General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry, 2 Edition OR

Required Materials for the Course:
General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry, 2nd Edition
by Janice Smith
Either the package in the bookstore OR the ALL DIGITAL option purchased directly through
McGraw-Hill (which is called ConnectPlus) – information and pricing on both options below.
Where and How to Get It: CHOICES for purchasing the required course materials:
1) Bookstore: Your bookstore has this print textbook packaged with ConnectPlus
***Please note there are individual packages for both CHEM 121 and CHEM 131 packaged with ConnectPlus. The first package
is for those students ONLY taking CHEM& 121. This package has the first 10 chapters of the book packaged with ConnectPlus
for around $120. The second package is for those students who will be taking BOTH CHEM& 121 AND CHEM& 131. This
package has the entire book packaged with ConnectPlus for around $150
2) Online: All DIGITAL, this is the least expensive alternative!! You can purchase ConnectPlus (no print textbook but you will have
access to the Ebook and access to all the Connect/Learnsmart content) directly from McGraw -Hill for $115.00 (to purchase
this option, you will need to select the “buy online” option mentioned below)
How to register for ConnectPlus:
1) Log in to your institution’s Canvas site and navigate to your course
2) Click on the McGraw-Hill Campus link within your course. This link may be found in either the “Home” tab or the “Modules”
3) Click on the link (this can say MH Campus, or Connect, it varies from course to course).
4) Accept the Student Terms of Service (this will be the ONLY time you have to accept these terms)
5) Click on the CONNECT button. This will take you to a screen that looks like this:
Here is a link to additional instructions/screen shots for the steps above:
6) Click the “Register Now” Button
 Enter your email address.
 Enter your access code (if you purchased the package in the bookstore)
o OR select “Buy Online” (this is the $115 option for ALL DIGITAL,
which does not come with a print textbook, BUT you can purchase a print textbook for $80 at any time)
o OR “Courtesy Access” if you don’t have an access code (you will have 2 weeks with courtesy access to decide if you
would like the ALL DIGITAL $115 version OR if you would like to purchase the package with the print textbook and
ConnectPlus in the bookstore).
 Complete the registration form, click “Submit”
View this URL for information on ConnectPlus:
o Please note if you purchase the all-digital version for $115 and decide you still want a print textbook, you can order
one at any time by clicking a button inside ConnectPlus. This is a loose leaf version of the text and is $80.00 (it will be
shipped directly to you for free!)
If you need any Technical Support
(forgotten password, wrong code, etc)
please contact McGraw-Hill Education
Customer Experience Group at :
(800) 331-5094
(Please be sure to get your case number for
future reference if you call the CXG line.)
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CLICK HERE to watch a You Tube video on HOW TO REGISTER for CONNECT:
CLICK HERE to watch a You Tube video about Connect (aka SmartBook/LearnSmart):