Queen Margaret Academy Ayr South Ayrshire Council 18 March 2008

Queen Margaret Academy
South Ayrshire Council
18 March 2008
1. Background
2. Key strengths
3. How well does the school raise achievement for
4. How good is the environment for learning?
5. Leading and improving the school
Appendix 1
Indicators of quality
Appendix 2
Summary of questionnaire responses
Appendix 3
Attainment in Scottish Qualifications
Authority (SQA) National Qualifications
How can you contact us?
1. Background
Queen Margaret Academy was inspected in November 2007 as part of a national sample of
secondary education. The inspection covered key aspects of the school’s work at all stages.
HM Inspectors evaluated how well the school was raising achievement for all pupils, taking
into account the extent to which pupils’ learning needs were met by the curriculum and
teaching. They also analysed pupils’ attainment in national examinations (see Appendix 3),
the school’s processes for self-evaluation and innovation, and its overall effectiveness and
capacity for improvement. Inspectors focused particularly on English, mathematics, biology
and S1/S2 science, and business education. The inspection team also evaluated aspects of
the school’s progress in implementing national recommendations related to improving
aspects of school meals provision, and the quality of the school’s links with community
learning and development.
HM Inspectors observed teaching, learning and achievement in lessons and other contexts
and examined pupils’ work. They analysed responses to questionnaires 1 issued to a sample
of parents 2 and pupils and to all staff. They interviewed groups of pupils, including
representatives of pupil councils, and staff. Members of the inspection team also met the
chairperson of the Parent Council, a group of parents, representatives of associated primary
schools, representatives of the local community, and the school chaplain.
Queen Margaret Academy is a denominational school serving South Ayrshire and part of
East Ayrshire. At the time of the inspection, the roll was 689. The percentage of pupils
entitled to free school meals was below the national average. Pupils’ attendance had
improved and was now in line with the national average. The Extended Support for
Learning (ESFL) department provided support for around 36 pupils with additional support
needs. The ESFL department had been relocated within Queen Margaret Academy
following the closure of Mainholm Academy.
2. Key strengths
HM Inspectors identified the following key strengths.
Courteous pupils who welcomed visitors and displayed strong support for each other.
Inclusion of pupils with additional support needs in the school community and the
support provided by pupils and staff, in particular for those receiving support from the
ESFL department.
Partnership of the school with the school chaplain and chaplaincy team and their
contribution to promoting a Christian ethos.
See Appendix 2
Throughout this report, the term ‘parents’ should be taken to include foster carers, residential care staff and
carers who are relatives or friends.
3. How well does the school raise achievement for all?
To evaluate how well the school was raising achievement for all, HM Inspectors considered
the extent to which the learning needs of all pupils were met through the curriculum and
teaching. They evaluated the effectiveness of the school in promoting the learning and
personal development of all pupils in lessons and in other broader contexts. They also
considered the standards attained in specific aspects of learning.
The overall quality of the curriculum was weak. The school had plans to review the
curriculum, in particular for S3 to S6. Particular features of the curriculum included the
The school had suitable pastoral links with associated primary schools. A few
departments, such as mathematics, had established effective links with primary schools.
Community learning and development (CLD) staff and active schools staff had
developed an effective range of transition programmes which enabled pupils to build
positive relationships. However, overall, curricular links were weak and most teachers
were not building effectively on pupils’ prior learning experiences.
At S1/S2, pupils were able to develop their skills in information and communications
technology (ICT) through courses provided by business education and computing. They
were not able to learn about people in society within social studies. There was no
provision for drama.
With the support of CLD staff, the school had recently introduced the Duke of Edinburgh
award for pupils at S3. Around 70 pupils were working towards their bronze and silver
At S3/S4, Prince’s Trust XL was offered to a small group of identified pupils. A few of
these pupils were also able to undertake vocational programmes at college. More pupils
needed to be given the opportunity to undertake vocational programmes as preparation
for the world of work.
At S1 to S6, the personal, social and health education (PSHE) programme was delivered
through religious and moral and education (RME). The PSHE programme covered an
appropriate range of topics and was effectively enhanced through contributions from
visiting speakers and events. However, the delivery and planning for PSHE did not meet
the needs of all pupils.
Pupils had a good understanding of healthy lifestyle choices through the programmes in
RME, home economics, biology and the contribution of the school nurse. However,
there was a need to take a more coherent and planned approach to health promotion
across the school.
