Satisfaction – How the scores are calculated

Autumn 2013
Satisfaction – How the scores are calculated - Rated
Rating is a system recommended by Snap, the company who provide the
consultation system used to collate and make the analysis of the Uttlesford
Citizens Panel results.
For the satisfaction survey the responses given by panellists are given extra
weight if the respondent was either ‘very satisfied’ or ‘very dissatisfied’ with a
service as distinct to being just ‘fairly satisfied’ or ‘fairly dissatisfied’. This is
called ‘rating’ and is achieved by attributing a weighted score (+2 for ‘very
satisfied’ or -2 ‘very dissatisfied’; +1for ‘satisfied’ or -1 ‘dissatisfied’ and 0 for
no opinion) to the number of responses received.
The score for overall satisfaction for each service has been calculated to
exclude all panellists who did not express an opinion.
For example:
Abandoned vehicles (see ‘Uttlesford Voices 5 Results by absolute number of
respondents and percentage.’ pdf):
39 respondents were ‘very satisfied’ = +2 x 39 = score 78
62 were fairly satisfied = +1 x 62 = score 62
81 no opinion = 0 x 81 = 0
9 were fairly dissatisfied = -1 x 9 = score -9
3 respondents were ‘very dissatisfied’ = -2 x 3 = score -6
See table ‘Customer Satisfaction – results using rated scores’
So for overall satisfaction (as distinct from dissatisfaction)
Autumn 2013
Total panellists who did express an opinion weighted scores = 78 + 62 + 9 + 6
= 155
If 155 = 100% then the weighted satisfaction scores (78 + 62 = 140) will
represent 140/155 = 90.32%
The weighted dissatisfaction scores (9 + 6 = 15) will represent 15/155 =
Overall customer satisfaction with council services for Abandoned Vehicles
can accordingly be represented by subtracting total dissatisfaction from total
satisfaction i.e. 90.32% - 9.68% = 80.64%.
This can be expressed also as the Total score - see table ‘Customer
Satisfaction – results using rated scores’ of 125, which as a % of all who
replied is 125/155 = 80.64%