لبناء الطرف.بالتنزه .الصناعية ويتعلم عن األنواع المختلفة من األجهزة الطبية Adeeb has invented several other devices, including a tiny cleaning robot and a heart monitor, which is attached to a car seat belt. In the case of an emergency, rescue services and the driver’s family will be automatically connected with the driver through this special checking device. تضم روبوت تنظيف آلًي صغير جدا ً وجهاز،اخترع أديب العديد من األجهزة األخرى سيكون طاقم، ففي حال الطوارىء. والذي تم توصيله في حزام أمان السيارة،لمراقبة القلب .اإلنقاذ وعائلة السائق متصلين تلقائيًا مع السائق من خالل هذا الجهاز الخاص الفاحص He has also invented a fireproof helmet. This special equipment, which has a built-in camera system, will help rescue workers in emergencies. It is for these reasons that Adeeb rightly deserves his reputation as one of the youngest inventors in the world. والتي تحتوي على نظام، هذه األداة الخاصة.إخترع كذلك خوذة رأس مقاومة للحريق ولهذه ااألسباب يستحق أديب بجدارة.تصوير ستساعد عمال اإلنقاذ في الحاالت الطارئة .سمعته كواحد من أصغر المخترعين في العالم Answer the questions about the article 1. Why was Sheikh Hamdan interested in helping Adeeb? لماذا كان الشيخ حمدان مهتما بمساعة أديب؟ Sheikh Hamdan was interested in Adeeb’s invention of a prosthetic limb for his father. 2. Why did the Sheikh Hamdan offer Adeeb the gift of a world tour? 146 www.alawaben.com لماذا قدم الشيخ حمدان رحلة ألديب كهدية؟ He offered Adeeb the world tour to help to give him more self- confidence and to inspire other young inventors from the UAE. 3. How did Adeeb get his inspiration for a waterproof prosthetic leg? كيف الهم أديب إلختراع قدم صناعية ضد الماء؟ He got the inspiration when he was at the beach with his family. His father couldn’t swim because he couldn’t risk getting his prosthetic leg wet. 4. Who will Adeeb be staying with in Germany, and what will he be doing there? وماذا سيفعل هناك؟,مع من سيمكث أديب في ألمانيا he will be staying with relatives. He will be working with a specialist doctor to build the appendage. He will also be attending a course on prosthetics and learning about different kinds of medical apparatus. 3. What is the meaning of suffix word (proof)? ؟Proof ماذا تعني الكلمة الالحقة It means ‘to provide protection against 6. What is the purpose of the in-car heart monitor? Why do you think that it is built into the seat belt? ما الهدف من اختراع جهاز مراقبة القلب في السيارة؟لماذا باعتقادك تم تركيبه بحزام األمان؟ The in-car heart monitor will be used to keep an eye on those with a heart problem while they are driving. It is built into the seat belt so that when the driver or passenger wears it, it is near their heart. 147 www.alawaben.com 7. According to the article, the young inventor has designed many things. Write down them. أذكرهم؟, صمم المخترع عدة أشياء,وفقا للمقالة A prosthetic limb, waterproof prosthetic leg, a tiny cleaning robot, a heart monitor, a fireproof helmet. 8. Quote the sentence which indicates that the young inventor is going to visit many countries. والتي تشير الى ان المخترع الصغير سيزور عدة دول؟,اقتبس جملة Adeeb is going to visit the USA, France, the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Italy and Germany 9. Match synonyms for these words in the article? صل المرداف لهذه الكلمات في النص؟ Apparatus / equipment Appendage / limb Artificial / prosthetic 148 www.alawaben.com Vocabulary: in the future Word Meaning in Meaning in English Arabic فاقد الوعي/غيبوبة Coma a state of unconsciousness caused by a certain injury and that lasts for an extended period of time. )جنون( مرض عقلي Dementia a mental illness the symptoms of which are problems with memory, personality changes and problems with reasoning دواء أو عقار Drug a medicine or a substance used for making medicines. زراعة عضو Implant a piece of tissue, prosthetic device, or other object implanted in the body. تجربة دوائية Medical trial trial to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medications 149 www.alawaben.com Prill Scanner Side effect Stroke Symptom Cancerous a small round piece of medicine to be swallowed whole a medical instrument that uses radiography to produce images of the insides of the human body effects of medicine on your body in addition to curing pain an illness when a blood tube in your brain bursts or is blocked, resulting in the brain being unable to function normally a physical problem that might indicate a disease Something that can cause cancer, which cells in the body begin to grow abnormally. 150 قرص دوائي ماسح تأثير جانبي سكتة دماغية اعراض مسرطن www.alawaben.com MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) a scan that uses strong magnetic fields to make a picture of the inside of someone’s body for medical reasons التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي In the future في المستقبل We will be able to have an operation to increase our intelligence. Scientists have already developed brain implants that improve vision or allow disabled people to use their thoughts in order to control prosthetic limbs like arms, legs or hands, or operate a wheelchair. In 2012 CE, research on monkeys showed that a brain (1) implant improved their decision –making abilities. How will humans benefit from this research? Scientists hope abilities to develop a similar device to help people who have been affected by brain damage, which could be caused by (2) dementia, a stroke or other brain injuries. سنكون قادرين على اجراء عملية لزيادة ذكائنا طور العلماء زراعة الدماغ التي تحسن الرؤية أو تسمح لذوي االحتياجات الخاصة من استخدام أو تشغيل كرسي, األرجل أو اليدين,افكارهم للتحكم باألطراف الصناعية مثل الذراعين أظهرت األبحاث على القرود بان زراعة الدماغ حسنت من قدراتها على,2012 في عام.المقعدين كيف سيستفيد البشر من هذا البحث؟ يأمل العلماء بأن يطورو أداة شبيهة لمساعدة.اتخاذ القرارات 151 www.alawaben.com الناس الذين تأثرو بضرر للدماغ والذي يمكن أن يكون سببه الجنون أو السكتة الدماغية أو اصابات .أخرى Doctors will be able to communicate with people in a coma. In 2010 CE, neuroscientists confirmed that it was possible to communicate with some patients in a coma, by using a special brain (3) scanner called an MRI. They suggested that, in the future, more meaningful dialogue with patients in a coma would be possible. Two years later, it has finally happened. The scanner, used on a man who has been in a coma for more than twelve years, proves that he has a conscious, thinking mind – a fact that had previously been disputed by many. Doctors plan to use similar brainscanning techniques in the future to find out whether patients are in pain, or what they would like to be done in order to improve their quality of life. .سيكون األطباء قادرين على التواصل مع األشخاص فاقدي الوعي أكد علماء األعصاب أنه كان من الممكن التواصل مع بعض المرضى,2010 في عام واقترحو. باستخدام ماسح دماغي خاص يسمى التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي,فاقدي الوعي في المستقبل بأنه سيكون ممكننا عمل حوارات ذات معنى أكثر مع المرضى فاقدي استخدم الماسح على رجل في غيبوبة ألكثر من اثني, حدث هذا اخيرا,وبعد سنتين.الوعي يخطط. حقيقة بان خالفها الكثيرون سابقا- وعقل مفكر, ويثبت بأن لديه وعي,عشر عاما األطباء الستخدام تقنيات مسح دماغي مشابهه في المستقبل إليجاد ما اذا كان المرضى .أو ماذا يرغبون أن يحدث لتحسين نوعية حياتهم,يتألمون A new drug will help to treat certain types of cancer almost instantly. A new cancer drug is being trialled in Plymouth, UK, which doctors hope will extend the lives of cancer patients and reduce their symptoms overnight. It is taken as a single (4) pill every morning, and so far patients have shown none of the usual (5) side effects such as the sickness and hair loss 152 www.alawaben.com that are experienced when undergoing other forms of cancer treatment. The new treatment works by blocking a protein which causes cancerous cells to grow. It will improve patients‟ life expectancy and quality of life much more quickly than any other treatment. The patients were interviewed a year after starting the treatment and are fit and well saying that they are definitely going to continue the trail. They have every reason to believe the new drug is going to work. Doctors at Plymouth hospital hope that it will help patients from all over the world. .سيساعد نوع جديد من الدواء في عالج انواع معينة من السرطان بشكل فوري والذي يأمل األطباء بأنه سيمدد حياة, بريطانيا,يتم تجربة دواء جديد للسرطان في بليموث ولحد اآلن لم يظهر,يؤخذ قرص واحد كل صباح.مرضى السرطان ويقلل من أعراضه فورا على المرضى اآلثار الجانبية المعتادة مثل المرض وفقدان الشعر التي تعرضو لها عندما يعمل العالج الجديد على منع بروتين معين.يخضعون ألشكال أخرى من معالجة السرطان سيعمل على تحسين العمر المتوقع لحياة المرضى ومن.والذي يسبب نمو الخاليا السرطانية وقد تمت مقابلة مع المرضى بعد عام من بداية.نوعية الحياة بسرعة أكثر من أي عالج آخر لديهم كل. يقولون بانهم بال شك سيستمرون بالتجربة العالجية.العالج وكانوا بصحة جيدة يأمل األطباء في مستشفى بليموث أن العالج.األسباب ألن يؤمنوا بأن الدواء الجديد سيعمل .يساعد المرضى في كل أنحاء العالم Answer the questions about the article 1. According to the article, scientists have already developed the brain implants for two purposes, write these two purposes down. أذكر هذين الغرضين؟, طور العلماء زراعة الدماغ لغرضين,وفقا للمقالة A. Improve vision. B. Allow disabled people to use their thoughts in order to control prosthetic limbs like arms, legs or hands, or operate a wheelchair. 2. According to the article, scientists have already 153 www.alawaben.com developed brain implants for disabled people for two reasons, write these two reasons down. أذكر هذين, طور العلماء زراعة الدماغ لذوي االحتياجات الخاصة لسببين,وفقا للمقالة السببين؟ A. In order to control prosthetic limbs like arms, legs or hands B. Operate a wheelchair. 3. According to the article, neuroscientists confirmed that it was possible to communicate with some patients in a coma. How can they do that? اكد علماء األعصاب بأنه كان من الممكن التواصل مع بعض المرضى فاقدي,وفقا للمقالة كيف يمكنهم فعل ذلك؟.الوعي By using a special brain scanner called an MRI. 4. Why doctors plan to use similar brain-scanning techniques on patients in a coma in the future? لماذا يخطط األطباءإلستخدام تقنيات مسح دماغي مشابهه على المرضى فاقدي الوعي في المستقبل؟ To find out whether patients are in pain, or what they would like to be done in order to improve their quality of life. 5. According to the article, in what way does the new cancer treatment work? في أي طريقة يعمل عالج السرطان الجديد؟,وفقا للمقال The new treatment works by blocking a protein which causes cancerous cells to grow. 6. According to the article, there are two positive results will affect on the lives of cancer patients. Write these two positive results down. 154 www.alawaben.com أكتب هاتين, هنالك نتيجتين ايجابيتين ستؤثر على حياة مرضى السرطان,وفقا للمقالة النتيجتين االيجابيتين؟ A. It will improve patients’ life expectancy B. It will improve quality of life much more quickly than any other treatment. 7. Find a word in the second paragraph which means “a state of” unconsciousness جد كلمة في الفقرة الثانية تعني" حالة من عدم الوعي"؟ Coma Vocabulary: the king Hussein cancer center Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic قسم األطفال Paediatric describing the area of medicine that deals with children and their illnesses Ward a room in a hospital, especially for patients needing similar kinds of care قسم Outpatient someone who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay for the night مريض غير مقيم 155 www.alawaben.com Radiotherapy the use of controlled amounts of radiation (a form of energy) to treat disease, especially cancer. العالج باألشعة The King Hussein Cancer Center مركز الملك حسين للسرطان The King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) is Jordan’s only comprehensive cancer treatment centre. It treats both adult and pediatric patients. As the population of the country increases, more and more families will rely on the hospital for cancer treatment. Patients come not only from Jordan but also from other countries in the region, as they are attracted by its excellent reputation, lower costs, and cultural and language similarities. يعالج كال من.مركز الملك حسين هو المركز األردني الوحيد والشامل لعالج السرطان ستعتمد المزيد,ومع تزايد عدد السكان في الدولة.المرضى البالغين والمرضى األطفال يأتي المرضى ليس من األردن.والمزيد من العائالت على المستشفى ألخذ عالج السرطان , والتكلفة المنخفضة, ألنهم تجذبهم سمعته الممتازة,بل من بلدان أخرى في المنطقة,فقط .والتشابه الثقافي واللغوي In order to cope with the increase in demand for treatment, the KHCC has begun an expansion program. Building started in 2011 CE. The hospital will have more than doubled its capacity by 2016 CE, increasing space for new cancer cases from 3,500 per year to 9,000. .بدأ مركز الحسين للسرطان برنامج التوسعة,ولكي يتعامل مع الزيادة في الطلب على العالج بزيادة المساحة,2016 سيكون المستشفى قد ضاعفته بحلول عام.2011 بدأ البناء عام . حالة في السنة9000 الى3500 لحاالت السرطان الجديدة من 156 www.alawaben.com By then, they will have added 182 extra beds, along with bigger units for different departments, including radiotherapy. New adult and paediatric wards will have opened. Additionally, they will have built a special ten floor outpatients‟ building, with an education centre which will include teaching rooms and a library. بما فيها, مع وحدات أكبر ألقسام مختلفة, سرير اضافي182 سيكونو قد أضافوا,عندئذ سيتم بناء مبنى خاص, اضافة, سيتم افتتاح أجنحة جديدة للبالغين واألطفال.العالج باألشعة والذي سيتضمن غرف, مع مركز تعليمي,مكون من عشرة طوابق للمرضى غير المقيمين .تعليمية ومكتبة Many cancer patients live far away from Amman, where the KHCC is located, and the journey to and from the hospital is often difficult. For this reason, there are plans to extend cancer care facilities to other parts of Jordan. In the near future, King Abdullah University Hospital in Irbid hopes to set up radiotherapy machines, so that cancer patients from northern Jordan will not have to go to Amman for radiotherapy treatment. , حيث يقع مركز الحسين للسرطان,يعيش العديد من مرضى السرطان بعيدا عن عمان هناك خطط لتوسيع منشآت, لهذا السبب.وغالبا ما تكون الرحلة صعبة من و إلى المستشفى يأمل مستشفى, في المستقبل القريب.رعاية مرضى السرطان إلى أجزاء أخرى من األردن لذا فان مرضى السرطان من,الملك عبد هللا الجامعي في اربد بانشاء أجهزة العالج باألشعة .شمالي األردن لن يضطرو للذهاب الى عمان للعالج باألشعة Answer the questions about the article: 1. Why does the hospital need to expand? لماذا يحتاج المستشفى للتوسعة؟ The hospital need to expand because there is more demand for treatment. 2. Give three reasons why patients from other countries visit the centre. 157 www.alawaben.com أعط ثالثة أسباب تجعل المرضى من البلدان األخرى يزورون المركز؟ It has an excellent reputation, the costs are lower and there are cultural and language similarities. 3. What is one of the disadvantages of the KHCC for patients who live far from Amman? ما هي احدى سلبيات مركز الحسين للسرطان بالنسبة للمرضى الذين يعيشون يعيدا عن عمان؟ The journey to and from the hospital is often difficult. 4. What plans are there for increasing cancer care facilities in other parts of Jordan? ما هي الخطط لزيادة منشآت رعاية مرضى السرطان في أجزاء أخرى من األردن؟ There are plans to set up radiotherapy machines in Irbid. 5. How do you think the increase in population will affect Jordan’s housing, education and health facilities? كيف تعتقد أن الزيادة في عدد السكان يؤثر على مرافق السكن والتعليم والصحة في األردن؟ It might get more difficult for the government to help people, and taxes might increase. 6. What can be done to help Jordan cope with the increase in population? ما الذي يمكن القيام به لمساعدة األردن في التعامل مع الزيادة في عدد السكان؟ The government should spend more money making sure there are enough facilities for everyone. 7. Why does king Abdullah university hospital in Irbid hope to set up radiotherapy machines لماذا يأمل مستشفى الملك عبد هللا الجامعي في اربد بانشاء أجهزة العالج اإلشعاعي؟ So that cancer patients from northern Jordan will not have to go to Amman for radiotherapy treatment 158 www.alawaben.com Accident victim test first artificial limb ضحية حادث سير يفحص أول طرف صناعي له Scientists have successfully invented a prosthetic hand with a sense of touch. It is an exciting new invention, which they plan to develop. It is possible that, in the not-too distant future, similar artificial arms and legs will have taken the place of today’s prosthetic limbs والذي يخطط,انها اختراع جديد ومثير.اخترع العلماء بنجاح يد صناعية فيها حاسة اللمس ليس في المستقبل البعيد ستحل أذرع وأقدام صناعية, انه من الممكن ذلك.العلماء لتطويره .شبيهه محل أطراف اليوم الصناعية Dennis Sorensen, a 39- year-old from Denmark, was the first person to try out the new invention. After losing his left hand in an accident, he had been using a standard prosthetic hand for nine years. The new hand, which was developed by Swiss and Italian scientists, was a huge improvement. With it, Sorensen could not only pick up and manipulate objects, but he could also feel them. „When I held an object, I could feel if it was soft or hard, round or square,‟ he explained. He said that the sensations were almost the same as the ones he felt with his other hand. كان اول شخص يجرب اإلختراع, عاما من الدنمارك39 البالغ من العمر,دينيس سورنسون اليد. كان يستخدم يد صناعية عادية لمدة تسعة أعوام. بعدما فقد يده اليسرى في حادث,الجديد . كانت تحسنا ضخما, والتي تم تطويرها من قبل علماء سويسريون وايطاليون,الجديدة بل تمكن أيضا من, لم يتمكن سورنسون من التقاط األشياء والتحكم بها وحسب,وبوساطتها استطعت أن أشعر ما اذا كان ناعما أو قاسيا أو, " عندما أمسكت شيئا, أوضح.الشعور بها وقال ان األحاسيس تقريبا كانت نفس األحاسيس التي شعر بها مع يده,مستديرا أو مربعا .األخرى Unfortunately, Sorensen was only taking part in trials, and the equipment is not ready for general use yet. He was only allowed to wear it for a month, for safety reasons. So now 159 www.alawaben.com he has his old artificial hand back. However, he hopes that soon he will be wearing the new type of hand again. He is looking forward to the time when similar artificial limbs are available for the thousands of people who need them. He will have helped to transform their lives. والمعدات غير جاهزة لالستخدام, كان سورنسون يشارك في التجارب وحسب,لسوء الحظ لذا لديه االن يده, ألسباب تتعلق بالسالمة,سمح له بارتدائها لمدة شهر فقط.العام حتى اآلن يامل انه سرعان ما سوف يرتدي النوع الجديد من اليد مرة,ومع ذلك.االصطناعية القديمة وانه يتطلع الى الوقت التي ستكون فيه األطراف الصناعية الجديدة متاحة لآلالف من.اخرى .سيكون قد ساعد على تحويل حياتهم.النالس الذين يحتاجون اليها Answer the questions about the article: 1. Who invented the new prosthetic hand? What is special about it? ما هو المميز فيها؟,من الذي اخترع اليد االصطناعية الجديدة Swiss and Italian scientists; it allows the wearer to feel objects. 2. Why does Dennis Sorensen need a prosthetic hand? لماذا يحتاج دينيس سورنسون يدا صناعية؟ Because he lost his left hand in an accident. 3. Which hand is he wearing now? Why? أي يد يرتديها اآلن؟ لماذا؟ His old artificial hand, because the new hand is not yet ready for general use. 4. What do the bold pronouns „I‟ refer to in line 17? ؟17 " في السطرI" على ماذا تعود الضمائر Dennis Sorensen. 160 www.alawaben.com 5. Find a word that is the opposite of „natural‟ in the first and third paragraphs .جد الكلمة التي هي عكس " طبيعية" في الفقرتين األولى والثالثة Artificial 6. In your opinion, in what ways would a prosthetic hand improve someone’s life? في أية طرق يمكن لليد االصطناعية تحسين حياة شخص ما؟,في رأيك In my opinion I think that most of the things need to use a both hands, and artificial hand may help a little, and is considered an aesthetic view of those who have lost their hands, so the person who wears it will feel like the others. 7. The new hand, which was developed by Swiss and Italian scientists, Sorensen could feel many things. Write down these things مكنت سورنسون أن يشعر بالكثير, والتي طورها علماء سويسريون وايطاليون,اليد الجديدة . أكتب هذه األشياء.من األشياء He could feel if it was soft or hard, round or square. 8. Why was Sorensen allowed to wear the new hand for a month? لمذا سمح لسورنسون بارتداء اليد الجديدة لمدة شهر فقط؟ Because he was only taking part in trials, and the equipment is not ready for general use yet. 161 www.alawaben.com Module 3: Achievements Unit 4: success stories Vocabulary: The importance of Islamic achievements in history Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic علم الحساب Arithmetic The study of numbers علم الهندسه Geometry Subject which is studied by mathmaticians عالم رياضيات Mathematician Someone who works with numbers فيلسوف Philosopher Someone who studies and writes philosophy professionally الطبيب Physician An old- fashioned word that means doctor (متعدد الثقافة Polymath An expert in many )موسوعي subjects ميزان Scale An instrument to measure weight مختبر Laboratory A room for scientific experiments موهبه Talent Special ability مؤسس Founder The person who starts something new, such as an organization or city تناغم موسيقي Musical harmony A pleasant sound in music, made by playing or singing a group 162 www.alawaben.com Composition (of music) Revolutionise Inheritance Ground-breaking A piece of music that someone has written To completely change the way people do something. Money or things that you get from someone after they die. New, innovation التأليف الموسيقي أحدث ثورة ( غير )جذريا ميراث مبتكر The importance of Islamic achievements in history أهمية االنجازات االسالمية في التاريخ Jabber ibn hayyan ( born 722CE,died 857CE) The Arab world has many famous chemists in its history, but the person who is known as the founder of chemistry is probably Jabir Ibn Hayyan He is most well known for the beginning of the production of sulphuric acid. He also built a set of scales which changed the way in which chemists weighed items in a laboratory: his scales could weigh items over6,000 times smaller than a kilogram. ) م851 وتوفي, م722 جابر بن حيان( ولد في ولكن الشخص الذي عرف،العالم العربي لديه العديد من الكيميائيين المشهورين في تاريخه فهو أكثر من المعروف لبداية إنتاج حامض.كمؤسس للكيمياء على األرجح جابر بن حيان ووضع أٌيضا مجموعة من المقاييس التي غيرت الطريقة التي كان الكيميائيون.