Oct. 27 Judaism Wednesday: Breslauer chapter 4. pp. 82-95

Oct. 27 Judaism
Wednesday: Breslauer chapter 4. pp. 82-95
Todays stuff: www.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/TalmudMap/MG.html
Chapter numbers Targum (a few links)
8 Aspects in creating the modern Jewish Bible
1. Proper content
When were contents of the Jewish Bible finally established? ___________________________
Which parts of the modern Bible were scripture before the C. Era?
The discussions in the Common Era concerned which part of the Bible?
The full criteria used to determine the canon is uncertain, but what can we know about it?
2. “Proper” versions.
Why was this an issue for the early rabbis? ________________________________________
When did they more or less achieve their goal? __________________________________
What is the modern name for the version they settled on? __________________________
How did it get its name? ______________________________________________________
In what forms did the proto-M.T. exist? ____________________________________________
Who could read the MT? __________________________________________________
Meaning (translations)
What are the early translations of the Bible called? ______________________________
What language are the most important ones in? _______________________________
Why were these made? _________________________________________________
Which is the earliest, what is it like? ________________________________
What characterizes the Targum Jonathan? ___________________________________
How were the targums used? _____________________________________________
Example from M.T. and Targum Jonathan. Genesis 1:2
MT: The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit
of God was moving over the surface of the waters.
T. J. And the earth was vacancy and desolation, solitary of the sons of men, and void of every animal;
and darkness was upon the face of the abyss, and the Spirit of mercies from before the Lord
breathed upon the face of the waters.
Traditions of reading / vocalizing
Why did special traditions develop about reading the bible? ________________________________
What is the system of correct text, pronunciation, and recitation called? _______________________
How was it taught in the early centuries? _______________________________________________
How did it develop in later centuries? __________________________________________________
Who produced the masorah? _______________________________________________________
Was their work completely consistent? ________________________________________________
What all is included in their work? ____________________________________________________
How old is the oldest complete Hebrew Bible now existing? ________________________________
What is a “codex” ? __________________________________________________
5 - 6 Physical forms of Bibles
How would different physical forms of the bible reflect different uses? _________________________
What is a book form of the Torah for a synagogue congregation called? __________________
Would it be read aloud? _____________________________
What would a study edition of the torah (or all Tanakh) feature? ________________________
What is Haftarah? __________________________________________________________
What form does this take? ____________________________________________________
What other texts are often put in scroll-form even in the modern world? ______________________
Other scrolls used for festivals
Song of Songs
Ecclesiastes / Qohelth
Passover Sabbath
Tisha B’Av
Sukkoth Sabbath
Exploring the meanings
How was the bible studied? _____________________________________________________
What is the Mikra’ot Gedolot? _______________________________________________
What is in it? _________________________________________________________________
Who are among the most important commentators on the Bible included in the M. G.?
What was the effect of the printing press, especially when combined with the Codex form?
People and books
Tannaim  Mishnah
Amorain 
Masoretes  Tanakh. (M.T).