Smoke Free Campus Policy Purpose

Smoke Free Campus Policy
The University holds interest in protecting employees and residents from any secondhand smoke
exposure, and in eliminating potential for the use of Willamette University property to support
the generation of negative health consequences that may come from smoking. A smoke free
campus protects members of its community from any secondhand smoke exposure. A smoke free
campus limits our exposure to negative health consequences.
Effective January 1, 2016, Willamette University prohibits smoking at all University controlled
properties and in university vehicles. Smoking of any substance, including via any electronic
smoking devices, (e.g., e-cigarettes) is strictly prohibited in all indoor and outdoor spaces,
including parking lots or areas owned, regulated, or controlled by the university.
This policy applies to all members of the community. This includes academic appointees,
staff, students, alumni, volunteers, contractors, visitors, and anyone entering onto
University controlled properties. All are expected to adhere to this policy and the
applicable procedures.
Event organizers are responsible for communicating this policy to event attendees.
The policy applies to all facilities and all vehicles, whether owned, leased, or rented by
the University.
An ongoing effort to develop awareness and encourage a culture of compliance is
important to this policy’s effective implementation. This effort calls for respect and
cooperation by all members of the University community. Members of the campus
community are encouraged to respectfully inform each other about the policy.
It is also the responsibility of vice presidents, deans, directors, department heads, and
managers to communicate this policy to employees and volunteers.
Visitors, guests, volunteers, trainees, vendors, contractors, and supplemental staff
employed through contract agencies, must be made aware of, and are expected to
adhere to, this smoke free policy. Notice of this policy should be included in contracts
when applicable.
Human Resources will incorporate the policy into new employee orientation training
programs. A comprehensive education and outreach campaign, including resources and
referrals related to cessation, will be made available.
The sale and advertising of tobacco, tobacco-related products, electronic smoking
devices, and products related to electronic smoking devices are prohibited at all
controlled properties except for advertising included in newspapers, magazines, or
other written materials not authored by Willamette community members that are sold,
bought, or distributed on our property (e.g., The Statesman Journal).
Enforcement will first be educational, and include an emphasis on providing referrals to
cessation resources. Non-compliance will be handled through our established personnel
policies, the Standards of Conduct, and enforcement protocol prescribed in this policy.
There will be no reprisal against anyone seeking assistance in enforcing this policy.
Smoking may be permitted for traditional ceremonial activities of recognized cultural
and/or religious groups.
Research involving smoking, for educational or clinical purposes, may proceed upon
review and written approval by appropriate research protocol committees.
For property acquired or received by gift, or bequest after the effective date of this policy,
the provision of this policy shall apply (i) 30 days following the date of such acquisition
or receipt, if the property is then unoccupied; or (ii) if the property is occupied at the time
of acquisition or receipt, 30 days following the expiration of such preexisting occupancy
Violations of this policy in most instances will be first addressed using standard educational
methods, and thereafter by the following corrective measures.
Community members who encounter an individual who is violating the policy, but do not
feel comfortable approaching the person in violation, should contact Campus Safety.
Unless there is an egregious act, Campus Safety enforcement of the Smoke-Free Policy
will result in a warning, providing information about the policy benefit to the
community, access to information about smoking cessation resources. Further noncompliance may be addressed by actions progressing into personnel action and fines.
Members of the Community include academic appointees, staff, students, volunteers,
contractors, and visitors to all University controlled properties.
University Controlled Properties shall include all those lands occupied, regulated, or controlled
by Willamette University; which also includes, but is not limited to, parking garages, parking
lots, athletic fields and stadiums seating. Also, this refers to University owned properties, those
leased to others, and properties leased to the University in which the University has a 100%
ownership interest or an exclusive lease interest.
Smoke Free means that smoking is prohibited. The use of regulated and unregulated nicotine
products, including use of electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes, is prohibited on all
University controlled properties.
Smoking means possession of a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, water-pipe or hookah or any
product consumed in a similar manner; and the use of an unlit cigarette, cigar, pipe, water-pipe or hookah,
or the use of an electronic cigarette, cigar, pipe or any other device intended to simulate smoking.
Tobacco Product means all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, hookahs, electronic cigarettes, and all other products used in all forms of smoking devices.
Tobacco-Related means the use of tobacco brand or corporate name, trademark, logo, symbol,
motto, or selling message that is identifiable with those used for any brand of tobacco products
or company which manufactures tobacco.
This policy was enacted September, 2015
Status: This policy was approved September, 2015
Effective Date: Currently in effect.
Last Revision Date: 2015
Last Review Date: 2015
Next Anticipated Review: 2016
Responsible University Administrator: Monica Rimai, Senior Vice President
Responsible University Office: Bishop Wellness Center
Primary Policy Contact: Questions and Suggestions Contact: Bishop Wellness Center Phone:
Willamette University provides an environment that promotes the health, well-being, and safety of all
students, faculty, staff, and visitors. In addition to causing direct health hazards, smoking contributes to
incidents of fire damage, additional cleaning and maintenance costs, and employee absenteeism. This
policy serves to minimize the negative effects of secondhand smoke within our community.