Pupils were able to develop their health and fitness through quality physical education
twice weekly at S1 to S4. However, not all S5/S6 pupils were able to experience
sufficient good quality physical education.
Pupils received helpful curricular and vocational guidance from the careers adviser.
At S3/S4, pupils were able to choose from a range of subjects which generally met their
needs. At S5/S6, they were not always able to build effectively on their attainment at S4.
Subject choice had restricted options for a number of S5 and S6 pupils.
Pupils in the ESFL department experienced a broad curriculum which had an appropriate
focus on developing their literacy, numeracy and life skills. They were able to join their
peers in mainstream classes and, at S3 to S6, were able to achieve SQA qualifications.
At S4 to S6, their curriculum was effectively enhanced through links with Ayr College.
However, they were not able to exercise sufficient choice in their curriculum.
The role and impact of CLD activities within pupils’ learning were yet to be fully
Teaching and meeting pupils’ needs
The overall quality of teaching was good. Most teachers gave helpful explanations and clear
instructions. They used questioning well to check what pupils knew and to consolidate new
ideas. In many lessons, teachers shared lesson aims with pupils, summarised the key points
and used a variety of teaching styles. However, these approaches were not yet consistently
applied across the school. Pupils did not always fully understand what they were expected to
achieve. In a few departments, teachers used ICT effectively to motivate pupils, make
lessons more stimulating and to involve pupils more actively in their learning. Most teachers
used praise successfully to encourage pupils to learn. They used homework effectively to
reinforce pupils’ learning but occasionally it was not sufficiently varied.
The school’s approaches to meeting pupils’ needs were adequate. Teachers chose tasks and
activities which were generally well matched to pupils’ learning needs. Pupil support
assistants and support for learning teachers provided well-judged support to pupils in classes.
However, the deployment of pupil support assistants was not sufficiently matched to pupils’
learning needs and, as a result, the impact of their support was less positive. The outcome of
a recent review of the deployment of support for learning teachers enabled them to provide
more effective support to pupils with identified learning needs. Teachers had been provided
with helpful information on pupils’ learning needs. However, only a few made effective use
of this information. The behaviour support teacher used a variety of approaches successfully
to support pupils experiencing difficulties with their behaviour. Overall, the school’s
approaches to identifying pupils’ learning needs was not yet systematic or rigorous. Not all
staff involved with pupils with additional support needs were able to contribute to the
planning and review of their support. Senior managers were not providing sufficiently
strong leadership to ensure that all those involved in providing support for pupils worked
together to meet pupils’ needs.
Most pupils in the ESFL Department were making good progress towards the learning
targets set in their individualised educational programmes (IEPs). Currently not all staff
were sufficiently involved in identifying and planning targets in IEPs. Pupils were not
actively involved enough in their learning. Almost all pupils behaved well and welcomed
visitors. They were able to develop their personal and social skills by taking part in
residential trips and social evenings. The Garden Café allowed senior ESFL pupils to take
responsibility and contribute purposefully to the school community. All pupils were able to
develop their confidence and communication skills through attending the Garden Café with
staff from across the school. Younger pupils did not have sufficient experience of working
with different groups and in different settings. The school had plans to include ESFL pupils
more effectively into the school community.
Learning and personal development
The overall quality of pupils’ learning was adequate. Almost all pupils were well behaved
and most had a positive attitude towards learning. In most lessons, they listened attentively
and answered questions confidently. In a few departments, pupils were able to interact
effectively with each other and work collaboratively. Across the school, the pace of lessons
was generally appropriate. However, too often pupils were passive learners and did not have
enough opportunities to take responsibility for their progress or to influence their own
learning. Across the school, pupils had limited experiences of using ICT to enhance their
learning. The library was being improved and was beginning to make a positive contribution
to pupils’ learning. Pupils had limited access to ICT in the library.
The school had taken some steps to promote pupils’ wider achievements. Pupils, including
those receiving support in the ESFL department, were making good progress in developing
their personal and social skills. The PSHE programme did not provide sufficiently
well-planned opportunities for pupils to develop positive attitudes and knowledge of a range
of topics related to their health and welfare. Senior pupils had very good opportunities to
lead and support other pupils’ learning through being buddies and working alongside
teachers in classes and in primary schools. However, the school had not yet ensured that
pupils received accreditation for these leadership opportunities. At S3/S4, pupils who were
involved in the XL Club were developing confidence and self-esteem through their course
achievements. Most pupils participated in a range of school trips which enabled them to
widen their experiences. Pupils were making very good progress in understanding the needs
of others through the Badagry project. This project was a major focus for the schools’
charity fundraising and pupils were enthusiastic about the benefits they provided to those in
need. In partnership with the school, community learning staff had effectively promoted the
benefits of participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. Senior pupils mentored S3
pupils who had recently started to undertake this award. Many pupils felt that they did not
have enough opportunities to influence the life of the school. Most pupils participated in a
range of sporting activities and were supported well by Active Schools Coordinators and
school staff, in school and in other centres.
