! University Test Center Supervisor (559)278-4137

University Test Center
University Center Room 201
Joey Darby, Supervisor
• Host and proctor full class room exams.
• Instructors receive individual student score reports; class score report and electronic score
report sent to faculty e-mail with item analysis.
Students are provided scantrons and quiet testing environment.
Multiple day testing window for students.
Exams are proctored by fully trained assistants and security cameras are on at all times.
Supplemental test aids are strictly regulated.
Exams with write on sections as well as blue book exams are still available.
More teaching time for YOU!!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: What if a student takes the exam on the first day and tells classmates what is on the
Answer: Generally test scores reflect higher grade averages in the beginning of the testing
period rather than at the end suggesting that very little, if any, test question sharing is
occurring. Also you can give us multi-version exams to address this concern.
Question: With so many testers in one room how do you keep them from cheating?
Answer: We have trained proctors on duty, who watch the testers at ALL times. We also have
security cameras with a DVR system that is always on during testing. We make sure the
students do not have access to their cellphones, binders, backpacks or notes during exams.
Supplemental testing aids, which you assign to your exam, are strictly enforced.
Question: What if I have students who work until late in the day?
Answer: We have late hours available on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Question: My class has 500 students. Can you accommodate that many students?
Answer: Yes, we can! Now that we have moved, we have over 100 seats. The key is to
manage the time allowed as well as the number of testing days allowed. For very large
classes we suggest shorter time limits (1 hour) and longer testing day duration (3 days or
**More questions? Please feel free to call us at 278-7056 or you can also visit our website at