الكبريتيك حيث ان مقايسه استطاعت ان تزن مواد اكثر صغرا بـ,يزنون بها األشياء في المختبر مرة من الكيلوغرام6000 163 www.alawaben.com Ali ibn Nafi ( ziryab) (born 789 CE, died 857 CE) Ali ibn Nafi‟ is also known as „Ziryab‟ (or „Blackbird‟, because of his beautiful voice). He was a gifted pupil of a famous musician from Baghdad, and it was his talent for music that led him to Cordoba in the ninth century CE. He was the guest of the Umayyad ruler there. He is the person who established the first music school in the world in Cordoba, Al Andalus, teaching musical harmony and composition. He revolutionised musical theory, and is also the person who introduced the oud to Europe. )علي بن نافع( زرياب ) م857 توفي, م789 ولد في وكان.) ألن صوته جميل،"علي بن نافع والمعروف أٌيضا باسم"زرياب" (أو "الطائر األسود وكانت موهبته في الموسيقى هي التي،تلميذا موهوبا من الموسيقيين المشهورين من بغداد وإنه. وكان ضيفا ً على الحاكم األموي هناك.قادت به إلى قرطبة في القرن التاسع الميالدي تعلم العزف، األندلس،الشخص الذي أنشأ أول مدرسة للموسيقى في العالم في قرطبة وهو أٌيضا الشخص الذي قدم العود، أحدث ثورة في النظرة الموسيقية.والتأليف الموسيقي .إلى أوروبا Fatima al-Fihri (born early 9th century, died 880 CE) Fatima al-Fihri was the daughter of a wealthy businessman. She used her father‟s inheritance to build a learning centre in Fez, Morocco. This learning centre became Morocco‟s top university and it is where many students from all over the world come to study. Moreover, it was Fatima‟s sister, Mariam, who supervised the building of the Andalus Mosque, which was not far from the learning centre. 164 www.alawaben.com فاطمة الفهري ) م880 توفيت,( ولدت في أوائل القرن التاسع عشر إستخدمت ميراث والدها لبناء مركز تعليم في.كانت فاطمة الفهري إبنة رجل أعمال ثري وحيث العديد من الطالب، أصبح مركز التعلم هذا أرقى جامعة في المغرب, المغرب،فاس التي، مريم، كانت أخت فاطمة، وعالوة على ذلك.من جميع أنحاء العالم يأتون للدراسة . الذي لم يكن بعيدا ً عن مركز التعلم،أشرفت على بناء مسجد األندلس Al-Kindi (born around 801 CE, died 873 CE) Al-Kindi was a physician, philosopher, mathematician, chemist, musician and astronomer– a true polymath. He made ground-breaking discoveries in many of these fields, but it is probably his work in arithmetic and geometry that has made him most famous. ) م873 وتوفي, م801 الكندي( ولد حوالي عالم موسوعي- موسيقي وفلكي، كيميائي،كان الكندي طبيبا وفيلسوفا وعالم رياضيات ولكن ربما يكون عمله في علم، ولديه إكتشافات مبتكرة في العديد من هذه المجاالت.حقيقي .الحساب والهندسة التي جعلت منه األكثر شهرة Answer the questions about the article: 1. Jabir Ibn Hayyan had many of the most important achievements. Write down these achievements. . أكتب هذه االنجازات.جابر ابن حيان كان له العديد من االنجازات A.Founder of chemistry B. The production of sulphuric acid. C. He built a set of scales. 2. Jabir Ibn Hayyan built a set of scales which changed the way in which chemists weighed items in laboratory. In what way it helped them 165 www.alawaben.com وضع جابر ابن حيان مجموعة من المقاييسالتي غيرت الطريقة التي كان الكيميائيون يزنزن . في أي طريقة ساعدتهم.بها األشياء في المختبر His scales could weigh items over 6,000 times smaller than a kilogram. 3. Why was Ali Ibn Nafi‟ called the „blackbird‟? .لماذا كان علي بن نافع يلقب بالطائر األسود Because of his beautiful voice. 4. Ali Ibn Nafi‟ had many of the most important achievements. Write down these achievements. . اكتب هذه االنجازات.علي بن نافع كان له العديد من االنجازات A. He established the first music school in the world in Cordoba. B. He introduced the oud to Europe. 5. How did Fatima al-Fihri use her father’s inheritance? .كيف استخدمت فاطمة الفهري ميراث والدها She used her father’s inheritance to build a learning centre in Fez, Morocco. 6. What is AL-Kindi famous for? .ما الذي اشتهر به الكندي His work in arithmetic and geometry. 7. According to the article, al-Kindi was a polymath in many fields. Write down these fields. . أكتب هذه المجاالت. كان الكندي موسوعي في العديد من المجاالت,وفقا لهذه المقالة Al-Kindi was a physician, philosopher, mathematician, chemist, musician and astronomer 166 www.alawaben.com Vocabulary: Masdar City – a positive step? Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic مصطنع Artificially-created Not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural محايدة الكربون Carbon-neutral Not affecting the total amount of carbon dioxide in earth’s atmosphere انتقاد Criticize To evaluate or analyze (something). تحلية المياه Desalination The process of removing salt from sea water so that it can be used )شبكة( شبكة طاقة Grid (energy grid) A system of wires through which electricity is connected to different power stations across a region. مشروع ضخم Megaproject A very large, expensive, ambitious business project. 167 www.alawaben.com Outweigh Pedestrian Sustainability Vary Zero-waste To be more important than something else. Someone who is walking, especially along a street or another place that is used by cars. The state of being able to continue forever, or for very long time. To differ according to the situation. Producing no waste, or having parts that can be reused يفوق المشاه االستدامة يختلف خالي من النفايات Masdar City – a positive step? خطوة ايجابية؟-مدينة مصدر Megaprojects are extremely large investment projects, which are designed to encourage economic growth and bring new benefits to cities. Although megaprojects vary in terms of size and cost, they are all, by definition, expensive, public projects that attract a high level of interest and media coverage. Projects range from 168 www.alawaben.com motorways, airports, stations, tunnels, bridges, etc. to entire city complexes. المشاريع الضخمة هي مشاريع إستثمارية كبيرة للغاية ،وهي مصممة لتشجيع النمو اإلقتصادي وتحقيق منافع جديدة للمدن .على الرغم من أن المشاريع الضخمة تختلف من حيث الحجم والتكلفة ،اإل إنها كلها ،بحكم التعريف ،مكلفة ،والمشاريع العامة التي تجذب على مستوى عال من اإلهتمام والتغطية اإلعالمية وتتراوح المشاريع من الطرق السريعة، المطارات ،المحطات ،أنفاق ،والجسور ،وما إلى ذلك مجمعات المدينة بأكملها. The concept of a megaproject is always based on the benefits it brings to a community. However, many megaprojects have been criticised because of their negative effects on a community or the environment. This essay will look at these issues with regard to Masdar City, a megaproject in Abu Dhabi. مفهوم المشروع الضخم يستند دائما ً على الفوائد التي تحققها للمجتمع .ومع ذلك ،تعرضت العديد من المشاريع الضخمة إلنتقادات كثيرة بسبب آثارها السلبية على المجتمع أو البيئة .هذا المقال سينظر في هذه القضايا فيما يتعلق بمدينة مصدر ،وهو مشروع ضخم في أبوظبي. Masdar City, which began its development in 2006 CE, will be the world‟s first carbon-neutral, zero-waste artificiallycreated city. Covering an area of six square kilometres, when it is completed in 2025 CE, it is expected to house more than 40,000 residents, 50,000 commuters, and 1,500 businesses involved in mainly environmentally-friendly products. ومدينة مصدر ،التي بدأت تطورها في عام 2006م ،ستكون أول مدينة تم إنشائها محايدة الكربون ،وخالية من المخلفات اإلصطناعية في العالم ،تغطي مساحة قدرها ستة كيلومترات مربعة ،عند إكتماله في عام 2025م ،ومن المتوقع أن يؤؤي أكثر من 000,40مقيما، 000,50متنقال 500,1 ،من قطاع األعمال يشارك بشكل رئيسي في منتجات صديقة للبيئة. 169 www.alawaben.com The city will run entirely on renewable energy sources. It is built on an advanced energy grid which monitors exactly how much electricity is being used by every outlet in the complex. أنها بنيت على شبكة الطاقة.سيتم تشغيل المدينة بالكامل على مصادر الطاقة المتجددة .المتقدمة التًي تراقب بالضبط كمية الكهرباء المستخدمة من قبل كل منفذ في المجمع Furthermore, in order to reduce its carbon footprint, Masdar City will be a car-free zone, designed to be pedestrian and cycle-friendly. Electric, driverless cars will operate as public transport vehicles, and the city will be connected to other locations by a network of roads and railways. مدينة مصدر ستكون منطقة، من أجل التقليل من أثر إنبعاثات الكربون،وعالوة على ذلك وسيارات، الكهربائية. ومصممة لتكون صديقة للمشاة وراكبي الدراجات،خالية من السيارات وسيتم ربط المدينة بمواقع أخرى من خالل،كهربائية بدون سائق ستعمل كوسائل نقل عامة .شبكة من الطرق والسكك الحديدية Energy will be provided by solar power and wind farms, and there are also plans to build the world’s largest hydrogen plant. A desalination plant will be used to provide the city’s water, with 80% of water used being recycled. Biological waste will be used as an energy source too, and industrial waste will be recycled. وهناك أٌيضا خطط إلقامة،وسيتم توفير الطاقة عن طريق الطاقة الشمسية ومزارع الرياح ، وسيٌتم استخدام محطة لتحلية المياه لتزويد المدينة بالماء.أضخم محطة هيدرو ٌجن في العالم ، وستستخدم النفايات الحيوية كمصدر للطاقة أٌيضا. من المياه المستخدمة٪80 مع تكرير .وسيتم إعادة تدويرالنفايات الصناعية The current residents of Masdar City are all students at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, a university whose students are fully committed to finding solutions to the world’s energy problems. 170 www.alawaben.com جامعة،المقيمون الحاليون لمدينة مصدر كلهم طالب في معهد مصدر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا .طالبها ملتزمون تماما إليجاد حلول لمشاكل الطاقة في العالم While the project has the support of many global, environmental and conservation organisations, there is some criticism of it. It is felt that, instead of building an artificial sustainable city, sustainability should be made a priority of existing cities. وهناك بعض،في حين أن المشروع حظى بدعم العديد من المنظمات العالمية والحماية البيئية ينبغي أن تكون، بدالً من إقامة مدينة مستدامة إصطناعية، ويرى أنه.اإلنتقاد من ذلك .اإلستدامة أولوية للمدن القائمة In conclusion, the benefits of Masdar City for the community and the environment greatly outweigh any disadvantages. If the aims of the developers are realised, Masdar City will be a blueprint for future urban planning that will inspire similar megaprojects in other countries. فإذا تم. فإن فوائد مدينة مصدر للمجتمع والبيئة تفوق إلى حد كبير أٌية عيوب،في الختام فإن مدينة مصدر ستكون قدوة للتخطيط الحضري في المستقبل،إدراك أهداف المطورين .ستلهم مشاريع ضخمة مماثلة في بلدان أخرى Answer the questions about the article: 1. What examples of megaprojects are provided in the essay? ما هي األمثلة على المشاريع العمالقة التي قدمت في المقال؟ Examples of projects include motorways, airports, stations, tunnels, bridges, etc. to entire city complexes. 2. What are the advantages of the creation of Masdar city? What are the disadvantages? وماهي سلبياتها؟.ما هي ايجابيات بناء مدينة مصدر The advantages include the fact that it will be the world’s first carbon-neutral, zero-waste city. Although there will be 171 www.alawaben.com excellent public transport. The disadvantage is that many people think the money should have been spent on cleaning up existing places and making them more sustainable. 3. Do you think that Masdar City is a beneficial project or not? Give your reasons. ما هي ايجابيات وسلبيات المشاريع العمالقة على الناس والبيئة؟ The advantages include installing the latest technology that helps cities to become environmentally friendly. However, disadvantages are that they are all brand new and some people think it would be better to spend the money on regenerating old towns. 5. According to the essay, megaprojects are extremely large investment projects, which are designed for two purposes. Write these two purposes down. أكتب. والتي صممت لغرضين, المشاريع العمالقة هي مشاريع استثمارية للغاية,وفقا للمقالة هذين الغرضين في األسفل؟ A. Megaprojects are designed to encourage economic growth. B. Bring new benefits to community. 6. According to the essay, what is the concept of a megaproject? ما هو مفهوم المشاريع الضخمة؟