NGV 2 - . .1

NGV 2 - .
'"The lim ,lhey arc a changing," even al Michigan Tech. In
order 10 keep ab.reasl of the changes, we have inerea cd the size of
thi s year's Forester. Along with Ou r standard "arti cles. we've
add d a fe\\' new one: foresters' wives an I airl Cresters, i
igma Pi honorary I ralcrni- .. an
Q1"s EimronnwntaJ Tea ·h.
in. We have also printed, wit h regrets, a memori al to an alum nus
who fell in iet am.
' proudJ.o dedieale
lhi year's Fores ter to an alumnus who has done an OUI
job in Ihe fi eld of foreslry - M ... Gordon Trombley, Idaho
missioner of Public Lands. OlU' main fea lure and
Table of Contents
!iEDICA ION ... ....... . .. . ... .. . . .. .... .. 4
FEATURE ... . . . .... . .
ACTIVITlE . ......... .
ALUMNI DiRECTORY ... ...... .
. . 66
The "Forester" Salutes
Gordon C.
Gordon's wife -
Evelyn Tromblev
In May, 1967, an important even t occurred in the State of
Idaho. Gordon C. Trombley was appointed Comm issioner of
Public Lands. For the lir t time in it history, a professional
land com mis ioner had been appointed to overs e the public
lands of the State of Idaho.
Thi event also was important for Michigan Tech Univer·
sit y, for Gordon Trombley i a forestry graduate of Michigan
Tech, class of 1952. In recogni tion of his outstanding service
in the profes ion offorestrv, in his demon trated abilities as a
land manager and admini trator, and in his achievement in
attaining his present distinction, the Forester salut an out·
standing alumnus, Gordon C. Trombl y.
Gordon's entire career, following his graduation from
Mi higan Tech, has been pursued in the State of Idaho. Hi
lirst employment was a a scaler with Potlatch Forests, In c.
While an employee of Potlatch, he participated in the widely
known "Iog drive" conducted annually by thi firm. The
drive began on the upper north fork of the Clearwater Ri ver
and ended two week later at Lewiston, Idaho. During the
drive, the loggers lived on a Wanigan which consisted of
three tent houseboats supported on rubber floats. The di .
comforts of being wet to the waist mo t of the time, and
straining to keep up with the fancy "da doos" performed by
the old timers with the peavey, were minor concerns in com·
parison to the thrill of taking part in this historic experien e.
The Potlatch log drive is truly a matter of history today, for it
was discontinued some year ago.
During the summer of 1953, Gordon was in charge of a
logging camp near Headquarters, Idaho. Later in the year he
joined the Idaho State Forestry Department, with an initial
as ignment at Kamiah, Idaho. Later he wa stationed at Oro·
fino and, in 1959, moved to Coeur d·Alene.
Mr. Trombley remain ed at Coeur d'Alene until 1967, in
that )'ear moving to Boise. It was in 1967 that the Forestry
D partment wa merged with the Idaho Land Department to
form the present D partment of Public Land. Gordon was
one of three men appointed by the Governor of Idaho to draw
up plans for the new department. When the merger wa ef·
fected, Mr. Trombley was appointed by the Governor as
Commissioner of Public Lands.
Cordon ... ilk a
Gordon is a native or Minnesota. having b en born and
reared in Remer. Minn . F0110wing his graduation from high
school at Remer, he wa employed bv the W. A. Rogers Lum·
ber Company at Cas Lak e. Minn. , until he entered the mili·
tary ervi e in 1942. H received a commi sion as an om er
in the Armv Air Corps and served with the 87th Troop Car·
rier Squadron in England. France and Germanv .
In 1945 he married Evelyn Rogers at Ca s Lake, Minn.
Aft r another period of employment. Gordon entered Ferris
I nstitute at Big Rapid , Minn: Soon he decided that fore try
wa his calling, and tran ferred to the ault Branch of Michi.
ga n Tech at ault teo Marie. After ompleting the two·vear
program there, he moved to Houghton for the final two year
of his undergraduate work. and received his degree in 1952.
Mr. and Mrs. Trombley have three children. Thev are Gor·
don, who live in Libby, Mont. ; usan. a student at Creighton
Univer ity. Omaha, Nebr.: ten·vear·old
teven. The famil .y
enJOYS outdoor a tivities and has a special attachment to
Pri st Lake. in northern Idaho. where Mr. Trombley built a
cabi n ~o m e vears ago.
Gordon's recreat ional interest· include hunting and fish·
ing, with du k hunting a favorite activity. His duties as Land
Commissioner, however, are exceptionalh' demanding of his
time. In addition to being re ponsible for the administration
of three million acres of land, he is the Govern r s Repre·
sentative for the Public Land Review Commission and i ee·
retary of the tate Land Board which ets poli .y for all state
land operations. Mr. Trombley also erves as eCr tary of the
We tern tates Land Commis ioners A sociation. and i a
m mher of the Association'5 Executive Board.
An ability to create a harmonious atmo phere in a co nten·
tious situation has been an important fa tor in Mr. Trom·
bley's succes . Humility and a talent for understanding his
fellowman are among hi attribute which complement hi
profe ional abi lities.
As Idaho's first non·politi al land commissioner. Mr.
Trombley follows the motto "If it's good for Idaho - it's
The Forester proudly salut es on e of Michigan Tech's most
illustrious graduates. Gordon C. Trombley.
Gordon l'ruising 011 Pril'lit Lakt·. Idaho
Tom Pakula Killed In Action In Vietnam;
Memorial Loan Fund Established at Tech
Students ,lnd fatuity of Ill(' F'orl'Slr~' Department "'cre saddened h~ Ilw 111'\\8 of the dl'i.lIh
or ThomOlS \"
Pakula in Vietnam. TOIll rcct.'i\'{'d his B.. Degree in for{':O:lr~ at ;\'Ii("higall '(\'('h in August. 1967. He
killed in <.Iction \\ hil " cngagt·d in a ..:ombat
mi ~sjon
on Dccl'mber 27. 1969. I-Ie hud been scrdng wilh the
U. S. Army in Vietnam for St~\cn months and hdd tilt' rank of' Spc('iaiisl Fourth Class.
The son of Mr. and l\'l rs. Lt'o Paku la of' lambaugh. Tom gruduu tcd from
fore l'nrolling
Michigan Tech. While a student
As a 1llt'llloriallOTom. th t:
il l
tumbaugh High Sl'hool bl"
Tt't.'h. he was a mt'mbt'r of' Chi Hho FralL'rnit~· .
Club has l'st ~lblisl1t'd the Thomas V. Pukuhl
Loan Fund at
Mi(' higan Tech. and endow 'd the fund \\ ith an initial :.ll11ount of 350 dollars, The fund is a\'ailablc o nl~' to
forcstr~ students for short·term loans. It i being ndll1inislacd by the onite of the Dl~an of Students,
Addi tional (,on tribu tions to tlw fund
hccn soli('ih'd
for(,sll'~ grad uates \\ho \,'c re l'nrolll'd at
Michigan Tct:h during tlw lil11e Tom was 3 sl udl..'rlrh~.:r{' . and from I1lcmb\'r:- of Ihe rort'5Ir~' f:.I('lIlt~, Thu ~
far. contribu tio ns from individuals ha\'(' raised Iht' totul umount available for loan
'on lributions will be
,5 1] dollars. Further
·leorned and rna~' be -ent to the Mi(" higarl Tech Forl'stry Club. Chc("ks should bc
made pU~'ab l e to the Miehigan Tech Forcstry lub. \\ ith proper nOlation as
All su
'h fonlributions are ta x·drductible.
the purpose of the donation.
DR . :-IORMA\' t. SLOA N
Associate Profc gO r
B. . ~l; ch ;ga n Tech
C ni\' ,
M. " Ph.D. Cn;,·.
of Wi seon in
H. ~1.
Profess r
8. 5.. ~1; c h ;ga n Tech
~1 . . ~ti c higan
State L n;,·.
Assistant Prof's5 r
B. .
~1;ch ;ga n
C ni \'.
~1 ..
Cn ;\,. of
;\li nncsota
Associate Professor
B. ., M. S. Iowa
tat e
Teaching A sociate
B. . North Dakota
laic Uryi v.
M . . Michigan
Slate Univ.
DR . MARTI;'; t .
Assistant ProfC'ssor
vra('usc l 'ni\'.
~,1. . ~\'ra(' u sc LJni\'.
Ph. D. North Caro.
late Uni\'.
Professor and Head
B. . Purdue Univ.
M. .. Ph.D. niv.
of Michi(Ja n
Our Depart men t is graced b~'
tw o excellent secretari es
Miss Judith Wuebben
Mrs. Jul ia Allen
B.S.. M.
yra use
Associate Profe or
B. . Oklahoma tate
M.S. Auburn Univ.
M.B.A., Ph .D.
Michiga n tate Uni v.
Assistant Professor
B. .. M.F. yr.cuse
ni \,.
Forestry Developments at Michigan Tech
by C . R. Crowther
Acti\,ities in the Department of Forestr~' during the past academic year have concentrated on consolidation and refinement of the programs and ad\'ances accomplished during the several preceding ~'ears, including such landmark events as completion of the new Forestrv Institute of Wood Research building,
establishmen t of the School of Forestr~ and Wood Products. and initiation of a graduate program in the
Departmen t. e\'cral changes of note have occurred during the past year. however.
Dr. Paul S. Johnson, who handled instruction in soils, i1vics and forest ecolog~' for the past four years.
left the Department at the end of the 1968·69 school vear to accept a position "ith the U. . Forest erv·
ice. He is now engaged in research at Columbia. Mo.
William W. ~ osch ler. Jr .. who taught wood technology and fore"t utilization courses since the fall of
1966. terminated his position in the Department during the sum mer of 1969 in order to return to Virginia
Polytechnic Institute for work toward the doctorate.
Both of these men contributed significa ntly to the instructional program in forestry while members of
the Michigan Tech Forestry facult~.
Prof. Roswell K. Miller returned to the faculty during the sum mer of 1969, following a vear s r sidence
at the University of Mi higan, where he is engaged in a doctoral program. Professor Miller is teaching in
the fi eld of Forest Management and handled the wood tec hnolog~ instruction this year. He also teams with
Professor teinhilb in the instruction of sur\'eying in the fo restry summer school program .
Dr. Martin F. Jurgensen is a new member of the forestrv facultv this year. He recen tl y completed a tour
of duty with the U.S. Air Force, in wh ich he held the ran k of captain. A native of vracuse. N. Y.. Dr. Jur·
gensen holds a B.S. Degree in forestry and the M.S. Degree in sih'iculture from Syracuse t,;nive rsi t ~· . He
received his Ph .D. Degree from North Carolina tale Uni\'ersit y. with a major in soil science. Dr. Jurgen.
sen is married and has two children. He is engaged in teaching and research a tivities in the fields of soils,
silvics and forest ecology.
Dr. Bernard C. H. Sun joined the Forestry Department fa ult y during the spring of 1970. A citizen of
the Republic of China, Dr. Sun received the B.S.A. Degree from the National Taiwan Universit y, and the
M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees from the University of British Columbia, Canada, in wood and pulp science. He
will be teaching wood technology. wood fiber technology. and forest util ization. Dr. Sun i married and
has one child .
The Departme nt was fortunate indeed to have the erv ices of Mr. Clarence A. Engberg during the fall
quarter, 1969. Mr. Engberg taught the course in Soils during the fall term, hold ing the rank of Adjunct
Professor of Forestry. He is eminently qualified in the soils field, having served for 21 years as state soil
scientist in Michigan with the Soil Conservation Serv ice, until his retirement in 1966. Mr. and Mrs.
Engberg resided in the Daniell Heights housing facilities ofTech while in Houghton. Th y proved to be a
delightful couple who mad friends quickly and readil y settled into the faculty circle. It was "'ith real reo
gret that students and facult y bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Engberg at the conclusion of their stay, as they
returned to their home near Homer, Michigan. Although their sta~ in Houghton was brief. they will not
soon be forgotten by their many fri ends at Michigan Tech.
During the past ~ear. two new upper·cla options have been added to the forestry curriculum. These
arc the Forest Busines" option and the Recreational Land Management option. These supplement the ex·
isting options, available to juniOrs and seniors, in Forest Management and Forest ience. Forest Science
options include Forest Genetics, Forest Entomology. Wood ience and Techn o log~, Forest Game Man ·
agement, Fores t Ecolog~' . and Forest H ~drology.
(Continued on page 53)
Lake Linden, Michigan
Forestry Club, Xi igma Pi,
Mich·Wis Timber Producer s
Scholarship '69·'70.
Hancock, Mich.
Forestrv Club - Conclave Comm ..
Sociely of America n Foresters,
Lancaster. New York
Forestry Club - Conclave Team
'68, [niramural , Varsity
Rille Tea m.
Pontiac, Michigan
Forestry Club - Vi e·Pres. '69.
Conclave Team '68 and Chairman
'69, Dendro. Lab Instructor,
Res. Asst. - Wadsworth Hall ,
Xi Sigma Pi, Phi Kappa Phi,
Cad. Bat. Commander, AROTC '69
'70, Intramurals.
We tland . Michigan
Forestry Club - Conclave Team
'68 and '69, Rifle Rame
Chairman '68 and '69, Varsity
Football Team, Intramurals.
West Lafayette, Indiana
Forestr), Club - Camp Comm. '68
and '69, Rifle Rame Comm. '68.
milt Ic. ~, 1ari('. On l. . Canada
~l ih\ auk{·e. ~l i -('o n si n
F'orcSln Club - Intralllural .Ollllll,
'67:70: Conclale Comm, and
Team '68 and '69, In tramurals,
\\ '~oming. ~I i('higan
ForeSln Club - p,,'sid,'nt '69,
70, Fo;oster staff '66,69,
Edi tor, i", ,hi(,f '68, '69, Intramural.,
Phi Kappa Phi, Xi Sigma Pi,
\Vho's \"ho in AI11('r. Colleges
and Lni \'{'rsilif"s.
Findla\', Ohio
Forrstn Club,
('icty of
Am eri can Fores ters.
Menominee, Michiga n
Forcstn' Club, up 'rior als
kindil'ing Club. Phi Kappa
Phi ,
WILLlA:-! J, FREi'\ H
Ml'llominee Fall s. Wisconsin
Fo resln
Club - Fl'a lurc
Editor "66:69, n. A, - Wadsworth
Hall. Intramural s,
RI HARD A. HA:" ' 0:"
aginl.lw. 'li ehi~'Hl
fores"l Cl ub. \ 'arsill Rilk
Tl~am . \1 0::1 \ 'aluablt: hooter
'6.5·'66 and '67:68. Clplain
of Rint' Team '66:67.
Ishpeming. :\Iirhigan
For(,s lr~ Club. Xi igmn Pi.
San Dit;go. Cal ifornia
ol'iet\ of American For('s ters.
Delta 'S i~ma Phi. Inlrall1ur~ds.
Rl·rt.lsburg. \"('is('ol1:sin
fon,.ln Club.
Renton. \~ 'al:ihin~IOn
Club. Band.
Tau K,ipp"
Ep::i]oll. X i
igmu Pi.
ADRJ.\:" R. JE:"TOfT
L';\ne.f'. 'li("hi~an
rort:::tr\ Club - ~ollt'la\I' Team
'69. Inir:ll1lllral~. Xi i~llla Pi.
Garden Cit:·, Michigan
Forestn' Club. Intramural .
Kingsford. Michigan
Forestry Club. Cycle Club.
Mahwah, New Jersev
AFROTC. Arnold Air ocietv.
cabbard and Blade. Var it)"
Track. Gvmnastics Club,
Managen':ent Assistant - Coed Hall.
Student Liaison Committee.
Arnheim. Mich igan
Forestn' Club. Intramurals.
Green Bav. Wiscon in
D.H.H. Cou nci l. Daniell
Heigh ts Association.
lnlramurals. Xi igrna Pi.
Aura, Michigan
Antigo, Wisconsin
Foreslrv Club, Dorm R. A. - DHH.
Varsity Football, Inlramurals,
Blue Key. Phi Kappa Phi. Xi
igma Pi, Dorm Council Rep ..
Siudeni Council. Jr. All..
Sr. ludenl Council Rep.•
Who's Who in American College
and Universities.
Rapid River, Michigan
Foreslrv Club - Foresler
Staff Wriler. Mich. Tech.
Pislol Club, D.H.H . Judiciarv
Committee, Xi
igma Pi.
Hermansville. Michigan
Forestry club. Xi igma Pi.
Foresler Siaff - Pholo·Edilor.
Toledo. Ohio
Fore Irv Club. Xi Sigma Pi.
Phi Kappa Phi . Inlramurals.
Rifle Raffle·Big Brolher Da)'.
Camp.Snow lalUe and
Horne orning comminees.
Bronson. Michigan
Foreslr\' Club. Sociel\' of
Am eric~ n foresters. 'tudent
Liai-on Committee.
idnaw. Michigan
Forcs lr\' Club. Foresters
laff '69·'70. Wadsworlh Hall
Weight Lifting Club.
Bessemer. Michigan
rore If\' Club, Intramural,
Pul>licii" Chairman - For. Club,
Phi Eta" Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi.
Xi igma Pi. Concla,'c Team
Trout Creck. Michigan
Michigan Tech' Vet.
lu I>.
I nlramural .
Bath. Pcnns\'h ania
Fore-tn CI~b. ;\cwman Club.
Married tudents Assn .. Chi Rho.
Phi Kappa Theta. Intra·
Frat rnity Assn. Rep .. Donn
R p.. Int ramural •.
DO:",o\ LD
aO'inaw. Michigan
Forestry Club. Xi igma Pi.
Ski Patrol. ki Club, Rep. of
Coed. Hall Council. cicty
of American Foresters.
Hibbing. Minnesota" Club - Conclave '69.
Chairrn~n - Intramurals Colllm'
ki Club. Intramu ral,
Conclu\'c Event- Chairman.
Port Clint on, Ohio
Forestrv Club - Seeretar"
"' jal Chairman. Co,~c1a\'e
'69. Intramu ral •.
Trenton . New J rScv
For "Ir\' Club - Chairman
Mcmb~rship Committee. Business
Manager '69 Forester. Xi igma
Pi, MTU occer Club - Vice Pres.,
Inl ramura\-.
Fond du Lac. Wisconsin
Foresln Club - Secrelan'.
Vi c P;csidcnl and oriai
Chairman, Conclave '69,
igma Pi. tudenl Liaison
Committee. Phi Kappa Phi.
Painesdale. ~'lichigan
Intramurals. Val"5itv
Bruce Mint's. Onlario. Canada
Fore In' lub - Conclave Team
and CO;lcla\,c Com'mince.
inlrallillrais, Xi
igma Pi.
Milwaukee. \",\/isconsin
Forc.. lr\, Club. Phi Kappa Phi.
Xi igl;13 Pi. Inl ramurals.
Mich·Wi Timber Produ er's
A 0 'ialion ·holarship.
Applel n. Wisconsin
Forestry Club. In tramurals.
Lianga. urigao. Philippines
Forestry Club. Intramurals,
International Club.
Hancock, Michigan
Forestr\, Club.
i t\' of
Am e ric~n Foresters, . ki Club.
FI~' ing Club. Forester Alulnni Editor '68 and '69.
:-IHEAA chola",h ip '67·69 .
Wa\'ne. ~e\\ Jer \
For~str\' Club - Treasurer.
ki CI~b, WGGl·nl, Lutheran
ludenl As ociatiol1. Intramurals.
Cincinnati. Ohio
Fore· t" Club, Gvmnastics Club.
Concla~'c Team. Intramurals.
Cnion Lake, Mi higan
For 'str\' Club, Arm\' ROTC.
S('abba;d and Blade. MacArthcr's
Engineers Drill Team .
o ·iet\" of Ameri can ~I ililar\'
Engin~ers .
;VI on roc. .\ 1it·higa n
F(}rt·s tr~
I nlrnllIurals.
Chicago. lIIinois
Forestry lub. Intramurals.
Belford. New Jersey
Greenville. \Vis(.'onsin
Forc", r~' Club.
Canlon. Ohio
Foreslrv lub. Fh'ing Club.
Rine and Pi 101 Team.
MaeArrhurs Engineers, AROTC,
POrI Clinlon . Ohio
Foreslry Club, Conclave Team,
Inlrarnurals, Phi Kappa Phi.
Snow talu e Commitlce.
Port Huron, Michigan
Foreslry Club, Dorm Coun il
Rep .. Inlramurals. Camp
Manislt~t~ . .\1 iehigan
l\OR~ I A\ I).
;\1 il \\ 3uk{'('.
\r is('on~i n
S('ahbanl and Bladt', ;\lil Ball Cornmi lh'(',
Tr:H'k. Inlrnmurals
CARY F. ALB IC. lI amburg. \c" Yor,
RI CHARD E. JOII \50\ . \ orwu~.
Master of Science Degrees
Forest Technology
TI ~I OT HY ~1.
Bl ·L ERA.
:\orll1 'J'ona\\ anda. ~. Y.
\X'lLLIA:l1 D. HEI. S.
H ou~hIOIl. ~l i<:h.
HARRY J. 1I 0 l " E.
High land . .\I ic·h.
\'ulran . :lli"h.
JOI1, " . " OFFErr.
Tn:nlon. ~1 idl.
A LA .\' L. :'<OCA.
Dt·troil. ~l idl.
Apl',,"'oll. Iris.
Report From the Dean
by Dr. Eric A. Bourdo,
One full year has passed 5im'c the t'rl'alion of Ih\.,
J r.
'hool of' Fon'~ lr~ and
\, 'nod Produc ts. Tlw \car ha~ beL'n eH'lll fu l. It has in addition
of growth for all thr~c of tht.' dcparllllrllt8 \,h kh
Tlw 3t'ad('ll1ic Dr parlllwnt
or Fo rl'str~
('()l11prist' till'
a 'l'ar
has bern p'lrlil'ularl~ ~h'li\t· in
dc\rloping new ('urrieuhl. ill ('urrinilulll sln.:u llllining. and in ini·r! ·,, ~ill~
studcnt {~ nr()llll1 ('n l.:\ nt'\\ curri('ulum in Wood Fihl'r Tt'('hn() lo~~ has bt't'll
~q) pro \ I'd and derisions for ollwr IlC\\ ('urriculu are p(·lH.l in~. Hou rs rl'quir('d fo r graduati on ha\t~ been brought iniilH' \,ilh Iho:;.f" pn'\ailin~ ds('·
"hen>: and curri('ul ulll :Stud~ is to nli nuing 10 "<'\.'p thl' Dt'partllwllt's progra m:; abrt'<lst of tilt' \'hangt's and dc\clopnWnls in l'd u('a ti on,
Enrollmenl \\ill n'rtainl~ n"arh an all·tim\' hi~h 11I"\t fall. \\hit'll i~ ('O il'
Iran to the trf'lld al four \i,:ar in~tillilion~. all of \\hkh ha\f' hl'f'll afTt','lt·d
b~ the rapid gro\\lh of {:()mlllullil~ t'olll'gt's,
DR. ERIC A. BOL·RDO. JR .. DL\ :-;
SdlOOI of rOrt'~ lr~ und \rom\ Proilut'I.: .
Thl' progralll~ al Ih t~ Ford F'o rt'S lr~ Ct'ntt'r amI tilt' I n5titu t t~ of \rood R",
h<l\\' gro\\ll. 100 . Part i('ularl~ notit't'ahl t, at th t" Ct'nttT i~ lilt' Ill'\\
80.000 Labo ra t or~ huildin~ ,\hit::h rapidl~ i5 n,~aring ('ompit'lioll . [\t'll
befort' this lab is finislwcl. hm\t'\t'r. constru(,tion will ha\t' 5lartt,d 011 i.l
9200.squarc.foot Celwral Purpose building. "hieh i:; inlt'ndecilo proddt'
spa(,r badl~ 1H.'('dt'd for both t'dUl'ati oll and rt ':"t'art'h at Alberta .
;\lost important of all. inl11~ yiew. has bet'n Iht' progr{,,~5 in dra\\ing d os·
(Or logt,th r r tlw at,ti\'itit>:?- of the (.'hool's thr('(' d('pa rllllt'nts in \\a~ 5 \\h irh
l'omplelllcnt ('at'h otht'r, Rt'5I'a rt'lwrs of thl' Ford F'o rt~ lr~ Cellter 11m"
bt'gun to Icar h ,'O ur5''-'5 of partkular U:'t' to tht' graduate 5tU(knt:- "ho art·
'\orking ",ith Ilwlll. E\'(,II gn'3ler us,' of inh~rd('partnl('n tal fa('ilili(~ ha:?d(~\'i'l()p('d for undt~l'g rudui.lh ' ~ tudt'nt s a:; \\\,11.
