Unit 2 Summative Assignment

Unit 2 Culminating Activity Rites of Passage for Canadian Youth For this assignment you will be designing a visual representation of the rites of passage that mark the change of Canadian youth from adolescents to adulthood. To complete the assignment you will either draw a representation of the rites of passage by hand or you may use the following websites to create a comic strip. www.bitstrips.com/pageone/ Remember that rites of passage are a way of socializing an individual to their new role in society. This means that the individual participating in the rite of passage learns what will be expected of them in their new role; they learn the values and norms of their culture. Rites of passage also function to relieve the stress on the individual as they go through this period of growth and change; to help the community remain stable and unified; and perhaps to provide entertainment for the community. Rites of passage are a series of rituals. They also follow the pattern of seclusion, change and re-­‐admittance. All the highlighted concepts should be part of the rite of passage you design (“entertainment” is optional). Follow these steps to help you on the assignment: 1) Begin by making a list of the values and norms that you think every Canadian should embrace. Look up the pledge a new Canadian makes when they get their citizenship as a guide. 2) Make a cartoon depicting 5 of your cultural Values and Norms 3) Brainstorm rituals that would help an adolescent learn the values and norms you have identified as important for Canadians. 4) Choose 5 rituals / rites that you feel are the most important to help with the transition from youth to adulthood and make the visual representation by hand or with bitstrips. Remember to think about the big moments in your life or refer to the rites of passage overheads from class. 5) In 2-­‐3 pages double spaced to explain how your values and norms are reflected in your 5 rites of passage. The assignment will be graded on the following rubric: Rites of Passage Assignment Student Name: ___________ Mark:___________________ Overall Expectation identify and assess the
major influences that
contribute to an
individual’s personal
and social
development (e.g.,
environment, race,
gender); demonstrate an
understanding of
psychological, and
sociological theories
that deal with
socialization (e.g.,
enculturation, nature
versus nurture, social
isolation) effectively
communicate the
results of their
inquiries, using a
variety of methods
and forms Guiding Question Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Not Yet To an exceptional degree To a considerable degree To a moderate degree To a limited degree 4+ 4 4-­‐ 3+ 3 3-­‐ 2+ 2 2-­‐ 1+ 1 Have you presented the theories and case studies on what influences personal and social development? Have you demonstrated a clear understanding of the of socialization from the perspective of the three social sciences? Have you presented information from the theories to help explain yourself? Have you communicated the information in an engaging way that is clear and well thought out? Have you reflected on what you have learned and communicated that? 