Name:_______________________  Research Paper Final Draft Checklist    Review and complete all parts of this checklist and submit it with your final draft.  The 

Name:_______________________ Research Paper Final Draft Checklist Review and complete all parts of this checklist and submit it with your final draft. The final draft is due by 2:30 on January 8th. You must submit a printed copy of the full assignment (paper and bib) and share a copy of the final draft with me on our Google Classroom page. There are no extensions on the paper and absence will not legitimize lateness. If you will not be in school, find a way to submit the paper on time. Feel free to set up a time to conference with me if you have any questions or concerns! STEP ONE: PAPER REQUIREMENTS
❏ My research paper is at least 8 FULL pages long EXCLUDING the annotated bibliography
❏ I have included 8 sources on my annotated bibliography page; the sources meet type
requirements (website, periodicals, book, non-traditional, and four others…)
❏ I have listed ALL sources that I have used (even if they exceed the original 8)
❏ I have included at least 12 parenthetical citations in my paper; at least 6 of my sources are
used in the paper and are represented in parenthetical citations.
I have used MLA format:
❏ 1 inch margins on top, bottom, left, and right
❏ Appropriate heading and title on first page
❏ Header with last name and page # on each page (including annotated bib)
❏ 12 Times New Roman font throughout
❏ Double-spaced throughout; no extra space between anything.
❏ Source citations formed using MLA documentation
NOTE: All requirements must be met in order to qualify for a grade of C or higher.
____________________________________________________________________________ STEP TWO: RESEARCH AND MLA CITATION REVIEW:
Have both your annotated bibliography AND your full draft available for this review.
Research and Citation
❏ I have used research to support my assertions ​
the paper.
❏ I have given a ​
citation for ​
borrowed ​
, whether paraphrased in my words or
directly quoted. (If not, you’ve plagiarized)
❏ I have placed quotation marks around words taken directly from my sources. (If not, you’ve
❏ I have paraphrased correctly, changing the ​
author’s words and sentence structure​
doing so. (If not, you’ve plagiarized)
❏ I formed my parenthetical citations correctly. (Each citation includes the first word(s) listed
for the source on the bibliography page--see handout.) Incorrect citation can lead to the
appearance that a source is missing from your bib., so be certain it’s correct.
Have a partner skim through your paper, checking that each citation is correct and that each source
mentioned in the citations is listed on your annotated bibliography.
Name:_________________________ Signature: _____________________________
Annotated Bibliography Page
❏ Starts on a new page at the end of the paper (header and pagination should continue)
❏ My sources are listed in alphabetical order by first word of citation
❏ I have updated the bibliography to include ALL sources used in my paper. Failure to list a
source is a form of plagiarism.
❏ I have summarized, discussed the credibility of, and reflected on the usefulness of each
❏ The layout of the page is correct (see example on handout) and the format of each individual
source is FLAWLESS. Stare and compare to example on the website.
❏ I repaired any mistakes noted in the first drafts.
____________________________________________________________________________ STEP THREE: FOCUS, CONTENT, AND ORGANIZATION:​
To improve your
❏ Make the narrative portion of your introduction more compelling or personal
❏ Present a clear blueprint of research questions within the introduction
❏ End your introduction by stating your thesis using strong, assertive wording (no “I”)
❏ Make sure your paragraphs are sequenced in a logical fashion and progress to build to a point
(always end strongly)
❏ Check that each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that states the paragraph’s
focus and that all ideas in the paragraph relate to that topic.
❏ **Eliminate repetitive ideas: combined similar paragraphs; eliminate redundant explanation
❏ **Use transitional words and phrases to connect paragraphs
❏ **Show how each body paragraph connects to the thesis: explain how the ideas within the
paragraph prove your ultimate point
❏ Elaborate on your research by explaining, translating, questioning, ​
giving examples​
, d​
conclusions from​
, or elaborating on the facts included in the paper.
❏ Boost the credibility of your research by mentioning credentials of source, author, or study
from where it came
❏ Strongly restate your thesis and briefly review the points within your body that make your
❏ End in a compelling way: create a sense of urgency about your topic and reconnect to your
opening narrative
Note: When I read your introduction, pages 1-4, and pages 5-8(end), I made comments about these
aspects of your paper. Be sure that you have taken my feedback into account AND that you have
reviewed the work yourself. Some problems cannot be caught in a partial reading.