.-\ large stt'P forward h~18 hern prow ess 011 tilt' prt'paralioll of 15.~ear
plans fo r tilt' l'ni\'t'1'5il~. lilt' ~l'\' ( 'ral sdlO() l~ ,111(1 t'olkgt's. ane! tlwir l'lHllpO'
nt'llt dt'parllllt'ntg, Eadl dep;.ullllf'nt of lilt' ",('hooIIHI5 phtnllt'd if.( futurf'
dt~\'('loplllt'llt and gro\\th in t'()Ilju lh't ion " ith tlw otlwr two. illlilarl~. in
it::llong ran~(' planning. (';.\('h departl1lt'nl of Iht' (· hool ha~ in\()I't'cllh()~, '
departlllents of ollwr sdlOol~ and eollt'g't's of lilt' un i\ t'rsit ~ \\ il h \\ hidl t';lt'h
has l'Ol11lllon inh'rc'sts, A great dt'al of 'Tl'dit for tilt' SUt'('t'$.5 orlhe choolof
Fon'sln and \rood Produt'l s mu sl !!;O to til(' ~tU(.kIl 1 5 . TIlt' f'a t'! lh"ll tht'\
ha\'l' :-:u~'('t'5s fllll~ l'qualed a ('o ll ('t~ rn ' for problt'llls in thl' l ' llilt'd Statt':-: all(1
n j'O IH'CTIl for their t'(ltu·a tiol1. ,\'ith It"t~l·flt'adt'd realii'Allion th at diHuptht'
:.u,ti,iti t':; .111':1111'1' tilt' ( ' :.lUSt' of IwitlllT. h ;'l~ ('nablt'd 1111'111 10 pur:,uI' liwir
goal:"l in a realistic ;'Hlllospiwrl".
TIll" pi.1~t ~t'ar. tlwl1. has been Ollf' of ~I'O\,th. promotion of' c'OOpt'ri.lliull.
IOllg.ranf!l' plallllill/!, :'IIHI ~lllClf'nl fort'~i~hl. \r ilh thi~ foundalion. tilt"
School of Fon'5-tr~ and \'( 'ood Produl'I:5 l'an n'l't:.lil1l~ louk \\ ith optimi:'111 It)
Ihc' 'cars <lhl'ad,
Gene A. Hesterberg
Good foresters, lik successful people in bu-incss. politics. communit~· affairs. industr~' and other fields exhibit cer·
lain common traits. The most significant of these characteristic arc leadership and caring about ourselves and raring
for others. The phrase" who car "is one which all of us should remove from usc and this brief note promotes the theme
of caring for other.
Lead"rship is important in all our activities. It r quires learning. cffort. d termination . enthusiasm. resourcefulness:
and a lot more. BUI th e succes ful forest "r of today - and certainly of tomorrow - is that per-on who ideall~' combines
leadership with a sincere understanding of his fellowmen. The fore t r who truly care for others. He must S nsc the
motions. expcrienc 5 and feelings of his a ociales as well as those for whom he work.
More than at any other lime. I feci the ~'ea rs ahead will recognize tho e fore ters having a movi ng personal concern
for all members of our societv. For it is only by leadership of the caring forester that we "'ill bc abl to earn soc iet~· · s
r spect for multiple.use of forest resources. Caring about ourse!.-es - A:-ID OTHER - i the aiant step to undcr·
standing resource userS. th eir need and their interests. And we need to care about others in our society before we can
trul y understand th ir ne ds in forest. in forest products. in forestry en·ices.
Socrates admoni-hed man to "know th v elf. " hakespeare described one's self as 1110re dear than a friend. It i- bv
developing proper cone rn for ourselves that we I arn th first lesson of so ial respon ibilil~' - caring for others. are
for one' self requires a corresponding care for others and it is by knowing about others thut our forester can best serve
his prof ssion. Although dynamic lead ~rship is import an t, respon iveness to the needs for our fellowman i a pivotal
point in Ou r work - the keystone to the fores ter's dut),.
True care for others is evident when we respond to th e needs of others. Th ere must be an action; a move to help oth·
ers, to resolve problems, to d"lllonslrale care. We must avoid becoming so engros cd in our work that we dampen our
human warmth for oth rs . Modern adminis tration in our occidental world places a premium on speed. on immediat ac·
lion, and prompt decision making. Many forest managers 'an sense advantages to a morC moderate rat e of forward
progrc in exchang for a pace that would allow more time for polite. courteou ('are and concern for others. Perhap
we hould think on the time-honored oriental manner whi ch placc~ concern ~ r others high On the order of life. Cou ld it
be that gros error in judgcm nt may be clud d by our daily use of the aracious art of caring for others?
" '~
"",' ~,
The Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
by Walt Summers
in cooperation with the National Park Service
of the U .S. Dept. of Interior.
, "Be it enacted by the enate and House of Representa.
of the United tat of America in C ogress assembled. That. in order to prcscr\' for the benefit. inspi.
ration, ducal ion. rc 'reational use. and enjoymen t of the
public a significant portion of the diminishing shoreline
of the United lal e and its related O'cocrraphic and scien.
lifi features. the Se rctar\' of tht' II~erior i authori zed to
take appropria te ac tion. ~s herein prm·ided. to establish
in the tate of ~'Ii chigan the Pictured Rocks :'Iational
Lakeshore: '
tl V
During the ,'cars 1957. -8 a Creat Lakes hortline
Recreation Area un' \' \\'a5 conducted b\' the ~ali o nal
Park ervice. In the su~v.y report. rc\c.·ase·d in 1960. the
length of Lake up rior shorel ine b ',,'cen Munisi ng and
Grand Marais. Mk higan was rated as one of fi\'e areas on
th Great Lakes of national significance. Through furth r
study and con idcration ncad v 67.000 acres of land was
s lected for inclusion into a' proposed Pictur d RockNational Lakeshor , Finallv on October 15, 1966 a law
was enacted b~' ongrcss '~' hi c h allow d Ihi considera.
tion to become a rca lilv,
Almost a century of c"onccrn pre cdcs the proposal for
establi hing a :'Iational Lakeshore in the Pi ct ured Rocks
area. ince the area for Yellowstone National Park was
sct aside in 1872 mounting publi pressure h:1s demand·
ed that more and mOr arcas be set aside for preservation
and public e njo~' rnent. Much of the sarne attitude went
into the building of both of th e parks. but crrtain fca·
tur~s in Iheir (,I'eation do diff r. N ea rl~' all previous Na·
tional Park were created from land in the public domain;
wher as the Pictured Rock :'Iational Lakeshore is being
rnade up of land that is 79% privat el), owned, Earlier
park were established where it wa realized that th -ir
greatest us would be b~' future generations. but now
there is a rapidl~' risi ng current demand for ould or rec·
rea tion. Because of the increase in demand, places de ig.
nated i,' the 1930' - as pos-ibl lora tions for seashore
park, have alread~' been private!:' dev lop'd, Individual
pri va te d velopement and private cOl11mercial develop·
ment is the pattern by which mosl rc ources arc em·
ployed in the Uniled lales ('conomy. At Ihe sam time
public im'estm nls are a mea ns of maintaining natural
beaut y spots that would SOllwlirncs be difficult to estab·
lish undcr 'o ndilion of privulc ownership. Under publiC
ownership the gClll'ral publiC is provided acr 55 to thc rcSOUf(·C.
uch public in\'(:stml'nt s are not n(,('(,5sa ril ~ in
opposition to prival c n lcrpris~~: Ihe)' ma". in fatt. be
co mplimc nlar~' to them.
I\ational Lakcshor and national seash res arc f " gardcd as simiiJr. Thc~ arL' d fin ed as follows by the i\ational Pa;'k en 'ic:
" ~ alurai ~';.:tS lal arras sci aside for th e preservati o n
and public rc(' realion usc of thei r nationally signifi<:ant
ce nic; s ie ntifi c: hi tori c: or recreational \'alu s. or a
combi nation of 5u(' h values:'
The close rela tionship of national seashores and
lakcshorcs 10 national parks is showll by the definition of
na tional parks:
.. padous land arras ('ssc nLially of primiti\ cor \\ ilder·
ness character which contain scenery 1:1I1'd nalural wonders -0 ou tstanding in qualil~ that their pr('~er\'a li on intac i has been pro\'idcd fo r by th eir ha\'ing been designatA
ed and s(>( asidf' b~ Ihe national go\'('rnment to be pr"served unimpaired for th benefit. enjoy men t and inspiralion of Ihe peo ple."
The Pictu rt·d Hocks ~ati onal Lake~ho rt" as no\\ proposed b~' Ih :-Iulional Par k Ser\'ice would indudc aboul
65.611 a('r('~ of land h-intl"
in a relat in-". 113rro\\ b It
along the ~outh shore of Lake upcrior bl'1w('cn ~Iunisi n g
and Grand ~Iant i~. ~l ic higan_ This area is. further ~ ubdi­
vided into t\\ o pilrls. An in ner lon(, l~ iug Iw;o.,.l to I...a kc
. uperior. which ('o nt ains abou t 28.438 acres, Land in
Ihis belt would "II ('\,cnluall\, beeomc fcdl'ralland 10 be
held in\'iolate for park or recreational u l' , And all out r
zone of app roxi matel;' 37. 173 ac res where li mber in private holdin"'s ('ould continue to be han'csted under a ~ u.5·
tained.vield ti mber production plan , Both the "recreation zo'ne" and the "managem nl zone" would remai n
open to public hunting. fishing and camping. Division of
th ;,. area inlO two zone is a cone ssion to demands to r duee Ihe acreage held illl'ioiale under full jurisdi lion of
til(' Nat ional Park en 'icc. B\' thi:; means Limbrr harvest
can con tinue o\,er a large a~r 'age that will r main on
local lax rolls. In addi lion, abou l 6.320 acres of waler in
L1ke uperior would be incl uded wilhin Ihe park
Park de"eI pmenl is scheduled 10 lake place o,'er a
four vcar peri od bccrinn incl the second ,\car after land aequisitions have been accomplished. A sum o ~ nearl y
S6,OOO,OOO \\'ill b,' Sp<.'Tl1 for de\'elopmenl operallons and
for materials. A major f alurt: of th(· dcvclopm nt plan i~
a road tra\'crsincr th ' length of tht' Lakeshore from Mu n·
ising to Grand ~Iarais, The road would be designed. for
optimum interpretive \alu(' and be intendcd for e nJo ~"
ment of the area rathcr thal1 for high speed travcl. In
places this road would run along the rim of the uplands
o\"crlooki nu the important natural <tnd scenic ar -as, leu\,. them road·free
vet visible. Twcn tv· lIlrcc SlOpS at peA
cial park fea lures arc sdlCdulcd.
ix major features of the Lakeshor are recoglllzcd In
Ihe plan for de\'elopment. These arc: The Piclured
Rocks: Bea\'cr Bas in. \\'hith indud" a large inland lake:
Pine Bluff Beadt. with a campground: Au able Point
with it lighthousc: and Grand able Ban ks and Dunes.
The rrcolof7ical histon ' of the ~.1I iOllal Lakesho re area
is limi ted
to "
two rcJati\'l'h'
bri ef in tcn 'als of g 0Iogle
timf': thc Cambri an and ea'r!\, Ordovician periods " 'hen
sediments dr po it "d in hallow as became the sandstones that fo rm the Pictured Rocks e5carpmcnt: and the
Plcistoccn(' po h when glaciers rc\\' rked and manteled
the undt'r! .\' in bedrock wi lh a ncarl\ continuous veneer
of drift.
B drock i- besl ex posed along the esciirpm nt "'here
bluffs I'i se 50 10 200 feel abo"e Lak e upcl'iol' and exte nd
17 mil 8 from MuniSing to Ih(" Bea\'er Basin. The Jacobs\' ilk' sandstone is Ihe oldest for mat ion in Ihl' lakes hore. It
is a feldspar ri ch. quartz sandstone. deep red in color with
white l11ottlings.
1",1., ... 111)(,> dill-, I',. IUr.·,1 H' M1... \ ",i,m.11
1... I..,·.h"n ',
Th., \ 1u ni:-i ng ~alld:-;I()llt·. \\ hid\ \\ a~ fOrllwd durin,;! th t'
middh· (~1I1,hrian lH'riod. li('~ aom (' till' Jacobs\ illt- for·
Illation and i:;; tli\ idt'o into lilt' Chap~'1 Rod. nwmha and
th,· ~Iilwr:'! Ca:'llt· l11t'mhl'r. Tht' 100\t,:r ~,·(,tion of Iht'
Chapl'l Ro('k i~ n ('ongloll1('ra1l'. \\hit:h ( 'o nlrihuh'~ l1lall~
of thl' t"olorful pt·bhlt'5 of quartz and olllt'f mint'ral:- fOll nd
alf)ll~ Iht' Llkt' upl'rior bl'adll'5. TIlt' nt'xl .50 ft'('! i~ pink
or 1i~lll burr \\ ilh ~('\ {'ral thin. bluf'·shalt' Iwd~. TIlt' :\I in·
I'I'~ CaEII,' 1111'1111H'1' is a ~ofl silt~'5halt·: quartz. In the
\\ t':-:It-r11 half of tht> esc.:arpmcnt a lalt' Cambrian Tn 'lll'
IWHIt-au form:' H ('ap rod, on Ilh' \\C.,' aka ~I inl'r~ Crllc
1llt'1ll be'r.
Thr' Pif'lun'd Hur "s C51'a rpnwnt has b<:l'n ea n l'el b~
frlt:-:I action and "a\t' ('rosion of Ihe pn'Fot' nl lak,'. a~ \\(·11
a:-: hil-ri1l'r lakes sI3t!I'S. into a ple\U5 of short, ('Iiff featu res
Foul'h a~: 5Ia('k~, ('a\ "5. s('a ardws. thundt'r can'S and
prI1 rl10Ilt(lril'5, Thl'~I' ft'alul'l's han' bei'n nam"d LII\ ,TS
L,';'lp. Rainho\\ Ca\t'. Grand Porlal. :\I ilh'rl'l (;,I:-:tll'. Chap.
1,1 !lOI'k. TIlt' Balllt'~lrips. FI(ml'r rase. and Indian Drum
Ca\t'. '\i hSI of tlh' fl'atun'5 ('an bl' readwd In, hikinl' but
th t' Iwst \\'a~ 10 appr('dult, til<' (,liff'5 is b~ boat lour.
Thert' art' ll1al1~ \\'a ll'rl'all5 along lilt' Pielun·d HO<: "5
C'scarpl1H'nl. All art' red b~ :-:l11all ~trt'all1~ froll1 small \\al·
er~hl'd~ and are thu5 most al'li\l' in tht' springliml' during
\\{'I pt'riods,
During a million ~{'ar period. in.' Shef'le probabl~ ad·
\3 1H't.'d Ihrou!Zh
is nO\, tilt' :\ational Lakl'~hon' area,
HO\\t,\l'r. i(",'-a(halwill~ Ihrough till' an'a during IIH'mosl
1'1'('I,'nl of Ihe \X'is('ol1si n !3 ti.l~P of f!1.u'iatiol1 wiped Qui all
Iraf t' of pn'\ious ad,anct.'s and It·ft ()nl~ its 0\\11 rrt'o rd.
In lilllt'. sc\cral smull and scparalt.' outwash plains
formed Ihal an~ no\\ 5('l'n as tl'rn.H'CS on Ih(' 1'1.1(,(, of th('
uPIH'r Kingsl on Plain both easl and \\('st of King:-Ion
Lak!' alHI Oil th(· soulllt'rn rim of tilt' Bca\t'r Basin, Thr
mo:'tl prolllinl'ni oulwash ft'alure is Grand Sable Banks. a
hug" formation about .s mi l!':; ; long and rising 10 275 fcd
ahO\r till' Ic\t'l of utkt· Superior at about a 3.5 d{'gn'{'
anglt" Tht' hanks art· ('O lllpust.'li of' sand and (!ravd mall"
rinl \,hil 'li filled a \('r~ lar(!,' ('rf' \'a:5:i<' in til(' r(' ln'aling:
Perched on top of the bank. are the Grand able
Dunes co \'cring an area of 5 quar miles and risi ng 80
r et taller than the banks. The dunes were initiat d at a
time when the waters of former lake stages such as Nip.
issing began to sub ide. and was blown into ridge raws
from successive beaches. The dunes. in general, arc a',
lively moving inland from their original position.
The forest in Michioan' Upper P ninsula arc mainly
a transition b~I\\'een the northern hardwoods and the boreal forest. This northern hardwood tvpe
, is dominated b\',
ugaf rnapl wilh mixtures of white and yellow bir h.
beech. a-h. basswood and elm. The conif rs ar u uall),
white pine and hemlock . The true boreal forest is not
Common in Ihi national lakeshore, but there i enouO'h
mix d with birch. aspen and mountain ash to give the
feeling of the" north woods."
ince the lakeshore is in a relativel\' narrow zone. most
larg'" rnammal - of th e area arc not ~cstriclcd to its bor·
ders. Deer arc quile numerous in the region . however.
and do pro\'ide excellen t hunting opp rtun i ti '~ in season.
A few oller still ex ist and beavers are rather common
with the reduced trapping pressure that once cu t thei r
population down.
Game birds such as ruffcd grousc. sharp-tailed arouse
and wood co ·k pro\'id hunting pl easurc~ as wcll as being
availabl· for observation and stud v b\' non·hunter . Bald
eagl ~. ra\'ens, pilcatcd wood pc kers ~nd man~' sp cies of
small birds may be secn in season on migration or in residence.
Fishing is a popular sport in the region. Rainbo\\' trout
arc found in several of the inland lakes in the arca. Brook
trout are common in man\' ofth rh'er and streams that
flow through the park b~undari cs .
Lakt- Supt'rior $hordinc. Bt:'3\,cr Basin
Grand S;lbl\, &nktt and DlIJlti. Piclllrt-d R ock~ ~alionall...1l..t"5hor\·
Ford Forestry Center Over-View
by Roger L. Rogge
Once again the,,. Ford Fore tr~ Center has this lin{' op\\jlh tht' students and Alumni
Ihrough Ihe FORE TER. The Center's obj l'r l;"es and
rolf' in Ih(· 15 )'rur plan indu dc: ' .... dedication to the
futun' of ~'l i('higan '~ fo rests alid to th f' t'('onomic \\l·II.
bein~ of th!' L pper Pt' ninsula and Ill{' sl nH,': to SC I' \'" as a
focal point for basic and applied n.: ~t.·ar('h in sih it'uhun"
l'ort'51 management anol'('onomiC's. as \,dl us. for('~1 S-Qils:
to pro\'idC' fi.wilitil'S and lo r proje(,ts and proE!rams for rl~'
porlunit~ to ('omtn unica h.'
-l',lrch: 10 perform (·Q·opcrati w· and (,xlcrnal1~ sp()I1sore<1
rMst'arch \\ ith and fo r 0Ih('1"5 .. :'
" Co nlributi ()n~ to\\urds th e fo rcsln. undt~r(frrtdual('
program include pro\'idin~ a fi eld Iah()rUI()r~' for Ih (' .
{·dutalional program in subjl'els rt'lalt'<I 10 fort'SI land
Illunagtlllt:'ni. si lvicu illlrf'. {'Ie,: 10 provide an in::.lrudiorl·
al fat ' ilil~ for r()n':llr~ 5lud t' nl uml1lt'r ('la~sl'8: 10 pnn iell'
fat·ililit'S and ~I field laborator\ for thl' Forl'Sln Tt'('hni·
('ia n A~s<wi<l l l' Df'grt'\' prog: r; m: and /or pr()~r<lm~ for
It'('hnil'ian Irai ning, in sUt'h art'a~ as f()rl'~ln aidt'o sa \\
filer. and olher \'~( 'a li ona l arcas: '
Dr. h'plll'n hl'lrl)ll's fo rt '~1 so il ~ ft'st'ar('h is dl'::;i~lH'd
1.0 8lud~ and dl'\(·lop soi l produt'livil ~ dala for tilt' major
fOrt'SI t~' pt's and 50ils in 111\' l'. P. 1 1l\" s l igali() n ~ havt'
IWl'n ('olH '('fllt'd wilh a graduall' studenl s llld~' inlo lilt'
soil fl'rtilil~ - Irt'\' nutriellt ft'lali()n~ hip of su~ur Imlp"':
sl('m unaly::;is and ~pt'\·ifi.· ~radt~ of'sugar nmph·: soi l
genesis and ('hls:.:ifil ·ation of S"\I'rill Si n." 50i ls: and :;I)il
prodllf'li\il~ for maju r f'l)rt,~ t I~pt·:':. III ' rt'; "' nll~ aUlhon·d
F.F.C. Ht'sl';'In'h \'011' ~u . 5 lilll,d. "Variali"n in Jat·k
Pint' Growlh B, Individual . /iii Taxonomit' l ' l1its in Bar·
aga C()Unl~. ;\t'idlif!:.IIl,·· In additiol1 Dr. Iwtron is also
,·ngaw·d ill it 5tlld~ ('oll"ITIll'd " 'illl IIII' \1'gt'l ;lli,,' ~ti.lbili·
zalioll (If solid \\a:-:It's l'I't·.lh,d b\' lilt' t'()Il\t' r~ ion of' 10\\
grad e.: iron forma l ion ort' inlo p('lIrl5 con tain ing a high
pen'('nl age of iron.
Prof. Jim Joh nson's work has recent" IC'd him in to
b;'1II l{' \\,jlh Iht· Jark Pill!' Budworlll. D~ring 1967 Iht'
Cell lt'r inilialeti d irc('( s('I.'din g stud ies. l si n~ heavy disk·
ing: ('(lll ip nWnl IUI'gt' ant'ages will bt' st'arific'o and direct
5('('dt'd. The I't-"~ ull i II~ l'osls and ~IOt' k inf! at'h it,\t·d \\ ill
dcterrnin r Ill(' f(·"sibilil .' of rt'p;t'l1enlling tht· jad.. pint'
plains b~ din"(" s('\'d i n ~. In 1966 Dr. Erit· BOlm..lo ('01·
it:('(('d sl'ed from a r('mllanl r{'d pinf' for Ihe purpo~(' of a l·
h'mpting il~ n'·t'stabli ~ hnlC'nl o n Ih(' Buraga Plaine-.
Jim is inl ('r('~ h'd in tes l in~ Ihe ft"asibilil~ of us ing a
IwriJi(' idt" on tilt' Baraga Plains in lit·u of fll ITo \\ in~.
'1'111' ('o lliinuing projt>('1 of <It" ,·Ioping U:llandard ('o rn·
pull'r program for l1lon' (,meil 'IlI and ('om pll'tt' u nal~'5i s of
CFJ data is Iwar (·omplt'l ion. Prof'. Jim ;'\'1t'tt'I'r ha:'i ('om·
plt,tt:d ~pcda l fort'~1 ill\enlor~ and gro\'l h ('Ol1lpUlalions
for ~t'\ eral larg.· lan<l{)\, Ilt·r5. Thn't' grad u3tt' Ilw~I'~ hUH'
The first graduall's of' lilt' two .w ar Fort'st Tt,(' hllit'ian
program will gradual{' in JU Ilt' and rt'n'i,, ' tilt' As~ol'iat.,
ill Applit'd S.. it·n,·.· dq.!;rt ·e. Addilional dasst'$ (·()ll1pl,·tillg
training ilwiudc IUlIlhl'r ~radt'r~. ~aw fiI''I'5. and sa \\ ~ers:
bringing to O\' ('r ;)00 II,.. llullllJt'r \\' ho IHI\'I' I't,.·t'in·d
:o;pe('iuliz"d Iraining ul lilt' Ce'IlIt,r,
\ft' \" f~I(' ililit'~ al Ihe ('{'nlt'r ilwludl' a Morhark Chippt'"
an d Ihe Debarkt'r. A Il l '\' La.boratun Buildin~ hou:;ill~ a
s()il~ Il.lh. two p:t'I1I'ral purpoSt· lah:s. ~ nd tilt' h~'rhariun; is
( ' 0111 pIt ,It,d ,
TIlt' enlin' C' nler stafr e'XIt'Ilc!s a ('!}rd iul wi,lconw 10 all
~ Iud, 'n l :'i and alumni 10 \'i5il Albt'rla and "it·", lirslhand
lilt' \'ariou~ proj.·. · I ~ anti ~lI'li\'ilit's. Tht' staf'f' i$ t';.tp:i'r 10
discuss your il1tt·rt'~I ~ ml'r tI t'up or 1'0ITl'(',
Improved Lumber Utilization
Through Improved Wood Seasoning
Carl W. Danielson
I nl('I'(.\51 in rlr~ kiln dub5-. or~aniz('d for Ihl' purposc of
~"\t'hanging information on 5t'<l:l'oning pra( 'lit·C5. d:lll'~
ba('k to the ('arh 1930:~. ,-\ 1 this (illl!' Ilw On Kiln EI1O'i .
Clu b of ~i('mphis.
T(,llnt;S~t'" \\U~ on!"lr~iz(·d. Thi5~i5
tht'" /i 1'~1 dr~' kiln dub to bl' fOl'mNi in Ih ~' l'nitcd Stall'S
and its f'ulH:lioll was to ht'ip dr~ kiln 0Pt'l';.ltorS with their
probl{· ms. Prl'scnll~ Ih(.~n.' art' appro:dllla t f·l ~ liflt't'n n',
fd o nal clubs 10l'aled in tilt' l nitcd S l <ltl·~. TI1t'~ kt"'p lill'ir
Illl'I1l~Wrs infol"l1wd 011 progrl's5 in dr~ in!! kl'lllliqul's a t
IH'riodil' IlIc,t'tings and di::5t'minalt' infol'mation to Ilwl11.
E:3p,'ciall ~
ilt' l j, l '
at tht, prt'~('nt
t j 111(' an,'
tlw :\('\\" Enghtnd
Kiln 01'\ ing AS50daiion , C,'nlral Ca lirol'nia On Kiln
Club. W~'81 C:oa'i Dn Kiln Club. ,lid''''81 " '",,d S('a,on.
ing Associ'llioll and '1Iw \X'i ~('on~in .~l idligan \rood ("a .
