Anderson, South Carolina
September 17, 2013
6:30 P.M.
The Board of Trustees of Anderson County School District Number Five met in the Offices of
the Board this date with the following members present: Mr. Jay Blankenship, Mr. Rick
Bradshaw, Mr. John P. Griffith, Mrs. Ann W. Huitt, Mrs. Margaret Mack, Mr. Al Norris, Mr.
Tommy Price, and Mr. Dick Smith. Absent was Mr. Paul Zugg.
In accordance with the S. C. Code of Laws, 1976, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the
following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The
Anderson Independent-Mail, Greenville News, The Anderson Journal, WYFF, WSPA, Paul
Brown, and FOX 21.
Mr. Bradshaw called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Bradshaw, and Mrs. Huitt gave the
Mr. Price made a motion the Board approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Smith
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
No one signed up to address the Board.
Mr. Bradshaw recognized a member of Boy Scout Troop #84 and asked him to introduce
himself. Mr. Bradshaw also recognized Anderson County Board of Education Chairman
David Draisen to present a report from the County Board.
Mr. Draisen reported that the County Board is still waiting to hear from the Legislative
Delegation about providing resource officers in all schools in Anderson County. It may be
after the General Assembly reconvenes in November. Mr. Draisen also stated that the
County Board has a proposal to raise their millage by 3% to help provide resource officers.
Mr. Draisen reported an expansion of the Mental Health Program at the County Board level.
The County Board has hired four new counselors that will be placed in their assigned schools
by the end of the week.
Mr. Wilson stated that the SCSBA’s Boardmanship Institute offers training on leadership
skills for Board Members on state and national educational issues. Mr. Wilson recognized
board member Jay Blankenship who has reached Level Two in the Boardmanship
Institute training.
Mr. Wilson recognized Dr. Leverette for leading the district in attaining accreditation through
the AdvancED process and thanked all participants who assisted in the process. He
presented the District Accreditation Quality Achievement plaque to the Board.
Mr. Wilson recommended Board approval of the following Consent Agenda item:
Minutes of the August 20, 2013 Regular Board Meeting
With no objections and by Board consensus, the Consent Agenda item was
approved as presented.
Approval of Bids – Mr. Bradshaw recognized Mrs. Huitt to present information regarding
the Southwood Academy of the Arts Dance Studio and 3D Arts Studio Project and the
Westside High School Press Box Stairs Project. Mrs. Huitt distributed a Bid Tabulation sheet
and reported that M. L. Garrett Construction Company (including two alternates) was the
low bidder for a total of $403,073. Mrs. Huitt then recognized Mr. Brooks to explain the Bid
Tabulation sheet.
Mr. Brooks stated that the Bid Tabulation sheet is a re-bid of the two projects bided in June
2013. The bids include several things: renovations to space at Southwood for a second
dance studio, 3D Arts Studio, and a set of metal fabricated stairs for the Westside Stadium
Press Box to provide a second means of egress. Mr. Brooks stated that a previous bid for
the metal stairs were not too favorable so in an effort to attract more potential bidders, the
Westside Press Box Stairs Project was included with the Southwood Dance Studio and 3D
Arts Studio Project. He further stated that the three projects were bid in such a way to give
the Board multiple options to consider with the idea of ending up with an awardable bid. .
Mr. Books then called attention to several bid scenarios (including two alternates). He
stated that as compared to the pre-bid cost estimate, the three projects did prove to be
better bids. With regards to the two alternates, he stated that the bids were above the prebid cost estimates. Mr. Brooks then recognized Mr. Larry Bishop from McMillan Pazdan
Smith to explain the two alternates.
Mr. Bishop stated that the two alternates are related to the 3D Arts Studio. The first
alternate is a paint booth/welding booth and the second alternate is a compressed air
system to accompany the booths.
Following some discussion, Mr. Bradshaw recommended the Board table the bid information
and refer it to the Building Committee for further discussion. Mr. Wilson then recommended
that a Building Committee Meeting be scheduled prior to the Special Board Meeting on
September 30, 3013.
