Tuesday, December 15th

Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Good Morning Stallions and Staff! Season Greetings to all! TODAY IS DIALOGUE CIRCLE DAY. Enjoy the
I am _________, ________________, ______________ we are your fellow Morning Announcers
Please kindly stand for the pledge of allegiance to our American Flag: P A U S E AND COUNT
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic
For which it stands, One nation Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Thanks! You may now be seated.
From the desk of Principal Dimmick: its Spirit Day again this Friday, so prepare now. Students
– This coming Friday will be a special Sligo Spirit Day…this Friday, wear your favorite
hat to school.
The Annual Holiday Store will be open TODAY - to December 18. This is a time for you to use
your BEST Bucks to purchase items for loved ones. You will go one day with your teacher
during BEST. Be thinking about someone who you’d like to get something a gift for.
This week qualifying rounds of the National Geographic Geography Bee. Students will
participate in Social Studies classes. Class winners will go on to compete for prizes and the
honor of being Sligo’s champion. For more information and practice questions visit
nationalgeographic.com/geobee. Good luck Stallions!”
Sport Update from the desk of Mr. Endler: The first basketball game of the season is this
Wednesday Dec. 16th the girls will be playing Silver Spring International game time is 3:20.
Please come and show support for the team cost to attend the game is $ 1.00
VISUAL ART NIGHT! This coming Thursday, December 17th at 6:30 in the media center, we are
presenting our second Visual Arts Night of the year. We are showing the fun filled movie,
“Muppets Treasure Island”, based on the timeless classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Kermit the Frog and his colleagues search out ruthless pirates. They also share their problem
solving journey on the seas to rescue a treasure. This movie is terrific for the whole family.
All students attending will receive a free slice of pizza. Visual Art Night at Sligo, this coming
Thursday evening. Come, you will enjoy.
Stallions and staff: Thanks to all of you the 1st Annual Fitness Fun Day was a huge success.
Because of all of you, we raised even more than our goal, raising $23,000, with nearly 100
students raising $100 or more and receiving invites this week during lunch to the party of the
year on this Thursday, December 17th after school. Because we reached this goal – an
additional spring dance in mid-April – tentatively scheduled for Friday, April 15 will be added
to the school calendar this year. The funds raised will fund:
Academic enrichment programs for the entire school
* PE equipment including soccer goals,
* A new sound system for the entire school,
* Upcoming International Night & STEM Science night and
* The 8th grade end of the year activities
Go Stallions! Congrats to all!
Stallions, our Annual Holiday Store is open to December 18. This is a time for you to use your
BEST Bucks to purchase items for loved ones. You will go one day with your teacher during
BEST. Yes, think about someone who you’d like to get something a gift for.
Thanks for sharing with us your undivided attention. We appreciate your kindness and respect. Make today and
each day your VERY BEST DAY! At Sligo, we aim for the best.