‘Families for Health’ Research Study (Version 1, 28/7/11, Wolverhampton)

‘Families for Health’ Research Study
Participant Information Sheet for Children
(Version 1, 28/7/11, Wolverhampton)
What is research? Why is the project being done?
Research is a way we try to find out the answers to questions. We want to see if the
‘Families for Health’ programme helps children with their weight.
Why have I been asked to take part?
We want families to take part who have children aged between 6 to 11 years who
may have a problem with their weight.
Did anyone else check the study is OK to do?
Before any research is allowed to happen, it has to be checked by a group of people
called a Research Ethics Committee. They make sure that the research is fair. Your
project has been checked by Coventry and Warwickshire Research Ethics
Do I have to take part?
No, taking part is your choice. You and your Mum/Dad or carer can decide if you are
going to take part.
What will happen if I take part in the research?
Your family will be chosen by chance to either join the ‘Families for Health’
programme or to continue to receive the care you usually receive. The ‘Families for
Health’ programme is 10 weeks long, and you would come with your Mum, Dad or
We would like to measure you and ask you to fill in a questionnaire three times over
the next year. These measurements will be made at your home. You will not need to
miss any school.
Start of Study
Measure Height and Weight
Activity monitor worn for 7 days
You attend ‘Families for Health’
with your Mum / Dad / other
person for 10 weeks
3 Months
12 Months
You carry on as usual, or you
attend WISH activities with your
Mum / Dad / other person for 10
Measure Height and Weight
Some children will be asked about
the research
Measure Height and Weight
Activity monitor worn for 7 days
Some children will be asked about
the research
Is there another sort of help I can have instead?
You could go to the WISH (Wolverhampton Inspiring and Supporting Health) project.
Free, weekly after school activities are held at school or another venue.
Will joining in help me?
We cannot promise the research study will help you but the information we get might
help treat young people with weight problems better in the future.
What happens when the research stops?
Further support will be identified for your family when the research study stops.
Will my medical details be kept private if I take part? Will anyone else
know I’m doing this?
We will keep information about you very private. We will let your doctor (GP) know
that you are taking part, unless you or your Mum/Dad or carer do not want us to tell
What if I don’t want to do the research anymore?
If at any time you don’t want to do the research anymore, just tell your parents, the
group leaders or the researchers. They will not be cross with you.
Who can I talk to if I have some questions?
Your Mum, Dad or carer, or the research person who visits your house.