Dear Parents, Our Academic Team will be competing in an Academic Tournament on _____________________ at _______________________. The tournament will be directly after school from ___________________________. Students will be transported to and from Highland West Junior High by the Academic Team Sponsors. Expect to pick your student up at HWJH at _________. Please have your child bring $5-10 for snacks. There will be a concession stand at the tournament from which students can make purchases. Thank you so much for your assistance in your child’s extracurricular activity! Sincerely, Nancy Martin (405-735-4600 or 918-756-2986) Academic Team sponsor I, __________________________________, legal guardian of __________________________________, give my permission for said child to participate in the Academic Tournament. I understand that my child will be transported to and from the tournament by the Academic Team sponsor. I further acknowledge that my child will need to be picked up by _______________ from Highland West Junior High. Parent/Guardian Signature: