Mott Community College Mott Library Liaison & Orientation Services

Mott Community College
Mott Library Liaison & Orientation Services
Designed to Enhance Student Learning
Mott Libr ar y Liaison S ervice
Mott Library’s liaison service is designed to enhance student learning by coordinating communication between faculty
members and librarians. A librarian has been assigned to each division and degree program.
What can library liaisons do for faculty?
Serve as a point of contact for assistance with information about library services or issues.
Share information about new and existing library services and resources.
Select appropriate library resources to support the curriculum.
Create subject or course-specific LibGuides to assist students in locating appropriate information for their course
Collaborate with faculty in promoting information literacy.
Reinforce student learning.
Meet with division or program faculty, or one-on-one with individual faculty members.
Assist with accreditation.
Consult with faculty about library resources available for course assignments.
Provide orientations to new faculty.
How can faculty help librarians effectively support students?
Share information about your courses that will help us know what your students need. Examples include course
reading lists, course research topics, and course learning objectives.
Inform the library about new courses, program revisions, and new degree programs.
Place a copy of essential books on reserve to increase student access.
Tell your students about the library. Introduce a librarian to your students, link to the library in your syllabus or on
your course site, and encourage students to use the library as needed for specific assignments.
Schedule a library orientation.
Suggest materials for purchase that support your course or program.
Thinking critically about information
Information Literacy is the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information. Librarians work one-on-one
with students to teach and reinforce these skills and include these concepts in library orientations. An information literate
 determines the nature and extent of the information needed
 accesses needed information effectively and efficiently
 evaluates information and its sources critically
 incorporates selected information into his or her knowledge base and value system
 uses information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
 understands the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information; accesses and uses
information ethically and legally.
Mott Libr ar y Orientation Menu
Contact the Reference Desk at 762-0411 to schedule an orientation or send an email to
When contacting a librarian, discuss the menu choices that you would like included in your class session. You can
bring your class to the library, or a librarian can come to your classroom or satellite location.
Just for Starters
Overview of library services and resources ........................................................ 5 minutes
Who we are, what we do, and how to access resources. Included in all orientations and is
available as a stand-alone presentation.
Mott Library Catalog ................................................................................... 10 minutes
Demonstrate how to locate books owned by the Mott Library.
Discover More Using EBSCO Discovery Services .................................................. 20 minutes
One-stop search for most of our online resources. Demonstrate how to locate books, e-books,
and articles in one search.
Online Resources Overview ............................................................................. 30 Minutes
Demonstrate up to three of our most popular databases, including how to access the library’s
online resources whether on campus or at home.
Specific Database Demonstration and Application ............................................. 60 minutes
Demonstrate search strategies and how to use a specific database. Students have time to search,
locate, and print two articles while the librarian is present to assist students. (Session needs to be held in a computer lab.)
Local Favorites
Book Talks .................................................................................................. 30-45 minutes
Primarily for reading courses, a librarian will share up to 30 books to inspire and assist students
in finding an interesting book to read for their course assignments.
Specific Database Overview .............................................................. (per database) 15-20 minutes
Demonstrate search strategies and techniques, how to find and log into Mott Library’s online
resources, features of specific databases, and database citation tools. Optionally, demonstrate how to
locate peer-review or scholarly articles. Faculty member selects the database(s) pertinent to assignment.
locate, and print two articles while the librarian is present to assist students.
MeLCat, Intraloan, and ILL ............................................................................10 minutes
Demonstrate how to locate and request books owned by PALnet libraries and libraries in the state
of Michigan, as well as how to request full-text articles from other libraries.
Happy Hour
Link to a subject or LibGuide in your syllabus or from your course site ................ <5 minutes
Library Orientation Request Form
To schedule an orientation:
1) Call 762-0411 or,
2) Email or,
3) Complete the Library Orientation Request Form and send it via campus mail to Mike Ugorowski
Number of Students
Check box of menu options
Overview of library services and resources ....................................................... 5 minutes
Mott Library Catalog ................................................................................... 10 minutes
Discover More Using EBSCO Discovery Services ................................................. 20 minutes
Online Resources Overview ............................................................................. 30 Minutes
Book Talks ................................................................................................... 30-45 minutes
MeLCat, Intraloan, and ILL ........................................................................... 10 minutes
Specific Database Demonstration and Application ............................................. 60 minutes
Specific Database Overview ..............................................................(per database) 15-20 minutes
Choose Specific Database(s)
Academic Search Complete
CQ Researcher
Films on Demand
Opposing Viewpoints
More information about assignment:
 Argumentative paper
 Informational paper
Specific Assignment:
 Reading assignment
Inform Humanities if orientation is scheduled in Computer Lab.