~oning: As.~oriatiol1,
Th e 11l ~lit uh' of' \rood Rl'5c'a n 'h h:l~ heen ae.e.ul"iall'd
\~ith Iht.' \\" i:"c/Jn~in. ~l idlif!all .\ 5S04"ia l ion sinn' il~ inn'p'
lion: 'l't't'hni4"al information o n all :Ispt'ds of dl'~ ing \\':\S
prl'l5l' lll cd b~ two 1lll'1l frOll1 llw \X't)od S("a~oninf! Oi\ ision
of tlw l"nilt'd ~l Hft'S F() rt'~ t Produ('ts Labo ra lOn;1I .\Iad i.
:$on , " 'isconsin, EIl()lI~h inlt'rl'SI \\'a5 !!cnt 'rat:,d ;II I hi~
nh'~'liJlg to prompt
fo rmation of~ Ih t' \r isco llsi n.
~lidl igan \\'00£1 S\'a50Ili nf! ,-\ ::'l5(wia tion, Tlw Association
lia:; sill(.'l' al'lht 'l~ pur~lIt·d its ~urp05t' "10 pro lll o l~' illl.
i.l lld halldlill!T
of\\'ool llh roll"h
rlilt' ,'xC'han~1' of i d t ',I~ and di 5('u~~i o n or probl,'m~ ;,11 n'1!U'
lar and spt'('ia l nwt'lil1~~," Tht' 11l51ilutt'
\X 'ood I{,'.
:'f·;trdl ha::: hl'I'1i tlh' ht'adqu ,u'll'rs fo r Ih i:; ~roup and ha~
pI'O\"idl'll ~1'1.'I"' l al'i;.l1 ~uHI program·plannil1f! ~I' n' il 't'$,
\k mb"l'ship i~ ('omp ri ~, 'd pl'i lllal'il~ (If dr~" kiln 0pt"'ra.
Ic)!':!', hu t peoplt, \\ i I h 0 1 hIT 1'l':'PIJTl~i I)i l it i"5 an' a l ~() rqJn~'
~c'lll t~( I , Thl' :\:O;~(j, ' i;'l t i/Jr) ,'nt'OUnl!!t':" 1ll;111a!!t'lIh'nt partic'i.
pa l io/1 lind alll'l,HhllH',' a t 11h'I';il1~~' \It:mb' '1'5hi p area
I..'O \ "I'I'S all or Ih,' l ,p, or \1kh igan and Iht' Ilortlwl'll p:11'1
of \\ ' i~('() n s in,
Th n'I..' nH'('(il1g~ art' Iw ld ,'ad, \t'ar. Ollt '
"hid, is ~I
joint lIlt"l'Iill~ \\ ilh 1111' \l id,q':::1 'r~)()d S";.I:-ioninf!," ,-\~:,ot"ia.
lion. al \,hidl 111111' ;.\11 ('xpandl'd pr()!!ram I:" pl'l'~"Il I t'd,
Sillt '!' il:" bt'1!inni n)! in 195~ 1111' A::,501'iatioll ha~ pn' .
::" I1it'd 0 \ 1'1' 100 kdll li ,";i1 lalh al
50 Illt'dint!~, Th,'
Illl" 'ling progl':lil\ pn)\ ides
1<.I l ioll:' of ('urn'n l inll'l't'sl hut
oll l~ for 11'( ' h l1il'.tI prt'~t'n·
also allo\\'~ for ll1di\ iill/al
parlicipation in dis(,ussioll {If probll'l11s, ,-\ 1 (";,\t,1l Illt'I'l illl!
Ollt' or more planl lour~ is :lrr;.I11~(,( 1. P, 'riodi('all~. a 111,','1·
ing is 5l' h ed ult~d 10 nh"h()t! iC'~I Il .\ " ill Spt 'c' l a 1I11'1l11}t'r'~ kiln
for Propl'!' mailll,'nann' and opt'nllioll , u~in~ ;111 in~p" t "
Iion d1('ckl i51 prepared b~ I \r H person net.
Tht'I'! ' an' :.'t'\('ral bC'IIt"fil:.' 10 I>t' gainnllhrou~h 1111'111'
1. \ray:,
10 l't,dul'l ' d"~l'adt, and 1t)::::,t'5 :I:o::,(wi.lIt'd \\ ilh
'2 , ' Ik$ult s of !'c':,,'arl' h S~'111 out.
3, Sub:'l'tjll t' nt pro "h'lII~ ran III' ,-l imina l"d ,
..t., Tt't'hlliI.fUt'~ t'an 1)(' 1~'ilI'lh'd Ihrou!!h Iht' c ' :\p~'r'it'n, '('
tlr'\ ill!! an'
01 !wrs,
ol lll'rl<,
5, Th(' i mporla n,'{' of \\'IIOtl'1I10 i~ 1 III't'
pnltl1l"15 ma ll ufal 'lure
r't,l;lI i()n~ ill \\'I)lltl
:\ thorou.;.:- h kl1o \\ It'd~(, of Iht' pro('t'~~ i:-: import ,1I11 10
Ih o~t' 1't '5po n~ ib h' f~)/' dr~ i ll~ IUllllwl' . ..\I"lilialinli \\ illl
pal'lit 'ipation ill a :'t';Il<cll1illg ()r~i.llli~,a li(ln 1'1111 1)1' bt'!\,-i'i ·
!'i.1I 10 1111'111, Th i~ i~:l1l adult ('du('alitln adi , il\ \\ hil 'h tilt'
I n~ lilult' of \rood Rt ':'t';U'l' h \\ ill ,"onti nUt' 10 'pl·nnw tl ' ill
' ht, \I'ar:, 10 conw,
Forest Engineering Research
U.S. Forest Service
by John R. Erickson, Project Leader
A-01-2 -70 -F-M
NO ·-
GAP: .040
method depend on the surfa e lension properties between
the two immisci ble liquid to hold either Ihe bark or the wood
at the inlerface bel ween the two liquids and allow the other to
pass through (fig 2).
All of these sludies require a eonsiderabl amount of manu·
al anai\"sis to measure the effectivcnes of any of the research
appro'; h '. The research effort is justified Ihough b~· the
potential recovery of \'a51 quantities of residue \\·ood.
In last year's ':'vITU Forester. we mention d a program
of research aimed at bark rcmoyal after chippi ng. everal
such studies arc no\\ undcf\\'i.\v.
The fir5t slud~' is designed 'to determine how much
cparalion occurs betw('cn the bark and wood during the
('hippinCl' pro{.'cs~ . If adequa te separat ion octurs. Ihcl1 the
problem becomes one of se rregation of bark from wood
{'hips. In these sludi("s sampl arr CUi on a bimonthly
basis to dctcrmin(' til(' bark-chip bond separation and to
test several potrnlial methods for segregating the bark
from the ('hip mass.
The air flotation method 'onsi IS of an oscillating screened
deck wilh an air lift Ihrough Ihe derk. cgregation of th bark
and wood parti(-Ies dcp(·nds on one Or more of Lh (' following
malerial differ nees: (1) 51 c("ific gravity. (2) shape. or (3)
A second method now under study is compression d bark·
ing of chips. H r" the wood· bark chip mass is subj tied to
compr"ssi\"c pressu rc as the particles pass between IWO rolls
with vcry close nip settings (fig. 1). D-'pcnding on thc species
and bark nature. th compression will cause thc bark to ithcr
crumble into s.11111 ller partidrs than the wood ("hips or ad here
10 the comprcs ion rolls and bi,..' dot·tored off drar of the good
wood chips.
Othcr studies include liquid medium methods of segregat·
ing bark fl"om wood. One method. under siudy coopcralivt'i y
with the hcmistry. hemi c-al Engine ring Department al
Te -h, is the USe of binar~' illlmis.cibic liquid ~slcms. This
Michigan Tech Forestry Club
1969.1970 FORESTRY CLea COC~C IL: L to R: Walt urnrncrs, Julie Bro.... n. Club r n.':Sidl'nl Ed Dd)uil, Torn Oldfij·ld. J()(. ~l inicr,
The 1970 Forester Staff
EDITOR·IS·CHIEF: D"nnis A. lone
Be INE S MANAGER: Joh n F. Waldron
FEATL' RE EDITORS: Walt,>r P. Summcrs and William J. French III
ALCMSI EDIT R : hri'lina . Kionka and Kalin" L. Quillian
CIRCU LATION MASAGER: Chrislina . Kionka
ACT IVITI E ED ITOR: Bruce E. Dalman. Margarel M. Harris.
Alan R. Larsen, Mark R. IrehIO\,". James R. Wolfe
PHOTOGRAPHER: Alan R. Lar I'n and Waller P. ummers
COVE R DE IGSER: Bradford R. Kral
ADV I R: C. Richard rowther
The slafr of the Forester is proud to present whallhcy hope is a uc('cssful account or the acli"ities
in the Forestry Department during Ih, a('ad mic ~'ear of 1969·L970. \l/e would like 10 thank
Brad Kral ror his cx('cllcnt job in de igninrr the Forester corer. and Prof. Cro\\,ther for hi ' untiring advice and assistance.
Xi Sigma Pi Chapter
Installed at Michigan Tech
by Richard Crowther
~ I i('hjgan Tech's rorrsl r~ program '.l(h'an('('d another not c:: h in stature on J lay 18. 1970, when a chapl e r of Xi
~ i grnu Pi. national honorar~' fraternity in fon::str~. was installed here. Known as Alpha EI.1 Chaptl'f. Tec h"s is the
th irlit'lh anj\'c l'hapter in tht' rrah"rnil~.
Dr. Charks Olson of tilt, l"ni\t'l'sj l~ of .\Iichigan. national secrelar.",fj cal agent of Xi. igma Pi. prrsidrd at
in~lallali()n e('r('nHJll~ whidl indudt·cJ initiation of 36 nt'w mcmbers in to the frult-mity. These initiates. in addition
tu si\ fi.H'ult~ nwmbt'rs \\'ho
\,' ('1'(,' prt.'\
iousl~ affiliated \\ ith the fraternity. became ('harlN mf'mbefS of Alpha Eta
har kr offin-' r~ for Iht' comi ng ~t'ar are Dr. Cellt' Hrsll'rbt·rg, fOfestt'r: Dr. Slephen hcll'ol1. associate forestcr:
Dr. \\,illi <1111 \'X ·~lld. ~~'(' r\'lar~ ·fisl'a l agt'JlI: and Prof. Ri (.' hard Cro\\'lher, l'on 'st I'ung('r,
Th,· :~6 i ni li a lj'~ indudpd fou r fa(' u It ~ ll1l'mb<.'rs. I'our graduatl' students. and 28 u ndl'rgl'<l luates of thl' ju nior and
or Ihe (' hool of FOr('::ln aod \Vood Produ(,t s: Profl'ssors
John soll and H. .\1. Stt'inhilh of lilt' Departmcllt or FO rt'Slr~ . and Prof. Jall1t'~ \1('hTI' or tht' Ford Fort'str~
:<l'n ilJ r da~:o,'~' Fat'ul!\ initicllt's. \"I..'n' Dean Eric BOlll'do
\ ' t ' I'IHHl
C,'n h'r.
T!w in:3lallation of tht' ('hap"'r and irliliatioll of m(' rnb(' r~, followed by a ba1ltlllt'l. took plaC't,,· in tht' ballroom of
tilt' ~ I t'rn()rinl L'nion. Dr. 0151)11 spoke !.Iftt.; r lhe banqu('t. on thl' rol e of Xi iuma Pi in a school of fores tr~' of tht!
pn·st·nt and future:,
Xi Sigma Pi was ('stahlishr·d in 1908 at Ill{' l· ni\crs it~· of \"\'ashinglon. It is the oldcst and larges t honor fraternit~·
in thl' field of f(Jft'Sln . tud en! cli~ibilit~· for I1wmbrfship is basf'd on outstanding scholarship and c\'idcnt'c of
sound moral c·hafi.lI· II'f. Onl~ stud"nls f'llroll ('d in fores t f~' or fores t-rela ted curricula are eligible fo r me mbership.
A(·th itil'l" phln lwd !J~ thl' chaptl'r induo(' informationa l programs and sotial ('\'cnl s. these will b(.' deSigned 10
lfllph'lIH'n t and promol,' ;,teli\ itil'~ of the :vt i(' higan Tel'll Forestry Club, in order 10 a\'oid intcrferellce with the
Club program.
\X'ith c":;:lahlishml'1l 1of Alpha Eta Chaptf'r_ Michigan b ca me Ihe first lat c to ('ontain thrc(' chap ter of Xi Sigma
Pi. Olllt'r (, hapters art,,' locl.l kd ilt dw L ' ni\l'r5 it~ of Michigan and
Mieh igan State Cni\,crsit y,
Prir H'iIXII~ in Ih,' in"laltatiom
~t St(; \IA PI t:-<ITlATES: L
R.. F'~mt R()u',' J. \ll1l~',·r. \ . ]"IHI:o'm. J. "'ri~h( _ A.
LlIr""I1, £. \ l ill , T. :--lI1ill1_ G. Laml"·rf,:. 2nd ROil': A. :\"ralU~tlf1. T. K,·Jh. D. SI!ltW.
D. \11l1~1I1~, D. Krdl. \~ . Frc-rwh. J, Jahnl.,·. K. Quiltiam. T. ::-alllli. <..: : Plcult'll. n.
lI udl.'r . .1,t! RfJ/c': II. S,.·il1l1ill.. D. St·h. . al\(h. C. Lul. ;\f·h. A. J"111Ilfl_ 1. .' ·huill. T.
OJdli. ,ld. I.. IAl Bumtxlrl1. E. f),.fluil. T. P(,k'lnl_ D. l..l·ml.. ·. \~ ' , !-f,·i Uil,1. L. Sw:,h. D.'l.i,'. ;\1. Kill;':. L. 8,-,.1.
or Chapl,"
.<\11'11:1 Ela. Xi Sif!I1lJ Pi, I~,
R.: Dr. Sh'l'llI'lI Sltdr'lII. ~!,' )4', !·hi,·r for''i>h-r: Dr. Charl.-,t 01,.(111
of Ih.· l ·lIi,. "f \lil ·hi1!:JIl. I1;Ili"11(I1 ~;,\T!· lar~·Ii !"';,1 ~j'nl_ ami Dr.
CI·n.· ~h·:H'·rl)t'rr: .• ·hi,.f ror'~h'r of (h,· IW .... I'haplN. j·t.:ami lll' rill' fra·
I crnit~'s !'lllhJ"IIl,
by Lou Best
The eighLeenLh Annual Mid wes t Foresters' Con 'Iave was held at Michigan Tech.,
on October 11. 1969. Despite a old rain y da y, it was an enjoyable event. Team
from the nivcrsitics of Michigan , Minnesota. outhern 11linois: Purdue, Michiga n
l' ·h. Missouri, Illinois and Michigan
LaLe allended and fini shed in that ord er.
Competition was stiff and there were over 100 tired men al the end of a day conclud·
cd by a tortuous special crcnt.
Would YOU bdic\'c.
Act! ~b,um Saj .?
Meals w re prOvided by the Tech. Wives Association. Following the
e\'ening banquet at
1. AI"Sl awards were presented. Aft er everyone's
app tite had be n satisfi ed the guest speaker. Dick Blac k. from " Mich·
igan Outdoors:' pr£' cnt ed a fascinating film story of the Coho almon
in Michigan. II
\\'a ~
a filling close to a year or hard work and a vcry en·
joyable weekend.
S. I. U.
Ih i nk i n ~
man '$
The bolt
thro~' .
e\'e rybodv'~ h~pp\'.
right. Terry!
Another fi\'c minutes. and we'll have the longest time on rec,
Gentlemen. that's just not
long as. you keep it on the paper,
No mailer hmo' long it lakes. I'll sti ,
II:1\'!: Inc 'ScsI" linw,
Who's doing ::all Ih(, ",'ork
arQund ht'n', an~ho".
I sur,' ..... ish \'OU ..,,'ould M\'C told me 110\0\
10 1.1$(: this ·,hing. before we slarlL'd,
Nobod~' could '~bt('h' this rt'<-'Ord 'Splilli'lg' ("on('('lIlralion.
Summer Camp 1969
by Dennis Stone
Despit pre\'ious warning . fift~· odd (and I mean ODD) forestn st ud nts turn d out to bra\'e the perils
of summer camp. The rirst two weeks were typical of Houghton summers: it rained
day. From the
third week on. however. we enjoyed on of th e ni 'cst summers in the his to r~' of Tech.
This had a definite efr ot on the faculty. Vern sat around with a blank stare on his fae<,mumb ling." cst
la vie:'
went banana and slarted popping out from behind Ir cs shouting. "That' a ~o :'\0'" The
whole -ehedule for the summer had to be revised to fit in those project for a
rain~' da~"
And what if the
Alumni eyer found out that our class made it through the su mmer without one case of pneumonia? In
desperation. the Profs found a sui table ub titut for rain - a WANIP. In fact. they found two swamps.
o the class of '71' enjoyed a wet summer like e\'ery class before us.
It wa a sum m"r of blood. weat, and tcars: th e mosquitos took ou r blood. the Profs made us -weal. and
wives. sweethearts. ,'arious bartenders. and an occasiona l minister got our tars. Bu't don 't (Jct me wrong.
there were
me hi(Jh points, Our da~'s were brightened and th grossness modified to some extent
presence of Laura Carlson, the second girl in Tc ,h's
to go through summer camp, At the other ex·
tremc. we had a select group with us known as the "Zcro quad." This group was named for their umllla·
ti\'e rade point 3\'('ragc. but their ant ics made su mmer camp bearable, Then. while we were tip-toei ng
through the toolie . the U.
. landed the first men on the Moon and we got an xtra day off.
After the final problem. Hammer and Ros Miller spen t the next four weeks teaching us how to usc the
transit. 'hain.le\'eling rod and the fou r lett er words asso iated with sur\'e~'ing, E\'erything went smoothly
with two exceptions. FirSt. the sun refu cd to shine during the sun shot problem, so the assign .
ment tretched into two weeks. Then. during the last week of the term. Ro was overcome wi th an urge to
r vi it the swamps. Have you ever tried to usc a tra nsit that was lowly sinking into the muck?
On the last day of school, I aske<1one of our classmates. Dave Hartley, to give m' his views on summer
camp. He su mm 'd up his feeling in one word, "PLASTIC :.
Hi joh"S ure ....·of'Sc Ih3n Hammer·s.
Lens caps t.'OS1 5Oc. :'\0 ....' .... here iii?
:-'tud, 'ul pr"h'l"l .
On the "vening of Nov('m ber 20, 1969. Mrs. Hcstcrb(·rg. wif of the Forestry depart.
lllC'nl head. held a tl"3 for the "forest ry girls. " The gursls induded Ihe wives of the fore~ l·
facu lt: and students. and Ih f male forcstcn;, The purpose of the party was to help
the girls get to know e;]ch other.
Among the afternoon's CH'n l wa a name guessi ng game. E\tcr) one wore a name
and the group had
I " 11
minutes to lea rn as man:' of these names as possible. AI the nd of
this time the gi rls were given paper and pCllrils and were asked to write dO\\,l1lh(' names
they 'ould remember. The game pro\'cd to be a great success and a clever way
duct' c\'cr:'onr.
The agenda also indudcd a po<'lr) toniest which produced a "ariel: of amusin f ' and
intcr(·sting compositions. Tru and sandwiehcs were servcd lat r r and the eveni ng closed
a ll
enjoyab le and
successful party.
Venison Booya w
by Joe Minier
Thr annual Venison Boo~'a\\' was held in Ih(' all purpo croom al
bert The Gr 'at Parish. The
.1 was prepared
b~ the talented fa(·ult~·
of the For{·str~ Department. \\ho c.lth hac! a huntl in ~('nirlg in their
('hers hat • .
After dinnt·r. 1\lr. and \'lrs. Ron Quilliam prl':::t'IHrd 'an inh'rt'sling pro-
gram on
lift' of i.l Peu('{' Corp::: worker in Chih,.
i::, a 1967 gradu.
ate and his wife is ('urrenth' enrolled as a Forester at Tech. Ron was
assigned to Chile and his program and slides pro\t'd not only inter·
('sting but infonnuti\'e.
This l'vening \\as enjo~'cd b~ (,\t'r~OJ1t' prcs(-'nl. The n,'\\ alJ11osplwf('
addc..'d 10 til(' [celina oflo2Clhcrnc:5s in th,"' (·Iub. All tho~(' \\'ho aU('nded
walked a\\a\ a lillie smarttr. faller. and happier.
nP\.."~A N
Rifle Raffle
by Glen Pinnell
Th(' profits from Ihis "ca
r's annual Rinc Raffle were a nflood
indicator of the l'rrorts whkh \\' r' put forth b~' our ro rcs lr~'
Club nWlllbcrs. Lcd by Ilw 1\\'0 hight·sl salcslllC'n . Erit Boul'do
unci Tcrr~ LanC'.
establ ished
This ~t'~lr as in thl.' past.
high sale.
prize:! have proved
be appeal .
ing. The fir~t prize was a \VinchCSlt"'r pefial which was won
1..'011 trehlow. brolh(!r of a Forester allentling Tedl. The
other prizes
a pair of 7x35 binot'ulars. a sl(·t'ping bag.
I.lnd a pair of snowshoes. all of \\'hieh were won b~ other sludents and b\" local poople.
Big Brother Day
by Julie Brown
Rain. Haif) . Go a\\'a~' -! Tht, 14-lh annual Big Brolher Day hc:ld at
the Oller Ri,'cr 'Imp on "ptl'llIhcr 19, 1969, \\as usllt' red in b,' tll1'
pitl{'r, paller of raindrop~. Although il did att('mpl to df'nr up b~ noon,
rain(,oats for lhl.' ('\('nls
were held under th{'
The one - and
of larp~. I-lot ('offe(' ,\as I Ill' drink of
the da"
Participal ion in Ihe ('\enls i11('l'cascd ('ompl't i I ion among 1ht' classes.
The girls pro\'cd they ('ould pull their
w('ight against the f('lIo\\'s
b) ('ompl'ling in Ih ' I\\'o·man huc-king and not taking lasl place. Tobacco spitting
left tolalh 10 Ihe frIl0\\'5_ \\ho sC('ITI to be able to
h,mdle it quite w<,II,
Dl'Spitc Ih(' dampening \\t·atht'r. app('titl's w('r(' as big as usuHI. 1-1 (dogs WCI'(' top on Ihe menu. u('('ompanit·d
.\onn 's polalo salad.
Baked beans and ('hips \\('rf' :;;ide dishr$ and 1,)[ \'ourst,~
\\us <.'llke
for dr:;;5l'rt,
Smil,' Yuu're on CllldiJ Carnl'ra,
As du~k ('tunc on. wean bodies \\t're' draggl~rI ba{'k to rooms 10
up lill pring Field
The lOp c'Ompl'tilors of raeh
k('I('d to form ou r 1969 cOI1<'ia\'r (('am. The genrral
Ih da\' had be(,1l a success.
~id the\ .... alllt-d
a toolhpick~
What a .... a~ to light 3 clgarCIIl'.
t'\' l'nt
were sc·
rf'I1~U S
was that
Firing up
10 3
Good "leal?
\l erril) we roll nlong ...
BiS Lou still eati n g.
15 Ihis thing supposed
Up. up and
While Ihc ladies do thc ""ork ...
3\<0'3)' •••
"The Greatest Snow
On Earth"
An\h<:kh .... 00 .... ould run in
bi~' hur;~,
~n(J .... tlhot... mU~llxo
in a
Slush and pack. slush and pack. ont)' eight more hou~ to go.
The finishl'<l product.
The Fore' I'rs pani ipaled energelicall y in Ihe <!Slh
annual Michigan Tech Winler Carni,·a\. This ~'ears
theme was "The Greatest now on Earth." re\,oh'jng
arou nd the fascination, humor, and just plain fun of an
old·fashioned cirrus. The Twigs put their meaty heads 10gether and the r ~ult was a snow statue that just couldn 't
lose. The idea lied the circus theme in with the arnival
hockey scric- with the Michigan tate partans: it con·
istcd of a somewhat harried partan dog trainer trying to
escape from a few of his Huskie trainees one of \·.. hit h had
an uncomplemcntary grip on his backside. After many,
long. cold hours of slush, win , and frozen-up hoses Ihe
statue was completed and we titled it " Cetting a Liltle
Behi nd." Allhoughl il fai led 10 place. we were all prellv
proud of our slalue and a well -deserved vole of Ihanks
goes 10 all Iho e who donal d Iheir lime and efforls.
In special events the Foresters did well in snowshoeing
- laking 3rd place - and ove rpowered all Opposilion 10
capture first place in skating. Congratulations go to Jim
Conley, Dave Lieb, Lou Besl. and John DcPuydl in
snowshoeing, and 10 John DcPuydl and Dave Lieb in
skaling. Our broomballers ca me up slrong and fired-up
but dropped a close, on -point deci ion in the op ning
In regard to overall compe titive points. the carnival
was somewhat fru trating to the Forestry lub. But
memories aren't gauged by points. and our experiences
during the HGrcatest now On Earth" will long be reo
Relay raring on sno ....·shoes.
Intramurals 1969-70
What has happen·d to th F'oresters' compet itive spirit'?'?? Forest 'r'" participation in intramurals was
consid red low lasl year and we haven'l budged an in(' h ince then.
