writing unit 2 accurate reporting

Telling what happened
accurate report
Accurate report : is an organized presentation of facts .
What is the purpose of an accurate report ?
To tell someone about something that happened .
Writing tips
1. Follow chronological order .
By yelling what happened first , next , and so on.
2. Be precise .
By giving exact information , exact names , times , and
places .
3. Answer the 5 wh questions .
Who, what, when, where, and often why .
Organization skills
main idea sentence
 A main idea sentence for accurate report should tell
the reader :
1. What particular event is being reported .
2. who was involved .
3. Where the event happened .
4. When it occurred .
Exercise 2pages 23-24
Exercise 3pages 25-26
 Being precise : means you must give exact details , the
exact time , the correct names , the specific places , and
the exact numbers .
 Exercise 4 pages 25-26
 Exercise 5 pages 26-27
Punctuation skills
 Using comma with introductory phrases .
A phrase : is a grammatical unit of two or more words without a verb .
Introductory phrase occur before the main clause and often includes a
prepositions ( in , on , at , during ) or a time word ( later , earlier , ago )
An introductory phrase + , + main clause +.
Main clause + introductory phrase + .
More uses of commas
 1. with dates .
a. To separate a day of the week from date .
e.g Monday , 26august .
b. To separate a date from a year .
e.g 13 march, 2014
Note : don’t use comma between month and a year .
e.g march 2014
c. After a year that follows date .
e.g 7 june , 2006
Note : don’t use a comma after a year by itself
2. To separate a city from a country .
e.g riyadh , ksa
3. With numbers over 1,000 ( but not years )
e.g 10,000 , 4,000
Exercise 8 page 29
Grammar skills
indirect speech : simple present
 Form :
when changing from direct to indirect speech :
1. Drop the quotation marks “ ’’
2. change present simple to past simple .
3. Change the pronouns ( I , you , we , etc ) where necessary .
4. Use the reporting verb said , told , reported , announced .
* reported , announced are used for formal writing .
* told always have indirect object
* that is optional .
Exercise 9 pages 30 -31
Indirect speech : present continuous
Form :
Change Present continuous : am / is / are + v-ing
To past continuous : was / were + v-ing
e.g “ I am studying anatomy , ’’ said Ahmad
Ahmad said ( that ) he was studying anatomy .