Module 9 How to give a good research talk

Module 9
How to give a good research talk
What’s inside
• How to give a good research talk
• How to present a paper, a speaker’s guide
Good Research Talk?
Research Talk
1. What this paper is about
By a research talk we mean a presentation of minutes
given to a group of people who are motivated and
intelligent but who may not know much about your
particular area
We make no claim to have all the answers rather we
have simply tried to write down suggestions which have
worked for us in the hope that they may be useful to you
Research Talk
2. What to say
a. Who is my primary audience?
b. If someone remembers only one thing from my talk
what would I like it to be
Using examples
Pruning saying enough without saying too much
Telling it how it is
Research Talk
3. Visual Aids
What to put on a slide
Preparing slides
Presenting the slides
4. Giving the talk
A Speaker’s Guide
What to Say and How to Say It
Communicate the Key Ideas
2. Don’t get Bogged Down with Details
3. Structure your talk
4. Use a top-down approach
The Introduction
Define the Problem
Motivate the Audience
Introduce the terminology
Discuss earlier work
Emphasize the contributions of your paper
Provide a road map
The Body
• Abstract the Major Results
• Explain the significance of the results
• Sketch a proof of the Crucial results
The Conclusion
• Give open problem
• Indicate that your talk is over
Getting through the Audience
Use Repetition
Remind, don’t assume
Don’t over-run
Maintain eye-contact
Control your voice
Control your motion
Take care with your appearance
Minimize language difficulties
Try not to get anxious