Check for the “dirty (baker’s) dozen”
1. Run-on sentences​
: independent clauses that are fused together with no punctuation or
separated by a comma alone
WRONG: The bill should be passed it is important CORRECT: . It
WRONG: Students work hard, they deserve their free time. CORRECT: ; they
2. Sentence fragments:​
groups of words punctuated as a sentence which lack a subject or verb
or fail to express a complete thought
WRONG: MIsleading the general public about the policies that have been proposed.
WRONG: The author, a professor at Cornell University who studies genetic engineering .
3. Subject-verb agreement​
: when a verb does not agree in number with its subject
WRONG: The leader of the protesters, along with the members of the community, negotiate with city
officials. CORRECT: leader negotiates
4. Pronoun-antecedent agreement​
: when words referring to a pronoun do not agree in person
(singular or plural) or number (first, second, third) with the pronoun
*remember -one, -body, -thing, each, and every are singular
WRONG: Everyone must do their part to help the environment. CORRECT: do his part
WRONG: Each student will revise their paper. CORRECT: her paper
*you can not use a plural pronoun to avoid choosing a gender; to avoid gender bias, make the
pronoun’s antecedent plural. ​
CORRECT: Students will revise their papers.
5. Homonyms​
: to, their, your, than...
6. Capitalization errors​
: capitalize all titles, proper nouns, names; be careful in consistently
capitalizing words related to your topic. If you unsure whether to capitalize something,
consult your sources.
7. Misused semicolons​
: semicolons must separate two complete, related sentences. transitions
such as however, therefore, furthermore, consequently can be used with semicolons (and
followed by a comma). Semicolons should not be followed by and, but, so or any other
coordinating conjunctions that should be used with commas
WRONG: We have one main responsibility in our relationship with others; to be honest.
WRONG: Friendships naturally arise when people work together; and friendships in the
classroom or workplace can increase morale and productivity.
CORRECT: We are human; therefore, we are flawed.
8. Apostrophes​
: use them in contractions and to show possession; be careful with plural
possessive nouns.
9. Title punctuation​
: titles of articles found in periodicals or websites should be in quotation
marks; titles of websites, periodicals, books, should be italicized (​
Big Thing​
vs. “Something
Inside The Big Thing”
10. Dangling and misplaced modifiers​
: descriptions must be next to the nouns they describe
WRONG: Streaming smoke from the midsection, the pilot landed the damaged plane.
11. Misused and missing comma​
Use a comma after dependent clauses.
CORRECT: Because our planet is at stake, we must find a new source of energy
Use a comma after non-essential elements.
CORRECT: Searching for alternatives, scientists have now discovered the potential of solar
Use a comma between independent clauses separated by conjunctions​
. ​
We have
to care, so our ​
will inherit​
a healthy planet. ​
must act​
now, or our ​
will pay
the price. Solar energy is our best hope, and ​
must begin ​
wide scale implementation.
Use a comma AFTER a dependent clause
CORRECT: Because our planet is at stake, we must find a new source of energy.
Do NOT use a comma between a list of two items already separated by a conjunction
WRONG: Scientists need to research the storage potential, and sustainability of energy
sources. We have to face the consequences, or change our behavior.
DO NOT use a comma ​
a subordinating clause
We must find a new source of energy, ​
our planet is at stake.
12. Informal writing​
: Write out numbers below one-hundred, avoid using “you”, avoid slang
13. Wordy sentences​
: Use strong and varied verbs, precise adjectives and make each sentence
concise and clear. “Fancy” wording does not equal good writing. Over- complication of a
simple point does not equal good writing.
Name and signature of another person who reviewed your paper for mechanical errors:
Please read and sign before submitting:
“I have read through and completed all parts of the checklist. I understand the paper requirements and the proper way to document research and avoid plagiarism. I understand that my grade on the assignment is final. I understand that I must submit the paper on time and that my passing the course is contingent upon earning a passing grade on the paper.” Student signature:________________________________ Date:__________________
**DON’T Forget to attach your unused “golden ticket” to this form to earn five bonus po​
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