Success Story Framework (MSWord)

Problem | Action | Result | Perspective
Use these questions to help guide you through the process of developing your success story.
What problem needed addressing?
Examples: Youth are exposed to secondhand smoke in XYZ residential building… Community members
are exposed to secondhand smoke at XYZ Park…
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Why was it important to address this problem?
Example: Secondhand smoke exposure has many of the same health consequences as tobacco use, and it
can be especially harmful for youth.
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What are the implications for addressing or not addressing it?
How does this problem impact the community? How will addressing this problem impact the
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What was your goal for addressing your problem?
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What steps did you take to address the problem and work towards your goal?
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Who did you collaborate with and what roles did each party take?
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What challenges were you met with while working towards your goal? How
did you overcome them?
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What was the result of your action? What has changed due to your efforts?
Be as specific as possible. Use quantitative and qualitative data to describe important outcomes achieved
as a result of the actions described earlier. This could include, but is not limited to:
Numbers of people impacted by your action, and how.
Observed changes in human behavior as a result of your action.
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Who benefited and how? How does this impact the community?
Help the reader understand the meaning behind the change.
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Would someone be willing to provide a quote that could be included as part of the story?
If so, please provide the information below:
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Are there related photographs that could be included in your story?
If so, send photos along with this worksheet to If the photo is of people, it
must be accompanied by a Photograph, Video, and Audio Release Form.
What has been the response from those impacted, the media, or from others?
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Is there anything you would have done differently? Why?
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What are the next steps? Where do you go from here?
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How might this change your goals going forward?
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