\Ve managed to grt enough foresters out to put tea ms tog ther for hockey _ basketball. bowling. and
golf. Be~ond that. however. interest was limited to one or two individuals in sports like paddleball.ten ni •.
and wrestling. I don', think we havf" to mention where we stood in the final intramural standings.
Our bas k the Foresters and the Twigs. did fairly well bUI didn't fini "h 100 close to the top.
\~ ' i th a Iiltle 1ll0re desi re and luck the Foreslers could havc hecn battling for the number one Spol in the
Icagu('. In tcad some heartbreaking c.· lose l ossc~ . including one in overtime. proved to be the stumbling
The h ockc~' l cam, with Clas B malerial. battled Class A competition all season. An abunds n e of fighl.
ing spirit "asn"! enough to
point$. on the bard and
Participation and dcsin.· arC' what
\\' C
fini shed without a win.
need to put the Foresters ba<.:k in Ih • running for the trophy. \Vhal
will tlw slo r~ be next yea r? It's up 10 you!
Left. Frotll Row: C~'(Jrgt: :-.Ic:tdo.... ~. Terr} Durocher. AI I..arM'lI. Back Row: John
Le~'ando~'!ki, Da\'e Matz. &lcm',' Foresters in action.
hultz. Rick
Dunkin' Durocher
:t1l1,IIlt'r ni,'" slotl'
onl' .
Look at Ih31 rcboundinp; ~trt'n~th.
Mikl- King ..•
and Tcrr~' Durocher skating hard.
Spring Field Day 1970
Unfa\'orable weathM and clouds of black nie failed t damp"n the spirit of For.
e5lr~' Clu b members. families and guests \\'ho turned out for the 1970 pring Field
Day held at the Oller Ri\'er Camp on SaturdaY'. May 30, Di -missal of classes on Fri .
day due to Memorial Day enabl .J many student to ICl1vC
l awn
for the weekend . and
rcdu(:ed alt cndull('c at the II Id day, WeI. chilly ,,'('a ther also discouraged alt ~nd.
an<:e. but about 30 foresters turn ~d oul for the ('\'en l. \Vi v s. children, girl friends
and ult~· brought
atlendanrc to about 60.
Th ' da:: e"en ts featured com peti tion am ng t1asscs in con tc
one and
two-man awing. bolt throwing, log rolling, lobacco spi tting. match splitting and
("unol.' rating. Compe titi ve spirit rose as th e seniors. junior- and sophomores "n.
gaged in a close race for
honors. Th(' final evcn t of the day, a tug.of.war between
the srniors and the combined junior.sophomore team, finally put th seniors ""in the
drink" and gave th juniors a narrow thr c.point margin of victory over the cn ior
A h arty and last~' lunch ('o n ~ i s ting of spaghetti. tossed sa lad. (la rlic bread and
chocolate ·ake. was pr pared by Dr. Norman Sloan and his capable kitchen crew,
The meal. following an a · tivil~' .filled mornin g. was wei omcd by all.
"bairn>! 3nolhi'r
Croiis.E~· ed
The fog and drizzle ended by noon. signalling the appearance of swarms of black
flies. Aftern oon competitors displayed outslanding skill in fi ghting off the insect
p"'sts whilc rolling a logor paddling a canoe. Log birling also provided a lest of ski ll
for th forest rs. The waters of the Otter River proved invigorating, indeed, at the
conclusion of each altempt
balanc on the rOlating log.
At the day's 'ondusion most ;;1fJ'reed it had been a fun·filled day in spit e of cold,
rain. impromptu river plunges and horde of Mother Nature's morc pestiferous
The Crollps arrival al camp.
Well at IC3.!I1 I gOI my drink!
Thl' ropt·
\"ho said this
"Quit! floot?
Their target.
Spring Field
Day Activities
Another fOrt'Slcr biles thc waler??
Big Lou'[<3ltelllpl al laulll'hing :\1)1)11013. not
a cornplclt; :SU(;Ct:SS.
Thl.' firing Sl"luad.
What's c:\I;r~one laughing a l?
Thl'day t'mls
they paddle: !'IT inl0 till' diii lan, t' ,
Otter River Camp
by Terry M. Lane
It 's been a bus~ ~'ear at <.:nmp. patching and puttering around. All planned wasn' t uchit.. . \'t...d. for \,'C bi t
off more than we- could ('hew. Big Brother Da~ \\as a SU{T('lS5 with old faces und new. The 11('\\ faces were
just as 3\\cd \\jlh the camp as the regular~ and W{' sa\\ Ilwl11 there again.
The sauna was 3 SU('('('SS also: b~ the \\a~ it has finall~ dried off ('nough to rcccin: ils firsl roat of paint.
For thost' \\ho didn'llhink it \,'35 hot enough . an upper tit'l' ofb{,l1('ht'S will bt' installed. It's a great 'Hl~ to
snub up aftcl' a hard da:' of' \\ork. then into ('amp to ('001 ofTo\'('r a little stoJ';klling ,dlh a flai r. curd
playing and relaxing arollnd Ihe fin', " 'hal 3 peaceful flight! To hil lilt' fad. \\jlh no sound:, olh('r than Iht:'
l'racking of logs rhet-' ril~ burning: in the fin'. thr riH'r splashing undt'r Ilw brid~c. the \\hispering of the
\\ ind in Ih -' ('onift'rs. and lillie critters sear('hil1g for a fr('(" I1wal in the kitch('n: \\ hat mor(' ran a Forester
ask fo r?
The errw bril\'cd the {'old. tJ.Il()\\,~. Copper Country wl~atlll'r 10 sho('·in and rf'li~h lilt." outdoors, \,\'inlt'r
OUling \\3S great! A 55·gallon drum of fuel oil \\'as \\'resllt·d in dogsled fashion. \\ilh $('\t'11 ht'arl~ rO rt'sl·
ers as the team. ue was hea\ ~, ! It got a\\'a~ frolll us on Ihe hill. and it \\a~ rid('. ('m.('o\\bo~ for one man!
And ho \\' abou l thai football game in Ihe! sno",!
Camp COmmilh'1.', Iff!
ri/fltt: Lt<:-lit' Qukk, Bill
\'(ard, John 1:>t,PUHiI, C:U'I \ unlin, Tt'm Lant', '\ n·
dr,'\\ D,,,PUHh, I}.I\ t' OuiI~~th'. Bill ~ tl'I\3r1 ', Djl l' 51.1 k,
A sno\\sh()(' hare hunt ~ ieldt'd
ane! !lint' frozen 011'11. alll'\altin~ in tlwir ~lIt't"'::~' With tilt'
good tilllt'5 ('onw:, the bad, FlU'1 oil was " horrO\,\'d " and ~ too \l as lilt' \, ()odpilr, TIll..' \\IIOlI ~hed shou ld
tlt'te'" ru rt iwl' rn'(,loaclt'r5 of' fUc'h, uod, and 11li' ~hlltl('r" h<l\ (' ~a\ t'd us :;:'Ol1lt' gla:3::', Tlw oil ta n!" \\ ill lw foo l,
proored al~o, •.IIld ma!b(" ,'\('11 Iht' ~arha~l' pil :ohould Iw ant'ilOl'l'd dU\\ll , , , ht'~'!
A largt~r parkin~ art'a rna~ pro\\' In bt' 3. rompt,titi\t-' fi(·ld c'\t'nl ratllt'r Ihan Iht' camp !arcl. and a nt' \\'
sli~htl~ u t'd slO\l' rt~plal't'd old,reliable in Ih(' !..ildlt'n, On('t' again Iht' ri\t'l' h:Hl!.. i~ bt'ing :llahlizt'rl . \ 1 hil t'
a nt'\\ fl oor and roor aI'(' on lilt" dr~1\1 ing board: so 100 i:- a Ilt" \ p:ah' and f('Ilt'l' al Iht' f' nlr'lnt'" to inhihit
SIlO\\ mob ilt' ,' nll'i.!n ct',
\~ 'Iwn ~ou ('0111(' dO\\Jl again 10 \isit folk::>. )ou'lIlw I1 lt'l in th l' ~i1rtl b~ a nl'\\ :lign h· ll ill~ "here ~Oll
elided up on ~(lur L r;l\t'r~t' , and lilt' old fli.l!!polt' fj,,'d up and " Old Gl()r~" flappin:z in lilt' hn','z.', \rarrn:<
Iht' innards though 10 haH' aI'"" I\t'ac!:- ~ti('''' ollloftlll' \ dool' and holl,'r "II ()\, ( I ~ , t'l.ff"c,':- on , ,'OIlW
on in and grab a cup'"
1\\ 0
Distinguished Visitors
Three distingui hed visitors during the 1969·70 school vear added breadth to tho in·
structional program of the department. Speakers were Dr. T. T. Kozlo\\ski (photo on
I ft) of the Cnil·ersi t,· of Wisconsin. Dr. A. Earl Erickson of :-l iehigan State L' ni"ersit'
and Ylr. Ja v H. ravcns, d put\' regional fo rester of the C.S. r ore-t crvice. :-1iI",aukec.
\'i,/ isconsin.
b~' the \"i iting Forest cientist program ('onduet·
of American Foresters. :\at ional cience Foundation and :Vlichigan
Dr. Kozlowsk i's visil \\'a8 sponsored
cd b~' th
ociC I~'
Tech. He presented talks on "Water Defic its a"d Ila"t Growth" and " Grow th Cont rol
in For"st Tr('es:- One of the nation's fo remost tree ph~siologists . Dr. K07;!O\\ski is author of several books and more than 200 other publica tions. He is also ('ngaged in rr·
search and consu lting ac ti vi ties.
Dr, Erick ~ oll. Profc- or of oils al n.lichigan l a l t~ t n i\'c rs it ~· . p resen led 1\\0 ta lks on
" hort Term oil Plant tresses" and .. oil ~ I od ili cation - A Partial Ans\\'cr 10 th('
World r ood Problern." The latter consid red retardation or percolation through a sub·
urface asphalLic laye r, Hi ap pearance was spons red by the An1<'rican oti(.'t~ of
Agronom~' and :vtichigan Tech,
~ I r. ra" cns spoke on "Forrstry in Quth Vietnam:' The speaker reported on thl' Vietnamese fores ts and forcst ulili7..ation and Ihl' l'ffeels of war on th e \ 'iel namcse fo rests.
Senior Banquet
Spring 1970
This ~'CJr. mort' lhan t,.'Y('r. throu~h the cooperation oflh (' Forl'stry Club.
students and facu lt y. a program, par none. was pullf·d from Ihe pr()\'t~rbial
bag of Irirks, Through 111(' usc of ICtlchin g aids an '\'nlighll;nillg" ::.lidt.'
sho\\' \\'as prcsl'lltl'd b~ gUl"E t'~ s pl'a k t' r~ LOll 8('51 and Ed Or Puit. In rcsponse To Cene's .\Janw Game "hieh brough t howls from (" '('r~ont' present. racult~, mC' mbcrs wc re eal' h presented with a special handou t fron; lilc
plunder bag which was c nj o~('d by c \'cr~ont.· . ;:'IU(lt~llts and f'1CUlty,
The DI'(,<1m\;.tncl ~l o td \\,<15 blessed b~ the gnla c,'\l'n l nn d' (,,\'{· r~ ()nc..' ('o n('c: rn('d fl'il Ihe i.'\ .. ni 111'o1 \\'as bot h I'nj' o\,~lbt
c and worth \\ hil i.',
A Ihl.1 nk ~'ou is t.'xt{'nded 10 all im'olvcd in ~l'tting up th{' ('\'t:! nl and 10
those whost' part ici pation and tolerancl' rnadt' it th e 5U C{'I,.'~:; it wa:s.
Environmental Teach-In
by Dennis Stone
April 22. 1970 \'3S a da~ clcdil'<.lh:d to tilt.' (.'n\'irolllllf'nt all
th(· nation. TIl(' l'oord ina ling ('olllmit ·
Il't al :Vl irhigan Tt·ch. hO\\'('\('r. d~~t'id('d that one' d3~' \\i.l~ not f'llough lime to tell the' '\ ho1(· '::'I o r~, So.
under tlw dirct'lion of \ 'i<'tor
~Ia rl..
editor of tht' jll'-chi[lafl Tech Engineer. Ih£' (.'ommitt{'l'
long progrnm of ~t;l11inars. guest speakers. mode!'. panel dis(,u~:'li()n~. and dl'b:.uC':-,
The student:;: made all of thr
arran~f"l1len l s .
but tht' spl'akers
\\t'rc fa('ult~ 1llt'lllbt'r:-. busint'sSl11f'n.
men. members of go\crnmrnt agencies. and olher profl~~si()l1al peopl('. The kt'~ note ~p~'akt'r
\\'a~ ~I ()rris
l"dall. L.S. Rcp r('Sf"nlali\t' from Arizona . Ht..' ga\(O a spC'l'('h on. "Tht' Endangcr(·d peril's - ,\I an: ' on
Thursda~ t.'\·enin~.
For tht'
FOf('8 I r~
April 2:3 .
Club's purt. \\ (' dost:d Ihe
plan for Ill('
\'·t.~ ek
I\ania R('('rf"3 Iion Arf'a. Dr.
l l1i\t'J'~it~ of \\ i~l'OIl5oil1·Gn'l"n Ba~ and a
ou t \\ ilh a debate O\'t"r Ih(' L . ~ . Fort's t Sen ice'5o
El11iI I1 3nl'~'
Profcs50r of Rt"sourrt' Eronolllir$ ill Ihe
of till' Sa\l' Our S~ h 'llli'l Adin l1
R('{'rcalio n Area. ga\'e the Foresl
unci Lou B sl. a
f() r(,slr~
111(' .. pre·
COll1llli ll t'C .
:>:t'nlt'd SO Ac"::, ubjrc lions to till" \\a~ in \\hi('h the an'~1 \\a~ heing l1lana~{'d. Profn':1or Hidl:trd
of ;\Iidligan Tech's <:hool of
studcnl who hil5 \\ ork cd in Ihl'
~ Inlnia
"r\'irc side or lhe di5oput t:'. II \,a5gralif~ing 10 us to find thallht' pro·
gram had 10 be rX lf'ndcd an hou r bCl'aU8(' of
il1 l('rr51 of till' audiencf'.
The Forester would like to congralulate all of Ihe pt:ople ",ho donated (Iwir limc. (" Il (..·rg~ . and Jl1onc~ to
this \('r~ worth\,hih' proj(,(·t. Thi~ was
a $PUI' of Ill("
rnOlllf' nl.
haphal'. a l'(l1~ pl ~l l1l1t'd. l'onfron lation af·
fair. It was a \\'l,1I planned program to l'nlighll' n the stud(,llts and re~idt'nt ~ to tilt' truth on till' :'UhjlTI of
pollution and em irol1l11(,l1 lal df'gra<ialion, From SCt·il1g Ih(' numlwr of p('op"- \\ ho haw' turrwd ou t 10 Iwlp
on st'\(,J'i.l1 poll ution projl'('t5 sin('(' Ihl.' tt'at'll·i n. it appt'ars thai tht- It-at'h·in was an initial
lime ,dll It'll if it \\as a ('ompktt; su(,(,css.
Professor Cro\\ llwr :11\(1 Lou &~I at S~ h ania
Forestry Developments (continued)
Campuswidc. improvements continue unabated . A new di\'ided route for L', " High\\'a~' 41lhrough the
'lion of a second high .risc academic building
is proceeding On the site of old Hubbdl Hall in tht central part of the tampus. Thi. ne'" building ",ill
hOliEr the Mechanical Engincering-Engineering ?vlechanil's Departmen t.
Throughout a ~car of nationwide campus turmoil. Ih(' students. ra('u lt ~' and administration of' ~ I ichigan
campus arC'<.l \\'asopcllcd during the fall of' 1969. and COl1slru
T(,l'h demonstra! d tlw kind of ll1aturil~' and sound judgement characteristic of' Tech's tradi tions and
thereby added 'onsiderabl~' to its stature and f"putation.
Al umni Directory
BAKElt Hl SSEL II.: 1957. 1722 Hamilton Dr .. \luron. Ga. 3 1201.
ABRAH:\~ISO'\. L:\WItE,\CE P. : 1<'><», 1>,0. Ao ... ~92 . LI·\:tnd. \I i-s.
Rt'M'Jfl'h Ellloll1olo<~i .. t. l .S.F.:', ~()ulllt'rll lIJ.rd\\l.lutl .. Lau.
ACKER\l A,\ \, K,\HL E.: 1951. ZiO Ri\t'r~id.·. Dc,troil. \I id,. l3ZI5.
OJ .. 1fl('1 Supet\i~r. Cil~ of Ol'lr\lil Ot'I)\' P:lrl..~ & HtWt'Jtion.
ADA \150\, KARL '1'.: 1966. SO\ :~.%. W 1UI'rSlIlI'i'I. ,\111'11, 19969.
AHI.BERG. HICH \BO C.: 1952. l :W) Hil1t 'rt'~1 Dr .. 5,iI1\\:llt'r. \l inn.
5.;082. ~Jlt'" \I.trl.l~' ·r. :~· \t Ccmll"II'~.
AIIO. CII ·\HLES P.: 1950.269 \ . HHlJ"", \\undl'll·in.l11. 60060. Oi,i·
:<ioll F(Jr.·.. lt-r. ClIlIlllhm\\l'J.hh Edi ..,,,. C(JInpJIl~.
AIIO, EIl\\ \\ '\ .: 1919. Bo,
:n. ... \'\al..l'fil'ltI.
\ lieh. 19968. Fil'ld Supt·r.
int"lItlt'lIl. Connor Luml""r & 1"ll1d Compall\.
AI IO. \\1 1.1.1-\\1: 1950. 2:309 D\·l1h~. Ora~lclll Plain~. \til'h. 13020.
P:lrk .. Sup.'ni .. nr. Cil~ "f POIlI ;;I(",
AKER\AI.I .. IIE\!n J.: 1962. fi6 Oli\.'r Hd .. Pori ·\rthur. Onilirio.
:-;.·hull! TI·arilt'r.
ALDRICII. \\ Itt.! ".\1 Co: 1958, u·:I\I'IH\lIrth. \\a .. h. 9AA26. Fort· .. It'r.
l .S. Fort· .. 1 St'r\ ie ·,· .
A\DEH~(r\. £1\ .-\1{ F.: 1918.2161 Lin!'oin SI .. EU~"nl" Ort.'. 97105.
A;\OEUSO;\. GAItY E.: 1966. \X':u·onill. ~lillll. 55:187. Dislril'l Foreslt·r.
A;\ DEHSO~. J .\ \IES T.: 1950. 2321 \\ iddlt'lon I1.'Jl'h Hd .. \l iddlt·lon.
\\,i:- . :j:~.~62.
A~DEHSO'. KE\ \£'1'11
J.: 19.-l-O. 21.~:l Tn'nlon Dr .. Trenlon. \I kh.
4818:3, Fon·.. tr~ Supenitoor III. Wa~n(' Count~ Road Commi:!'!lion.
A~L>EHSO\. "II EI..I)O' C.: 1969. HI. I. Bo\ 29. Wallal·!·. \Iit'higan
49893. Ot·pl. 11l1I·rilJr. Ht'dklk('. \lilllll' ..vla.
AHA DI. JA \I E!') £.: 1959, Fori JOII'·~. Calir. 96(H2. Fort·:'!lt'r.l .S. For·
1' .. 1
19.5.J. Bo)" 212. \ Iio. ~li t'hi~:11 1 ltS6-n.
" oud Pm..'u n'tlll'TlI \1.tTla~wr. C"()rgia Til1ll>t'rlalld~. 1nt".
B.-\I.CER .\I\.. HOL,\\i) S.: 1963. HI. :t Btl\ 82. Rapi,1 HiH'r, \Iil'h .
~9878. Siaff FOrt·"'h'r. l $. Fort''':1 ~"n it'I'.
HALL. "ILI.I \ \\ J.: 1<Xl5, Sand~pil . QU"j'n C!mriollc hkHlds. Brili:-h
Co\ulnbia. <:''1n. Crl)\\ n·Zdlerb,wh (~"nda. Lid.
BAL\IER." II.L1A\1 E.: 1919. &>82 St'\lim \\'ood:- Dr .. hatllbkt,. G:I.
3000.:;' Fort'..:"'r. l .S, Fon'''' St'n i~·t·. S',II,· & Pri\ ult' F,)n·~tr~,
B \I..SHa: n.
J \ \IE~ " .: 1966.
B\RBEH. \~~. \L
J -\ Y.:
20:\9 Ihlrri"oll Ibll. I...;lfn~t·II(,. Ind.
1969. 1080 E,,, .. , F()rt'~1
\ \(·rIUI·.
B \ HilI ER I. JOII \ G.: 19:;3. 6026 OS.I~I· \ \I'" 011\\ nl·r.. Gro\t·. III.
60,~15, EI1"illt·(·r. frank \U\I)II\\ & '\ ~"Ol'i:lk".
BAHDE\. l..'~I.E \\ ,: 19-19, 1():J (illor:Ldu hi' .. Alpl'l1u, \lid1, ~9707.
B.\HTO:;ZEK. \ \TlI()\ Y S.: 19~9. 6-1I ~ I\il,,\. 0\('rI4110 Park. Kan:-'a"
66:200. 0p\'ratinl! En::in",·r. P;lnhalldlo.- EiI.;:\t·rn Pil'dim' Co.
BAI\T~CII. GARY C.: 1965. 2:H66 \Inpll" Fllnnillp'on. \l il'h. --lOO2l .
B .\~TI.\ '.. J.\' \\.: 195-t 10928 CtIUlltr~~itll' Dr .. Grand I... ·df!(·. \Ii,·h.
lS8:~7, Fon·.;:II·r. \lil'hi2;t1l :;tull' lI ip:h\\:l\ Ot~pl.
BATi)OI\FF. J \ \IES II.~ 1963. HI . I. BtI\ 55A. Coo- Ba~. Or"'pull
97120. For(·~II·r. Bun'au of Lmd \1 :1I1:t!l,·nwnt.
B,\TOG. LEO F. JH .: 196.5. 116 \\ . l..ak . ·. P('\I)... k,'~. \liehi1!a'l ~97iO,
Fil.ld Rq)rt·"'t'IlI11li\ ..·, Da\l'rlllall ,\ ..~(l,.'iall·" lilt'.
BA rrE'. LA" HE;\CE D.: 1961. Bo\ 3 11. Grand \Iar~i~. ~lilH1t'~ula
5560~. (;~·I! 'i'imlwr \I).ll. Atolll .. 1 .S. For"~1 ·r\in·.
BEC.! \. E\ZO E.: 1956. 2:~15 S\, £Iia~ Dr .. Alll'honl:':'·. Ab~~:1 99503,
I n"'1l10r\ & H..... ·Jr('h Forc·~\e·r. \I:l,:k;l Stall' Dhi.!'iorl of 1":lI\d~.
BECKE It BEH , .-\ H[) \1.: 196-1. HI. 1. \hlrall. \!il·h. 19760. L. ~ . Arm~,
BE'. "AI.. ED\\ AHD D.: 1957. 10815 Coltun 51 .. <.:ounlr~ Club , ' j(,\\,
F:lirf:1\. \,ir~inia 220:~O.
A Hell EH. J EHH Y J.: 19.~2. \3f1\ 56,:). Cro,. .. \'iI\ a~I" \Iil·h. ~972:t E\I·t·u·
BE\TLE'. E\ EHErr JL 1):;0\: 19W. 20 Flt)~d Cirdt·. ~ ih('r Ih~.
Ii\('. BtJ~ S.·OUI~ "f Anll'rit ·a.
A. HL>l CA ,'I'. ST:\ \ LEY H.: 19;:'5. 1110 l nioll. J.u·k .. ()n. \tit'h. 1920 I.
AH\lBKl ,;n:H, C"pl. LOl IS F,: 196:3, m 7,5,)88 C~IH = LBo, 1061.
APO !'X·alll". Wa,.h. 9872-l. Pilol. ( 50, '\ ir Fllrt ·I·.
ARU"'!'. ,\ HT lI l R \1.: 19.~J. I6:U:; Kali~h,'r ~I .. Gr.llI:ub Hill ... C..,lif,
91;\ Ul S"niur J)"pUI~ Forn·I(·r. Lo,. AI1::,·I. ·~ Cuunt~.
A H\TSE\. <;E\E I{.: 196.~. 2122 Or(·h.lnl ~I .. \'IIWlh·. \ l id1. 19855,
Oi .. \. f'orc· .. h'r. CO(Kilnan Di\, or lni\t·r~ .. 1 Oil I'ruc:lud~ Corp.
AHTIS. HOBEHT G.: 1962. 2H 141h :-In·\·I. T,·II Cil~. Indiana 17.>86.
ATKI\.JOII\ II .: 19~1. 190) T'lltluri,;\..Dr .. E:,"ll..ansin1!' \ l idl. J.H82:1.
.-\ \ EH !'IT, JO II \ c,: 19.~ I. :~105 :'h.uh i.·\\ 1..:1111', \Xa~/.ala. \I inn. ;:';:':~91.
A\ EH),. " 11.1.1 ·\ \\ P.: 1966. 1.915 Em,.t:m Hillt'. Hat·inl·. \\ 'j... S:3 106.
~ l il1n. :;561 ~. Land En!!int',·r. HI'$\'n i ' \Iillin~ CI.I.
BEHGII, ,E\\ \1 \ \ I-I.: 1911. 511 ~:::I .. I ('.(lurl. 'l·\\bt"rr~ . \lil'lli!!an
BABBO~ 1. A I.A ~
1962. P.O. 130\ 608. KI·tl ·hi k:1I1. \Ial-~a 99901.
BACK \! /\ \ . S\ E;\ H,: 196.1. Bo\ 21:-3. Dollar B.l~. \\;"11 . 1.9922. "hul."
:\:,It' Di:<lriIJl.l ltlr.
BAEH. " . JOII\: 1952. 1;)81 I.til St .. PHrl E(I\\urtl~. Wi ... .>l-l69. \XtN,II1
Prot 'urf'uL"nl (~I()rtlinal"r. ;\l·~u"",a·Ed\\.lnl .. P"pn CII.
BAIIH\\ \\. HOBEHT C.: 19l1. HI. 2. nO\ 1:l:t (;;I\lurcl. \Iidlii!,ill
l'Jn.~ . S.'lf.,'mplo~,·,1.
B.\ I I.EY. Jr\\ \[S \ ,: 19.m. 28F ·\~ i.· \ill ••W·' Ft. (~.lIill". Color.ldo
HO.52 I.
19868. En~illl·\·r. \lil'hi~lIn ~htll' J1i~dl\"I~ Dt·pl.
BEH\AHU. HOBEBT J.: 1966. 19:~ \I i~t)uri SI .. San Dit·):o. Califurnia
nl~ \\ II.L1A\t
19;:'5. 123 Birdl SI.. I'
~. \n.;:, ' . \1 '1'
L!'ILl!:ln ,99~
' .
~p1. In .. lruI'\Hr, 01'1'1. uf \ppli,·(J TI·dllltJlo~~ .
BEHT:iCII, I{(lBI\ ~D \ETIL 1969,22:38 f:", 1(01), 5", C)'i"a~", IlIi'
ILlii!' 60617.
c.: 1967.212 Ea ..1 lHlh 51 .. Ja,:pt·r. Alabama 35.501.
BIDST1H p, HICIIAHD E.: 19:i-L Bo\ 2:H. Harbor :::prill~~. ~l it'hi~:tn
1971O. C()Il .. uhin~ r"rt· . \t·r. ;-:'unl·~\Jr. EIl)!iJlI't·r.
8 1HD. HI CII ARU \\'.: 1957. :2061 JIII·k~,)!l. EU~t·n," Ort·. 9i40.~. Timl)!' l"
Sr.TT=--. JO\
\lall;J~, ·r . Burl'au of Laml \1 .lIlag,·llll'lll.
BI HTZ, HOBERT E.: 1952, :m90 Slllll~ P"inl Hd .. Gntnd 1",,1.111(1.;\. ).
IlO72. \ Ian:lgl'r. O~nH)<.t· "'Mill Pn'''I'r\ ill~ Co.
BLAKE. rHA \K E.: 19l:t 19 Sp.lrrm\ Hd ..}l'nt,'r~\illt·. III. 60110.
5:11,·... At-:,·rtl.
BODELl.. KE\ '.ETII 1..: 1%:t t:H 1 lilt A\I'. ".W .. Jallll'.. I..,\\I1.
~ . O.lkOI:L .~ u')I . FOrt'SII·r. Bur. ·.lu tlf S!,,,rl Fi ... llt'l'il·:< & Wildlif,·.l.S,
I Ill.
BOEI.TEH. A1.LE\ II.: !9J.:t 6:i(O Fllrl Htl .. HI.
Birclt Hun. \ 111'11.
UH\'~. \I arkdill:,! .1IIt! ll ili/.. Lliull SI"'l.'i;Jli .. t. ~1i, ·hi!!.LlI 1),,'1'1. \alural
H" .. C)ur. ·"~,
BOGGS. JA~tES \\ .: 196k :300r; Roan. Warrt·n . \l ith. l8093. Produl"
lion upo.·r\"i:;or. Tr(lII';;llli~!>jon & Ch:l:::-i:: Oh isitJll. Ford .\ tolor Co.
BOLDT. JA CK C.: 1962. 1020 Trilliulll I..:IIlt'. ~ I uir ~It'adol\ :-. ~ I ill \ allt'l.
California 9 ~9 ~l. Comllll·rl·ial ProdU(' I:l ,\1:u1:Iw·r. ;\orllwrI) Calif..
Anwri('an Air F'ihl'r.
BO'\DE. RALPH '\ .: 196k 21-.18
. 18th SI.. \ lalliIO\\()t. \\"i:.,l'(Hl .. in
BOOJ...Elt HOBEln G.: 1959. \\ al{'r:lnln'l Rallf!,t'r lalion. \'t·alcrsmcl'l.
\ lidl. -+9969.
BOHAK. ROBERT A.: 19.;2. 33-1 Cmni", S, .. Cadill,.... ) Ikh. ~9601.
Dislrit-t Fom"l Sup,·ni:-or. \I il'hif!:an DeJlt. of \ atur:tl H(':-I)ur;'('~.
BOHDELE,\t. HAHOLD J.: 19W. Dl'('I·nN·d St'ph'rnlft'r I ~. 1965.
BOHSl'\ 1. ROB EHT U,: 19.:;2. Bo\ 4.3. Dollar Ba~. \ Iidl, ..t9922. In;;ur.
alll'l' '\'!!I·nl. Fral1~ '\ , Doug-In", ·\ f!l'llI'~. 1111'.
HOHSl \1. \\ ILLl ,nl c,: 19lO. 1822 \ , \ PI>II'hlll. Appl(·ton. Wi~,
:;"~911. Sl'nil'I' Opt'ralion" ~ulk'rinlt'ndt'f11. " irnh(·rl~.Cbr).. Corp.
BOS \I A\ , \ E\DEL E.: 19(}.1. ~ Anufrj(J SI .. Br:Hlford PI'nll . 16701.
Fon';;II·r. l .:-:.F.:-;,
nO'ITI. \\ ILJ . I A~ I 13,: I%t B(I\ 8-L \1·llhl·rr~. \ lidlig:1II ~9868. \ I;('hi.
gall 01'1'1. of ":llur.. 1 H,·~oU r\'l'~.
BOl I{DO. EHI C \ ,: 191-:3. St.'hool of F(Jrl':-lrl & \t out! H\'~\'an'h , \ Ik hi.
~;lIl T('l'hnulogi('al l 11" H(ju~h l ()ll. \1 it'll, i9<xu. Dt'an. ~ ' I1()()1 or For.
\'';;Ir~ & \\ \lod Pmt!tll·ll'.
BOl HDOW. \IIU:S " ,: 19..9. HI. :3. Tomaha")... "
Pill)!. \\ 'i"I·(.n .. ill. (Am~I'n,tlilln Ikl,l .
B()l Hf)O\\. HOB EHT '1'.: 19.~1. 50,:; '-ill lalli'.
j" ..:; ~187.
\\ IIU:.3U . \\
i~" I III.!'in
BO\\,\I '\ \ . STl A In 'l; '. : 196:2. BII' 2. Willt'nlwrj.!. \\'i~, 5 ~~9')' T~'al'h.
,'r. \\ 'ilknlx'rf! Pub!i(' S<'hooltl.
BHAD) .I.F:\OHU F.: 1966. Bo\ 2 ~7, H.·Illt'r. \l in llt'"olJ..16671. Di"l rid
FI)rt'l'it'r. I .:';, F.S.
BH \ \ \ \1. G ER '\ LO F.: 196.-). :3999 ~uJlpl ~ & \ l.t il1h'1131I1't ' ,-\j.!("\I'~ .
S.\ II). 5 \ 1\IR. APO \l'" Yor~ 090.:;1.
IlHHETICH. Hl I)()LI' H: 1942. 3956 Ir"d~, ' , .. '"lu",<'I. ) Ii.-l..
49913. Sodal \\'ork,·r. \I idli~an D.·pl. of SUt'illl \\ \·Ifan',
BRAl ' Elt J {) II ~ n,: 196,1). 2o.~ \'ail C'-- ~lidl:III1L ,\ Ii"h. 486-U),
BH£~~EH. FHEDH ICK E.: 1968. ,:;o.V) '!I'llarl Hd .. S,h ania. Ohio.
IlRE ITZI I \ '\. ) II CII l EI. II .: 19M. 2:J7 I\ol,nd. ) I i"o~ 'i 6:«)] I.
BIHCC:;. 1.1. II ILLlUI A.: 1963. ~",JI FH~I"
l.S. ,\"".
HIHSSO\, ROBEHT F.: 1961. 2iOi lf.! I'Jr)..rid~t· :\ Il' .. '\ar indl t '. \ \ Itl.
l'tIIltlin .:;'~I hi, ~lar i nt'llt' ('.(Iunt~ Hl':-oun't' Ol'lt'loP"1t'1l1 t\ gl·m. CIIOp'
crati\(' E\\t'n~ io n St'nit·t·.
OROl 'SSEAl. C:\ HL 1-1 .: I96-L Bo\ 58. CI\inn. \I il'h. •~98..J.1. A s.," i~lalil
Area FOrl'1!ler. ~l il'lli~.11l OqH. of ~alUral Rl'sourl'l'!'.
BROW;\:. K E~;\:ET II ~I. : 1966. 1691 \\ . SWIl' SI .. Wt'!>1 Lufa\t'III'. lud ,
BHI SCIIE. II AHOI.I) c,: 1951. :\1 ~ \\ . ~usall SI.. H ~(·bur~. Orl'.
97 ~70. Fon·.;;lt'r, Bur,';\u of Land ~lan.l~t'"h ·nl.
BH),S. LA\\ HE'\CE \\ .: 1966. :W>77 r i,'rl. Pl:Il"·. ~I I. Ci"llwn1!. ~l id1.
480 1~3. il,\ Forl'l'lt'r. SI. Clair Short't<. \ Iil 'h.
Ut CK. D.'\' \ 10 c.: 1966. FI'ru ~Iubil. , E~IJh·:-. HI. 1. UII\ :t2. JUllI 'lion
Cjt~. ()rl'~(ln 97 ~lH ,
Bt (:1\0' ETZ. OE~;\ I ~ \ 1. : It)(~. E ( ~,. :'t·I'. It". 9111 ~l .1ril1t'~. :ird
\IAR , Oil . FPO ~F 96601. ClJl lllnandinj.! Ofli,'l'r. Cu. E.
Bt DZ IK. JOII'\ \ 1.: 196.;. I-:~,~ ·\ III')..I'r (:t., Flu .. hinJ-!'. )lil'lI. lSh'3:l
Bt t.:EHA.JEFFEln JEHO\I~:: 1968, ~16 H.dfHur Drht·. H' ·l.dn,l. :-:;t~.
)..alt-h\·\\ul1, C~1I1'ld :t.
BL CE. JOI1\ \1.: 1968. Doll" Ba~. )Iico. -19922. l .S. M"'~ 1'4.
BL K\\'.-\. \t .-\ Y;\E: 196-~. tar HI .. Bomwr. \ Ionl. S98:23. Ph.D, Grad .
Bl ~K.
DI.'pl.. l
of ,\ lonWlla.
F'RA~K J H.: 1968,7·169 SI. ) I M~ 'tl, Dl'! roit. ~ I i('higall 18228.
Cradu:lIe Studen!. FOri'''! Hl'l'r('aliol1. l · nj\l.'l'8il~ uf ~ I i(' hig a n.
Bl '\ 'TER. RE;\E 0.: 1958. 1960 S, \\ . \r~n\\ (.I()(1. Porll:lIId. Ort'.
97225. AUlomall'd Timber Salt, ACt·oullling Coordi n:ll or. l'.S. Fon'51
St.·n i('I'.
Bt H. DO,ALD E.: 195:;. H,. I. 80, -15. 8ould," ju,lI' .. I~ i-. .;1-;12. Fo,'
I'J;t('r. \\ -j;;.
C.l)I1 ~\ 'n.
c.·n' ",I Poin l.
On'gon 97.50 I. Till1iwr &- 1 1I\1'llIor~ Projt·t·! I..t'ad.'r. l 'S FS HO~lIl.' Hhl'r
;\O!. For,
Bl TKO\l CH. FHA \1\ D.: 1951. % Slall~,\ F'O:.~. Bartull. \ ermonl
0,3812, Fil·llI Sup~'n i"lIr O~II1I),o" C().
BYHD. GERALD C,: 1957. 6116 'Axtlidg:t' Hd .. Dt'.Jrhord HI.!' .. ~ I idl,
4812i. Fie-Id 1( 1'", Aml'HI'!III P I~ ,\()()(!. ,'\,... t)('.
III HKIIAHDT. ALFHED F.. Jlt.: 1960. 108 I·iewiu.
CA LA BHO. J()~EP I I c,: 19,!) I. I iO.f. POrlt'r 51.. B"~'I ·u1t' r. \ Iidl, ~9911.
:h~ 1. ':1', On';1I1 ~ idl' Prop, III\',
C \ \ :\ \ EH'\'. 0.-\ \ 10 S.: 196.5. l nh"r~id3d(' Ft'tll'ralilo Car.lIla. E('ol:l
de- Flore:.I(t" Rua Blm Ju.!'u!'. 650 Curitib;l. Parlin. Bra7.i!.
CAPI L. BIE'\\'['\II)O: 1967. P.O. Bo, 16. L' ,\ n"l'. \ Iil'h. 4-9946. A~-:1 t.
Fore!'1 )I all(l;!t'r. \ 11'\100(1 1111'.
CAH I SO;\, UHrCE H.: 19,~. 6028 \\ ' il~on \"\ u~ . )liIipilu,;;. C.. liforni:l
950:1.;. l SFS.
CAH I_-;O;\. BAY C.: 19,=):2. 1\1 1 ~Ih 51.. Purt Ed\lan1:.. " ·is.eQn5i n
:),1--169. Fortosh'r \ l·J..f)(J;;a·Ed\\;lnl~ Pap,'r Co.
CARI '·O \. "ALTEH 0,: 195i. 219 S. 3rd Alt·" TUIl1IHll l'r. ,r:lsh,
98':>0 I. Hi)!h l ,Ir \\ 3~ Timlk'r Sail'.!' and Land Oil .. \'( :I~hill~I()1I 51:111'
Ot·pl. (If \:llOmi Hn:\lun '~'!>.
Ct\ 10 1.-\\. \\' 1LLI ·\ \1 E,: 1965. .+20 I ~1a~sad1USt'lIi1 t\H' .. ApI. 50-1-3 C.
\\'(ltlhinglol1. D.C. 200 16,
CAHO\'. AL\'BEHT 1-1.: 1963. L06 Illinois I.. E:w Cluirc. \\'i:-I'onsin
4.5701. A:-tll. Oi:-1. Furt't<h'r. \t'i.!', Con~\. Dt·pl.
CAHI'E:\TEH. AHTHl HI .: 1962. 1716 II O()(II .",,,. )1.·dfo,,1. 0,,·.
CAHH . BER~:\RD \\ ,: 1966. Pit-tun' Ba~ Traill·r Par)" , L·AI1~c. ~ l il'hi·
g;)11 ..tOO t.6. Fon·... 1 T('d1n()I(t~~ IT1!'lru('tor. ~ l il'hil!;11I -rt 't'h,
CE'\T\EH. T I-I O~ I ·\ R.: 1962. RI. I. Box 9:3 A. \\h ilt' 5"rinf!" FI;),
:32096. Fo r(':-Ir~ In:-lrtl('lOr. Fla. FOrt';;1 R :1I1~:w ~ ' huol.
CII AL FA'\T. ~ IH S. D.'\ I.IA S: 1961. HI. I. SO\ t.:~6. '\ 11111"\ ill,·. On'goll
Cll :\ ~lBERLI \ .
ll A!{H) L: 511 C:trt'~ St.. La n:!l in~ 15. ~ I iehigall
<:IIASE. R.-\LP H L.: 1966. 198 Par~ 51.. Sprin~fi,·ld. \ l'rtl1l1lll 05156.
CHI CK. TI.\! OTl IY A.: )96:3. 991~ Bt'a \l·r!und. I)('trail. ~I i rll. l82.39.
At< .!'t . Fnrt'i'h'r. Cil ~ of 1)l'lwil .
Clllt lSTI A\'~E'\. CHHIS '1'.: 1969. ,~ I I:2 " '(';;1 Fn'lI1ll1l1 RtI .. Pori Clin1011.0hi" h'3--1-.1)2. l S \ rru~ .
CI ESLI \ :-iKI. THO \( ,\ ~ J.: 196:3.611 Gm"tlnl Cirt'll'. Tn 'lI loll. \ . J ('r;;I'~
00018. :;"'nior Par).. Pbnlwr. ,.'11 JI ' rM '~ nt·pl. IIfGIII:-,·n. and Ont"!·
Oil, Burt"tu of I ';)r~;; .
CII en, LE\\ I:-:J.: 19,;7. 1.::'):i7 ~Ih '\ 11'. ~E.Jall1t':-l ulln. \ . DJ)... ,)8.10 1.
l ~ Bu rl'au of =-'I}I)rl F i "lh'r j t ' ~ (fl.,. \X ilrllif,·.
CLARK. \\ALTEH R.: J9,~. :~l8 13th:;\.. :;aint \laril~. Idaho 83861.
~ing :\lall3gl·r.
Charllwl l .o~ging ('.0.
CLEGG . ..\ LBERT C.: 19.i:t :312 Bruat! St.. Eatoll Ibpids. ~l il'l\. 188:27.
COATES. JO [PH F.: 196i. ,105:"\. Elm 51.. SI. J''''·l'h. Ill. 6187:3. Grad·
tudellt. llah S11I1I' l ' ni\t·~ il\.
COLBERG. RALP H E.: 19.56. Ol~'raliolll'" H,'j.";lrI'h. Hoi .. ,' CJs('ade
Corp .. Boisl', Idaho 8:liOI.
COLLl\ . PETER I .: 19 19. 11<" 492. Ch'N'Il. \l id,. 19916. Ag.,,,, ·
Sak::-man . .\\i·tropolit:1I1 Lift' In"ur,Hlt'C' Co.
CO~ LEY. ;lIlCHAEL 1..: 1966.608 191h 51. . E""naha. \I ".h. 19829.
At-rial PhIJ10 In1f'rpn'h·r. \ lit'h, ~al. HI '':',
COOK. \\ 'ALTER I .. JR.: 19':>9.2:39 \ l ilr1l,r '\\(',. ~HUI·U~I·.~. Y. laZ2k
COPELA"D. WILLlII \Ill.: 1965. 5591h En~r. C (Ufl') . l7hl Inr BilE
(,\1). A PO S(-'allil',
\·r :l~h.
DI'A\E L.: 1919. 1116 \. TI'ird A"',, I\·,u"u. I\·i,. 5+101.
upcrinlt'ndi.'nl of I)ar k~. "auil:lu & \ Iaralhon COllnl ~ Par\.. Commi::.
l891 i. lIi~dl\,a~ Dt·:oip.n Engilll.·\'r. \I it·higan
I3It' lI ip:h\\ .I~ Dt'pi.
DRl \1\1 . LESTER 0.: 19~9. 1266 ". Fir~1 St .. (hl..rid~t·. On'. 97163.
COnl'lru"lioli Fort·l!1all. Edl\:lrd Il illtis Lumber Co.
Dl BHEY. DOl GLAS ,\,; 1969. RR = I. Rl'5~I~ n HI/ac!. Fl . \'( illinm. Onlario. Ontari.) Pulp ami Papt'r. II t'rou B:I~. Ontario.
Dl ODU:S. it \LPH L: 1962. 111·30 Ibzd '\ 't' .. Grand HI:IIlt'. \ Ii.'h.
IJI DDLE:STO~. FRF.lJERICK D.: 196:1. HI. I. r~" 722. Qu;'l<'~. Calir.
9,')971 . { .::" For('~1 :-;'r\ iet',
Dl FFEK. HALPH C.: 1966. { .::'. Fun'''1 ~'ni. 't·. nux is. Barap:t1. \t id\.
Dl FOl H. FH:\~ C IS \. : 19.')9. ilu\ .):i2. \Mlh Furl.. . C.tlift)rnin 9:3f>.-l-:3.
\ .... \. l
Dl GillE. \Iajor KE\ ,ETII B.: 19.:;:3. 68.~7 \,·\I/·lIln.' SI .. ~an l'it·madi.
1111. C.1Iif. 92 W-l. {5. '\ ir Forn·.
Dl ,KElt JOti:" A.: 196-~. Slar RI. :\. l·~l il(' \kCra lh . Fairb:II1I..~. AI~·
., 99701.
CORCORA '. Dr. THO~I AS J.; 1955. 1:\ Gilbt'rl St.. Orono. ~1 :lil1i'
()"t..t73. Proft'!':oor. ~'ht)ol of r orpslr\ . t IIht'rilil\ (If \!ailli'.
Dl ' " nRI CE II .: 1966.
CHOSS. ROIlEIlT L.: 1952. Ill. 2.11<" 31A. \\·oo";uff. Wi,. ;;1,568. "lid.
01 " . JO II '\ J,: 195:;. AIl!,·r. \tit'h. lH610,
DYE. 1.1. GLE.\ \ \'( .: 196.,. UlI:l-1 Tnt·. Fir. \lill1!' 11" 105 t ,\PO \ t'"
Yor~ 0928.'3. Dqml) Chi.{. Op,·r.lli(Jn~ Pia nil 1)i\.. lOl~1 T:I(·. FIr.
Wi nl!. t .S. \ ir ForI'\"
\It'Stl'rn Woodl:1I1t1 ~ I {lnagt'r. 1l 00'rnt'r \l;'aldorf ('.orp.
Ct '\OY. CLYDE Y.: 19.:;0.
iOi IAJ~W'r Dr .. OI~lt1pia. \'a::h. 98.)01
·I'<·dlnkal Dirc\'!or. C':I~t 'adl' Poll' Co.
DA Hl... CLirrOIlD II.: 1966. :lO2 :lOl h ,1,,·. :"\" II'I. 6.
58102. Yt'omall 2nd
CI:I"~ ,
l 'S
',,"u. \.
JOW, A.: 1966. 130\ 18~. Pint'
DA;'\ I ELS. Dr. JOH'\ P.: 1955. Box 415. 51.
rall ~. \ Ianiltlha.
1~l1a'iu.:. \ I OII I:IIllI
OA~ I EL,)O~.
1:21:~ L Sih \\1 ' .. lIouJ:,hlon. \ Ii(·h.
Pror(,:;:Ioor. Institute of " 'ood Rt'~,·ar('h. \li(·hif.'31l
CARL W.: 19u).
~9931. :\ ::~i!l t3nl
I. William;;;burg. \Iil'h. l%90. Tt·31·I1l'r.
Tr:t\t'l"-l' Cil~ Hi,:,d) Sdl()(11.
DII :"15.
~ I 'jo r STEP H E~ J.: 195:3. H'·'''yu3r1,·r,. 7,1 ';l l'CO\1. 11;\'1'
Oi\'" :\ 1'0 ~C\I York 09106. t .S. Arm~ ,
DAY\,AHD. HO'\ALD 0,: 1958. lI:tr\\ OOti A,c . ~ " Hur;11 HI. l. " 'hilb~.
Onl:lrio. Canada Dt'pi. or I':lnds and ror(·s t ~. Pro,inc.·(· uf Orll:lrio.
DEGF.;\ARO. DO.\AI.O L.: 1<J6.+. L' '3\;11 F:ll'ili l~ FrO. '\"\1 Yor\..
DE I..A \l ATER. JO II ~ C.: 1966. BI)\,lt'r RUI1f,.·r Sin .. Box , ~1. BU\dl'r.
Wilt. S-J..U6.
I) ~: HIDDEH. ROBEHT J.: 1967. 156 W~ol!1jng SI .. ApI. S. \,\,,'kll. \\'l'~1
Virginia 2480 I .
DESJAHDE~. JOSEP H G.: 19,~. Pm~pc('t. Ort'. 9i5:~, Projt·t·I FQrt~t·
l'r. l 'SFS.
DE \· R I E~D. ADHIA '\ J.: 19·~i. HI. :~ . Ha~\\ard. \'\'i .. , ;,)18t.:t \ gl'n l ror
Art'a Forl'si ltil i".:lIioli. L. or W i~.
DEWEY. LA\'( ' HE~CE \ .; 1950. HI. 7. Iltf\ 7916. B.tinhridt!t· 1:o1:lnd.
Wa~hin~ l \)n 98190. Con~lnl\'til)n E:11~int't'r.
DIEII L. MI CII AEL J.: 1957. Bo\ sa. V)\llin. Idaho 8:m21. Furl'SIl'r.
Dt'JlI. or Publi(' 1':lIIlIs.
DO:"EGA~. FilED V.: 19l8. K:lpi:O!!'I ·a~ill~. Onl:lri.). O\\IIt'r of Sprut·,·
\I olorl'.
DHAKE. DOlCLo\S 11; 1969.901 Port>:.t St.. loni:l. \Ij('h. l88-16, Pri.
Hill'. t
DH i \'ER. CHARLES '\ .: 1951. 1051 Andru;;: A"·,, 1.:ln .. jn'. \lit'h.
\KE. \ lI CHAEL '1'.: 1968. Citwilln.lli. Ohijl,
ECKAHDT. PETEH L: 1966. (;·I606 lkl'dwr A·S. Flinl. \Iidl. 1-85()"t
ECKEH , ED\U \ DJ .: 19l9. l ndiau Bi\l'r. \ li.·h.49il9, Oi .. rril'l FM"+
t'r. \l idlil!;{n Dt·pl. or \alur.d HI·~uurt'\ ·::.