,وفقا للمقالة The concept of a megaproject is always based on the benefits it brings to a community. 7. According to the essay, many megaprojects have been criticised for many reasons. Mention them. 172 www.alawaben.com أذكرها؟, تعرضت العديد من المشاريع العمالقة النتقادات ألسباب عديدة,وفقا للمقالة Because of their negative effects on a community or the environment. 8. According to the essay, there are many things that will make Masdar city environmentally-friendly city. هنالك العديد من األمور التي من شأنها أن تجعل مدينة مصدر مدينة صديقة,وفقا للمقالة أذكرها؟,للبيئة A.it will be the world’s first carbon-neutral. B. it will be the world’s first zero-waste artificially-created city. C. it will run entirely on renewable energy sources. D. it will be a car-free zone. E. biological waste will be used as an energy source. 9. According to the essay, Masdar city will rely on some of the renewable sources of energy. Write don them. أذكرهم؟,مدينه مصدر ستعتمد على بعض مصادر الطاقة المتجددة,وفقا للمقالة Solar energy and wind farms. 10. Quite the sentence which indicates that Masdar City supported by global institutions. "جد كلمة في النص والتي تعني" عملية ازالة الملح من مياه البحر Desalination 12. Although the project of Masdar city has the support of many global organisations, there is some criticism of it. Give the reason واجه المشروع,على الرغم من أن مدينة مصدر تحظى بدعم العديد من المنظمات العالمية . أعط السبب, بعض االنتقادات من ذلك 173 www.alawaben.com It is felt that, instead of building an artificial sustainable city, sustainability should be made a priority of existing cities A founding father of farming األب المؤسس للزراعة Ibn Bassal was a writer, a scientist and an engineer who lived in Al-Andalus in the eleventh century CE. He worked in the court of Al-Ma‟mun, (1) who was the king of Toledo. His great passions were botany, (2) which is the study of plants, and agriculture. Although he was a great scholar, he was also a practical man and all of his writing came from his own „hands-on‟ experience of working the land. عالما ً ومهندسا ً الذي عاش في األندلس في القرن الحادي عشر،ًكان ابن البصال كاتبا وكانت عواطفه كبيرة.) الذي كان ملك طليطلة1 ( ، كان يعمل في بالط المأمون.الميالدي كان،ً على الرغم من أنه كان عالما ً كبيرا. والزراعة،) والذي يدرس النباتات2( ،بعلم النبات أٌيضا ً رجال عمليا وجميع كتاباته جاءت من تجربته العملية على العمل في األرض One of the many things which Ibn Bassal achieved was A Book of Agriculture. The book consisted of sixteen chapters which explain how best to grow trees, fruit and vegetables, as well as herbs and sweet-smelling flowers; perhaps the most famous chapter of all was the one (3) that described how to treat different types of soil. Ibn Bassal also worked out how to irrigate the land by finding underground water and digging wells. He designed water pumps and irrigation systems. All of these things were passed on through his writing. 174 www.alawaben.com أحد األشياء العديدة التي حققها إبن البصال كان كتاب الزراعة .يتألف الكتاب من ستة عشر فصال التي توضح أفضل الطرق لزراعة األشجار والفواكه والخضروات ،وكذلك األعشاب والزهور ذات الرائحة الطيبة؛ ربما الفصل األكثر شهرة في كل واحد ( )3الذي وصف كيفية التعامل مع أنواع مختلفة من التربة .عرف إبن البصال أٌيضا كيف يروي األرض من خالل إيجاد المياه الجوفية وحفر اآلبار .صمم مضخات المياه وأنظمة الري .كل هذه األشياء نقلت من خالل كتاباته. The influence of Ibn Bassal‟s book was enormous. As farmers down the generations followed his instructions and advice, the land became wonderfully fertile and produced more than enough food for the fast-growing population. The irrigation systems (4) that he and his followers put in place are still in evidence in Spain. Although his name is not widely known, Ibn Bassal‟s legacy to the world has been great . كان تأثير كتاب إبن البصال هائال .كلما اتبع المزارعين عبر األجيال تعليماته ونصيحته ،كلما أصبحت األرض خصبة رائعة وأنتجت أكثر من ما يكفي من الغذاء للسكان الذي يشهد نموا ً سريعا . نظام الري التي وضعها هو وأتباعه في مكان ال تزال دليال في اسبانيا .على الرغم من أن إسمه غير معروف على نطاق واسع ،إرث إبن البصال إلى العالم كان عظيما ً . Answer the questions about the article: 1. Name two of Ibn Bassal‟s achievements. سم اثنين من انجازات ابن البصال ;Writing A Book of Agriculture Designing water pumps and irrigation systems. 2. Find a verb in the second paragraph that means „supply ‟land with water جد فعل في الفقرة الثانية يعني " تزويد األرض بالماء" Irrigate. 175 www.alawaben.com 3. Guess the meaning of „fertile land‟ in the third paragraph. Which part of the text illustrates its meaning? . أي جزء من النص يوضح معناها. خمن معنى" األرض الخصبة" في الفقرة الثالثة Agriculturally productive; produced more than enough food..’ (lines 28-29) 4. Guess the meaning of „legacy‟ in the third paragraph. What does the author suggest is Ibn Bassal‟s legacy to the world? . ماذا يقترح يقترح المؤلف بارث ابن البصال للعالم,خمن معنى " ارث" في الفقرة الثالثة ‘Legacy’ means what someone leaves to the world after their death. Ibn Bassal’s legacy is his agricultural instructions and advice. 5. Which paragraph suggests that Ibn Bassal was a polymath? Give examples of his areas of knowledge. . أعط أمثلة عن مجاالت معرفته,أي فقرة تشير الى أن ابن البصال كان موسوعي The first paragraph: writing, science, engineering, botany, agriculture. 6. Why do you think the area around Toledo had a „fastgrowing population‟? .لماذا تعتقد بأن المنطقة الحيوية بتوليدو كانت سريعة النمو السكاني Because the area was producing a lot of food as a result of Ibn Bassal’s irrigation systems. 7. According to the article. Where did Ibn Bassal get his knowledge? . اين حصل ابن البصال على معرفته,وفقا لهذه المقالة From his own ‘hand-on’ experience of working the land. 176 www.alawaben.com 8. What does the most famous chapter in 'book of agriculture' illustrate? .ماذا يوضح الفصل األكثر شهرة في كتاب الزراعة That described how to treat different types of soil. 9. According to the article, Ibn Bassal worked out how to irrigate the land, How did he do that? And what did he design? . وماذا صمم, كيف فعل ذلك, عرف ابن البصال كيف يروي األرض,وفقا للمقالة By finding underground water and digging wells. He designed water pumps and irrigation systems 177 www.alawaben.com Unit 5 The arts Vocabulary: The arts in Jordan Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic خزف Ceramics The art of producing something made from clay or porcelain. معهد موسيقي Conservatory a school where people are trained in music or acting. فنون جميلة Fine arts Creation of beautiful works such as sculpture,painting, or music تجهيزات فنية Installation An art exhibit often involving video or moving parts فنون األداء Perfoming arts A type of art that can combine acting, dance,painting and film to express an idea. منسوجات Textiles Types of cloth woven fabric. فنون بصرية Visual arts Art such as painting or sculpture that you look at, as opposed to literature or music 178 www.alawaben.com The arts in Jordan الفنون في األردن Jordan has a very rich cultural heritage thanks to the support of the Department of Culture and the Arts, which was founded in 1966 CE. Since then, the department has built up an exciting, ongoing programme of cultural activities related to all the arts: music, visual arts, performing arts and the written word. التي تأسست عام,لدى األردنيين تراث ثقافي غني جدا بفضل دعم وزارة الثقافة والفنون وضعت الوزارة برنامجا مستمرا مثيرا لألنشطة الثقافية المتعلقة, ومنذ ذلك الحين.م1966 . وفنون األداء والكلمة المكتوبة, الموسيقى الفنون البصرية:بجميع الفنون In 1979 CE, the Royal Society of Fine Arts (RSFA) was established to promote visual arts in Jordan and other countries in the region. It has links with major art galleries around the world in order to encourage artists from different cultures to learn from each other. تم تأسيس الجمعية الملكية للفنون الجميلة لتعزيز الفنون البصرية في،م1979 في عام لديها صالت مع المعارض الفنية الكبرى في جميع أنحاء.األردن وبلدان أخرى في المنطمة .العالم من أجل تشجيع الفنانين من مختلف الثقافات ليتعلموا من بعضهم البعض The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts is one of the most important art museums in the Middle East. The collection includes over 2,000 works of art, including paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations, textiles and ceramics, by more than 800 artists from 59 countries. In 2013 CE, it held Jordan’s largest art exhibition called „70 Years of Contemporary Jordanian Art‟ 179 www.alawaben.com المتحف الوطني األردني للفنون الجميلة هو إحدى أهم المتاحف الفنية في الشرق األوسط. وتضم المجموعة أكثر من 2,000عمل فني ،بما في ذلك اللوحات والمنحوتات والصور الفوتوغرافية والمنشآت والمنسوجات والخزفيات ،من خالل أكثر من 800فنانا ً من 59 بلدا ً .في عام 2013م ،أقيم أكبر معرض فني في األردن سمي ' 70سنة من الفن األردني المعاصر. Until the 1990s, most Jordanian literature was only available in Arabic. However, thanks to PROTA (the Project of Translation from Arabic) many Jordanian plays, novels, short stories and poems are now translated into English, and people all over the world are able to read and appreciate them. حتى التسعينات ,كان معظم األدب األردني متوفرا فقط باللغة العربية .ومع ذلك ,بفضل (PROTAمشروع الترجمة من اللغة العربية ) ترجم العديد من المسرحيات األردنية ,روايات ,قصص قصيرة وقصائد اآلن الى اللغة االنجليزية ,والناس في جميع انحاء العالم قادرين على قرائتها وتقديرها. Every year, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) chooses a different Arab city as the Arab Cultural Capital. In 2002 CE, the city of Amman was awarded this title. في كل عام ,تختار منظمة األمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة ( اليونيسكو)مدينة عربية مختلفة كعاصمة للثقافة العربية .في عام 2002م ,حصلت مدينة عمان على هذا اللقلب. Jordan has a centuries-old musical heritage. The National Music Conservatory (NMC) opened in 1986 CE, making it possible for more Jordanian students to study music seriously. ويوجد لدى األردن تراث موسيقي قديم منذ قرون .افتتح المعهد ) عام 1986م ,مما يجعل من الممكن للمزيد الوطني للموسيقى ( من الطلبة األردنيين دراسة الموسيقى بشكل جاد. 180 www.alawaben.com In 1987 CE, the National Centre for Culture and Arts was created, which showcases theatre and dance in Jordan and in the region الذي يعرض المسرح والرقص, تم انشاء المركز الوطني للثقافة والفنون,م1987 في عام .في األردن والمنطقة Realising the value of art and culture, Jordan decided to offer Jordanians and the world an annual arts festival. In 1981 CE, the Jerash Festival for Culture and Arts was founded. This three-week-long summer programme is one of the largest cultural activities in the region. It takes place in the important archaeological site of Jerash, which underlines the close relationship between the arts and Jordan‟s cultural history . قرر األردن أن يقدم لألردنيين والعالم مهرجان الفنون السنوي,والدراك قيمة الفن والثقافة هذا البرنامج الصيفي الذي يمتد. تم تأسيس مهرجان جرش للثقافة والفنون,م1981 في عام فهو يقام على الموقع األثري. هو واحد من أضخم األنشطة الثقافية في المنطقة,لثالثة أسابيع . والذي يؤكد على العالقة الوثيقة بين الفنون وتاريخ األردن الثقافي,في جرش Answer the questions about the article: 1. How does the royal society of fine arts show its supported for the arts in Jordan? كيف تظهر الجمعية الملكية للفنون الجميلة دعمها للفنون في األردن؟ It shows its support by having links with major art galleries around the world and by promoting visual arts in Jordan. 2. What makes the Jordan national gallery of fine arts a major instituation in the world of art? ما الذي يجعل المتحف الوطني األردني للفنون الجميلة مؤسسة كبيرة في عالم الفن؟ It is so important because it has over 2,000 works of art by more than 800 artists from 59 countries. 181 www.alawaben.com 3. How has translation helped Jordanian literature? كيف ساعدت الترجمة األدب األردني؟ Translation has helped Jordanian literature by making it more accessible to people all over the world. 4. What is the significance of the location of the annual Jerash festival? ما هي أهمية موقع مهرجان جرش السنوي؟ It takes place in Jerash, which is an important archeological site. This shows the close relationship between the arts and Jordan’s cultural history. 5. To truly understand a country‟s culture, you have to understand its artistic heritage; do you agree or disagree? Justify your answer. برر اجابتك؟. هل توافق أم ال, عليك ان تفهم تراثها الفني,لكي تفهم ثقافة بلد ما I agree with this statement, culture gives a vivid picture about people in the past and present. For example, nowadays people outside Jordan and the Arab world will understand Jordanian culture. 6. Department of Culture and the Arts has built up an exciting programme of cultural activities. Write down these cultural activities. أكتب هذه األنشطة الثقافية؟.وضعت وزارة الثقافة والفنون برنامجا مثيرا لألنشطة التقافية Music, visual arts, performing arts and the written word. 7. Why was the Royal Society of Fine Arts established? لماذا تم تأسيس الجمعية الملكية للفنون الجميلة؟ To promote visual arts in Jordan and other countries in the region. 182 www.alawaben.com 8. The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts includes many works of art. Write down these works of arts. أكتب هذه األعمال.المتحف الوطني األردني للفنون الجميلة يتضمن العديد من األعمال الفنية .الفنية Paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations, textiles and ceramics. Vocabulary: A magazine article about a professional craftsman Word Meaning in english Meaning in Arabic خزف Ceramics The art of producing something made from clay or porcelain. الحرفي Craftsman Someone who is very skilled at a particular craft, which they make things with their hands استعراض Demonstration An act of explaining and showing how to do something, or how something works. نفخ الزجاج Glassblowing The art of shaping a piece of hot, melted glass by blowing air into it through a tube. 183 www.alawaben.com A magazine article about a professional craftsman مقالة مجلة حول حرفي محترف Adnan, a professional craftsman, is at work in his studio. With the oven at 1,400 degrees Centigrade, 20 hours a day, a glass-making studio isn’t the most comfortable place to be. For Adnan, however, this is more than just a job. „My family has been blowing glass for around 700 years,‟ he says. „My father learnt the craft from his father, and he taught it to me when I was a child.‟ مع الفرن بدرجة حرارة. يعمل في االستوديو الخاص به, وهو حرفي محترف,عدنان استوديو صناعة الزجاج ليس المكان األكثر, ساعة في اليوم20 ولمدة, درجة مئوية1400 " تنفخ عائلتي الزجاج, هذا أكثر من مجرد عمل, على أية حال.راحة ليكون بالنسبة لعدنان وعلمها لي عنما كنت, " تعلم والدي هذه الحرفة من والده. كما يقول. سنة700 منذ حوالي ."طفال Adnan is passionate about this ancient craft, and regularly gives demonstrations and workshops to teach young people the skills of glassblowing. ويعطي استعراضات وورش عمل لتعليم الشباب,عدنان عاطفي تجاه هذه الحرفة القديمة .مهارات نفخ الزجاج بشكل منتظم He strongly believes that unless we interest more young people in learning the craft, nobody will know how to make hand-blown glass in the future. „These days, young people don’t always want to follow their parents‟ professions, and, added to that, glassblowing isn’t an easy job. It has to be an obsession, as it is for me!‟ ال أحد سيعرف كيفية ان,ويعتقد بقوة بأنه ما لم نكن نهتم بالمزيد من الشباب في تعلم الحرفة الشباب ال يريدون دائما أن يتبعو مهن, " في هذه األيام.نصنع الزجاج المنفوخ في المستقبل كما هو, يجب أن يكون هاجسا, نفخ الزجاج ليست مهمة سهلة, ويضيف الى ذلك, آبائهم ."بالنسبة لي Adnan still uses the technique that was first developed by the Phoenicians some 2,000 years ago. First, he pushes a 184 www.alawaben.com thin metal blowpipe into the boiling hot furnace. Secondly, he lifts out the liquid sand and lays it on a metal plate. After that, he blows the red-hot glass until it becomes more flexible. Then he pulls and bends the glass into shape. He has to work extremely quickly because the liquid sand is already solidifying into glass. وال يزال عدنان يستخدم هذه التقنية التي تم تطويٌرها ألول مرة من قبل الفينيقيين قبل نحو يرفع الرمل،ً ثانيا. يدفع أنبوب نفخ معدني رفيع داخل فرن ساخن يغلي،ً سنة أوال2000 ينفخ الزجاج الساخن األحمر حتى يصبح أكثر، بعد ذلك.السائل ويضعة على طبق معدني لذا عليه أن يعمل بسرعة ألن الرمل السائل يتصلب. ثم يسحب ويحنى الزجاج ليشكلة.مرونة .بسرعة إلى زجاج Adnan is making a delicate swan. Through the semiopaque glass, you can see fine lines of turquoise, green and blue. „The sand gives us transparent, or “white”, glass,‟ Adnan explains. „We get this beautiful dark, cobalt blue by adding the metal cobalt to the melted glass. Then, this blue becomes a lighter, sea-green turquoise after adding copper. Finally, we decorate the glass by hand.‟ ويمكنك ان ترى الخطوط الدقيقة, من خالل زجاج شبه شفاف,يصنع عدنان بجعه حساسة , يوضح عدنان, " " يعطينا الرمل زجاج شفاف أو " أبيض.من الفيروز واألخضر واألزرق ." نحصل على األزرق الكوبالتي الداكن الجميل باضافة معدن الكوبلت الى الزجاج المنصهر فاننا نزين الزجاج, وأخيرا. يصبح هذا األزرق فيروزيا بحريا أخف بعد اضافة النحاس,ثم .باليد „These days we recycle broken glass. We also use commercially produced colors instead of using natural ingredients as in the past. Apart from that, nothing else about this craft has changed through the centuries. You can’t use a machine to do this work,‟ he says. "The old ways are still the best" 185 www.alawaben.com ونستخدم أيضا ألوانا تنتج تجاريا بدال من استخدام,نعيد هذه األيام تدوير الزجاج المكسور لم يتغير شيء آخر عن هذه الحرفة عبر, عدا عن ذلك.المكونات الطبيعية كما في الماضي كما يقول" الطرق التقليدية ال زالت هي. ال يمكنك استخدام آلة للقيام بهذا العمل.القرون ."األفضل Answer the questions about the article. 1. Where did Adnan learn the glassblowing? أين تعلم عدنان حرفة نفخ الزجاج؟ He learnt the craft from his father, and he taught it to me when I was a child. 2. Adnan runs workshops and gives demonstrations for a reason. Write down this reason أكتب هذا السبب؟. يدير عدنان ورش العمل ويعطي مظاهرات لسبب ما He wants young people to learn the craft. 3. Quite the sentence which indicates that Adnan uses an ancient way for glassblowing اقتبس الجملة التي تشير الى أن عدنان يستخدم طريقة قديمة لنفخ الزجاج؟ Adnan still uses the technique that was first developed by the Phoenicians some 2,000 years ago. 4. There are several processes for making glass from sand? هنالك عدة عمليات لصنع الزجاج من الرمل؟ First, he pushes a thin metal blowpipe into the boiling hot furnace. Secondly, he lifts out the liquid sand and lays it on a metal plate. After that, he blows the red-hot glass until it becomes more flexible. Then he pulls and bends the glass into shape. 5. Find a word in the text which means “Someone who is very skilled at a particular craft” شخص ماهر جدا في حرفة معينة؟,جد كلمة في النص والتي تعني Craftsman 186 www.alawaben.com Rashed‟s blog post مدونة راشد اإللكترونية Hi! My name is Rashed. I’m staying in London for a week, with my family. I hope you enjoy reading my blog آمل أن تستمتعو بقراءة., أنا أقيم في لندن مع عائلتي لمدة أسبوع.مرحبا! اسمي راشد .مدونتي Wednesday yesterday was brilliant. We decided to go to the Victoria and Albert Museum (also known as the V&A), which is a big museum of art and design in central London. It has one of the largest collections of Islamic art in the world and, as you can imagine, we were keen to have a look. األربعاء قررنا الذهاب الى متحف فكتوريا وألبرت وهو متحف كبير للفن,األمس كان رائعا (V&A) والتصميم والمعروف ايضا باسم وكما يمكنك ان.انها واحدة من أكبر مجموعات الفن اإلسالمي في العالم.في وسط لندن .تتخيل كنا حريصين على أن نلقي نظرة We spent most of our time in the Jameel Gallery, which opened in2006 CE. There were about 10,000 items on display (no, I didn’t count them; the guide told us!). There were carpets and other textiles as well as pottery, ceramics, paintings and things made of ivory (from elephants), wood, metal and glass. My favourite thing was a beautiful Egyptian jug, which looked as if it was made out of glass. In fact it is rock crystal, and it was made over ten thousand years ago. The person who made it must have been incredibly skilled. 10 كان هنالك حوالي. م2006 الذي افتتح في عام,قضينا معظم وقتنا في معرض جميل كانت هناك سجاد ومنسوجات.)! أخبرنا الدليل, لم اكن اعدها, ( ال.اآلف قطعة معروضة وكذلك فخار وخزف ولوحات واشياء مصنوعة من العاج ( من الفيلة) والخشب,اخرى والذي بدا كما لو أنه. وكان الشيء المفضل لدي ابريق مصري جميل. والمعدن والزجاج 187 www.alawaben.com ومصنوع قبل أكثر من عشرة, إنه من البلور الصخري, في الواقع.مصنوع من الزجاج . وبشكل ال يصدق فان الشخص الذي صنعه ال بد وانه كان ماهرا.آالف سنة . We were at the V&A all day (there’s a good café there, and an excellent shop too!). Then, although we were quite tired, in the evening we went to a concert at the Royal Albert Hall. The orchestra was from Germany and it was brilliant! We had comfortable seats, but a lot of people stood right in front of the orchestra. They didn’t sit down at all! I've never stood all the way through a concert and I don't think I'd like to! ومتجر, طوال الوقت( هناك مقهى جيدA & V كنا في في المساء ذهبنا الى حفل موسيقي, على الرغم من اننا كنا متعبين جدا, ثم.)!ممتاز أيضا كانت الفرقة الموسيقية من ألمانيا وكانت بارعة! كان لدينا مقاعد.في قاعة ألبرت الملكية ولم يجلسوا على اإلطالق!لم. ولكن الكثير من الناس وقفوا أمام الفرقة الموسقية تماما,مريحة .! وال اعتقد انني أود فعل ذلك,يسبق لي أن وقفت في حفل موسيقي أبدا Answer the questions the blog post. 1. Where was Rashed when he wrote the blog? اين كان راشد عندما كتب المدونة؟ He was in London. 2. What did he most enjoy looking at? ما لذي استمتع بالنظر اليه اكثر؟ A beautiful Egyptian jug. 3. Where did he go in the evening? الى اين ذهب في المساء؟ 188 www.alawaben.com A concert at the Royal Albert Hall. 4. What bothered him? ما الذي ازعجه؟ A lot of people stood in front of the orchestra and didn’t sit down at all. 5. Why did Rashed and his family decide to go to the V& A Museum? ؟V @ A لماذا يقرر راشد وعائلته أن يذهب الى متحف Because the V&A has one of the largest collections of Islamic art in the world. 6. Name four materials that Rashed mentions سم أربع مواد ذكرها راشد؟ Glass, metal, ivory, wood. 7. Look at the words and phrases in bold. Is Rashed using British or American English? Justify your answer هل يستخدم راشد اللغة االنجليزية البريطانية.انظر على الكلمات والعبارت بالخط العريض .ام االمريكية؟ برر اجابتك Rashed is using British English. He says ‘have a look’ instead of ‘take a look’; he spills ‘favourite’ with ‘ou’ instead of ‘o’; and he uses the present perfect instead of the past simple in ‘I’ve never stood all the way through a concern.’ 