102-Debate Type-Guidelines and Format.docx

Debate Presentation/Outline Format
Time: 5-6 minutes
Outline: 30
Speech: 40
 To further develop and refine both your delivery and organizational skills
 To further develop research skills
 To enhance public speaking skills
 To allow students to develop methods of motivating audience members
In this debate type persuasive speech, you will be choosing a topic from a list that will go around.
Each student must choose one topic. Topics will be argumentative in nature. Students will be
allowed to choose counter-arguments to a topic that has already been chosen. You may select to
do your speech on a topic that is not already on the list if approved by the instructor. The goal of
this assignment will be to take a stance on a controversial issue and be able to defend your
thoughts with sound evidence and credible sources.
 Must use a cohesive organizational pattern in outline and speech
 2 notecards may be used. No Reading.
 At least 4 sources should be used for research
 Must use at least 1 scholarly article (ex. journal found on ebscohost)
 Each source must be documented within outline and on reference page
 MLA format should be used
 3 oral citations must be made
Outline Format
Attention-Getter/Introduction of topic:
Rapport/Credibility-Connect with audience, show importance of topic and your
credibility if possible
Thesis Statement:
Preview of points (first, next, finally):
Body (the number of supporting points, sub-supporting points will vary among speeches)
Main Point 1
A. Supporting Point
1. Sub-supporting point (ex. Causes, effects- examples, facts, statistics…etc)
2. Sub-supporting point
B. Supporting Point
1. Sub-supporting point
2. Sub-supporting point
(Transition Statement)
Main Point 2
A. Supporting Point
1. Sub-supporting point
2. Sub-supporting point
B. Supporting Point
1. Sub-supporting point
C. Supporting Point
(Transition Statement)
Main Point 3
A. Supporting Point
B. Supporting Point
1. Sub-supporting point
2. Sub-supporting point
Summarize (overall theme):
Refer back to introduction:
Sense of closure (end with impact):
References Page