AAPM abstract Title: Author: Abstract:

AbstractID: 8343 Title: Gene Therapy Made Ridiculously Simple
AAPM abstract
Title: Gene therapy made ridiculously simple
Author: Kenneth Olivier, MD
Gene therapy remains a hot topic in both the lay and scientific press. Our neighbors and
friends ask us about “what gene therapy approaches” are being explored at our institution,
and what is “gene therapy”. The term conjures the image of a targeted molecular
approach to the treatment of disease, but what is targeted, how is target specificity
achieved and what molecules are delivered? This introductory presentation will
introduce the attendee to the broad concepts associated with gene therapy for cancer.
Discussion will focus on the adenoviral delivery of therapeutic genes and concepts
reviewed will include adenoviral vector construction, infection into cancer cells, and
delivery of therapeutic genes. We will discuss how therapeutic genes might provide a
potent adjuvant effect to standard therapies and how gene expression can be controlled.
At the end of the talk attendees should be able to answer “what is gene therapy” capably
to friends and family and will have a basic understanding of the concepts from which the
other talks in this session can build.