Final Essay.doc


Valley City State University

English 274: Literary Genres and Periods

Final Exam

Spring 2001

During the scheduled final exam time, Monday May 7, 2001 at 10:00 a.m. we will finish the novel project presentations. It is imperative that all novel projects be submitted to the instructor for evaluation before noon on that day.

The final exam itself will consist of an out-of-class essay. You are encouraged to use whatever sources are at your disposal; further, you are encouraged to spend no more than three hours writing and editing your essay response. Keep in mind that this is an exam, not a term paper or project. When you use sources, cite them and include them in a works cited section at the conclusion of the essay. Use MLA format.

During this semester we have focused our study primarily on poetry, drama, and the novel. Students have read many poems and plays as well as at least one novel of their choice. In order to respond to this essay prompt, it will be necessary to review the class readings.

The Essay:

Write a thoughtful, critical essay in which you make an argument for which of the three genres listed above is the most effective in reflecting, informing, or influencing the human experience. Which of them do you believe is the most powerful? Why? After you formulate your thesis, a significant portion of the essay will be made up of specific examples and support from your sources and from the literature.

The length of the essays will vary, approximately 3 typed, double-spaced pages. Please spell-check and edit before submitting the essay. Essays not submitted by noon on

Monday May 7, 2001 might not be accepted.
