Ecosystems Quiz: What ___________#__ needs to know:

Ecosystems Quiz: What ___________#__ needs to know:
1. Organisms have __________________ that help them meet a life need.
2. Explain how different organisms use their adaptations to meet their needs.
a. An arctic hare… ______________________________
b. A blow fish… ______________________________
c. Wolves howling… ______________________________
d. An electric eel… ______________________________
3. A ________________ is an organism that can produce its own food.
4. An ________________ is an animal that eats both plants and meat. (Like most of us!)
5. A _________________ is an animal that eats plants only. (Like a manatee!)
6. A _________________ is an animal that eats meat only. (Like a lion)
7. A ________________ eats producers or other consumers.
8. A _________________ feeds on dead producers, consumers, and wastes.
9. An animal that hunts for other animals is called the _________________.
10. An animal that gets eaten by other animals is its _________________.
11. The greatest amount of energy in a community is in the _____________________.
12. What travels through food chains/webs? __________________________________
13. A ____________ is the function that an organism performs in the food web of that
community. It also includes everything else the organism does and needs in its
14. Are there more producers or consumers? __________________
15. Be able to complete simple food chains!
16. An organism’s habitat provides ____________, ____________, ______________, and
______________. (We did 3 of those with “Oh Deer!”)
17. Humans have a major impact on ecosystems.
18. Habitat is the place or kind of place in which an animal or plant naturally lives.
19. Tell me about a frog’s life cycle and habitat: ________________________________________
20. Tell me about a butterfly’s life cycle and habitat: _____________________________________