Interative and Communicative approach with Artificial Intelligence and Natural language

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Interative and Communicative approach with
Artificial Intelligence and Natural language
Processing for Disables
Ajay Prakash Agrawal, Ankur Goyal2, Apoorva Jain3
M.Tech Student of Yagyavalkya Institute of Technology,Sitapura,Jaipur
Assistant Professor at YIT,Jaipur
Assistant Professor at JNIT,Jaipur
Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence which is exhibited by the systems or we can say machines. In this paper I intend to
make a system intelligent enough to respond to questions raised by people which are disable and perform certain action by
only giving instructions to the machine. This machine will solve the problem of people who are not able to perform their task
by their own. They will only have to instruct the machine for doing a particular task. Construction of machine is done in such a
way that it is sensible and is able to perform any activity only by recognizing the voice of a disable person, so the person need
not to move here and there to perform any action, only by sitting at one place he can smoothly initiate the task .
Keywords:NLP(Natural Language Processing),disable, artificial intelligence, sensible
AI is the area of Computer Science and technology which aims at making the device respond and behave like humans.
For a system to behave well ,and answer correctly we have to provide it with enough knowledge. As we increase the
amount of knowledge , we also have to increase the
amount of information supplied to the system. For this I have used the concept of NLP, it is the ability to use Natural
languages as effectively as humans do[1].Some tasks currently performed by humans cannot be automated without
endowing computers with NLP capabilities[1].I have made the machine learn various things through NLP. It is an area
of research that explores how computers can be used to understand and manipulate natural language text or speech to
do useful thing[2]
For developing such type of a machine which can interact with humans, In this paper, Visual Basic 6.0 has been used
along with SAPI.Every speech recognition application consists of :
• an engine that translates waves into text
• a list of speech commands
Needless to say that as the grammar increases the probability of misinterpretations grows. We tried to keep the
grammar without loosing information. Operating System Requirements for SAPI-WINDOWS 98,WINDOWS
2000,WINDOWS XP and many more. I have Windows XP installed in my system.
Software requirementsMicrosoft Visual Basic6.0 ,Arduino, Virtual.Serial.Port.Driver
Hardware Requirementsa)A Pentium II processor with minimum 128MB of RAM
b)microphone, to send and receive the sound.
c) ISIS Professional (Proteus7.7)
Initially the system has been trained by me using microphone,so that it is able to recognize my voice and respond
a)I have designed a page using V.B6.0,In that page, whatever command the person will give that particular operation
will be performed. I have used a phrase “computer” to give any command .For eg- computer Red, when we give this
command Red color will be selected.
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Page 167
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Fig1.1 voice command given for selecting the colors by any disable person.
b) I have also made my system interative enough to respond to people when they are getting bored , i.e It is a type of
Talking Device also.
Fig1.2 talking device
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Page 168
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
c) I have connected this system of mine with the hardware also, In that Hardware(ARDUINO UNO) I have used a FAN
and a LED. As the command is triggered by any person ,the FAN will get activated and so as the LED.For eg“computer switch on the fan”.
This switching on the fan is based on the current temperature of the room. To sense the current temperature I have used
a temperature sensor in my project.
If the temperature is between 31 to 45 ,then the FAN is switched on. And If the temperature is below 31 , FAN remains
Fig 1.3 connectivity of s/w with the h/w is done through Ms Comm.
In this machine I have placed a temperature sensor. The FAN will get automatically activated on the basis of this
temperature sensor.
Through this paper I have shown ,how a machine will interact with human ,through speech and text .This type of a
machine is very beneficial for people who are unable to do work with their hands and legs, by simply giving commands
through voice and text ,they can perform any of their work without any problem. In future we can also connect a chair
through our hardware ,and attach variety of controls with that chair. Person while sitting on the chair itself can perform
any task like move left, move right etc.
[1] Ralph Weiscbedel, Chairperson,BBN Systems and Technologies Corporation,Jaime Carbonell Carnegie-Mellon
University,Barbara Grosz Harvard University, Wendy Lehnert, UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst,Mitchell
MarcusUniversityofPennsylvania,Raymond PerraultSRI International,Robert Wilensky University of California,
Berkeley, “White Paper on Natural Language Processing”
[2] Gobinda G. Chowdhury ,Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XH,
UK,” Natural Language Processing,”
[3] Kiri L. Wagstaff Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800
Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109 USA,” Machine Learning that Matters”
[4] Michael Collins MIT CSAIL” Machine Learning Methods in Natural Language Processing”
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Page 169
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
ISSN 2319 - 4847
[5] Cynthia A. Thompson, Mary Elaine Califf, Raymond J. Mooney.Active Learning for Natural Language Parsing
and Information Extraction” Appears in Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Machine Learning
Conference,pp.406-414, Bled, Slovenia, June 1999,”
[6] Ronan Collobert,JasonWeston L´eon Bottou,Michael Karlen Koray Kavukcuoglu,Pavel Kuksa,” Natural Language
Processing (Almost) from Scratch”
Ajay Prakash Agrawal received the degree from Jagannath Institute of Engineering and
Technology which is affiliated from Rajasthan Technical university ,Kota,Rajasthan in the year
2010.Currently pursuing form Yagyavalkya Institute of Technology,Jaipur
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Page 170