189 www.alawaben.com Literature spot A / S.B pages 81 -85 I Remember, I Remember Thomas Hood (1799 CE–1845 CE) was a British poet and humorist (a humorist is someone who writes comedy). I remember, I remember, The house where I was born, The little window where the sun came peeping in at morn; He never came a wink too soon, Nor brought too long a day, But now, I often wish the night Had borne my breath away! أنا أتذكر, أنا أتذكر البيت الذي ولدت فيه النافدة الصغيرة حيث الشمس ,كانت تختلس النظر صباحا لم تتالشى أبدا بسرعة ,و لم تشرق طويال أتمنى أن الليل,لكن أالن !قد اخذ أنفاسي بعيدا I remember, I remember, The roses, red and white, The vi’lets, and the lily- cups, Those flowers made of light! The lilacs where the robin built, And where my brother set The laburnum on his birthday,— The tree is living yet! اتذكر,أتذكر , حمراء و بيضاء,األزهار 190 www.alawaben.com ,و بنفسجية و اتذكر فناجين الزنبق !هذه األزهار النورانية ,و أزهار اليللك حيث ,طائر الحناء بنى عشه ,و حيث زرع أخي شجرة ,يوم عيد ميالده !الشجرة ما زالت حية حتى اآلن I remember, I remember, Where I was used to swing, And thought the air must rush as fresh To swallows on the wing; My spirit flew in feathers then, That is so heavy now, And summer pools could hardly cool The fever on my brow! ,انا أتذكر انا اتذكر ,حيث كنت اتارجح معتقدا أن الهواء سيمر منعشا ,مداعبا أجنحة طيور السنونو ,روحي طارت بأجنحة حينها ,لكنها ثقيلة جدا اآلن و برك الصيف يصعب أن تلطف !الحمى على أجفاني I remember, I remember, The fir trees dark and high; I used to think their slender tops Were close against the sky: It was a childish ignorance, But now ’tis little joy To know I’m farther off from heav’n Than when I was a boy. 191 www.alawaben.com أنا اتذكر,أنا أتذكر ,أشجار التنوب داكنة و عالية كنت أظن أن قممها النحيلة :كانت قريبة من السماء ,جهل الطفولة-كانت تلك براءة لكن اآلن أنها متعة قليلة بان اعرف باني بعيد عن السماء .اكثر مما كنت طفال Word Peep Morn Vi‘lets/lily/ lilac Laburnum Swing Personification Swallow Feathers Fever Slender Ignorance Stanza Meaning يختلس النظر الصباح انواع ورود شجر األبنوس يتأرجح تشخيص طائر السنونو ريش حمى نحيل عدم معرفة مقطع من القصيدة It is a reflective poem in which the poet is looking back at his childhood, and it is rather sentimental. In the poem, Hood initially portrays his childhood and the house where he was born. Those beautiful days where the sun rays came and beautiful days were therein the proportion. However in the last two lines, he says about his present situation and how he wished the night had tolerated his breath. The second stanza describes about the days of his childhood, 192 www.alawaben.com where he sees and feels the beautiful colors of roses and lilies and the lilacs and talks about a tree that he and his brother spent days even on his brother’s day. However in the third stanza, he gives a combination feel of his past and present. He says about playing with a swing and enjoying the breeze and wind and he was all energetic and high in sprits and when he recalls those times with his present, he does not even have the energy to lift a brow. The pool water was very cool andenjoyable, but now it is not even sufficient to cool his fever. The last stanza says that he remembers how he used to think in the wildest manners about tress and their heights that they reached the sky which was so childish and now as a frown up, he misses all those thoughts and days and he understand that nothing is attainable that he desires for at this point of time. The poet wishes to get back his childhood days and the energy and be free from pain that he suffers now as a grown up. A wonderful poem that gives a high contrast to the childhood days and experience, a world with beautiful thoughts and an adult world filled with regrets and losses and pain. In the first stanza, Hood speaks about his childhood and where he was born with happy memories. However, the last two lines suggest that his present situation is not very good – perhaps he is ill and near death. (In fact, the poet was unwell when he wrote this.) The second stanza is about his childhood and it talks about happy memories 193 www.alawaben.com In the third stanza, there is a contrast between the past and the present. He says that he was in high spirits as a young person(My spirit flew in feathers then on line 21), which contrasts with how he feels now (That is so heavy now on line 22). In the fourth stanza, he thinks of how he had childish thoughts as a young person, and wants to go back to those times rather than be as he is now (lines 29–32). Literary terms Mood: in poetry refers to the general tone or attitude that the poet aims at creating. Rhythm: in poetry, explain that it refers to the arrangement of words in a regular pattern for each line. Onomatopoeia: when the sound of the word read aloud is similar to its meaning, e.g. fizz, pop, growl Personification: is to give human qualities to nonhuman. Literary / Rhetorical devices in the poem: 1. Personification: the sun came peeping in at morn ‘I often wish the night / Had borne my breath away! My spirit flew in feathers then Summer pools could hardly cool / The fever on my brow! 194 www.alawaben.com 2. Onomatopoeic words: Peep (line 4)/ rush (line 19)/ swing (line 18)/ fresh (line 19) Vocabulary Answer the questions 1.Why does the poet describe the sun as peeping in (line 4)? لماذا يصف الشاعر الشمس بانها تدخل خلسه؟ It suggests that it slowly got brighter and brighter: at first it wasn`t very bright. 2.How the word wing (line 20) and the phrase flew in feathers (line 21) help us to work out the meaning of swallows (line 20)? كيف تساعدنا الكلمة جناح و شبه الجملة طارت بريش على معرفة معنى كلمة سنونو؟ We know that wings and feathers are both things that birds have, and that they fly so a swallow must be a kind of bird. Comprehension 1. How does the poet contrast his memories of the past with the present day in the third stanza? Refer to words in bold in your answer. كيف يقارن الشاعر ذكرياته في الماضي مع الحاضر في المقطع الثالث من القصيدة؟ اشر إلى الكلمات بالغامق في إجابتك؟ He remembers his childhood being very happy(my spirit flew in feathers then) but now he is not so happy (that is so heavy now).He also remembers the summer pools that he probably used to enjoy cooling off and swimming in on hot summer days/, but says that he is so ill now that they wouldn`t be able to cool 195 www.alawaben.com him down (and summer pools could hardly cool/ the fever on my brow!) يتذكر طفولته بأنها كانت سعيدة (روحي كانت تطير حينها لكنه اآلن ليس سعيدا كثيرا )ذلك ثقيل لكنه يقول انه اآلن مريض جدا لدرجة,جدا( أيضا يتذكر برك الصيف التي ربما كان يستمتع بها .أنها ال يمكن أن تطفئ حرارته)و برك الصيف يصعب أن تبرد الحمى في أجفاني 2. In line(29), the poet refers to his ”childish ignorance”. What was he ignorant about? الشاعر يشير إلى جهل طفولته ماذا كان يجهل؟29 في سطر The poet was ignorant about the size of the world; he used to think that the tops of the fir trees nearly touched the sky. The poet probably thought this because he was short and the trees were so tall that he thought they must touch the sky. الشاعر ظن. كان يعتقد أن قمم أشجار التنوب كادت تالمس السماء.الشاعر كان جاهال لحجم العالم ذلك ربما ألنه كان قصير القامة و األشجار كانت عالية جدا لدرجة انه ظن أنها تالمس السماء Analysis Discuss these questions in pairs. 1. In the second stanza, the poet expresses amazement that a tree(where my brother set/ the laburnum on his birthday)is still living, many years after it was planted. What does this tell us about the poet`s views of our relationship with nature? في المقطع الثاني يعبر الشاعر عن الدهشة بان الشجرة التي زرعها شقيقه ما زالت حية بعد سنوات من زراعتها ماذا يخبرنا هذا عن نظرة الشاعر عن عالقتنا بالطبيعة؟ He is amazed by how trees can live so long, whereas people come and go. The poet seems to receive a great deal of pleasure from nature. الشاعر مندهش كيف تعيش األشجار طويال بينما البشر يأتون و يذهبون يبدو أن الشاعر تلقى الكثير .من السعادة من الطبيعة 196 www.alawaben.com 2. The last three lines of the third and fourth stanza suggest that the author has lost his youthful joy and optimism. Do you agree with this view point ?Justify your answer. آخر ثالثة اسطر من المقطع الرابع تشير إلى أن الكاتب قد فقد سعادة و تفاءل الشباب هل توافق على وجهة النظر هذه؟ برر إجابتك؟ I agree with this viewpoint because the author`s past was happier than now. (My spirit….. is so heavy now).However, the poet is worried about what will happen after his death, as a child he was closer to heaven than he is now(to know that I’m farther off from heav`n- than when I was a boy) أوافق ماضي المؤلف أكثر سعادة من اآلن(روحي ثقيلة)على أي حال الشاعر قلق على ماذا سيحدث أكثر مما- في الماضي كان اقرب إلى السماء)هللا(أكثر من اآلن)أنا ابعد عن السماء,له بعد موته .كنت طفال 197 www.alawaben.com All the World’s a Stage by William Shakespeare (from As you like it, Act II Scene VI) All the world’s a stage, Boyhood stage And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, … At first, the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. … Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. Old age stage ... Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything 198 www.alawaben.com ما العالم إال مسرح مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة وكل الرجال و النساء مجرد ممثلون لهم مداخلهم و مخارجهم و الرجل في عمره يؤدي عدة ادوار أولها كطفل مرحلة الطفولة المتأخرة يبكي و يرفس بين ذراعي حاضنته ثم ابن المدرسة المنتحب بحقيبته ووجهه البريء المشع يزحف كالقوقعة على مضض إلى المدرسة مرحلة الرجولة المبكرة ثم كجندي مفعم بوعود غريبة ملتحي كالنمر غيور على الشرف مفاجئ و سريع في القتال سعيا وراء السمعة الوهمية حتى في فم المدفع مرحلة الرجولة المتأخرة -وسط العمر ثم الحكمة-القضاء بكرش كبير من تناول الكثير من اللحم و بعينين قاسيتين و بلحية جميلة غنيا بالحكمة و األقوال الحكيمة و هكذا يؤدي دوره مرحلة الكهولة -نهاية العمر الرجل العجوز اآلن بخفة الداخلي و النظارات على انفه و حقيبة على 199 www.alawaben.com جانبه لحفظ ماله ,العالم أوسع من ساقه المنكمشة ,و صوته الرجولي الضخم يعود ثانية عاليا كصوت طفل صغير آخر جميع المشاهد ما يقضي على هذا التاريخ الحافل هو طفولة ثانية و مجرد نسيان بدون اسنان وبدون عيون وبدون لسان وبدون اي شيء Meaning مرحلة ببساطة موت حياة حقيبة مدرسية رضيع بال رغبة قسم –يمين متقلص نسيان غيور شجار مدفع العدالة لحية رجل مسن كيس نظارات بال – بدون تشبيه 200 Word Stage Merely Exit Entrance Satchel Infant Unwillingly Oath Shrunk Oblivion Jealous Quarrel Cannon Justice Beard Pantaloons Pouch Spectacles Sans Simile www.alawaben.com Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet (1564 CE– 1616 CE), who is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. The excerpt is part of one of the most frequently quoted speeches in the whole of Shakespearean literature. The speech takes place in a forest, and it is spoken by a man named Jacques, who is a thinker and philosopher. The other characters try to tease him about his cynical outlook on life. This speech is his reply. The man in the poem goes through these stages all expressed in a sardonic when not bitter tone: Infant: In this stage he is a helpless baby and knows little. Schoolboy: It is in that stage of life that he begins to go to school. He is unwilling to leave the protected environment of his home as he is still not confident enough to exercise his own discretion. Soldier: He is very easily aroused and is hot-headed. He is always working towards making a reputation for himself, however short-lived it may be, even at the cost of foolish risks. Justice : ( late adulthood) in this stage he thinks he has acquired wisdom through the many experiences he has had in life, and is likely to impart it. He has reached a stage where he has gained prosperity and social status. He becomes vain and begins to enjoy the finer things of life. Old Age: He is a shell of his former self — physically and mentally. He begins to become the joke of others. He loses his firmness and assertiveness, and shrinks in stature and personality. 