Opportunities for Involvement Delta Omega Chapter C

Opportunities for Involvement
Delta Omega Chapter
AWARDS COMMITTEE: Oversees the development, review, and judging of the chapter’s award
applications, and assists with coordination of the preparation and submission of regional and/or
international award applications on behalf of the chapter.
BYLAWS COMMITTEE: Oversees the bylaws amendment process and submits the Chapter’s bylaws
to headquarters.
INDUCTION COMMITTEE: Assists with the planning and coordination of the annual induction process
and the induction service and oversees the preparation of the annual induction ceremony.
NEWSLETTER/WEB COMMITTEE: Oversees the development and implementation of strategies to
maintain and increase the chapter’s visibility through venues such as Web sites and newsletters.
PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Plans, develops, coordinates and implements chapter meeting programming;
also oversees the CE process for all programs and meetings.
WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE: Works with the chapter treasurer as needed with fund-raising
strategies, and the coordination, implementation and evaluation of chapter fund-raising projects and
Chapter Leadership: guides the Chapter in facilitating the activities according to the bylaws and
mission. Officer positions include: President elect, President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Secretary, Treasurer,
Faculty Counselor, and Leadership Succession and Governance Committees.
Contact Barb Brunt, Leadership Succession Success Chair at (330) 388-1620 or at
bruntb1@gmail.com for contact information for the chair of each committee.
OPEN-M – Serve hot lunches at OPEN-M twice a year; or assist with adopting a family for Christmas
SCIENCE FAIR – Judge posters at Western Reserve Science Fair in March
Educational programs provided 3 times/year – winter, spring, and fall
Induction done yearly in April
Consider making a donation to Delta Omega Chapter or STTI Foundation to support research
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