Most teachers used questioning effectively to develop pupils’ understanding. They
responded positively to pupils’ answers and ideas. They gave clear explanations and
instructions and fostered a positive atmosphere in most classes. In a few lessons, teachers
shared learning aims with pupils at the start of lessons. Pupils were clear about what they
needed to do to improve and showed good awareness of next steps in their learning. Pupils
worked conscientiously in most classes. However, pupils’ motivation and the extent to
which they engaged in sustained learning varied considerably. In most classes, tasks were
well matched to pupils’ needs, in particular at Higher.
Overall, the quality of teaching and meeting pupils’ needs was good. The quality of learning
and of attainment was adequate. Particular features included the following.
By the end of S2, most pupils were attaining appropriate national levels of attainment in
reading. Less than half of pupils attained these levels in writing and this was declining.
At S3/S4, pupils performed notably better in Standard Grade English than in their other
subjects. The proportion of pupils attaining grades 1-2 was well above the national
At S5/S6, the proportion of pupils attaining A-C grades at Intermediate 2 was well below
the national average, although it was improving. At Higher, the proportion of pupils
attaining A-C grades was, overall, below the national average. Too many pupils did not
attain an award.
Teachers were beginning to extend the range of teaching approaches including the use of
ICT. They questioned pupils effectively to check their understanding. At times, their use of
questioning could have been more challenging. They made good use of homework to
support pupils’ learning. The majority of pupils worked purposefully in class. Teachers did
not provide sufficient opportunities for pupils to work together. They matched work well to
pupils’ prior learning experiences. The department had started to improve courses and
programmes to increase the pace of learning and the level of challenge for all pupils. Pupils
were responding well to this initiative.
Overall, the quality of teaching and meeting pupils’ needs was good. The quality of pupils’
learning and of attainment was adequate. Particular features included the following.
At S1/S2, the majority of pupils were attaining appropriate national levels of attainment.
Around a quarter were exceeding these levels.
At S3/S4, the proportion of pupils attaining Credit awards was above the national
At S5/S6, pupils performed notably less well at Higher than in their other subjects. The
proportion of pupils attaining A-C grades was below the national average at Higher and
Intermediate 2. The proportion at Higher was declining.
At Advanced Higher, the majority of those presented attained A-C grades.
Biology and S1/S2 science
All teachers used a variety of teaching approaches to ensure that lessons were stimulating
and interesting. They gave helpful explanations and clear instructions. They informed
pupils of the aims of lessons and used questioning well to clarify the key points of lessons.
However, teachers did not always revise the key points at the end of lessons. The overall
pace in lessons was appropriate and pupils worked well in groups and individually. At
times, pupils were passive learners and needed to be more actively challenged. Pupils
carried out experimental and written tasks well. Teachers met pupils’ needs well through the
use of a wide range of resources and well-targeted support.
Overall, the quality of teaching, meeting pupils’ needs, learning and attainment was good.
Particular features included the following.
Most pupils at S1/S2 understood their coursework and were progressing well. Teachers
developed pupils’ thinking skills through well-organised investigative experiments.
At S3/S4, the proportion of pupils attaining a Credit or General award in Standard Grade
biology was in line with the national average. At Intermediate 1, most of those presented
attained A-C grades. All of those presented for Access 3 gained success.
At S5/S6, the proportion of pupils attaining A-C grades at Higher Biology was below the
national average. At Intermediate 2, the majority of those presented attained A-C grades.
Business education
Teachers provided clear explanations and varied their approaches well to engage pupils in
their learning. They questioned pupils skilfully to check and enhance their understanding.
Teachers shared the aims and purposes of lessons with pupils and reinforced new learning or
skills at the end of lessons. Homework was issued regularly and was appropriately
challenging. Almost all pupils worked conscientiously and responded well to a brisk pace of
learning. Pupils used ICT effectively within all subject areas. Arrangements for assessing
and monitoring pupils’ progress from S3 to S6 were very effective. Teachers provided
pupils with very good feedback on work completed and advice on how they could improve.