201 www.alawaben.com 1. In lines 10-14, the poet describes the soldier`s life. Which word refers to a weapon used by soldiers? الشاعر يصف حياة الجندي ما الكلمة التي تشير إلى سالح يستخدمه1 4-10 في األسطر الجنود؟ Cannon 2. Compare lines 8 and 11. How do they convey the images of a boy and a soldier? كيف يعكسان صور الولد و الجندي؟11 و8 قارن السطرين The schoolboy is represented as innocent and clean with his “shining morning face” in line 8. This is contrasted strongly with the soldier in line 11, who is” bearded like the leopard” 3. Describe in your own words, the image that the poet has created of the old man (lines20-25). What is the old man wearing? How do his clothes fit him? What does his voice sound like? للرجل عندما25-20 صف بكلماتك الخاصة الصورة التي إنشائها الشاعر في األسطر يصبح عجوزا ماذا يلبس الرجل العجوز؟ كيف تالؤمه مالبسه؟ كيف يبدو صوته؟ He is now thin and stays indoors (slippered refers to footwear that people wear indoors, and pantaloons means old man in this context). He wears spectacles and has his bag for carrying his money with him. His legs have grown thinner, so his trousers do not fit well and his voice has become high again like a child`s. 4.Which word in “man`s last stage” sums up the last line of the speech: Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything? 202 www.alawaben.com بدون أسنان:أي كلمة في أخر مرحلة من مراحل اإلنسان تلخص أخر سطر في الخطاب بدون عيون بدون لسان بدون إي شيء؟ Sans meaning “without”, so at the end the person has nothing- he can`t eat because he has no teeth, he can`t see and he loses his sense of taste. Comprehension 1.What are the five stages of a human`s life, according to the speech? List them in correct order. ما هي المراحل الخمس لحياة اإلنسان حسب الخطاب 1. babyhood (infant) 2. Childhood (the schoolboy) 3.Early adulthood (the soldier) 4. Late adulthood/ middle age (the justice) 5. Old age (second babyhood/ childhood) 2. What does the playwright suggest about the soldier, in lines 10 to 14? Choose the correct answer and justify it. اختر االجابه و قل1 4-10 ماذا يقول الكاتب المسرحي عن الجندي في األسطر لماذا؟ A.his life is short B. he does not like conflict C. he is aggressive and gets angry or violent easily. The soldier is “jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel”. He is also “seeking the bubble reputation” (he does things that make him look good even if they are pointless) “even in the cannon`s mouth” (even if it means standing in front of guns. 3. How does the playwright describe the appearance of the middle aged person? كيف يصف الكاتب المسرحي مظهر اإلنسان المتوسط العمر؟ 203 www.alawaben.com The middle aged person is fat from eating too much “round belly “on line 16” he has got hard eyes and a neat beard and knows lots of wise sayings. 4.Look at the phrase in bold on lines 19 and 26 of the speech. How is the life of person compared to an actor in the theatre? ادرس العبارات المكتوبة الخط الغامض كيف يصف الكاتب اإلنسان في أول مرحلة و أخر مرحلة من حياته؟ A “part” is a role in a play and the expression is “to play a part”. The last scene is the end of the play and Shakespeare is connecting this to the end of life. 5.How does the playwright describe the person in the first and last stage of life? كيف يصف الكاتب المسرحي اإلنسان في أول و أخر مرحلة من حياته ؟ They are both like young children- the first one is a baby, but the second is an old person. 6. What does the playwright mean by the line,”this strange eventful history”?(line27” ؟27ماذا يعني الكاتب بالسطر "هذا التاريخ الحافل الغريب" سطر He means that life can be strange with lots of things happening in it. Analysis: 1.Which simile does the playwright use to describe the schoolboy as he walks to school? ما هو التشبيه الذي يستخدمه الكاتب لوصف المدرس أثناء ذهابه مشيا إلى المدرسة؟ 204 www.alawaben.com The poet uses “creeping like snail”, meaning going very slowly. 2.Find another example of a simile in speech which two things are being compared? جد تشبيها أخر في الخطاب ما الذي يتم مقارنتهما معا؟ Bearded like the pard”Shakespeare is comparing a soldier to a leopard. 3.In your opinion, which stage do you think the playwright believes to be the most positive? برأيك أي مرحلة الكاتب يعتقد بأنها ايجابية؟ I think he believes middle age is the most positive, because when the person has become a judge, he`s full of wise sayings. He is also well fed and serious in manner and appearance. 4.Read the poem I remember, I remember again on page 81, and compare both authors` attitudes to childhood. In what ways do they differ? In what ways are they similar? Which one do you prefer? كيف, كيف يختلفان, وقارن موقف الكاتبين من الطفولة,81 اتذكر ثانية صفحة,اقرأ القصيدة أتذكر أي الموقفين تفضل؟,يتشابهان The poet and the playwright have very different views of childhood. Firstly, the poet sees it as a positive time of life, whereas the playwright doesn’t portray either the baby or the school boy very favorably. Playwright is generalizing. 205 www.alawaben.com The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway Santiago is an old fisherman in Cuba, but for the last eighty-four days he hasn’t caught any fish. His friend, a young fisherman named Manolin, helps him to bring in his empty boat every day.Manolin has been Santiago’s fishing partner for years. Santiago had taught him all about fishing, and has done so since he was a boy of five years old. Now, the young man’s parents want him to fish with a more productive partner. صديقه. لكنه لألربع و ثمانون يوما الماضية لم يصطد أي سمكة,سانتياغو صياد عجوز من كوبا مانولين شريك لسنتياغو في. يساعده في جلب قاربه الفارغ كل يوم,صياد شاب اسمه مانولين . سانتياغو علمه كل شيء عن الصيد منذ كان مانولين ولدا عمره خمس سنوات.الصيد منذ سنين . والدا الشاب يريدان منه أن يصطاد مع شريك كسيب أكثر,اآلن The next morning, Santiago leaves early and sails far out to sea to try his luck again. Eventually, he feels a bite on one of his hooks, and he works out that it must be a big fish, perhaps a marlin. The fish is strong, though, and does not come up to the surface. Instead, the fish swims away, dragging the old man and his boat along. يشعر, أخيرا. سانتياغو يغادر مبكرا و يبحر بعيدا في البحر ليجرب حظه ثانية,في الصباح التالي السمكة قوية لذلك ال. ربما سمكة المارلين, و يعتقد بأنها سمكة كبيرة,بالطعم على إحدى صناراته . بدال من ذلك تسبح بعيدا ساحبة الرجل العجوز و قاربه أماما.تظهر على السطح This goes on until the sun goes down, and eventually Santiago can’t see the land any more at all. .هذا يستمر حتى تغيب الشمس و أخيرا ال يستطيع سانتياغو رؤية البر بالمرة As night falls, he wraps the fishing line around himself, and goes to sleep, leaving his left hand on the rope to wake him if the marlin surfaces. Soon, the old man is asleep, dreaming of the lions he used to see when he was a boy in Africa. 206 www.alawaben.com تاركا يده اليسار على الحبل ليوقظه إذا, عندما يهبط الليل يلف خيط الصيد حول نفسه و ينام سريعا العجوز يغرق في النوم حالما باألسود التي رآها عندما كان.ظهرت المارلين على السطح .طفال في إفريقيا Santiago is awoken in the night when he feels the marlin pulling on the line in his hand. The marlin leaps out of the water, and Santiago has to hold on to the line with all his strength to avoid being pulled into the sea. المارلين تقفز من الماء و على.سانتياغو يصحو ليال عندما يشعر بان المارلين تشد الخيط من يده .سانتياغو أن يتمسك بالخيط بكل قوته حتى يتجنب سحبه إلى البحر Santiago ties the marlin’s body to his boat and prepares to sail home. Before he reaches land, though, he is attacked by several sharks. He kills one with a harpoon and another with his knife. The blood in the water attracts more sharks. Santiago has to beat them away with a club and is badly injured himself. قبل أن يصل البر تهاجمه عدة.سانتياغو يربط جسم المارلين إلى قاربه و يستعد لإليجار إلى البيت الدم في الماء يجذب المزيد من القرش على. يقتل إحداها برمح و أخرى بسكينه.اسماك قرش .سانتيوغو أن يبعدها بهراوة فيصيب نفسه بجروح بليغة When he arrives back at the harbor, everyone is asleep. Arriving home, Santiago collapses on his bed in exhaustion and falls asleep. . الجميع نيام عندما يصل البيت ينهار على السرير متعبا و يغرق في النوم,عندما يعود إلى الميناء The next morning, Manolin finds Santiago in his hut and cries over the old man’s injuries.Manolin reassures Santiago that the great fish didn’t beat him and that they will fish together again. He tells him that the old man still has much to teach him. مانولين. مانولين يجد العجوز في كوخه و يبكي بسبب جراح الرجل العجوز, في الصباح التالي يقول له بان لدى.يؤكد لسانتياغو بان السمكة الضخمة لم تهزمه و بأنهما سيصطادان معا ثانية .العجوز الكثير ليعلمه إياه 207 www.alawaben.com That afternoon, some tourists see the marlin’s skeleton and ask a waiter what it is. Trying to explain what happened to the marlin, the waiter replies, ‘shark.’ The tourists misunderstand and assume that is what the skeleton is. They don’t realize that it is actually a marlin, the biggest fish ever caught in the village, at more than five metres long. محاوال شرح ما. بعد الظهيرة بعض السائحين يرون هيكل المارلين العظمي و يسالون النادل ما هو ال يدركون.النادل يقول "أنها سمكة قرش السائحون ال يفهمونه و يظنونه هيكل قرش,حدث للمارلين .بطول اكثر من خمسة امتار, اكبر سمكة تم اصطيادها في القرية,انها مارلين بالفعل Meanwhile, Santiago is sleeping and once again, dreaming of the lions he saw in Africa long ago, when he was young. . و ثانية يحلم باألسود التي رآها في إفريقيا عندما كان صغيرا,في هذه اإلثناء سانتياغو نائم Word Fisherman Partener Eventually Marline Collapse Exhaustion Wrap Leap out Struggle Injured Skeleton Misunderstand Meaning صياد شريك واخيرا نوع سمك ينهار ارهاق يلف يقفز صراع مجروح هيكل عظمي يسيء الفهم Ernest Hemingway was an American author (1899 CE–1961 CE) and this novel was written in 1952 CE. Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953 CE for The Old Man and the Sea, and it was also mentioned when he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 CE. 208 www.alawaben.com Analysis of Major Characters Santiago : Santiago suffers terribly throughout The Old Man and the Sea. In the opening pages of the book, he has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish and has become the laughingstock of his small village. He then endures a long and grueling struggle with the marlin only to see his trophy catch destroyed by sharks. Yet, the destruction enables the old man to undergo a remarkable transformation, and he wrests triumph and renewed life from his seeming defeat After all, Santiago is an old man whose physical existence is almost over, but the reader is assured that Santiago will persist through Manolin, who, like a disciple, awaits the old man’s teachings and will make use of those lessons long after his teacher has died. Thus, Santiago manages, perhaps, the most miraculous feat of all: he finds a way to prolong his life after death. Santiago’s commitment to sailing out farther than any fisherman has before, to where the big fish promise to be, testifies to the depth of his pride. Yet, it also shows his determination to change his luck. For Santiago’s pride also enables him to achieve his most true and complete self. Furthermore, it helps him earn the deeper respect of the village fishermen and secures him the prized companionship of the boy—he knows that he will never have to endure such an epic struggle again. Santiago’s pride is what enables him to endure, and it is perhaps endurance that matters most in Hemingway’s conception of the world—a world in which death and destruction, as part of the natural order of things, are unavoidable. Hemingway seems to believe that there are only two options: defeat or endurance until destruction; Santiago clearly chooses the latter. For three days, he holds fast to the line that links him to the fish, even though it cuts deeply into his palms, causes a crippling cramp in his left hand, and ruins his back. This physical pain allows Santiago to forge a connection 209 www.alawaben.com with the marlin that goes beyond the literal link of the line: his bodily aches attest to the fact that he is well matched, that the fish is a worthy opponent, and that he himself, because he is able to fight so hard, is a worthy fisherman. This connectedness to the world around him eventually elevates Santiago beyond what would otherwise be his defeat. The old man’s physical suffering leads to a more significant spiritual triumph. Manolin : Manolin is present only in the beginning and at the end of The Old Man and the Sea, but his presence is important because Manolin’s devotion to Santiago highlights Santiago’s value as a person and as a fisherman. Manolin demonstrates his love for Santiago openly. He makes sure that the old man has food, blankets, and can rest without being bothered. Despite Hemingway’s insistence that his characters were a real old man and a real boy, Manolin’s purity and singleness of purpose elevate him to the level of a symbolic character. Manolin’s actions are not tainted by the confusion, ambivalence, or willfulness that typify adolescence. Instead, he is a companion who feels nothing but love and devotion. Themes The Honor in Struggle, Defeat & Death From the very first paragraph, Santiago is characterized as someone struggling against defeat. He has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish—he will soon pass his own record of eighty-seven days. Almost as a reminder of Santiago’s struggle, the sail of his skiff resembles “the flag of permanent defeat.” But the old man refuses defeat at every turn: he resolves to sail out beyond the other fishermen to where the biggest fish promise to be. He lands the marlin, tying his record of eighty-seven days after a brutal three-day fight, and he 210 www.alawaben.com continues to ward off sharks from stealing his prey, even though he knows the battle is useless. Because Santiago is pitted against the creatures of the sea, some readers choose to view the tale as a chronicle of man’s battle against the natural world, but the novella is, more accurately, the story of man’s place within nature. Both Santiago and the marlin display qualities of pride, honor, and bravery, and both are subject to the same eternal law: they must kill or be killed. As Santiago reflects when he watches the weary warbler fly toward shore, where it will inevitably meet the hawk, the world is filled with predators, and no living thing can escape the inevitable struggle that will lead to its death. Santiago lives according to his own observation: “man is not made for defeat . . . [a] man can be destroyed but not defeated.” In Hemingway’s portrait of the world, death is inevitable, but the best men (and animals) will nonetheless refuse to give in to its power. Accordingly, man and fish will struggle to the death, just as hungry sharks will lay waste to an old man’s trophy catch. Motifs Motifs are recurring structures, contrasts, and literary devices that can help to develop and inform the text’s major themes. Life from Death Death is the unavoidable force in the novella, the one fact that no living creature can escape. But death, Hemingway suggests, is never an end in itself: in death there is always the possibility of the most vigorous life. The reader notes that as Santiago slays the marlin, not only is the old man reinvigorated by the battle, but the fish also comes alive “with his death in him.” Life, the possibility of renewal, necessarily follows on the heels of death. 211 www.alawaben.com The Lions on the Beach Santiago dreams his pleasant dream of the lions at play on the beaches of Africa three times. The first time is the night before he departs on his three-day fishing expedition, the second occurs when he sleeps on the boat for a few hours in the middle of his struggle with the marlin, and the third takes place at the very end of the book. In fact, the sober promise of the triumph and regeneration with which the novella closes is supported by the final image of the lions. Because Santiago associates the lions with his youth, the dream suggests the circular nature of life. Additionally, because Santiago imagines the lions, fierce predators, playing, his dream suggests a harmony between the opposing forces—life and death, love and hate, destruction and regeneration—of nature. Symbols: Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. The Marlin Magnificent and glorious, the marlin symbolizes the ideal opponent. In a world in which“everything kills everything else in some way,” Santiago feels genuinely lucky to find himself matched against a creature that brings out the best in him: his strength, courage, love, and respect. The Sharks The shovel-nosed sharks are little more than moving appetites that thoughtlessly and gracelessly attack the marlin. As opponents of the old man, they stand in bold contrast to the marlin, which is worthy of Santiago’s effort and strength. They symbolize and embody the destructive laws of the universe and attest to the fact that those laws can be transcended only when equals fight to the death. Because they are base predators, Santiago wins no glory from battling them. 212 www.alawaben.com Vocabulary 1. Look at the words in the box. Which one means ... Productive منتج hook صنارة Drag surface يظهر يسحب Harpoon رمح club reassure يطمئن هراوة Assume يفترض 1.A sharp, pointed weapon , like , a knife on a long stick? ………………. 2.A heavy object used for hitting? ………………….. 3.To pull something heavy behind you? …………………… 4.Someone who is successful or who earns you money? …………………… 5.To believe something without questioning it? ………………………….. 6.To say something positive to someone who is worried about something? ………….. 7.A curved object on which to hang something, for example a fish on a line? ………… 8.To come to the top of the ocean or earth? ……………………. 1.(harpoon) 2. (club) 3. (drag) 4. (productive) 5. (assume) 6. (reassume) 7. (hook) 8. (surface) Comprehension 2. Read the story again and answer the questions. 1. What evidence is there at the very beginning of the story that Santiago is a very optimistic and determined person? ما هو الدليل الموجود في بداية القصة على أن سانتياغو شخص متفائل و مصمم؟ He goes to sea to try his luck every day even though he hasn`t caught anything for 84 days. 213 www.alawaben.com 2.When Santiago feels a bite on his line, he works out that “it must be a big fish, perhaps a marlin”. What evidence is there that he is correct? عندما يشعر سانتياغو بالطعم على الخيط يظن أنها ال بد و أن تكون سمكة كبيرة ربما سمكة مارلين ما الدليل على صدق ظنه؟ It drags the boat along for a long time, so it must be a big fish. 3.Why does Santiago go to sleep that night with the line tied around himself?(paragraph4) لماذا ينام سانتياغو تلك الليلة و الخيط مربوط حول جسمه؟ So that he doesn`t lose it in the water and also so that he feels it when the fish pulls it. 4.How does Manolin try encouraging Santiago not to give up fishing? What does this tell you about Manolin`s character?(paragraph 9) كيف يحاول مانولين تشجيع سانتياغو بان ال يترك مهنة الصيد ؟ ماذا يخبرك هذا عن شخصية مانولين؟ Manolin tells Santiago that he beat the marlin and that he wants to fish with him again because he still has a lot to learn. Manolin reassures Santiago that the great fish didn`t beat him and that they will fish together again. He tells him that the old man still has much to teach him. Mandolin seems to be a caring person; kind, thoughtful and loyal to Santiago. 214 www.alawaben.com 5. What is the reason for tourists` misunderstanding about the skeleton was? (paragraph 10) ما سبب عدم فهم السائحين عن الهيكل العظمي؟ The waiter couldn`t speak their language and was trying to explain about the sharks. However, the tourists only understood “shark” and assumed that the skeleton was the skeleton of a shark. Ideas : 3. Find a line in the story that represents the following ideas : :جد السطر في القصة الذي يمثل األفكار التالية 1- memory:……………………………………. 2- determination: ………………………………… 3- strenghth: …………………………… 4- suffering and pain :………………………………. 1. The numbers of the lines are taken from the students’ book. 1. lines 10–11 and 33–36 2. lines 1–2 and 13–15 3. lines 13–15 and 17–18 4. line 18 and line 21 4. In this retelling of the story, strength is represented in many ways. Choose one example of strength and explain its importance. . اختر مثاال على القوة ووضح أهميته.في إعادة سرد القصة القوة متمثلة بعدة أساليب 215 www.alawaben.com The fish is an important representation of strength within the story. After it bites the line, Santiago is constantly in competition with it, needing to use ‘all his strength’ (line14) to stay in his boat. It is also significant, since even though it is stronger than Santiago, he manages to catch it. Analysis: 5. Discuss these questions in pairs. 1 . Why do you think that Manolin’s parents want him to stop fishing with Santiago? Do you think they were justified? لماذا برأيك أراد والدا مانولين أن يمنعاه من أن الصيد مع سانتياغو ؟ هل تعتقد بأنهما كانا محقين؟ They don`t think Santiago is productive enough. I think they are justified because if Manolin is not making any money, it means that his whole family will have nothing to eat. 2. What is the importance of Santiago’s dreams of his youth, and of the lions in Africa? How does this relate to the themes in the story? و عن اسود إفريقيا؟كيف يتعلق هذا الحلم بمغزى القصة؟,ما أهمية حلم سانتياغو عن شبابه Perhaps he is remembering his youth and wishing that he was young again so that he had the strength to deal easily with the problems at sea. Lions also signify strength. So, as well as the theme of memory, the dreams relate to the theme of strength. 216 www.alawaben.com 217 www.alawaben.com 218 www.alawaben.com 219 www.alawaben.com 220 www.alawaben.com 221 www.alawaben.com 222 www.alawaben.com 223 www.alawaben.com 224 www.alawaben.com . 225 www.alawaben.com . 226 www.alawaben.com Pronoun Line Reference 227 www.alawaben.com 228 www.alawaben.com 229 www.alawaben.com . 230