Present: William Beaver, David Yee, Doug Re, James Hsiao, Robert Balestreri,... Mery, Jose Padilla, Tim Ryan, Ophelia Clark, Alex Kenndey, Richard...

William Beaver, David Yee, Doug Re, James Hsiao, Robert Balestreri, Joe Jah, Pam
Mery, Jose Padilla, Tim Ryan, Ophelia Clark, Alex Kenndey, Richard Middaugh, Dr.
Denton Crews, Dorothy Mak, Bob Gabriner, James Rogers, Mamie How.
1. Call to Order - William Beaver
2. Nominations and Election of Chairperson - William Beaver
Ophelia Clark nominated David Yee, Doug Re seconded. David Yee was
unanimously elected.
3. Reports by Areas of Information Technology Services
a. General Manager’s Report - Doug Re
i. Banner 6 Implementation on track for winter break 2004-2005.
ii. Voice Response Unit (VRU) will be phased out during the Banner
6 implementations.
b. Network Infrastructure & Campus Connectivity - Tim Ryan
i. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
- Approved by Board in June.
- The project will increase the current capacity.
ii. New Banner will only support Broadband (VPN) access.
iii. Meeting to discuss Wireless Access in Student Union will be held
next week.
c. Administrative Systems (Banner) - James Hsiao
i. Banner 6
Testing system under the name of Ban6.
ii. Degree Audit (CAPP) has successfully loaded 2001/2002 catalog
iii. Ed Plan
Phase 1 - tested by counselors on September 23rd
Phase 2 - will be in production on September 30th
iv. Projects:
 VRU phase out
 Purchasing of parking tickets on the Web to be
implemented for summer 2005.
 Creation of Excel file for class list for Administrators and
Department Chairs.
 Setting up of test system in DEVL for Wait List processing
 Purchasing EPOS hardware & software for the new credit
card project in 3rd week of October.
 Programmers had been reassigned to District office to
provide support for the annual financial audit.
 SARS - Scripts for loading counseling data to Banner.
 Assisting in setting up ODBC connection in Library for
real time enrollment verification.
d. Educational Technology - Mamie How
i. On-line courses are expanding each semester and TMI is creating a
“Faculty Template” which will provide faculty a course syllabus
on the web page.
Bob Gabriner asked how much does the on-line program benefits students
and to what type of students does the program attract? Mamie will get
information from Janet Willett.
ii. TLC will be holding workshops on web and spam
4. ITPC Governance Issues
a. ITPC Membership Update - David Yee
b. ITPC Responsibility for College Web Site
Dr. Crews discussed the CCSF web site. Policies on look and feel
need to be discussed and it will be placed on the next agenda.
5. Old Business
a. Telephone System Update - Tim Ryan
Tim Ryan spoke on the need to educate our phone users to use the
built-in phone directory (keypad), on-line directory, and printed directory
to find City College phone numbers; this will reduce the phonecall back
up for the telephone operations. Ophelia Clark asked that a reminder
“cheat sheet” to be sent to the users. She was also concerned about
identifying the analog phones during a power outage. Tim also discussed
the new Sprint cellular phones which will be arrived next week and would
be distributed.
b. Document Imaging Update - Richard Middaugh
Richard reported that the RFI was almost ready to issue.
c. Audit Report and Re-Engineering - Denton Crews
Denton Crews summarized the findings in the audit report for
FY04 that pertained to IT. Consistent with the audit report response by
the Chancellor, it is expected that there will be more policy and procedure
development within IT and a major project for documenting business
practices and re-engineering especially in areas highly dependent on
Banner software and support (e.g. payroll, human resources, and
d. Computer Usage and Web Policy and Privacy - Mamie How
Current privacy statement on Web is located at the bottom of the
web page; further discussion will be held next meeting.
6. New Business
a. Group Email System - Alex Kennedy
Richard Middaugh and Alex Kennedy presented a proposed email
configuration. Ophelia Clark felt that there was a need for further
discussion before ITPC can endorse it.
b. Telephone Registration System - Robert Balestreri
Banner 6 is not compatable with EPOS equipment. VRU’s will be
phased out on Dec. 23. Admissions & Records will identify the VRU
(1,800) students, set up workshop on how to use Web registration, create
hotline, and advertise information on campus newspapers.
October Meeting -- October 29th (Friday)
11:30 - 1:00 PM
Note: This will be ITPC meeting time for this semester, due to conflicts with
accreditation meetings.