Reproduction Warm Up Questions

Reproduction Warm Up Questions
Put these animals in order based on gestation lengths (shortest to longest)
Cow, Ewe, Sow, Doe (Rabbit), Dog, Mare
The Reproductive Track
-The ovary produces ova (eggs), and is where the female sex hormones are produced.
Follicles develop and produce estrogen; the ovum is released after the follicle rupture.
-Where the ovum travels too. The oviduct is also the site where the egg and sperm meet
and fertilization takes place.
-There are two horns in the uterus the body and the cervix. The fallopian tubes or
oviducts are located at the end of each horn. They are lined with microscopic cilia, which
helps guide the ovum to the horn. Usually the site of sperm and ovum is uniting.
Uterine Horns
-The uterine horns are two branches of the uterus. The fallopian tubes or oviduct are
located at the end of each horn. They are lined with cilia to help guide the egg to the
horn. Usually the site of sperm and ovum uniting.
-The cervix is the "Mouth of Womb" opening of the uterus that sperm must pass to
fertilize the egg.
-This is the site of semen deposition in the cow. Reins between the vulva and the cervix
-The vulva is an exterior portion of the reproductive tract.