Dear Beloved,
This week I want to share with you about the temptation to doubt your prayers. I
believe this happens to most of us where by at one point in our lives temptations
are stronger to make us doubt whether God hears us.
Jeremiah 33:3 “it says call upon me and I will answer you and show great
and mighty things you have not known.”
Based on that verse, Many Christians have called upon God and are yet to see their
prayers answered. You may be among those waiting for answers to your prayers
and now doubting whether God ever heard you or you prayed the right prayers.
I want to encourage you, never to doubt whether God hears you because of the
delayed answers; and to remind you of a scripture;
In Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 4; “To everything there is a season and time. And that
he has made everything beautiful in his time.”
We can never force God to do anything before his set time. God will answer all our
prayers, will open every door for us in the set time and it will be beautiful for us, so
never stop praying and never stop knocking doors but the answers will come and
door will open in God’s timing.
In Mark 5:21- 42: we see a great example of a religious leader whose daughter was
sick to death and a woman with a blood issue both coming to Jesus when they were
at the end of their strength. With God it is not first come first serve basis or who
prayed first, the religious leader came to Jesus first, worshipped him and presented
his need first; then sometimes latter the woman with the blood issue came in.
Jesus handled the woman’s issue first before he could respond to the religious
leader and even spent more time attending to her, listening to all her story, before
he embarked on the religious leader’s issue again. Just like it may be with your
situation; you have been praying seeking the lord and pleading but those who ask
him latter seem to get their prayers answered before yours. That can trouble the
mind, and cause various questions.
Beloved, in his set time, he will answer your prayers, and all your friends will join
your faith after they have seen what the Lord has done for you so don’t panic
Patiently wait for him he will arrive and your Joy will be fulfilled.
Have a blessed Week
Steven Sebyala