First Grade Newsletter Week of 3/14/16 Weekly Themes/Units:

First Grade Newsletter Week of 3/14/16
Weekly Themes/Units:
ELA- SKILLS- LISTENING AND LEARNING (Domain 7)- History of the Earth- Students will
MATH- (Module 4- Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 40) Students will compare
quantities and numerals from left to right. Students will use the symbols >,< and = to compare
quantities and numerals. Students will add and subtract tens from a multiple of 10. Students will add
tens to a two-digit number.
SCIENCE-. Students will recognize that friction is a force that makes it harder to move things. Students will
observe that the motion of objects can be changed by the amount of friction acting upon them. Students will
recognize that a magnet is a piece of iron that attracts objects with iron in them. Students will observe that a
magnet has two different poles and recognize that a magnet’s pulling force is strongest at the poles.
SOCIAL STUDIES- Students will listen to stories about St. Patrick’s Day and explain why we celebrate that
3/25- No School- Good Friday
- Please remember to send your child with weather-appropriate clothes for the playground. They will
need boots or old sneakers as we change over to muddy or damp conditions that come as “SPRINGLIKE” weather approaches.
-Please be sure your child is practicing their spelling words every night for 5-10 minutes. The words are
included in the homework packet, and the spelling test is every Friday.
-Please be sure your child is coming to school prepared each day. They should be bringing a backpack
and home/school folder with them every day.