The quality of teaching, meeting pupils’ needs, learning and attainment was very good.
Particular features included the following.
At S1, pupils successfully developed appropriate skills in ICT.
At S3/S4, the proportion of pupils attaining a Credit award in Standard Grade
administration had been consistently well above the national average. The proportion of
pupils attaining a Credit award in business management had improved and was now in
line with the national average.
At S5/S6, the proportions of pupils attaining A and A-C grades in both subjects were
well above the national averages.
Information about the subjects inspected has been given earlier in the report. Across the
school, particular features of pupils’ progress, results in examinations and other
qualifications, including those awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) 3 for the three year period
2005-2007, are included below.
By the end of S2 attainment was adequate. Particular features included the following.
The majority of pupils were attaining appropriate national levels of attainment in reading
and mathematics. An increasing proportion were exceeding these levels. In writing,
pupils’ attainment was declining with less than half attaining appropriate national levels
of attainment. Across the rest of the curriculum, overall progress was variable.
By the end of S4 attainment was good. Particular features included the following.
The proportion of pupils attaining five or more awards at SCQF level 3 or better was in
line with the national average. Overall, the proportion of pupils attaining five or more
awards at SCQF level 4 or better was above the national average. The school performed
in line with schools with similar characteristics.
The proportion of pupils attaining five or more awards at SCQF level 5 or better was well
above the national average, but had declined in 2007. Pupils performed much better than
in schools with similar characteristics.
At S4, the proportion of pupils achieving Credit awards was well above the national
average in geography and music.
By the end of S6 attainment was good. Particular features included the following.
By the end of S5, the proportion of pupils attaining three or more and five or more
awards at SCQF level 6 or better was above the national average. The proportion
attaining three or more awards had declined significantly in 2007. Overall, the school
performed better than schools with similar characteristics.
By the end of S6, the proportion of pupils attaining three or more awards at SCQF level 6
or better and one or more award at SCQF level 7 was above the national average.
For three or more awards at SCQF level 6, pupils performed much better than in schools
with similar characteristics. For one or more award at SCQF level 7, the school
performed in line with schools with similar characteristics.
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels:
7: Advanced Higher at A-C/CSYS at A-C
6: Higher at A-C
5: Intermediate 2 at A-C; Standard Grade at 1-2
4: Intermediate 1 at A-C; Standard Grade at 3-4
3: Access 3 cluster; Standard Grade at 5-6
The proportion of pupils attaining A-C grades in Higher modern studies was well above
the national average. It was below the national average in Higher physics.
Most of those presented for Higher physical education, Higher Spanish and Advanced
Higher music attained A-C grades.
4. How good is the environment for learning?
Pastoral care
Overall, the quality of pastoral care was adequate. The school had a
range of policies in place to deal with child protection, anti-bullying,
racist incidents, drug abuse and safe use of the Internet. Most pupils
were confident that staff would be able to deal sensitively and
effectively with their concerns. Staff knew pupils and generally
provided well for their care and welfare. However, not all staff were
fully aware of child protection approaches. Support for learning staff
had begun to use the shared pupil support base to develop better team
working in supporting pupils. However, most pupils were not yet
aware of the location of this base. Not all pupils understood the role
of guidance staff and how they could be supported in school. The
school was at very early stages of trying to provide a more integrated
approach to pupil support. Communication amongst the wide range
of staff involved in pupil support was not effective. Catering staff
were encouraging and supportive of pupils making healthy eating
choices. The school had effective pastoral links with associated
primary schools. Transition arrangements from P7 to S1 were well
planned and pupils felt well prepared for secondary school.
Quality of
accommodation and
Accommodation was adequate. Particular features included the
A welcoming entrance hallway for visitors.
Improvements in décor were required in a number of areas of the
The ESFL department had good accommodation, which included
a kitchen. The school had plans to improve further the quality of
this accommodation to enable more effective inclusion with
mainstream classes.
The school was improving the arrangements for security.
Pupils had limited access to ICT across the school.
Some of the toilets had recently been upgraded. However, pupils
felt that there were too few toilets near the dining facility.
The open areas across the school were not used effectively to
provide appropriate social areas. The school had plans to provide
seating for pupils in existing social areas.
The school was accessible for those users with restricted mobility.
Climate and
expectations and
achievement and
The school provided a welcoming and positive learning environment.
Relationships among pupils and staff were good, and in some cases,
very good. Pupils were courteous and almost all were well behaved.
