Name________________________________________________ Date___________________

2. A catastrophic, widespread -- often global -- event in which
major groups of species are wiped out over a relatively short
period when compared to normal ( background ) extinction rates
3. Able to be broken down into simpler substances (elements
and compounds) by naturally occuring decomposers.
4. Situation in which some people consume much more than
they need at the expense of those who can not meet their basic
needs- and at the expense of earth's present and future lifesupport systems for humans and other forms of life.
5. Forms of economic development and activities that do not
deplete or degrade the natural resources upon which present and
future economic growth and life depend.
6. A natural effect that traps heat in the atmosphere
(troposphere) near the earth's surface.
7. Conversion of rangeland, rain-fed cropland to desert-like
land, with a drop in agricultural productivity of 10% or more. It
is usually caused by a combination of overgrazing, soil erosion,
prolonged drought, and climate change.
11. converting waste products and other good we throw away into usable
products instead of putting them into a landfill
12. Erosion The loss of topsoil through silt-laden runoff , strong winds, or
other forces that transport soil away from its natural location.
13. ownership of a large number of acres and animals by persons or
organizations that oversee production but do not actually work with the land
or the animals
14. Removal of trees from a forested area without adequate replanting.
15. humanity’s role, designated by God, to protect, care for, and sustain the
rest of creation
1. Method of growing crops and raising livestock based on organic
fertilizers, soil conservation, water conservation, biological control of pests,
and minimal use of non-renewable fossil-fuel energy.
8. using other living creatures for our purposes without respecting their Godgiven dignity
9. study of the environment and the relationships among the elements of
10. view that the rests of nature is solely for human use
Greenhouse effect
Mass extinction
stainable agriculture
Sustainable development
Environment Notes
 Case Study: Between 1971 and 1991, Texaco extracted 1.5 billion barrels of oil
from Ecuador. In doing so, so much crude oil and known carcinogens were
dumped in nearby rivers, and into the ground, that the cancer rate rose to100 times
the historical norm (in order to save $3 per barrel).
 The UN warns that the ocean levels could rise 20 inches by the end of the century.
Should this happen, 20 % of Bangladesh’s arable land could be underwater, as
would New Orleans. The water supply of many coastal cities would be
 Although the U.S. only has about 5% of the world’s population, it
o produces 22% of the world’s total GHG emissions;
o owns 25% of the world’s cars
o uses 26% of the world’s electricity – more than Canada, France, Brazil,
the UK, Italy, Spain, Mexico, AND 170 other countries and territories
 The US bishops wrote, “Individual nations must measure their own self-interest
against the greater common good and contribute equitably to global solutions.
 Kyoto Protocol commit countries to decrease its greenhouse gases by 5.2% from
their 1990 levels between 2008-2012. The primary gas would be carbon dioxide.
o Bush: “I will not accept a plan that will harm our economy and hurt
American workers.”
o Our own EPA warned that climate change will have dire and far-reaching
effects on the American environment and, thus, on the American
population. Bush downplayed this report, dismissing it as being “put out
by the bureaucracy.”
 Mexico City – air pollution so great that just being there for a day is the
equivalent of smoking one pack of cigarettes.
 Poor and minorities suffer the most from environmental damage.
 John Paul II: We cannot interfere in one are of the ecosystem without paying due
attention to the consequences of such interference in other areas and to the wellbeing of future generations.
 ½ of species live in the rainforests
 Over ½ of the rainforests on Earth have already been destroyed.
o Not only do the rainforest absorb a great deal of CO2(carbon dioxide) and
give off oxygen, but the cutting down and subsequent burning of the
rainforests releases all of this absorbed CO2 back into the atmosphere (a
leading cause of global warming).
o ¼ of all medicines in the world come from plants in the Amazon rain
forest. Approximately 3,000 such plants have been found to have cancerfighting properties, with 99% of species never having been examined for
such potential. They are being forced into extinction before we can even
learn if they might save our lives.
Know the six principles from the U.S. bishops’ letter on the environment:
1. God-centered, sacramental world
2. Respect for life
3. Planetary common good and solidarity
4. Universal purpose of created things
5. Option for the poor
6. Authentic development, consumption, and population.
Know about St. Dorothy Stang
With the crossword puzzle, some of the topics that were in the crossword puzzle may
have been discussed in class, but without the specific word being defined or even used in
class. If you are having any trouble with the crossword, check out to look up answers.
(Obviously, the crossword is homework, not just a good review. Print it out and hand it in
on Tuesday.)
Also, check the website again before the test. I may add things on Sunday or early
Monday (definitely before 5 PM).