Running Header: Lab IV – REMSY User Manual 1

Running Header: Lab IV – REMSY User Manual
Lab 4 – REMSY User Manual
Team Blue
Matthew Letchworth
Janet Brunelle & Hill Price
May 7, 2014
Version 1
Lab IV – REMSY User Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Getting Started ............................................................................................................................ 3
Figure 1: REMSY Login.................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 2: Tutor page....................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Session ID Tab ................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 4: Swipe Check-in tab ......................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5: Manual Check-in ............................................................................................................ 7
Figure 6: Check-in verification ...................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7: Appointment Not Found Error........................................................................................ 8
Lab IV – REMSY User Manual
1. Introduction
REsource Management SYstem (REMSY) is an application that will aid in resource
management of the day-to-day business operation of the tutoring organization at Old Dominion
University (ODU). REMSY will aid in the scheduling of tutoring and tracking usage of tutoring
resources. It will be accessible by students, tutors, and administrators with accounts. With an
account students will be able to search for tutoring sessions, signup for tutoring sessions, and
log-in and log-out of tutoring sessions. Tutors will be able to manage scheduled tutoring
sessions, create tutoring sessions, and send notifications. Administrators will have the capability
to modify courses available at a tutoring center, and manage accounts. REMSY is a flexible and
scalable system that will accommodate the various located tutoring branches at ODU. Overall,
REMSY will allow tutors to be mobile and for freelance tutoring services to be offered.
2. Getting Started
1. The user will login to the REMSY homepage
Lab IV – REMSY User Manual
Figure 1: REMSY Login
2. The user must be in the tutor view to access the sign in tab
Verify tutor drop
down is selected
Select the
Figure 2: Tutor page
3. Upon clicking on the sign in button the user will see a screen like this.
Lab IV – REMSY User Manual
Enter number here.
Figure 3: Session ID Tab
4. The user will then enter the session ID in the text field and either press enter or click
the submit button.
5. The user will then click on either the Swipe Check-in tab or the Manual Check-in tab
depending on what input method they would like to use.
6. If the Swipe Check-in tab is selected you should see the page below in figure 2, the
user would assure the cursor is focused in the textbox and would the proceed to
swipe the card
Lab IV – REMSY User Manual
Notice that the Session ID previously
entered is shown here, the user should
assure this is correct before attempting
to swipe the card.
Figure 4: Swipe Check-in tab
(This Space Intentionally Left Blank)
Lab IV – REMSY User Manual
7. If the Manual Check-in tab is selected you should see the page below in figure 3, the user
would type their
Notice that the Session ID previously
entered is shown here, the user should
assure this is correct before attempting
to swipe the card.
Figure 5: Manual Check-in
8. Once the user checks in their name will be displayed along with the session Id their
checking into.
(This Space Intentionally Left Blank)
Lab IV – REMSY User Manual
Figure 6: Check-in verification
Figure 7: Appointment Not Found Error