ED\IO\)):';. Ht SSELL R.: 19.16. Ht. 2. Brinll, '~' \ Iit'll. ~971.,) . Chri<:IIIla...
In '.' 1!r(,\\t'r anti \\luII,·l!'ill,·r.
EILnnSF:' . D. '\ILE~: 1961. Bo\ 19:3. Wall'n.rt1t·(·I . ~ I il'h. 19969. { .S.
F'or''I'1 St~n i.·."
El..l .IOT. D·I l i D
1961. HH = 2. ll," Ill. F." ·:""I,,,. I l id .. 19829.
EI.L"5WOHTII. PATH ICK \'\'.: 1950.225 Crt'''''''l1t St .. \ lartlul'Il.,. \·I i.·h.
~98S5 , Dirt'I'lor
or Vot'alional E,hwat iun. Slat.· \lr \ I idli~:tn.
\ larqul'ltl'
Br.lIlt'h Pri~llI1.
E'\EHSO\. CLAIRE It: 1958. FI:llnllt'Ju F\lr'·~'. \1' il1l1 'r. " 'i....:;'1-8<)6.
Fon'l'I \lan:lg,·r. \~ ' b. ('.onll,·nJ li"ll OI·PI .. Flallllw:lu Bi\ " r :-i1:11,· F. lr.-::'I.
f.RICKSU\ . 1\ A~ E.: I96:J. Star HI. . HI/X 58. Cllt'mll ll. Or". 97i:H.
F.HICKSO'\. HICI-I AHD It: 196-t 621 :;1101\ '\ I'plt' Clllrt. Cllt'I)II~~an.
\li eh.
F·\ EDWAHOJ,: 19·18. 118 \ . It-ff,·rilfJll . \,·run". \\ i....~W.):J. Dj:o·
Iri(·t rflr,·~It'r. \\'i ~. ('.on~t'n III ion DI'III .
F·\I R. I~I LI . ~ I AHT I ~ c,: 1%6. :i lO O.t\",illl·l)r .. "pI. 2.·\. Pill .. hurg.
P'·IIIt. 15.:;'20.
FALGE. JA \ IES R.: 19:;9. WiIJ\\\Kld HI. I. Oi !'bwl. \ Ii....ouri 65,1..:;9.
O\\w·r. \'('ildl\OI)(1 Sar;ui ( ~lIl1 P 1.11".
F.\I.K\EH. EDGAH II ,; 19:;:t 88:t~ Pm\l·II. :-'1. l .4Jui~. \\i":oHUri 6:H ~L
F·\ HBO. TIIO~ J.\ S P.: 19;;:t Bo\ 1297. Orofino. Ilbllo tttll·k Tillll ... 'r
='I:lrr Orfil't'r. I .:-i. Fun·..1 ~'n i('(·.
F,\H\S\nmTlI. I) \ .\ 11.: 1966. 1219·B :-;p:trl;UI \ ilb~," [<1:-1 1.':lII ~il1g.
\ Ii.·h. l882a.
fELZER. RO'~LD L.: 1967. 1;;\8 Blake 5, .. B.. rkel"~. (AM. ~~703.
FI HER. ALV1;\ K.: 19:;2. Abitibi Parl·reo.. Ltd .. Woods Dept.. Huron
t ..
Maric. Ontario. C'.anada.
fISHER . DO:"ALD J.: 1948. Bo, 192. Bergland. Mi('h. 49910.
FITZPATRICK. rERON A.: 19;;i. ~Id..aill lale Park. H:lntock. ~l i('h.
49930, Park upervisor. ~I ich. o..'pl. of ~at. Res urcc5.
fLE IISIG. ALBAN R. R.: 1962.4414 Cook I .. Dululh. ~1inn. 558();>.
fLOR IA. Capl. JEFFREY I. : 1965. 1·IIFA-542. ~1AG 11. 1" MA IV
P.P.G. an Francisco. Calif. 96602.
FOL'l"Z. JOH:" L: 1965. RI.:l. Box :367. Adrian. ~Ii"h. 49221. forester
in Chite. Boar(1 of Mi$Sion~. l"nil('d \1('lhodi~t Chur('h.
FORD. RICHA RD C.: 1960. RI. 1. Bo, 57. fork,. I~'"sh. 983:ll. ForeS(.
t'r. P{'n nin~ula PI~' wood Corp .. Pt. Angeles. Wa:;h.
FO S. ED\\'IX J.: 1948.85.5 Chartes A\('" Alma. ' 1i('h. 48801. Prnj<'!'1
EI1!!in('('r. \ Iichigan III Ie Hif!h ....·a.'· Ocp!.
FOSSA. OTTA VIO Q.: ]%3. P.O. Bo, 183. Lake"'",,,\. lVi,. 541.38. "rr
Assis tant. C.S.
fRA)lClSCO . CE.'E L.: 1968. 3076 K"fl Rd .. POri Huron. ~I i"',.
FRA \'CK, ~t>\RK A,: 1967. no Richard~on PI.. Apt. 4. Cincinnati, Ohio
45233. upervisory Foreman Kopp..·l'l; Co. For. Prod. Dl\isif)n.
FRA~K. LE\'ORD A.: 1960. Muin\'OOOS ;\'at. ~1onunwnl. Mill Valle\·.
Calif. 94941. uperinlcndent of ~uirwoods l~al. Monull'lent. \'31. Pa;k
Ser.. Dept. of Ih(" Interior.
FRAXKENSTEIt\. CUENTHER E.: 19.~. Hillcrcst Dr.. Lebanon. ~. H.
03766. Resear('h Civil Engineer. r.S.A. Cold Regions Research & En.
gineering Labs.
FRANZ. MALCOL\1 H.: 1952. RI. I. lVe" Burke. VI. 05871. Counl'
Foreste r.
tale of Vermont.
FRANZEN, JO HN M.: 1962, 74,5 Gro\'c 51 .. Oshkosh. Wi~. 54901. For.
eSler. City of Osh kosh.
FHEE~I A\,. JA \ I E5 H.: 195.3. 1:28 Bin'h HUll Rd .. Kali~pl'll. \tOIlI.
59901. For.'Slf'r. L.S, Fon'51 S,'ni('!'.
. JH.: 1956. 131-.1;.\. \I inn ..56626. Di~lri~'1 l {an~,·r.
Chiplw\\a ~aliunal Fort-s!. l $. For"~T :-:i,·nin'.
FRI\IOD IC. D.'\ \ 10 \1.: 19.)(). l.:d"·\\'KM! 1':1I1t'. \l:.rqllt'lh·, \ Iidl.
198;),). R"gifmai \;tlurali .. 1. P.. rk~ Oi\ .. \ tiehi)!.. n DI'J)1. ~ .. tur;!1 H,"
~m.r<· (·:<.
Fl C1K. GF:ORGF.: C. JH.: 19·t.:t 7{):3 Kinzie C.,url, \ I,·n:tsha. Wi:: .,~ ~9.~2.
Engirh·,~ r.
\ lnr:tll,oll
CL£ASO:\. CEOIIGE C.: 19.59. P.O. Box 43. ~ I I. Hebron. California
96066. Hi"50ur("(' Assistanl, G. . For~t ~ n· i('{'. Kloniu!h Sational For·
GODELL. LLOYD F.: 1968.83 Thi,d Soulh Range . ~ Ii ('h. 49963.
GODLEV KE. HAIIOLD L.: 1958. Box 46. Park Fall,. lVi •. 5-J.552.
COGI~. JO H\' ,\1.; 1963.9423 \'\;'. Wisconsin Axe. , ~liI\\· aukt'c. Wis.
.53226. aJ...'sman, ~ l ih"auh'C \'al\'t' Colllpnn~' .
GOLl'. LA I~ ' HE\'CE D.: 19':;8. Box 61. Freeland. ~I i("h. 1ll62:3. H.·".. r·
COOD ~I A\,.
J:" IE S.: 1950. 2I:l E. Wil,on 51 .. Elmh",,, . III. 60126.
\rt~5h'rn Dh i5ion Forl'~I ('r , COr'llrllon\\'t~ahh Edi80n
COODH ICH. I!OBERT 1..: 19.>2.146-+ S. h~ 51.. ~kdf"rc\. 0,,·. 97501.
FOr(·511·r. Burnlu <If L,'lnd \ l;tn;lf!\·rn(·nl. Dept. or In!t'rior.
COSZ. JA\l ES R.: 196:3. Collt' g" I)f FM'~;: l ry. l nh,'r... il~ of Idaho. \Ios·
1' 0\\ , Idaho 8:3843.
COTCHER. LEE L.: 196-1. :3 1035 Ad"n" D, .. Gibralt"" ~ I id,. \817.3COrI'WALD. PAl LJ,: 1954. 2916Ta~lor I" \ lnri .wlIl'. \1;l i:s .•~U4':1
Area Fort'!'ti'r. \X'j::;. DepT. of ~alural H,'::;ourn'5.
GRA\,~KOC. JA~n:S f,: 1966.21;) .\. B,'a! SI .. U:; I Lu.n:,;in~. \ lidri¥un
·1-881:3. Cullt-1:!~' I)f ~ :. 1. Hn·ourt'l'::l . \ lil'h. '1:1\1'.
C HA \ [S. 11:\ HOLD J.: 19-+7. 1001 Pit'rl'l' SI .. \Xakdidd. \ li('h. ~9968,
CllnIBLE. DA I'ID G.: 196-1. 11,,11, Rd .. ~ 1 ",,·.·IIu,. \,." York 13108.
GROS\ I A~. JOH;\' \1.; 196-k HI. 2. Hhinplander. Wisconsin 54501.
G L' ERA RD. JA\IES A.: 1961.
..w Hupt·r! • I.. PorI Arthur. OnTario, c.,na·
HAAPAI.A. FREDER ICK H.: 1%-1. P.O. Box 837. Fork,. 11'.,h. 98331.
Wao:hjn~tun Dt-pl. \':rlural Rl'soun'L'::.
H.-\ ·I HALA. JO B\ I\",: 1%7. RI. I. B", 160.0"''''11 . .l lith. 499 16.
Conllor Lumbl'r COJnp;lIl.\.
II A:\ HA LA. PAL L It: 1956. :l189 :\ . .\ It. \ ·i,·\\· Or .. Of!dt'n. L'lnh 8+l-04,
HAE HTEL. PAl'L F.: 196:t \ 11. Ranier \'alionnl P;lrk. l.ollf!mirt·, \\':I::h.
98:397. Oi .. lri"l Hanf!l·r. PMtldi:-t' Oi~lrij · t , \1 1. H:rini"r \':nional Park .
\:rliun:rl Paf'l.: :-;,·nil'!·.
HAKAI....\. JO I-I\ B.:
P.O. HII,\ :280, \.whor:I;!'·, AI:r:-<ka 99,:)0 1.
IIA I..I.ISY. HA Y~IO'D J. J It: 19S2. 20 [ 10th t\ \ " .. '\ l1ligo, \,('j:<, 5--J..U)9,
1-{-\L.LlSY , HICl I.\ HDJ.: 19.~~. Bo'\ 192.::';1. \\;trit'::.I.bhu8:3861. Flir·
Ill:rho Dl'p1.
Ill' Fort'''lr~.
I I ·\ LTI G. K,\ HL D,: 19.;0. 1-[ ~ P""I1,.~han;a. 0I11 ••n:rg;ol1. \ I i, 'h. ~99.1:3.
1I ·\ \j A1.A I\'E,\ ', -\1{ \ I E.: 19 1.9. H21 F;.'\on P:rrl-.\\a~. \X'illiarn:<pur t.
CAH\. II EHREHT: 1967. 2111. For~t':: ,hi'" .\ pl. C. TU(·~(lI1. Arizoll,l
(; \'1'£;0;. \\ ILL! '\ \ 1 '\.: 1966. 2612 Lakl'~ Bhd .. Ol~rnpia. \~ 'a "hin1!wlI
GAl T II IEH. ·\LFBED '1'.: 196 1·.221 \\. Pul.lski. Flint. ~l idr. ~~O.:;.
t:EBIIAHDT. C\HL F.: 196:t HI.:t 81)'\ 86. "'illo\\ Sprint'" \Ii:-::oouri
657c):~. flJr"~h'r . I .S, for'",,! SI.nin'.
Gf]SS. HICIlAHO ::-i.: I%:t 10<) S. 2nd :--1 .. E~I·anaha. \ I ic·h. ~9829.
(;EI.B, TIIO\ I -\~ \ ,: 19.57. lI ~u·lfnr.L \~ ' i:- ..:;:~027,
GEIB\EH. HICI-I ,\HO II.: 1961. 2iO.~ P;lr"on~ SI" \ l idlan,!. \ I idl,
·186w. :'.rlt'':nHlll, Bailt·~ !.uUlhl·r 0),
GIEH"E. DE\~ EY E.: 1966. Fa~"UI" \ li('h. ~9S:30. Sup,·ni,:nr. Bird~,'~,·
\ "'fll't'r Co .. E5'· .. naba. \lj/'h.
GI LBERT. \\' ..\ Y\,E
1967. 00'\
:n·k \lolI:r. lIIinoi:<.
P.'n.1. 17701.
II A\ IALA I\ E"", E, II.: 19-19.72':; Pint':-'1.. \[ar'l'It'I"'. \I i('h. ~988.S.
\'( 'orl-. Lnil COr1:-l·l'\alioll. (.~. Suil (:tlll:'t'natioll 5,'nit·I'.
II A\1.\ I:\X. AH TH l'R S.: 19.m. RI. 8. BII~ 2S1 D.. h ::p,·r. ,\I:lbarna
;~:i;ol. A ::~i,;tar11 Di5-trit'! f'or":O:lt·r. l-l i\\:I:O::O:,' L.and Co.
1-1:\\\'.'\ 1-15. LYLE W.: 1961. HI. 2. Tumahawk. \\ · i~ ..~["U17. ParI-. Plan .
n,'r. \" i:<t'tm~jll D"pl , IIf .\ alur.rl H"::lllIrl·I':<.
II .\ ;\\ I\ F:;\ . ·\I{ \,E ,\ .: 19,:)0.23988 :\ HlIHla l... I nk.'l lt'r. \ l it'h. ,1-81 .11 .
\ I aml~,·r. B'·.1l'fil'i;ll Finltll",· (.0.
II :\:'\'\'I L.A. OU\ EH \'.: 1%1·, BtI'\ 2012. !l in tun·Drinnan. AII:w rt a.
Canada. Fur"Mt·r. Woo,Jland,;: 0pI'ra l ion. ~orth \r,'.'ll .. rn Pul p &- PO\\'t'r
H.\ ;\SE;\'. HOBERT D, : 19.;0. 2381 \'('. :;l r,·d:-:bMO. Pl'nin~ula. Ohio
H:\ \' ~ O\'. DO\:\ [.I) P.: 1960.206 S"lm3. ('.adill:U'. \ lid,. ~960 1.
HA1' 0\. RI CHARD A.: 1969. 205 S. Cenkr Rd .. "g;n, •. .\I;th.
HARJe. ROBERT E.: 1950.214 S. 6th A,c .. Par, F.II,. W;, ..54552.
Fores ter. Lands Se(,lion. Supcn'jsor's Office. Cht'<junmq~on \ '3Iion31
I.. U:\\i~ton .
8.3':>0 1. Timl>t'r \l anngN. Idaho 1iml)('r C.o., Spalding. III<lho.
HORAK. JACK EL: 1959. 1120 Cdlon 51 .. II au,au. \\';,. 5+1<)[. O"ncr
Texaco. -' n i('l' Stalion.
Forcs t.
HAR:-'IA. DEL<\~O J.: 1956. Trimountain. jlich. ~9966. ForNowr. Cop.
per Range Co.
HA R~ I E5. ROL~ '\ 0 JR.: 1963. 2628 ~Ian,field Dr .. E." La,,;ng. ~I ;,h.
48823. Land Appraiser. ,\lichi!J:arl Dcp!.
or \ atuntl
HARR ISO\. "OIDIA:" T.: 196i. 1108 Mr,· ..."n. Algom •. W;,. 5-~20J.
~21 R~('\\oOO
S.: 1969.
:\\('.. E. L'ln .. jnf!. \I i('h.
18823. Grad Studl'nt.
HOR'\ICK. lOllS R.: 19.)(). 272 1I.' mlol: ).. Lalli'. ~prjllgli,·ld. Pl·nn.
19Q6..1.. Chi ... r. Brandl Fort·.. 1 Produ('t~ c llilv.alion. l.:-.F.S.
HOSKI,\(, . HI\ Y\IO,D JR.: 1950.902 \\ . Hughill ~ t .. Irllll \loullt'lin.
uJ)f.·nisor. L',S. PI~\\ OOI.I and (h:lmpi(lIl P:IPt'r~.
HASSLER GERALD A.: 1965. HI. 2, Gall':!' illt' \l otor Courl. Gah.;s\ ille.
Wi ... S-l630.
\I;, ·h. 19801.
lit BB \HI). BEB\AHD S. lit: 1%7. S.·IW~ . \I idl. ·~9883. ~1'11('~ '\a·
HAlG. RO~ALD It .: 1959. 280 Are:~I," Birmin~ll;Im. \l idl. 48009.
Hl LKOFF. JOI-I'\ E.: 1967. 1H616 Indian. D,·lruil. \Iil ·h. l8:HO. Jr.
Fort·';:kr. Cil~ of Dt·unit. l .S, \Iin!ar~ - Kort,;t .
III TCIII,\::;(),\. \llLTO\ J.: 19,~(). Plan\iL'\\ Rd .. HI. 1. :;u .... ,·\.. \rj~.
HAL CE. CHRI TY T.: 195;.119 5th AH' .. :\nli~(l. "i ~. 5-1-109. forest .
\rarehou"l' SUJ>'.·ni~or. l
HOU IES. KE\,'\ETH A.: t95--~. 1117 Eighth
r~ A£:(,·I1I. l ni\('rsjl~ or \'riscon:"in EXI('n~ion s..~ nil·'~.
IIEB\ER. JA~IES: 1968. Bo, 6i. Dol!., B,~. \j;,·h;gan.
HECKEL. WILLlAjl D.: 1959. Bl~ Ranger Station. Bl~. Orrgon97622.
lion.1i \\,ildlifl' RI·ful-!\"
II E I KKI~E~. ALLE.' i H.: 1<).1.2. 1101 O\\ai~~. SI'~aU'll'l" ~Iieh. 49866.
Mining Engincc·r. CIl'\t'land Cliffs Iron Co.
HEIKK I;\ES. DOSALO A.: 19':>9. Lak£·\\<xKI. \t'i!l. 5--U:38. A~~i5Ianl
Oj~tri c ! Ranger. l .. Fore:.1 ~ "ieI;'.
E. :
H E;\'DB IKSE. RAY~10'\D).: 1957.5107 )'lc Kl'nna Hd .• \t:.dison. Wis .
53716. \"000 l ·lilh·..(l.tioll & ).tark.~!ing Sp'-·('iali~l. lalt' of Wi;: .. D.·pl. of
~31. Rt'S.
HE:"I:"CER. RO:"ALO L.: 1968. 1212 H;"~or~ 51.. lI'au',·gJn. III.
HE~DR I CKSE\ . \II CH·\ EL .: 196+. RI. I. G,,,I,,,,1. \I;,·h. 19735.
\'(·o.Klland:. )' Iunagl'r. ( .5. PI~\\ood. Olall1pion PalK'rS Int'.
II EHBST. JO ll X n.: 1963. HI. 2. Rf):\ 416. E.til·anabu. \ Iidl. ~9931. For.
l'stt"r. Cle\·t·land·Cliffs Iroll Co .. Forl';'! ProdUd~ Dh.
HERROS. \t'ILLlA)'1 E.: 1952.
t2:3 \'r. P,lrk SI.. \lartlllt·llI'. \I idl.
,~9885. Diret'tor. SllIle Tt'1'hnit'al S,·" i(·t~. , orllll'rn \l idligan t ni\t'r.
sil~ .
HERTH. ~II C H :\EL H.: 1969. 17062 O('ulw PI,II'I·. ~an Dil~~j), (~llir.
1962. R.n. I. Bm: J..5. Bl)uldl'r JUllt'lion. Wi$.
54512. Fort~!! ll·r. "'i~l'(III:-in Dt'j)t. of Xalur~1 R('Sourt·(,~.
HI CKEY. I)EA~ L.: 196:3. 612 KI'nrwd, ' 1..
JACKSO'\. IR\IA '\D 0.: 1961.5-13 C"d" St .. ,~Pt. E. Ch;lIkolh,·. Oh;o
J:\ COB~O'\, LA\X' RE\CE II.: 19:;0. 272 Kc~ston(' Rt. . Rapid Cit~.
, !)Q)... 57701. Fon'.. II·r. Chi(\I~o & .'\orth\\t·Slt'rIl R ail\\a~ Co.
JA ~O\'. CHARLES G.: 1966. II i \\ . H arn<~ Rd .. E,'o. ~I ;nn. 55i33.
JAR\·!. \X ,\LFRED: 19.50. Il9071I:1rl\\t·11. D"troil. \li(·h. 18227. Qua1i·
h .. uram·{·
Rt~p .. .h",i:-.tant.
0.0.0. OC.-\SR·D.D.S.A.
lE.'\ '\I\G~. TIlt' Rt'\. CLA IR G.: 19·J.8. 502.; l-IarriC"1
\I in lwapolis.
\Iinn. 5.>H9. \Iinii'h'r and I}·an.lnt!,·pt.l.utlwran &-"minnr~ and Bible
H ES LEY. CAHL F.: 196:3. HI. 5. TOI1lllh:l .... k. \ri-. 5-t-UJi. Pholo Inler.
prt'lN :Ind Fort·Sll'r. Stah' of " ·is.
. \\.: 1966. \\ ,·'t Bran,·h. \I;!'I,. Ill66I.
1953. 1-l() Ca1ullw! :hl·.. Calumt·l. \I jt'hi~an
49913. District For('~t('r & Land u"t'~or. Goodman Lumbt'r Di\.
Calumet & Hl'cla.
HE:"ORI CKSO:". ~I EL\' I:" B.: 1968. 2i21 \ . \\ 'H-"n :h t·" Ro~,1 O.k.
~ I i<'h. 48073.
I\I\I()~E\. THO~lo\
JE\\'ELL. GEORGE Eo: 1950. SI"r HoUlt'. Cr"tal ral]'. \1;,·h. 19920.
Lal...e St .. ).linll'·Jp()Ii::. \linn.
.5.S.W6. \tlrth C'ntr;d Fort·-t E'lwrinh'nt ~talion. t .S.F.S.
JOll\SO\. CAHL G.: 19.57. BI8 S. t ~!h:=;'1.. $Iwhon. \~ J,.h. 98.-)84.. ~all'"
Rl'pn·':'I·lIt.ltiH·. lI imli,' j{1';llh. Inl·.
JOII\:-;O\. FI.OYD H.: 19.52. l \ DP PK l()7. \nJ..:tra. Turk,'"
681 ;\2.
COOFHEr B.: 19 Ul.
C'p; lol. Apt. 101. Om.,h•.
~upl'rinll'ndt'nt ' E DI'III .. { .:-'. r itl"lil~
JOJl~:-;O~. J . \~IES A.: 1951. Ill. 2.
FUrl'';h'r. Ford
\ Iich. 199:lli.
101l;\:oi. WIIJJ :\\! E.: 1966. ~llO
99. L'
&- (;1I:lr.lIIl1 .\ Co.
\lic 'iliJ.!.1II 19<),16.
<>nll'r. \Iil-h . TI'('h . l ni\.
\01\\1 ·\\ L.: 1962. Un, 6:l. 51. J"h". \\,,_h. 99171.
IIiETIKKO. 1l0BEHT A.: 196:1. 718 \.,",.~ eh"". 1I",Hng,-. \,·br .
(}8f.)OI. upt'ni;:ur~ .-\pprnis..·r. l. ·. Fi~h & " 'i ldlirl' St'"kr.
III LOEBRA ~O. PH ILIP C.: 1953. Rt. I. B", 259\. Cohm ... \\ "h.
JOII\~O'\. Rl SSELL A.: 19~9. 16-l-O 5prin~ SI.. \l1 'liford. Or,·. 97.501.
99114. District Admini!Hralor. Slate of \t'a~hinglon. DI'pt. of ~;uural
JO'E:;. HI C I-I-\HD~ . : 196k HFI) J. \ (·rrl1iliol1 . Ohio. Ht'I'r";ltion FlIt.""t·
R (,~(IUf(·l'5.
l·r. Lor.lin
HI TES~ I A:". Il lf.lll\ IlD F.: 195i. Iron I\;,,·r. \\';" SIMi.
1%3. R.H. 1. Appl,·lOn. Wis('on~jll .~Wll,
HODl. ED" l '\0 \~ .: 19.52. :3802 \'inl'\ ~rd Dr .. Ih·d .... ood Cil\. Calir.
3n \!akO lIif!:h
\loot:ll1a .5985:3.
Par)" Di:-!rit'l.
, . r..
H OI.~I E. HAROLD E.: 19 ~9 . ..i35 >.; . 7 ~Ih St .. \ I;]."u"·c. \\ ;,. 5:3218.
277(1). Soil
S, ' i,·nli~l.
s.uuthl·:l::1 Fllrt·:.1 ['p"rinlt'nl
Jl DY. CLAHK II.: 1967. F'M,"'tn do
Fon'':'1 Produ. ·ts - F on'Stn St'n it·c·...
