Lesson Plan: Resetting Network Password Lesson Plan Materials Developed by Gwen Loftin

Lesson Plan: Resetting Network Password Lesson Plan
Developed by Gwen Loftin
Instructional Technology Facilitator
Granville County Public Schools
❖ Computers
❖ “Resetting Password” Alice file
● Using a presentation tool, teachers will create a presentation showing another teacher
how to change their GCPS network password.
Focus and Review (Warm-Up)
1. Play the Alice world: “Resetting Password”
2. Mention that teachers and students in our district have the ability to reset or change their
own network password their Self-Service Password
Teacher Input (Model)
1. Using a projector, model for teachers the steps of resetting a network password
2. While modeling, create a brief list of the steps to reference during the creation process
Guided Practice
1. Ask teachers to turn to a neighbor and describe the steps in resetting a network
password (forgotten password) and changing a network password
Independent Practice
1. Teachers create a presentation (Alice world, Google Presentation, Powerpoint,
screencast, etc.) to teach someone else how to reset and change a network password
1. Students share their presentation with others
2. Review the process of resetting a forgotten password and changing a password