POLITICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS JOHN BUTLER COURSE OBJECTIVE AND/OR DESCRIPTION: Political science is the study of government. In this course, students will learn about the various types of government, the U.S. Constitution, the roles and purposes of government, and the rights of U.S. citizens. Students will also study and debate many of the constitutional and governmental issues that are currently facing our nation and government. CLASS RULES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tardies: No excuse. I will follow the school tardy policy. Sleeping: Absolutely not allowed. Students will be removed from class. Food and Drink. Food is not allowed. Drinks are allowed at my discretion. Cell phones are prohibited to be seen, used, or heard during class from bell to bell. I will follow the school rules concerning the consequences for the violation of this rule. 5. Behavior: Behave responsibly. Treat each other with respect. Improper language and behavior will not be tolerated. GRADING POLICY: 1. Grades for this course will be assigned using the school-approved grading scale: A= 100-90 B= 89-80 C= 79-70 D= 69-60 E= 59 and below 2. Tests: 4-5 100 point tests per 9 weeks 3. Writing Assignments: Various on-demand and open response writings are required 4. Quizzes: Various number of announced and unannounced quizzes will be given. 5. Homework and Participation Grade: Daily assignments and homework grades will be given. Notes are required to be taken. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is essential to success in this course. Any unexcused absence will result in a zero for that assignment or test. For an excused absence, students are responsible for making up any tests, assignments, quizzes, or notes. SEMESTER TEST POLICY: Students must take the semester final for any of the following reasons: a student has an unexcused absence, a student has been suspended from school, or a student has been assigned to ASP. All other students are exempt from taking the final. COURSE RESOURCES: Textbook: United States Government: Democracy in Action Students will be required to bring a notebook and a writing utensil.