
Liberal Studies Curriculum Committee
2/11/09, 2:00-3:00, Wygal Hall, Haga Room
The committee voted to change the Program Elective for LSTE (elem), LSTS (sped) and
LSTU (with a minor) by deleting MUSC441 from the list of possibilities and adding “any
Arts and Sciences course at the 300 or 400 level.”
Elective/three (3) credits from the following:
Any Arts and Sciences course at the 300 or 400 level
Reason for the change: Courses are not offered frequently enough and
many course substitutions are made on a regular basis for these
electives. Offering free choice of electives will be more reflective
of the actual practice.
Retroactive from Fall 2006
The committee agreed on the following meeting times for spring 09:
March 19 – 3:30
April 9 – 3:30
Committee members listed the following agenda items for future meetings:
Reading and Writing intensive courses for LS majors
Some problems occurring in Martinsville
Internships for non education LS majors
How is that working in your area?
Philosophy behind the required minor for the non education LS majors
Question raised by an advisor
Advisors’ concerns
I’m sure there are many. What do you know?
Chemistry and Physics – suggested changes - CHEM100 / PHYS100
Distribution of information
PEC – LS links – web and otherwise
Philosophy behind BIOL101 / 114
General Education – any changes coming on?
Balance among disciplines for MS concentration options
MS add on for Science