Week 1: Discussion Questions

Week 1: Discussion Questions
This week we are getting to know each other and establishing our standards and
expectations for our class. This is a chance to introduce yourself and help establish
our class culture and ground rules.
Post answers to questions by Wednesday, April 6.
Post RESPONSES by Friday, April 8.
Question one is an opportunity to introduce yourself. Please write two or three
paragraphs – have fun with it.
Question two is about our expectations for communicating with each other. Please
let us know what you need, what you expect, and what you are comfortable with.
In addition to posting your own answers, RESPOND TO AT LEAST THREE
COMMENTS FROM OTHERS IN THE CLASS. Thoughtful comments of a few
sentences are what I’m looking for – not just “yeah cool, “ but some real substance.
Introduce yourself to us as a writer. For example, tell us what kind of writing you do
or hope to do. Why are you taking an online writing class at this moment in your
life? What benefits and challenges do you anticipate? How do you feel about being
here ?
What are your expectations and preferences regarding online communication and
comments on each other’s writing? What will help you feel comfortable and
supported? You might also consider what you don’t want to have happen – what
would make you uncomfortable. You might share a good or bad experience you’ve
had either sharing your writing or in an online forum.
This is a starting point to create some collective expectations for our work together.