91061. Tl·adll'r.
GJunt~ ~lt,tro
JOltGE;\SE\,. 1.\CQt ES H,; 1952. 81)' 12254. R":-"llrdl Triall/!.lt' Park.
II OL LI . DA " 10 \'.: 1961 . .50.3 Jaspn 51. . l~hp(·Ulil1~. \ Iit'h. ~9~H9. Sdf.
"ll1plo~'l'd -
Forl·.. tl'r. Timht.·r \lanagt'nl"nl A:-i'ii'tan t. Bun'au of Land \lanagl·lIl1'n t.
JO\ES. CHARLES G.: 196-~. Ct'l1t'ral Ot.·li\!·r~.
t ni\..
\X ;IIt·~hl·11 \Ialla~I'I11I 'nt :Colurado
FI. Ce,llin ... (~Jlu. 80.:521. (;r;I.lU:lII' Stuilt·nl. \\ ,11 ,·r .. hI'lJ
\t anagl·IIII'lIt.
JL' ~'I'l
\ E\;. GEORGE I.:
R,," ::1.. R"-,,,al,·. \I;,·h.
Jl DD. IU f- IiARD K. JR .: 1969. •I().~ 1\'. Ilid,. I ,,· .. ()',·u<la. Il id,.
KABAT. LEO\ B.: 1%1. tHZinfandd Dr .. ll..iuh. ( ~ll if. 9~t.a:z, Rif!ht.
or' '' :I~ ~I~'t·iali-I. Bun'Ju of i":ll1d \1 'IIl'If!t'tllt'l1l.
K .\1." , PETER A.. 1962. n~ \" 291h St .. u)r\Jlli::-. Ort', 97:330.
K \I.LlO, \\ ILI.I /\ \1 J.: 19.)6, '2:3 W. £a,~h'nla\ <\\1',. ~aull II'. \!ari.,.
~li, 'h. 197R.:t
K \ \(; \S. D \ \ I D \ .: 1969.
K'\ "\(~ ·\5. PA l L
97 t70. Timl)!.'r Sa I.-
I. B." 2 1-0. ()nlona~on. \l i"hi!!un
196:1 :3o:! SE Oal.. ~t.. \pl. J. HOol,.,hurl!' On-,
CUfllrnl"\ \dfllini"lralor.
Hun ';HI I~f Laml \ lan,I"("
K ·\HLI\G. D.\\ ID R.: 1962. \lain 1'11:-1 Oflij 'p. Hl'l1o. \I'\ ,ul.i 89.m.
KA HJ.I'\C. "I LLI '\\' J.: 19.~:l. :2 J.~ GritH.·,. H.-no. \,.\ .1(13 89.)();~,
Lmd .. rt)rt·~h·r. t ;O\F~.
K \H::iTE\.IHClI \HI) II.: 19.::;2. I tOO Franklin. Ber!..I,,\. \Ii, ·h. 1.8Oi'2.
.\~:1i .. tanl :;1·I·rt'lar~. \mt'ri('all :-:",inr:~ & 1~J.Ln AS!lII(:ialillll.
Kn;'EH.JOII;\ .\1. : 19~9. Bo..; 1,.:;0. \l.ul i..llII. Id ... S:iiOI. ;\clmini",lr".
IiI" J\ :-:1i:01:lall t. G:tnh' \l.ul.I!!l·rn,·/lt. \'I;'j"('oll .. in ( :()Il ~I"r\;Ltioll DI'pl.
KEE:-'J .ER. \ EH\: 1969.1 ..,J..I·I\I)(1I1. \\ i... .)~I :~. 1 :-iF:-, Chal"\I(Jrth. (;:1.
KELLE). '1'110\1 \:-; 1..: 1968. 1806·(; \\o".ll11ar Dr .. lI t1up:hlon. \l id,.
~99.31. Gr:tdu •• I1· Slud,'nl. \Iil'h. '1\·1'11. t nil .
KH \l S. \tJ CI-IAEL f,: 196.~. HI. I. Box :311. Iroll \h,ulltuin. \I il'h.
~9801. Fon·JOIt'r. " ·i"f'on!'ilt \I khir::an POI\I'r Cntnp3n~.
KH II rrER. 1l()~ ·1 1.Il C.: 1951. B", 7. Fan"",.!. \ , J. 0702:1. ;;'·1[·
t·ml'lo~t'd. Krautlt'r'", Inl',
KHA" t il l CK. GEOHGE J.: 19,56.2.:;\\ 165 Oorh;, Alt' .. \'I;'lw:ltol1. Ill.
KRF.J CAHEK. DO~ E,: I%,~. 912 11arnplllll Dr .. Dd. OJ..l:thurn:1 i:H IS.
c.apt. I S \F Crt! EII't'trolli\',. Om/'I'r.
KHE::;SBACH. JOH\ \ ,: 19;)6. i6 Jl)I\II~l)n \"'.. Cillt'lh·. \ . J. O :-9:~:~.
\It·thud .. Spt'l·iali,.1. \~ t·.. It'rn [h·tri.· Co,
KRIEG. \III.TO\).: 19t9, tl 102 Gr~·,'nhniflJ.. L:tlll·. PI~nHlulh. \I i"h,
~liO. Contr:u·t H"pn'''''nlalill'. Fi~I1t.'r B,)(I~ I)i\ .. Gt'fwr:tl ,\I.,tur:-.
KHO\BEHG.I\ .\ , .\ .: 19S0, P.O. \30\ 6k ~.)(\\a~. \I id •. ·~98iO. For.
t·~lt'r. l:; SIt·!·1 ()Jrp.
KBO,SC Il '\ \ BEl.. JA \IE~ \ .: 1965. P.O. Btl' :ros. \\onll'llo. \~ i!'.
:;;J9~9. r\~ .. i.. tJnt Di .. lril'l Fun'.. lt·r. :31:111' of \\ i~I·c)il"'in.
KHI \IBACII, TIlt' R,,\. ,\HTlIl H " .: 19,~2. 8m 212. PJr:lp:uuld . .\rJ.. .
721.!)(). Epi,.!'op.11 Prj,·.. !. O;"t·I-::.· IIr -\r kan .. o.l ",
Kl IZE\G .\. ).lEU 1\ L.: 1966, 1615 -\'11\1',.. ~3~iIlJ'\. l860Z, ~'OUI E,·
t·('Ulil t •• S:,~inJ\' B.I~ \rl '.1 Coutlcil.
1\:\ \,17.F.. XX \LTEH F.: 1962, 1I"lr \loon Be·arh. Ch:t",~,'II. \l idl, ~9<)16.
Ail:01itll3nl FOfl·,:;It·r. l PI}t'r P"nin:ouhl Ptlll('r C().
I\:\~ IATKI\X'SKI. JOII\ A,: 1%0. G('n,'ral Dt·li\,'r~ . •\ rlin/!IIIII. \ 'irp:inia
I\: EPPE;\. C.\ It Y II.: 1960. t..369 Cr()alian '_IJ..,·. HI. 3. E'lgll' Hilt'r. \r i...
5t..j21. f)i~lri"1 B.'lltI"r. 1 ~F:-;.
KETCIIBA W. LABBY \\'.: 1%6. 1124 Pilllo~ ;-;L. Rhilwlumkr. \" i~.
5-~SO I.
K1LI.\IAH. "LX\F.TII D.: 19-1D. l.~l"" ~. I:Jlh I .. ["I 'a n.lh". \I idl.
-~9829. Sunl·.llIr. \l i"hil!ulI SI.Ih' lI i~ll\\a~ 0,,1'1.
"1\OIG. EHle 1..: I%i. Co \ .26 En!!r Bn. \PO ~.In FrJfU'ist'.,. Calif.
96.;26. (:l/Illh.11 EII~il\"I'r. I .s. \r";~. \ ·i l·llIum.
K1\ \ I :\E\. DA I I D ell ,I n LES: 1969. 110 IS .1 C". Rd. I;;. Ilinn" 3IX "
Iitl. \l inn. S5IZi. SWlllill:lr~ Studt,nt. Inh·r·LulllI'fllfl '·rlIinar~.
KI\SEY. II A:\DALL B.: 1965. CUrli,. ;Iid,. ~9820 .
1\:1 HSCIlBAI \\. JA\lF.S \C: 19.:;9. P,O, Btl\ 80·l. ~ilO\\naJ...·. Ariz.
8..,97:t Fore:!lt'r. l SF~.
L. \,\I BHEC HT. EH" IX G.: 19.~:t RI. 5. Bt )\ IIi'. Grt·I'n\\/1I1f1. S. C.
29616, Farm FHrt'~It'r. Tilt, \I" :ld Corp.
LA \IPI. ES LI E II ,: 19:';0. 19.~:i KiI,l Hd.. ~;!II I :t Ft'. \ . \11'\ . ~7S01. Fllr·
,·~It'r. '(lliIl11:l1 ParJ.. :-'\'ni"I',
l.\\lPI\E;\. 0:\\10 A.: 19(1S. \ .\. 12i. \\:-: 1.I·lIIum,', California
KIS,I BETH. FREIl ·1.: 1958.6:316 T,h ..· Dr .. Boi,,·. 1<1,,",, 8:170;;. Di·
n·I 'IM. FHr":o1lr~ 01}!'r,ltillll". Id:lho D.·pl. tlf Pubtit- l.aild~.
Kf'rn ,E, flO\ \1.1) F.: 1%6. 1<>0+ PO>1f:l' A\t·.. Killt','n. T,·,o.l:01 i6~H.
KLA \BIER. HO, ,\1..1) E.: 1961. i ~9 \I il'hi/-!;Ht :\\1' .. il:UIII' Cn·l'k. \I it'h.
L-\ \D(;n \FF. OO\:\ LD x,: 1961. 2119" ind\It)fMII ..lIlI'.l1·lifurd.lud,
~9017 .
KX ;\I:tP, CLYDE ,\ .: 19~9. 11653 " \X'aLl\\nIH~a HII .. \I t·<)uon. Wi:,.
,~:w'):2 . Hi~ll1 .of. \\ .t~ Offilw. l SFS.
lion ACE
II.: 19':;8. 11 50:; \X'. COUllt~ I.ilh' HeI .. \I il·
\\ :I(IJ..,.('. Wis, 5:j22'~. Ft)(t·~h·r. Di\i~ifllt of Timllt'r \l an:tl!I'lIIt'lIl. E;:I~I'
I'rn Ht',;::ion. l ,S, fort':-I ~I 'r\ i,,(,.
L \8) .\ K. Dr. LEO F.: 191-1. 6120 :;~h.Ul Dr .. Cu\umlli.I,:'. C. 29206.
L \ \IB. DE" \IS \1. : 1%8. :!.39 \~ oodl:l\llI SI .. \\, iIHtl'I>t't:, 12. \ \:tuiloba.
4·7 ~21.
I.;\;\GI..OIS. KICII ,\ Hf) ).: 19;)6.
292~ T:I ~lor ;0;1.. \1.lrint'llt'.
",I I ~l.
KE,;\'ETt-I B.: 19.5:t Bu, :296. \l i......oul:t. \10111. 50ROI. H,"
Cih','k S. ·:III'r. l .S. Fnrt'~1 St'r\ in'.
I. \TIIHOI'. KE\,' \ ET II ,X,: 1%-1, Bo, ;«),1. \\ hill' :-:1\.111, \\ .I .. h. 98952.
I.A H S()~.
K~If.F. VA \ II) c.: 19.:;'1, HII, .~2. " .. rbur ~prin~l'l. \ lit'h. ~9ilO.
KOCII. JEH()IIE IWIlEIIT, 1:\:39 11, ...<1. G"·,·,, Ba~. 1\ i,..;'1:\0.>'
KOR$EBEHC. I<JCII \H I) G,: lc).~. HI·d L"J..I·. \l inn, 566il. Flln·:o1l1'r.
Dlorl. of Ih,' Inl!'rior,
KO~KEI.A. n :\\ II) J.: I%S. 12925 Kt'lI~ HI! .. \pl. 2. Dt·lrui1. \I il'h.
LA TOC IIA . "II.LI;\,\l F.: 196-1-. 1.I·'t' rin~. \l i"h. ~97;);) .
1.:\\ EHDlERE. nEl BE\ J.: 19n, 9:}:l \11 'lIIori:.1 Dr .. \I.t .... mh. III .
61 ~ss, Farm Fort'~ll'r, IlI in!)i", Dhi,.ion of Fort'~lr ~,
I.E,\( :II. PAl LJ,: 19.~1. '1 F\·dl·r,ll \\'all'r l'olluliol1 (:lIIllr.. 1 \d LII .. 91)
KOSKI. DOl GI.:\:-I J.: t9.3:t 2 12 '\. \\t'll .. :-'1.. KI"" ·;u"J..o. )' I i~ ... 390()O.
l nil Fort':,tl'r. Inll'rnal;ol1al Papt·r.
KOTlI.A. I'ETE H E.: 19,)0. P.O , 13<1\ 2268. \\. ·.. 1 I)"lrn 13..·:ll'h. FIJ.
:t3402. Op",.llioll" (~HJrllin;tllll'. Il:lharn.t \~ri('uhurJl llIllu"'lril · .. ..
Andr(1:- 1 ~l:tl1tl. B.lh.IIIl.I",
KHA\IEH. JOII~ G.: I<X)I. Ii Jud~on ~I .. eWlon. \ . ) . l:i6li.
\\'alilul :-il .. F"lil'ral Bid/-! .. l\: al1~.I~ Cjl~. \ li>'~lIlIri 61106.
I.EADE H, ~IEL\ IX \,',: 105:t \1 :lr~\ill, ' Br.lllt·h. B,,\ IB.~, (;.·<lr;.WIH\\ 11.
~. c. 29 (..(.('), Fon '.. Il·r. KllpP,'r:! CAl .. hit'.
LEBO, CI..-\ HI\ .t.: 1951. 1 :~()5 \rtHM!I\,trd ...... jl1t! ~rllrd, \I i"h. 19001.
I.EE. D,\\ II) \.: 1<).)6.219 \\ . 2ml ~I .. Lllh~lIlilh. \\ j~, 51.HIK \ .... i.. l·
ani f)j .. lri,·1 Furt"'I,'r. 11'1'1. of \ :tll/r.LI HI·!'ourl '(':-. nil . lit' (~HI~.
I.E lfK r:H. (;EOHCF. F.: 19.:;H, 17;~ Clt'rulIlill :-:1.. \ uli!!ti. \\ i... ,)-J.l()9,
Ar(,3 Supl'ni~or. Blislt'f Hug! Control. Slut(· of "'i$\'ol1$in.
LEHTOL:\. E\ EHT \1. : 19;~1. So, 14~. ~Iilrbl,·. \linlll'.. 013 5576-~.
LEICH\I;\\, "II..LI ·\~1 \\.: 19~i. 64.'30 Da .... soll Bd .. Cilwilln:lli. Ohio
452l.1 Pla.... lii, S31l·~. \lmls311lo Owrnil'al
01'1>1. of (nlt'riof.
LE\\ IS. RO' ·\1..0 D.: 1962.1',0. So'\; 260. Blut' Ri\t'r. Ort', 97 u;~, Sihi·
Lf.WI~. W.4.R'\EH
~I I\ '\AOO. HOBERT :\.: 195:t 327 \\ . 41h !'il .. PorI Clinlon . Ohio
1959. 1118~.'quoia. Klamath Full!'. Ort', 97601.
97 · J..~9.
LIG HTFOOT. CHAHLES L.: 1969. Ill. 1. Elk ~I ound. I\,i,. <>';:19.
Li\DBEHC. HICIIARD D.: 1956. Rio l. On'gml. Wi~. S:~575. SUI)('nj.
~()r of Spe-"- "i<ll Projl·t'l~. \ri~("onsin 01'1)1. of '\Blur:!1 Rt~()ur(·(·:!. Di\, of
L1'\JAL·\ . EO\\ AHO ')'.: 1968. Sj~rn(l Hho F'r:ltl·rnil~. Chas:l:dl. \Ikh ,
LlY!"El.II ,I " . mEDEHICK II .: 1958. BI,,·'<1u.". ~liOlOl ..566:10.
I SF:;.
Pup<·r \Iill Supt.·rinh'l1dt'fll . l 's. G~~um G,.
11lCHAEL R. C.: 1968. \lox 66:l. UH :1. li:u'Oli,·k. Onla';o.
Canada. St'Ilior E('onorni~l. Gm. or C.'1n:ub. D"I'" of Fi~ll('rit's & Fon,,.I.
\-IATEBO. 1):\ 'iJEI..'\.: 1962. 1608 \ . Kilpalrit·l.. Chi(,;)~IJ. Ill. 60630.
~IATS()\. Pt\l L 1...; 1954. HI. l. 13m. 60:3. (A.'nlralia. \'('a!'h, 985:31.
D,'pl. Qr \at. R"!Oourt'I':o,
~1 ·\ · rrILA. DAVID \\ .: 1961. HI. 1. BII\ 267 C. Bru .. h PrJiril·. \X'ash.
LlY!"\ER. DA I III H.: 19(}c1. RI. 3. Albnw. ~Ikh . 49709.
Lrrn.F.. BICllABIl B.: 19<>1. RI. 1. Olilli,olh,. 111. 6152:J.
LlT·r~. en \ \'1' 1.0lIS: 1969. 100 Irlm 51.. \'IIn\a~. \f ic·h. ~9870.
LlZE"BY. GEOHGE \~ ,: 1953. 182 Rt·d\\lMJ(1. Tr\l~. \t id~. t.8()8..~. 5.'1"
lilll1 Fun·man.
CUII:!'olitiall'd Ga!l..
LOCEY. CHAIG T.: 1961. Go" 15. Buuldt'r JUlll'liull. Wi... .>-...~12.
LOCI\\'(OOD.J.I\CK I).: 19';4. HI. 2. Bo\ J..3.k &~nl'Cil~. \lil'h.49712.
For":O!l·r. \lil 'higan Ot·pl. of '\;llural Hf':-tJurl'l·:-.
1.0HI"G. TIIO\l r\S J.: 191-6. l SF'S. 517 Gold S\\. l\1hutlul·fllul·. '\ .
\h'''. 87101. Fort·:-!l·r. Siah' & Pri\.lh· Fon·:<lr). l ·SFS.
LOl CIIHAY.JOH,\ J.: 1951. RI. I. 11\(';):-;)111 !.';Ikl·. )'l il'h. ~9272, St'lli,)r
l{i~hl'l)f.\\ 'u~ A('tIUi~iliun Sup,·ni,.or. CoII~Ull1t'r~ PO\\t'r Co.
LO\\,I::LL. TIIO)'It\:i E.: 1%9. HI. I. E:'f!lt" ~li('hig;ln 48822.
Ll :"'IlBEKG. JOll\ F.: 19,;<). \l", 4. AIl",I'I"",·. Ir;, ..;1101..
I.l SK. CHEGOHY .\1.: 1969.5-10 HiH' r!'>idt'. \11'rrill b,land. HI. :J29,52,
\tAOIS-O'\. JA Y c.: 1963.2118 \tollrot' I.. ~orth Ik·1ll1. Ort'gull 97 "':;9.
~I:\DI SO '\. Rlr.IIARD J.: 19,=)i. Bt,\ 171. Hought on. \Iidl . ,~9<-):J1. :\:...
~i .. t;)nl III upt'ril1h'ndt'lll of Op'·ralions. l'PPt'r Pt'oin8ula PO"t'r Co.
\IAII I\ LAK. \\ II.LlA~1 J.: 1961. Bo\ ni. ;\(lubill\\:l~. ~I it'h. ~9762.
Area F(Irt':l:1 SUI)!'ni~Qr. ,\lit'h i~!a1J Dl'pt. ur '\alural Ik~uur!'("~.
~tAIIHI'\GEI·t EHle B.: 1966. P.O. 80\ 302. HOlI~hltln . \lil'hi!!(l1l
:-"IAHY. J)E'\~IS ~l.: I%l. 6n 1I:II11iit ulI 51.. Purla!!l'. W i~t·tlll~ill
5:1'J() 1.
).tAKEI.A. 1I0\X :\HO J.: 19l8. Bo\ 96. ,uthr:wf!". :-..tidligan 4996:t
\IAKI. AH'!' I-Il H T.: 19t8. 196.~ Eu,·tid t\\ l,· .. Klam:alll Fall ... Ort'Wm
97601. \\1)(KI8 \l;atHII-\I'r, \'( 't·~ '·rhal'u:-.l·r W.
~1:\KI.I.I. KE~'\ET III I.: 196:t BtI\ :366. \\':lh.'r~lI1t'I'1. \lit·hi~'111 ~9969.
\I:\KI. WILI.lA .\1 0.; 19.37. 16.1 \I "ad!)" Park Crt·;o,I'I'IlI. 5.lUit 511'.
\tari,·. Onlario. C.'lnalia. lIi/!h sl·hool Il'adlt'r.
~IAKIF:. HOGEH L.: 1967. :H:3 Grali,,1 St.. Coppn Cil~. \l idlig,1I1
49917. F'nrt'~kr. Connur Ftlrt'Sl I nilu"lrit~.
\1 ·\KJ\E,\ , HICIIO\llD L.: 19:;0. 51:t2 RUto.~'1I HtI .. H'H'I.\illt·. \ttl .
20a:;:l. Ch il F:1l!!iu,w. I ,:-" Arm~ Celrp. . tlf Engin,"·~'
"AI. .... OFF. \Iaj. F:I GE.'\E fI,: 19.:;S. 11 5 Crai~ Dr .. S.I\(llIn.ll1. (;"lIr!!i:1
:H to,~, (~UI1I1lJlld,'r
{\ ir
Oirt"'1 Supporl I lIil. lIul1l"r Arrn~
~H, "TilEY.
ER,EST 0.: 1966. 215 Cla~ I.. Blu;·',bur~. 1 •. 24060.
OO\r\LO 5,: 195:3. 1017 Ba\\ ~()f\ Plal'l'. F'r\~/llonl. Ohio
~I I\SO;"' . DA \'10 ~I. : 1968. ·14-16 \\ ild\H,od. '\ 0. 12. '\orlh B,·nd. Orf'~on
For~1 ~'r\it'(·.
DO,\ ,ILIl 1..: 19,>0. 255·1 Dd"OIo DL. 11,,'·001. Ga.
312()'1. Landmall. J, ~1. Hubn Corp.
~ I AS\ ·\OO.
LEIT\EH. LOR I\ W,: 195.5. Bo~ 67. ll oop:•. Calif. 95$.16. FOrl-OSler.
l'uhur:lli~1 (SUpt'r\i!'oor~ Fort'~Il'r), l
HOY 0.: 19;;:~.
\1" HITr\. FLOYD J.: 1<x>O. II' J:I." Y Cl)rp~ Con,,\,nalit.f1 C'lIlt'r.
\li<'lti;:;l11 W601,
\tA'ITSO\'. GARY E.: 1966. 61 ~ \1a1·D,)lJold A\(' .. Apt. 207. 'lUit Sll·.
~lari(·. Ontario. Canada.
~I,\'rr~u.'\. TOI\ 0 \1.: 1952. :lO7 \\ 1';o,I,'~ Tt·mplt' Btd~ .. \linnl'apoli ...
\Iillll . 55403. O"III'r. K. J. Clark!'IJIl Lurnlwr Co.. \tinn('(lPQli'"
\IA YF:N.. BEIl'\A RD J.: 19.57. 3201 ~E John:-.on. R~t'burg. On', 97470.
,\Ianagl'f. Bureau of 1...Jlltl \hIlHl!!('IIlI'nl,
0.: 1967, 1.5088 \\anl. Dl·lroil. \l idl. iS227.IJJa·
1(1)11 u·adl·r. 20lh EXCR B\' .. \ ' it'lnafll. l .~. :\rlll~.
\I('OO.'\ALD. HOGEB.K ,: 19~9. 5:~:Jlh HiH'r 51.. Onhln:lgn!l. \t it-h.
4-995~t E"""Uli\(' Vi(·I··PrNill'·llt. fir~1 \ :llioll:ll Bank. Ouollagon.
;tol e;to!A'\1'5. OO \ :\LO: 1967, \Xult'rfor". ;tolieilig.fll.
~lF:IEH. HICHAHD J.: 196:( l.S.S. Inc\t'I>t'nd(·I\t·'·. C\' A·62. FPO ;\cw
York HXX>l. C.S. Di\isi{Jn oml'!·r. l .5, ~U\~.
;to1F:LLSTO\1. LA \\'HE.'\CE W,: 1966. HI. I. Bo\; 20·A. I(lm Hi\t~ r. ;toli('h·
ip:un 499:~S.
~t£TSA . t\I~~E A.: 19·~7. So\ 3 10. G\\inll. ~ti\'hip;an 19SJ.1. An'a For(·"h.'r. \Ii"h, Dl·pt. or ~(\I . Ih-sour,·c'ji:.
~!F:VES. KE:~~ETH 0.: 1963. 1725 '\ . Blh 51 ... lwbC1~f!.al1. \\i"C'OI1~in
\I ('OA '\IE1.~"':.J()lI'\
:-"1 EYER. FLOYD J.: 196-t 91.:3 '\\X Charlt'r Oal.~. Ho~{~hu rF' Ort'.