Pupils in the ESFL department felt safe and secure and commented
positively on the support they received from their peers across the
school. The strong leadership of the headteacher had improved staff
morale and had raised expectations of pupils and staff. Expectations
for pupils’ behaviour, attendance and achievement were good overall.
Staff needed to take greater responsibility for their expectations of
pupils’ behaviour. The school was beginning to develop approaches
to promote pupils’ achievements through assemblies and
prize-givings. However, wider achievements were not systematically
recognised by teaching staff. The headteacher had plans to introduce
a more systematic approach to rewarding pupils alongside the revised
discipline policy. The school had taken very effective steps to include
pupils with a wide range of additional support needs in the life of the
school. The RME programme made some contribution to developing
pupils’ understanding and awareness of equality issues. The school
was promoting racial equality through relevant areas of the
curriculum. However, it needed to provide more opportunities for
pupils to discuss equality issues. Weekly and special masses and
assemblies provided good opportunities for the school community to
worship together.
Partnership with
parents and the
The quality of partnership with parents and the community was good.
Particular features included the following.
Very good pastoral links with associated primary schools.
Parents received helpful information about their children’s
progress through regular reports and parents’ evenings.
The school had useful, developing links with local businesses.
Good links with a variety of partners, including CLD staff and the
school nurse, made strong contributions to the PSHE programme.
Very strong support from the school chaplain and the chaplaincy
team helped promote a Christian ethos across the school.
Parents had not been appropriately consulted on the content of the
PSHE programme.
5. Leading and improving the school
Following recent improvements, Queen Margaret Academy was becoming more successful
in raising achievement for pupils. It provided a welcoming and supportive environment for
all members of the school community. Staff morale was improving. Pupils with additional
support needs were included very effectively in the school community. The support
provided by pupils and staff across the school for pupils receiving support in the ESFL
department was a strength. Pupils’ attainment at S3 to S6 was good. Teaching, learning and
meeting needs had strengths. However, there was scope for improvement in pupils’ learning
and meeting needs, in particular in the management of pupil support.
The leadership of the headteacher was good. In her short time in post, she had gained the
confidence and trust of parents, pupils and staff. Teachers were positive about the
improvements which had taken place. The headteacher had identified key priorities for the
school and was working hard with staff to build the school’s capacity for improvement. She
was supported by two depute headteachers and an acting depute headteacher. Their remits
had recently been reviewed. They were not providing sufficiently strong leadership for
learning, and they needed to build staff confidence in their ability to lead improvements.
Their links with subject departments needed to be strengthened. Most principal teachers
provided effective leadership, with a few examples of very effective leadership. There were
increasing opportunities for staff to take on leadership roles through the various working
Despite some recent improvements, the school’s arrangements for self-evaluation were still
weak. With the support of the headteacher, departments had started to improve their
approaches to planning for improvement. Principal teachers were beginning to take more
effective approaches to analyse pupils’ attainment to identify strengths and areas for
improvement. Senior managers had observed classes and had provided teachers with helpful
feedback and suggestions to improve their teaching. A few principal teachers observed
learning and teaching and were beginning to share good practice. The school had recently
started to gather the views of pupils and parents to inform future action. However,
improvements were recent and had yet to impact on the quality of learning, teaching and
pupils’ attainment. A few departments reviewed systematically the quality and effectiveness
of their work but this good practice was not sufficiently widespread. Senior managers had
gathered information on pupils’ progress and had recently identified groups of pupils at S3 to
S6 who were not making appropriate progress. Staff had volunteered to mentor these pupils.
Guidance teachers and senior managers were not monitoring and tracking pupils’
achievements effectively. Senior managers now needed to work more consistently and
directly with all staff to ensure that self-evaluation was used consistently to bring about
As well as building on the strengths and addressing the issues raised throughout this report,
the school, with strong support from the education authority, should address the following
main points for action.
Main points for action
Improve the quality of the curriculum to meet pupils’ needs more effectively.
Continue to improve the quality of learning and teaching, building on existing good
Improve the organisation and effectiveness of pupil support.
Promote more opportunities for pupils to discuss equality issues, including further
promotion of racial equality.
Improve the school’s approaches to self-evaluation.
What happens next?
The school and the education authority have been asked to prepare an action plan indicating
how they will address the main findings of the report, and to share that plan with parents and
carers. HM Inspectors will continue to engage with the school and the education authority in
monitoring progress, and will undertake a follow-through inspection. This will result in a
report to parents and carers, within two years of the publication of this report, on the extent
of improvement that has been achieved.
