NAME ________________________________________________ PALEONTOLOGY LECTURE TEST # 1 MATCHING [1 point each]:

NAME ________________________________________________ PALEONTOLOGY LECTURE TEST # 1
MATCHING [1 point each]:
___ 1. Polarity
___ 2. Ichnology
___ 3. Ontogeny
___ 4. Natural Selection
___ 5. Synonym
___ 6. Coprolite
___ 7. Adaptation
___ 8. Clade
___ 9. Flora
___ 10. Paleoecology
___ 11. Food Webs
___ 12. Taphonomy
___ 13. Morphology
___ 14. Phylogeny
___ 15. Symbiosis
___ 16. Lamarckism
___ 17. Biofacies
___ 18. Convergent Evolution
___ 19. Paradigm
___ 20. Phenetics
___ 21. Chrons
___ 22. Parsimony
___ 23. Correlation
___ 24. Parallel Evolution
___ 25. Taxonomy
___ 26. Peripatric Speciation
___ 27. Stochastic Processes
___ 28. Facies
___ 29. Genes
A. evolutionary history
B. fossil excrement of animals
C. evolutionary changes most likely within isolated populations
D. theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics
E. plants of an ecosystem
F. study of trace fossils
G. two or more different names given to the same animal
H. heritable units of information
I. classification process
J. body of sediment or rocks with distinctive characteristics
K. more than one species occupies each trophic level
L. "fitness" of an organism
M. life history of an organism
N. match stratigraphic sections of same age
O. close morphologic similarity arises between two unrelated groups that take
on similar life habits
P. some individuals fail to survive, others live to reproduce
Q. all organisms descended from a progenitor species
R. magnetic stratigraphy units
S. environments distinguished by fossil content
T. direction of evolutionary change
U. two closely related organisms undergo a similar evolutionary change
through time
V. the best hypothesis is the one with the fewest number of
W. form
X. says that origin and extinction of organisms is probabilistic
Y. relationships between fossil species and ancient environments
Z. numerical taxonomy
AA. with mutual benefit to both participants
BB. studies passage of organisms from the biosphere to the lithosphere
CC. model or pattern
30. Define the following terms (3 POINTS EACH):
A. Red Queen Hypothesis B. Evolution C. Adaptive Radiation D. Species 31. List the characteristics of index fossils (4 POINTS):
32. List the prerequisites or preferred conditions for fossilization (4 POINTS):
33. List the means by which Cladistic Polarity is established (4 POINTS):
34. List Darwin's facts and deductions (5 POINTS):
35. List the requirements needed for determining evolutionary patterns and rates at the species level within the
fossil record (4 POINTS):
36. What features are used to classify the Foraminifera? Which of these are most important? (5 POINTS)
37. ESSAY - You have discovered a rich fossil deposit in southeast Zaire, where no extensive geologic or
paleontologic studies have been conducted. How would you establish the age of the deposit from which the
fossils have been obtained? In your answer, discuss the lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and absolute dating
techniques that may potentially be used as well as the benefits and/or problems associated with each. USE THE
38. ESSAY - Discuss the limiting factors that control the distribution of organisms. USE THE BACK OF THIS