Mr. Bradshaw made a motion the Board table the consideration of bids for the
Southwood Academy of the Arts Dance Studio and 3D Arts Studio Project and the
Westside High School Press Box Stairs Project until September 30, 2013 Special
Board Meeting. Mr. Blankenship seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Policy Revisions – Mr. Wilson and the Administration recommended first reading approval,
with the waiver of second reading, of the following policies:
IJOA – Field Trips
IKEC – Middle School Athletic/Grading
Mr. Blankenship made a motion the Board approve the policies on first reading,
with the waiver of second reading. Mr. Mack seconded the motion, which carried
Financial Reports – Mr. Brooks presented as information the monthly Financial
Statements, Pupil Activity Report, and a list of accounts with overages for the month of
August 2013. As compared to prior years, we have a 3% positive expenditure variance.
With regards to projections for the Fund Balance, looking only at the expenditures, this
would project out to about a 2.75% gain for the Fund Balance. This gain does not take into
account end-of-the year accruals.
Mr. Bradshaw then stated the report listing accounts with overages that he requested is no
longer needed going into the new fiscal year.
Sinage Bid Update – Mr. Brooks stated that in April the Board decided to solicit bids for
electronic signs at all of our schools that do not currently have electronic signs. He stated
that the Administration began working on the project and realized it would involve some site
visits to the schools to look at the existing sign structures as well as the electrical
infrastructure present at the signs. After completing the specifications, the bid solicitation
was published on August 14, 2013. Pre-bid site visits were held with potential bidders on
August 28, 2013. Mr. Brooks then stated that bids were originally due on September 10,
2013, but as a result of the pre-bid site visits, several questions and concerns were
expressed by the sign contractors. Our intent at that point was to include the electrical
portion of the projects in with the sign specifications. Because there were so many
differences from school to school, the Administration decided to postpone the bids in order
to issue some clarifications with regards to the electrical infrastructure in place. The
Administration also decided to remove the electrical connection portion of the bid and focus
just on the electronic message boards. Mr. Brooks reported that the Administration is
currently working with Duke Energy to provide the power supply directly to the sign
locations. We feel that this will be the most cost effective and expedient means of providing
electricity to the signs. At this point, our goal is to issue an addendum that will establish a
new bid date just for the signs and have the sign bids and the cost from Duke Energy to
provide all of the electrical connections for the Board to consider at the next Committee of
the Whole Meeting on October 10, 2013. Mr. Brooks then distributed a written summary of
the update.
Non-Certified Hires – Mr. Wilson distributed as information a list of the Non-Certified
Update on College & Career Readiness Initiatives – In a PowerPoint presentation,
College & Career Readiness Liaison Specialist Dr. Veta New discussed the following:
● Goals to create and foster relationships with the business community and other
educational stakeholders
● Design of a Master Plan for partnerships with area industry, business, and higher
● Establish communication and collaborative networks with middle, secondary, and
system leadership
● Develop a comprehensive strategy to increase the district’s graduation rate and
reduce the dropout rate
● Provide information, resources, and professional development programs to school
guidance counselors, career facilitators, graduation coaches and teachers
● Meet with and develop a coordination for the delivery of SC Pathways to Success
Regional Education Center information, resources, and services for students, educators,
employers and the community
● Research AVID and other South Carolina based initiatives
● Immediate next steps
Superintendents’ Symposium – Mr. Wilson reported that he attended the
Superintendents’ Symposium in Charleston September 4-5, 2013. He stated that a day was
set aside for new superintendents, which was very beneficial.
There were also
presentations from the EOC, State Board of Education, SCASA and a special presentation on
South Carolina Finance.
Dr. Bill Daggett (September 27, 2013) – Mr. Wilson reported that Dr. Bill Daggett will
be in the district on September 27, 2013 presenting at the Glenview Middle School. There
will be two sessions; one from 8:30-10:30 a.m. and 1:00-3:00 p.m. Mr. Wilson invited the
Board to attend.
Mr. Wilson also reported that Representative Bowen invited him to attend the Bi-State
Savannah River Caucus Meeting. The Governor of Georgia, the Governor of South Carolina
and representatives from both General Assemblies will be in attendance.
Executive Session
Mr. Bradshaw stated that information regarding the Student Matter listed under Executive
Session was sent to the Board. He also stated that if there was a need for discussion on the
matter, the Board would recess and reconvene in Executive Session. He further stated that
if there is no discussion from the Board, he would take a motion to approve the
Administration’s recommendation to waive a P.E. requirement.
Mr. Price made a motion the Board approve the Administration’s recommendation
to waive a P.E. requirement. Mrs. Mack seconded the motion, which carried
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
(7:31 P.M.)
Recording Secretary
As Approved By Superintendent