1. Revisión de vocabulario. Marca las palabras que ya conoces. Nouns drawing mysteries Sports fishing romance aerobics gardening short stories baseball going clubbing science fiction basketball going shopping Types of movies bike riding going to the gym comedies bowling hanging out with friends horror boxing having coffee with friends love stories car racing knitting musicals cycling listening to music mysteries football painting science fiction golf playing video games thriller hiking reading westerns hockey sewing Print media horse racing singing advertisement ice-skating singing karaoke magazine jogging staying home newspaper karate sunbathing picture ping pong surfing the web Electronic devices roller skating taking photographs Blue-Ray player running traveling CD player skating watching movies computer skiing watching TV DVD player soccer Types of music iPOD softball classical MP3 player surfing country MP4 player swimming dance radio tae-kwon-do electronic television / TV tennis hip hop Other volleyball jazz ability weightlifting Latin beach yoga pop rock guitar Activities and hobbies salsa piano collecting Types of book poetry cooking biographies talent dancing comics talent show team (free) time Adjectives artistic athletic great mechanical musical technical Verbs draw enjoy enter fix play (a musical instrument) play (a sport) practice sing skate speak use workout write Adverbs (not) at all badly fast just maybe nicely poorly quite well terribly tomorrow too (not) very well (really) well Preposition on (TV) 2. Escribe las palabras que no conoces en tu cuaderno. ¿Cuántas son? ¿Qué vas a hacer para aprenderte estas palabras? __________________________________ 3. En esta sección marca las funciones que aprendiste o que ya conoces. Hablar sobre deportes y Expresar habilidades: entretenimiento: Can you …? What sports do you like / play? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. I love / play / practice Can she speak languages? I don’t like / play… She can speak English, but she can’t speak French at all. Who do you play with? She can read English, but she can’t speak English very well. With some friends from school Pedir ayuda o un favor: When does your team practice? Excuse me. We practice on … Can you please…? / Could you please…? What time do you practice? Sure / No problem / Of course We start at … No, not now. / Sorry What’s your favourite type of movie? Can you do me a favour? / Can you help me? I really love horror movies Can you hand me …? Pedir permiso: Can / Could / May I use your pencil? Can / May I leave / go out? Sure / No problem / Of course No, not now. / Sorry 4. ¿Hay funciones o frases que no conozcas? ¿Qué vas a hacer para aprenderlas? ________________________________________________________________