COURSE SYLLABUS BIB0K00 Kindergarten Bible I. Course Description The Liberty University Online Academy's kindergarten Bible course encourages students to get to know the Bible. The students will learn about the lives of various people in the Bible. The Bible course teaches students how much Jesus loves them and will encourage them to pursue a personal relationship with Christ. II. Scope and Sequence 1. In the Beginning a. The Bible b. Old Testament c. Genesis 2. Noah, Abraham, and Jacob 3. Joseph and Moses 4. A Godly King a. Saul b. David c. Solomon d. Josiah 5. Special People of the Old Testament a. Balaam b. Gideon c. Samson d. Elijah e. Jonah f. Esther g. Rahab h. Joshua 6. Birth of Christ a. New Testament. b. Christ's Birth 7. Disciples a. Introduction to disciples b. Christ Follower 8. Miracles and Old Testament Stories a. Miracles b. Parables 9. Spiritual Life a. Becoming a Christian b. Developing a relationship with Christ 10. Review III. Prerequisites None. IV. Materials List Craft Sticks Printer Orange and red tissue paper Printer paper Gold paint A way to upload photos and assignments Large Marshmallows Crayons Powdered sugar Markers Black food coloring Construction Paper Paper lunch bag Coffee filters or cupcake liner Metal brad *also used in math Glue Empty shoe box Cotton Balls Yarn or string V. Measurable Learning Outcomes The student will be able to: 1. Know two main parts of Bible. 2. Know the Bible is true. 3. Understand that God used many men to write the books of the Bible. 4. Understand the importance of regular Bible study and verse memorization. 5. Understand the plan of salvation. 6. Understand the importance of prayer. 7. Learn different Bible characters and events and their important place in history. 8. Apply basic Bible principles to help them develop a Biblical worldview. VI. Course Requirements and Assignments 1. Individual lesson assessments (1 per lesson) 2. 2-3 Quizzes per Unit 3. 1 Test per Unit VII. Course Grading and Policies 1. Grading Weights Lesson Assignments Quizzes Tests 2. Scale A 93 – 100 B 85 – 92 C 77 – 84 D 70 – 76 F Below 70 25% 35% 40% VIII. Other Policies 1. Academic Misconduct See pages 27-30 of your Student Handbook 2. Repeating Assignments Students may repeat lesson assessments twice. Quizzes and tests cannot be repeated to gain a higher grade. Quizzes and tests may be reset for technical issues.