Maureen McKenna
HM Inspector
18 March 2008
Appendix 1 Indicators of quality
The following quality indicators have been used in the inspection process to contribute to the
evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the school in promoting learning and achievement
for all pupils.
Section 3. How well does the school raise achievement for all?
Structure of the curriculum
The teaching process
Meeting pupils’ needs
Pupils’ learning experiences
Personal and social development
Overall quality of attainment: S1/S2
Overall quality of attainment: S3/S4
Overall quality of attainment: S5/S6
Section 4. How good is the environment for learning?
Pastoral care
Accommodation and facilities
Climate and relationships
Expectations and promoting achievement
Equality and fairness
Partnership with parents, the Parent Council and
the community
Section 5. Leading and improving the school
Leadership of the headteacher
Leadership across the school
This report uses the following word scale to make clear the judgements made by inspectors:
very good
outstanding, sector leading
major strengths
important strengths with areas for improvement
strengths just outweigh weaknesses
important weaknesses
major weaknesses
Appendix 2 Summary of questionnaire responses
The following provides a summary of questionnaire responses. Key issues from the
questionnaires have been considered in the inspection and comments are included as
appropriate throughout the report.
What parents thought the school did well
What parents think the school could do
Parents were positive about the school. A
number commented positively on the
improvements in pupils’ uniform.
Parents felt that the school could do more
to help them support their children’s
Almost all felt that:
The school did not consult them
effectively on decisions which affected
their child.
their child enjoyed being at school;
the school had a good reputation in the
their child was treated fairly; and
the school was well led.
What pupils thought the school did well
What pupils think the school could do
Pupils were generally satisfied with their
Almost all enjoyed being at school.
Pupils would like teachers to listen to
their views more. They wanted to be
involved more in decision making in the
They got on well with other pupils.
Teachers checked their homework.
Around a third, felt that the school was
not good at helping them sort out
The school did not do enough to help
keep them safe and healthy.
What staff thought the school did well
What staff think the school could do
Overall, staff were positive about the school.
In particular, they commented on the recent
improvements brought about by the new
Around half did not think that indiscipline
was dealt with effectively.
Around one third thought that standards
set for pupils’ behaviour were not
consistently upheld.
Less than half of support staff thought that
there was effective communication
between senior managers and staff.
Around two thirds of support staff felt
they did not have good opportunities to be
involved in decision making.
Key features of their responses were as
Staff worked hard to promote and
maintain good relations with the local
Pupils were enthusiastic about learning.
They liked working in the school.
There was mutual respect between
teachers and pupils.
The school was well led.
Appendix 3
Attainment in Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
National Qualifications
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels:
7: Advanced Higher at A-C/CSYS at A-C
6: Higher at A-C
5: Intermediate 2 at A-C; Standard Grade at 1-2
4: Intermediate 1 at A-C; Standard Grade at 3-4
3: Access 3 Cluster; Standard Grade at 5-6
Percentage of relevant S4 roll attaining by end of S4
English and Mathematics
@ Level 3
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools5
5+ @ Level 3 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
5+ @ Level 4 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
5+ @ Level 5 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
Percentage of relevant S4 roll attaining by end of S5
5+ @ Level 4 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools5
5+ @ Level 5 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
1+ @ Level 6 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
3+ @ Level 6 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
5+ @ Level 6 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
Percentage of relevant S4 roll attaining by end of S6
2007 4
5+ @ Level 5 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools 5
1+ @ Level 6 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
3+ @ Level 6 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
5+ @ Level 6 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
1+ @ Level 7 or better
Queen Margaret Academy
Comparator schools
Pre Appeal
Comparator schools are the 20 schools statistically closest to the school being inspected in terms of the key
characteristics of the school population.
How can you contact us?
If you would like an additional copy of this report
Copies of this report have been sent to the headteacher and school staff, the Director of
Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning, local councillors and appropriate Members of
the Scottish Parliament. Subject to availability, further copies may be obtained free of
charge from HM Inspectorate of Education, 1st Floor, Endeavour House, 1 Greenmarket,
Dundee, DD1 4QB or by telephoning 01382 576700. Copies are also available on our
website at www.hmie.gov.uk.
HMIE Feedback and Complaints Procedure
Should you wish to comment on any aspect of secondary inspections, you should write
in the first instance to Frank Crawford, HMCI, at HM Inspectorate of Education, Europa
Building, 450 Argyle Street, Glasgow G2 8LG.
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Crown Copyright 2008
HM Inspectorate of Education
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