~II KICH. AHOE\' R.: 19,57. Ihnger Sl:Ilicm. 1..:t1."\\UUll. Wis. 54138. Oi~·
Irit'! Han~{'r . I..:tkt'\\ooc:l Di .. uit·t. '\il'olt-I \ :llion:a1 Forl'~l . L'.S. FOrt':'l
:;"(\ ict'.
11ILLEH. HOBEIlT L: 1963.80, 691. Gla,~"". ~111<'1. 592:lO. D<pl. of
;tollLLEH. HOBEH'!' \X.: 19·1O. Kilt"tl in :II'liol1, Pit'ndo\(\ 1$lt·. 1945.
~11 U.EH. \\ ' II .L1A~ 1 c.: 196.5. 1O:~5 Sihl,'~' Graflt~ Ibpids. ;tolil'h. 495()..t
;to IILL.~. HARBY c.: 19,~7. 422 W()(KI\il'\\ Or .• un Prairi,·. Wis. S:3590.
FOrt·:<IN. Slali' of "i~I ·CH1~in.
~lO~TA~1BO. KEITH H.: 195.S. 203 Thinl 51 .. Cr~8lal Fall~. ~Iil'h .
,t992{), om"I' ~1:lIlaf:.,·r. Ki'"t"'fl:lW L:'lful A ~~x·ialiun. Ltd.
.\IOOHE. JOII,\ 1'.: 1958. Bo\ 3:{9. \~ · i.;:.gil1s. 1(\;lhll 83.;'19. Salmon Rhl'r
H!ln~,'r OJ .. l.. l.S.F.S.
~IOOHE. 1:<1 1.1. TIIO\lA5 C.: 1966. 51" ~9. Del Rio ~t obil(' HOIllt!s \,il·
I,tgt" 1>.-1 Hit). Tl'\a~ 7Bill{),
\100HE.Bl '\ ,\EY. ROBEHT S.: 19;;1. I.. ~ HINt SI .. ))r~d'·II. Onlariu.
r,an.lda. Chid For.·,.!t·r. Dr~d"11 Pap"r Co .. LId.
IIOIWF:\. II ILLI ·\l1 E.: 1962. HI . 4. s,,' 1O.1l. Gol,·,,,,d,. 111. 629:38.
Celll"r Dirl'<'Iur. Cull'onda Ci\ili:tll (~Ul~"(\;tli()" (A'''h'r. l'. .IlA .
\IOSIiElt E1.AI\E c.: 1961. HIIlIle' 1. Bm. J.:36. AUI1l~\ilk, Orl~. 9732;;.
:;'t · rt·lar~. \\ ,·:<It-rll Farlllt·r.... .\ ....',,·.
\IY£R ~ .
JO, E.: 1968. 1505 Shad~ l..ant,. O.... a~ ,.(I. ;\lidliga.n
,\A;\,CARROW. DA\'!D R,; 1967.108 '. 2nd SI .. Granfl HUH'fl. ~Ii ('h,
"\A 'CARRO\". \~ ILLIA \1 J.: 1947, D('nd.j i...1\';'l'to, :'I1 ('Ki nk~ P3rk.
Alaska 99755. S(,\f·t'mplo~t'(l.
~f.LSO'\. JOH;'\ L.: 1966.744 W. \'('o13hinglon. Ca lcdon;a, \I inn. 5592l.
Di~tri('1 Forc~l(' r. \tinnt'~o t3 Clnsl'nulion DqH.
~ELSO\'. HOO:-\EY L.: 1961. \lirror Lakl' Stah' Park. RI. 3. Bar;li)()c),
Wi.;;. Park \ianugl'r. W i.~('on.5in Dept. of ;'\olUral Rl'...our('t'~,
'>;ErBALEI\. CLIFFORD A.: 1951. 1'.0. Bo, 171. F"d",,1 Wa~. \\",1..
98002. Dt':sigm'r, Bodng Co,
'\ E\\ \1<\\. LI. AL-\'\ G,! 1968. c/o Fredl~ril'k L. Frchq'l1. 507 Chur<·h
I .. Do~ It'~t()\\ n, Ohio 41-230.
'\ICKLE. OO\ALD G.: 1959, 9Ol- Palnwrofl Dr" Yuma. Arizona 8.5364..
taff :\s..:i;;tanl, Lo\\t'r r,olorado RiH'r ulnd l H' Onil'I', Dq)1. of I ntNi.
'\ICOLSO\.JOH'\ A.: 1<)6.l-. il750:-"t'o Hd .. = 12. \lillllt'.Ipoli:-. Minn.
55429. Rt'iwarl'h AI'~i,.tant, l ni, . of ;\linl\,
' IELSE\. CHAIlLE P.: 19.;0. 5608 Old,' POSI Rd.. ,I>,,,i<l. Ohio
4.3560. Vin"Ph'siti{'nl, Cent'ral :'I lanagn Woodland:-. O.... l'n:.·lIlilloi~
Inc. (Forl'~t Protlu(,l~ Oil.)
XIE\tl. WE '~ l.EY 0.: 19,57. Blf\ 131. Ahmed". \I ich. l-9901.
"I E'>. CHIHSTOPHER: 1962. P.O. Bo, 188. Ando,,·r. ~I ..,. 018\0.
~II · ER. CHARI. ES R.: 1958.338 Gari,nd \\ ,,: ". Salem. 0,,·. 97303.
'>OBLET. JOft '>
1950. 1919 23rd ,I., ... Es..,,,,ah,,. ~I;,· h . 49829.
Prc~id(,nI. Soo Hard .... (KK1!!. lilt'.
~OBLET. PETER ,\,: 1955.220 E. 131h AH' .. Sault Sit'. ~ I aric. ~t i('h.
49i83, Ra" \Iatl'rial Procurt'lllenl. Soo lIitrd .... M~ Int'.
~ORGARD. HOBERT E.: 1950, i8--t.6 \ladi-on. Sprill~ La\.;,(' Park. \-linn.
55432, \'1ct' Pn·toidt·nt. \1a('Cilli~ &. Gibbs.
C'lORKOLI. IIAY~I O:,\D If: 19.>1. .119 E. '>;d""n " I.. Cad;!I,,·. \I ieh.
XOHLI'\ . JOH;'\ R.: 19,:;i. 124l- Gt'fmono A\t'. E. R~l'burg. Orl'.
97470, H l'all~ pt.'ciuli~l. BI..\1.
~ORRIS. :'I'IAX E.: 1966. P.O, So\. 1. AJ:.hlund, :'lIon lana 5900:~. Hadar
!llall. rs Na\ ~.
,OHTO:'\, DA\'IO M.: 196-1. 1107 Anderi'!on Dr .. Lt-Cil l i11(--. La. 71466.
O"clIs· lll inoii'!.
SORTO \. DO LGI..AS ,: 1961..5685 c:'lsllcton Lane. Kalamazoo. \l i<'h.
NYG RE:-\, HAR OLD '1'.: 1961. 11().1. Hille-rest Dr .. \ 'i('l1l1a. Va. 22180.
Fon·slt'r. Dh·Firt' Conlrol. \'( a.;.hill~lon Orril'C. l"
O'DO~i\ELL , \'('tLLlA~1 A. : 1960, ;~ l K ill~:: St .. Porl'ul1i111'. On lario.
Canada. \1:IIl:tgt'Ill"nl For,'.. It' f". Ontarion 01'[>1. (If Lund:- and FOrt'51~.
Al.A'\ G.: 1959, 1008 2;)111 A\t' .. '\ I1I'lwragt'. :\1:I .. k•• 99502,
Rif!hl .of.\t' a~ :\ ~I'III, Dt'pi. of H igh\\..1~'" 5talt' or \ b~l..l1.
0 1 O~. CA PT. JA \I E5 \\.: 1966. lI ou~hll)n, \I il'h. ~9931. OPf'ralit)ll~
Om,·cr. 7 ORD. co. (SA) (0 IG ') Kor,·<I.
OLSO;'\. \'tALTER A, JH.: 1953, 1700 Calullwl. '\ t·\\ Hol . . lt'in. \\" i~.
O\IER\ICK. DO'\I\LD J.: 196.~. 1.).0. Ao'l: 8i. '1'\\11 IInrimr.. , ~Iinn .
55616. Distrit,t For\'sta, \linncsola Lands & Fon..'St r~,
\1·ALD. WILLlA~1 P.: 1966.724 E. 611. 5..... Paul. ~Iinn . 55106.
Fon'sll'r, \l illll('sota Dept. of Hi gh\\a~s.
OTI'O O~. OA\'IO E.: 1955. 2310 John St.. Sault SIC. \Iuri(', \1 ich.
19783. \rork l'nit Consl'rllI tionist. Soi l ConSt'r\'lIlion 'nicc. L'S DA ,
PADDOCK. ROIl ERT 1\'.: 1961. CS F5. Gl idden. \1'i,. 5-1527.
P. \Kt L·\ . THO:'lIAS \ .: 1968.302 Wa,.hington A\\, .. Stambaugh. \l ich.
PAHSO:\S, SA \t CEL J.: 1951. 15500 Auburndale, livonia. \I ich.
48 152.
PAR 51'E:\. \Iajor LAl HI F.: 1953. 517 Li~htning . K.J. Sa"~\.'r
A. F,B .. \I it'h. ~9843. B,5:2 Hadar '\ad¥a tor, C, , Air Fort't',
PARTA , E\', PALL A.: 19·1-8. III Wallinwood. East Grand Rapids.
\I i('h. 49503. \I anagcr. Pl~ ....·ood Produ('I~ . AnwriC'an St:ating Co.
PARTYKA. Lt , El GE~E J,: 1961. 1342:'\. HaY\\'(ml, Lott i\ ngdl's. Calif.
PA TORI. FRED ~1. ; 1962,4596 Barr('11 \'('n~. , alem. Ore. 97302,
FOrt~la, BDt.
PAL LSO~, :\EIL R.: 195i. Cit, Elum. Washington 98822. Hl'sl'ar{'h A~­
I'istanl l ' F'S.
PEKKALA. OLlI'ER ,,'.: 1950.407 51h I.. W,,,,,I~. Ohio 45690.
PE:,\BE llTIlY. HOBEHT J.: 1953.9701 5E ~kLo ughli". ~1iI,,·aukcc.
Ort·, 97222, \Iannf.!:l'r T\',(.'hni<'ul Applil'llti(JI15. Ornllrk Ind. Inc .. Oregon
Chain SU I\ Oi,.
PEPPER. ADtO\ A.: 1959.484 6th :\I e" Parks Falls. Wis. 54552. Per.
sonncl ~tanage r. Kansas. C it ~ Flambeau PafX'r Co.
PERAMAKI. ~II C H AEL II.: 1968.225 Chu rch 5.. . Algom•. I~' i,. 54201.
Foreman C.S. PI~"ood Champion Paper,
PETERSO:,\. RAY~I O ,'>;D D.: 19'>0.909 41h A'·e. 511'. Grand Rapids.
\linn , 5574-1-. Eighth Grade iencc Tcachl~ r.
PETER ·O:'i. HOBEHT C.: 195i. 1416 Colvin 5.. E..,•. N. Y.
1:3210. Technical Scni('(' En~ inccr. I. Regis Paper Co.
PETER50:'\. ROCER E.: 1950. 1019 For.. 1 A.... Piqua. Ohio 45356.
Log bu~t'r, l-lartzdl Ind , Inc.
PHILLIPS. GRECOIlY ,1.: 1966. Oahood Trail"r Villag.. = 20. R.. 2.
Wa\'ne!C\'ilk, Missouri 65583.
PHILLIPS. ZACHARY '1'.: 1965. 2905 Edgeo,ood. ~Iidl,nd. ~Iicl,.
PIEHL. THO\IAS W.: 1963. 1006 Hamilton. Mi nneapolis. ~Iinn . 55416.
PIEPE"BRI'>;K. HOI\'ARD H.: 1961. Bo, 205. Ash land. Wis. 54l!O6.
PIERCE. PAL L ~ , : 1966. Box 392. h~phentto n. :'I1 ieh. 4988i, Forester.
\l it'higun O('pl. of ;\atural Rl'souf('l.'S,
PIERCE. RI CHARD 1..: 1949. Bo, 900. Dull ... Tcm 75221. Scnior Re.
St':m'h Cl·(llop;ist. Mobilt' Oil Ih'St'arl"h And Dc\eloplT1l' llt Corp.
PIETILA, JA~IF.S A.: 1965, HI. I Blue L'lkc Rd .. Millocqua. Wis. 54548.
Forc:: ti'r. Collllllis~iullt'N of till' Public Lands,
PI1P:\Hl~E:\ . LI\l HI I.: 1967, iB08 Colt-at e AH'.. Cll' wland, Ohio
l--~l02. Cr:ulU;\ll' Studt'li t. lnhersil\ of :'Ilin n('s()ta.
PIHIE. JA \lES A.: 1965.235 ,urlh O~"ll' ~lillC:;. South Pon'upint" On.
ta ri(l, Canada.
PLOl HDE. A. EAIlL.: 19';0. !:l01 Lak",ho,,' Dr .. Glad,lon.·. ~I i,·h.
, ~98:l7. lJin','!or tlr Op,' rali()n~, Habi[;lllt Shops Int·.
I'OLECHECK. JO ~ ~TH ~" E.: 1968. Bi ~ Fall •. \lin n. 56627.
PI{ESTO'\'. DO\' H.: 1961. l,l(j E, Colu mbia :\' t· .. Ballll' Cm ,k . l\lil' h.
190 I.>.
PH I E. LESLIE D.: 195i. P.O. Box Wi. Wea\'erville. Ca lif. 96093. Re.
soun '!' Omen. C.S. Foresl Sen·icc.
Rl ·SI\C. RO\ALD L: 1966.6276 '('\\arl.. Alt· .. ('Jli(·ago. 111. 60631.
Pll'HI. CA RL R.: 1969. 41 :~ Crippl'n St.. C1dillac. ~l idl. 49601. A~sisl·
I{Y:\~. J:\~'IES :\ .: 1966. 1308 E. 1I.11i'h .'1.. turf!is. ~lidl . 49091.
HYE. JA\1 ES A.: t961. 2825 E. .\Iillbrook Hd .. ~It. Pleasant. ~Ii('h.
\.8858. Inslru t'lor. L-S Arrn~.
H an~er. C.S. Forest Scnitc.
QULLlA ,11. 1l0XALD A,; 196i, Ill. I. Box 48, H,,,,,ock. >I;'-h, 49980,
RcscJ.rl'il Forcst!'r Truir1('c. rSFS ~orlh C'nlral Expc:ritnt'/ll IUliun.
HADTK E. IHJBEHT A.; 1963. ;'~12 II. 1);11 Ild .. ' Iil""k"". I\'i, .
.~3218. Cl1t'll1i::t. 51. Rt'gi$ P(llwr Vi .. :\ortlwrn Pap(·rhoard ~lill~ Uh.
HAI S,I XE~. ROBEllT H,; 1951. I~~i ,~h"1<','k 51 .. .ll oh."k. >I ;'-h.
49950. ;\ 8si~tal1 t \la Land and For~·.o:lr~ OqH .. l 'pper Peninsula
POI\er r.c).
RA:\DALL. \X'ILLlA\1 K.: 196 1. Firt'~IOI1f' Planl[llion~ Co .. Htlrhe!. Li.
l>cria. Wr'st Afrit·:I. r()m~lt'r. Firl'stoll~' Plunl31iolls Co.
RECI-Jr\ . PAl L '1'.: 19·~9. 914 Pim' SI .. H3n(·0('k. ~l idli~tln 49930.
HECTOR. J O H~ H.: 1966.33 Thl.\t·r. FI. l,..{'on;lrd\\{)o(\ . .\lis:.ouri 6':;173.
REED. L1FFOHD G.: 1961. Box 3.~3. Whilt' 51\(Ul . \X 'ash. 98952. For.
('slt'r. Bureau of Indian Affair~. Yakim:1 HCH·rlaliun.
REID. Dr. LESLIE ~ I. : 1951. 1202 P"rshing :he .. Colll'gt· Stution. Tl':\a,ll.
77843. Head. Dept. of Parl..s &. Hel'(eati(JIl. TC:\lIs A&~I l'nhl·rsih.
RDII.\,(;TO~ . .\"OR~'iA'\ \X '.: 1961. 2139 2..J.lh A\l·. S.. E:;l'anab:l.. \ 1il·il.
49829. Stall' Lt·adcr. Whitt· Pine Blister Husl CoI1 II'V I. .\I il.-, hi~an Ol.·pl.
of t\ gricullure.
Il Et:S HEL. Tii EODO RE ,II.; 196+, iJ<" 75. Bcu);,ldlid,. 4961 i. A"'J
Forr·8kr. Iklsie Hil't'r SI ~lI e Fon'st. ~l ichigal1 Dl.'pl. or SllIum] HI"
HI II AHDS. FHA~K E.; 19.';1. IQ02 ,l ite" Circle. HI 6. 1\',Id I"k.·.
;\Ii('/I. 48088.
HI CKERD. H OD~EY L.: 196J. 226 E. 141h Ave .. :1U1t Ie. ~ll1ri,'. ,\ Iit'h.
ROACH. ROBERT \'.: 1956. Pa rI.. Fulls. Wi:::. 54.552. Fon·illl'r. \X'is('()JI:;'
in Conscnation Dq>t.
ROU Bl XS. El'CE\E .: 1962. 6:~:3 E. Lin ro1n. Tomahawk. Wis ..S4-l-87.
Rt's('ilreh Fort;~tl'r. O\\enil. lliinois.
HOBEHT. KE)1.\" ETH 1'.: 1956. 24.:) E. ;\'1'lhl'(I\ (I(Ki SI .. Orr'lIon. Wi.::.
5:3.575. Pla nt I ndus tr~ Dh .. Wiilr'ollilin Dt·pl. or Al!ritulture. ~l adisoll.
HOBEHTS. FLOYD D. JR .: 1963. 973 Arf:~le. Ponlia,' 480;):3.
ROBJ;\ :·O~ . EDGAR C.: 19.~3. 5:34 Dp3rborn :\\ 1' .. Sllt'hon. WlIsh .
98.584. Forester. Sillll./Son Timl:x:r Co.
HODDE\:. I3HIAS J.: 1968. Dj·arhorn. ~Iir ·h.
ROCE HS. FI~ ED J.: 19--l3. 9i1 '''is.\:ollilin Hhw :h r: .. Purt Ed\, :trd~.
Wis. 54469. Forester. ~('kO()illl Ed\\':lrtl:o Paper ('.0.
ROGEHS. .\II CHA EL \'.: 1<)6.~. 12914 Forrr·r. Dr·troit. ~· I idl. ·1-8227.
St,' llior :\55i51:1l1t Fvresll'r. DI·pl. of Park,;; & Hr ·r·r,·:ttiull. (itl uf Dr·lroil.
HOL L.\I A;\. CII AIU.ES \r .: 19..J.1. 103:3 ~r·uf!·ld SL. Grl'l';1 R,\. \X iI..
S+:ro ~. 01\ Ilr·r. C. \X'. i{ollrll31l & Af:sOt'ia t,·:o: Cil il En~inr·r·r~. L1.I;ld Sur.
\I·~or,ll. &: Fort·~\t'ri1'.
nOSEK. WAI.TEH T.: 1960. HI. l. Bo\ 50.~A. O... ",inr·h. ~Iidl. c~9766,
For,·:-tl·r. Ahitihi eN!).
IWZ ICII. THmIA. J.; 1965.4916 1081h '11'. '1'"... ",,,.. 11'"h, 98-+99,
Chir ·f CUll::o lnwtio/l Sunl·~')r. l·.S. Arm~.
Hl (T\'SK I. 1.0 ll :-;: 19;).1. Ona\'a~. i\l idl. ~976S.
II VA:". C£OHG£ I-I.J Il,; 1962.890 u·"",,1 ,h e.. Coo, Ba ~. Or.,. 9i420,
SADLEH. HO.\'ALD H.: 19,57. 6-~9 1 ruham. On'. 97 «)2. Rl''Iourl'I' .\ Ian.
ST. AHXOLD, l LV E .; 1958. 81 16 (h<'n lI ill Hd .. II ·a'hin~lon. D,C.
200:22. Joh Corps Staff Spcciali::t. Bure:lu or Sport. Fish &. \X'i1dti fr· .
:;'1', O\GE. HA nIO:\D C; 19-~9. 1001 i .11.1""", I),·"oil. Ili<'h. 18204.
I'ninr Con ... lrul·lion III$p'·l'llIr. Cil~ uf Dl'Iroit \ralt'r Dept.
ST. 0:\(;£. \X' ILLi\ RO C.: 19·~9. Box 1.%. Trout Lakt·. \I it'h. Con$\'n3'
tion Oflil·t'r. \Iil'h. 0"')11. Ilf \alural Rt'!;;(JlIn·I·~.
~ AJDAK. nOB£HT L.: 1959. Ht I. Cha~dl. \lirh. ~9916. A~:!i5Iant Pro·
f'·~"'lIr. F()r"slr~ Dept .. .\lidl. T"·l'h. Lni\'
SA \ll LI. JOn, A.: 1969. 311 La\\~i;r$ Club. 551 . StJIt' 51 .. Anll
Arb(Jr. \lit-h . .t81O t
SA\:DHl SE~ . \X ALTEH I!. : 19.50. 10612 HI'will ltd .. Br(~JI..I~n. ~lkh.
49230. Salt'S Ht'prt'$t'lltalil(·. \X('~{'rhal'u)'l'r Co.
S :\ RKKI'\E~. DM.. E \ .: 196-~. Brtlnt\\()od. Wi .... 5~51a.
:;el 1.·1B. LOR IX L.; 1966. li()8 12110 51 .. 110<" 1,1",,1. IIIi"oi, 61201.
.\!ail Currir·r. 1'. PO.
SCH ,I FFEH. M .A\ I),; 195i.
SCIIEFF\ER. 2".1 1.1. CI-IARLES A,: 196i. 2"d >binl. BI", l .A , R6.
.'\ PO. \'. Y. 0916-~, ·\~it=l:tllt ~ l uinlt'll:Int'I' Onitw. r.s. Arm~.
SCI·IEt ~D 1 A~. DOL GLAS \'(.: 1965. P.O. Bo;\ 2268. do Pulp\\ood.
WI·~ t Pulm Br"1I'h. Fla. SUPI'(\ il:!Qr I)r ~b 'lmnil'l11 Lo&!inj:!. O\H'IJ!;·
:;CHI\'DLEH. RI CII AHD A.: 196L 517 Hamilton. ~lt·dford. Ort'.
SC H\£FF. JOI-I :\ \\'.: 1966.2716 Queets Alt' .. Hoquilllll. \X'ash. 9R550.
111\1'1111)1'\ $1·1·liOlI. l3urt·;w
Indi:1I1 Affair~.
Sf.HOl. I-I A.\"S H.: t93·t ;\Iilwr;\ Fri:5eo. S.A. San Frllllt·ist·o Dt·] Oro.
Ch ihuahua, ~ I r·:\i! ·o.
SCIIH OWE H, DAXIEL I.: 1962. 23:j
An' .. Par. Fall,. Wi"
SCIll LrZ. JA , IE: A,; 19M. FO,I.'r Ci l~. >Iid,. ~98:l-I.
5CIIII;\\ I)T. 1l0~AI.I) LEOXIIRIJ: 1969.28102 Pi""". Suulhfidd.
~lidlig:ln 48075.
5CI-III ARTI :"C. WILLlA>1 C,; 1955. R, 2. Ri"hla nd Cen"',. II·i,.
5:3581. Vit·r··Prt·;;i(!t-nt. Hidlland·!·l:lrr!\\oot!::: lrw.
H.: 1956. Box 4.5.
\ t· \\
Durh(llll. :\.H. 03855. Bt·l·
bmp Cuunt~ Ei\I .. Forl·~h'r. 1 nil. 1,( ~. II . Coop Ext St.'r\ i('P.
COTTo RO:\ALD E.: 1961. 6105 \X . Dili:::iml. r.<tdi]l;u·. ~lil'll. 49601.
Di:::lrit'l H:tng.l·r. l ·SFS. ~1an i::It-I' .\Ja tioml l Fore:5t.
SEIl.ER. E. G()HDE~ : 1950. 14125 .\T,,!. Driftwood CI.. Tigard. Orr'.
.' HAI.I).I\ . KEY\ETH D.: 1962.72:31 \X' . Br"nl\\j)od,
~1it\\uukt't'. ~Iir ·h.
BIH CE A.: 19.5:3. PO 80\ 627. Hii~r·hur/!". Ort·. 97 ~70. Hos("
hur!! Timh"r Sen ir·r·. W.E"uJ!!,;!iIl!!).
SHA \X. JO:")[I' II C.: 19.=>6. l{ il·hfil·lrI Oil Corp .. Box 360. AndlOnI;!l'.
:\b ~ ka 9<J;02. Gt'r)ph~ ~ir';1 1 Cmnputt'r. Ridlfi ..·ld Oil,Corp.
5 I1 EPPAHD. GEO HGE II.: 19;)/. HI. I. BIJ:\ 116. \' ·lI\ltOl1la. \~ ' i::-. ,54982.
Fon'::1 H.lllr r·r. Wb,·vll, UI·pt . of \(Illlral Rt':murt ·t'~.
SIDDO\ . J \ \IES; 1%7. 105:36 S, Oa\"ll'~ A\t". Chi~·:I!!o. 111. 606~:~.
SJ~t\IO'\S. G \RY A.: 1966. 21 ~ E. Con~rl'~~ I .. Bt'ldin~. \I idl. -+88()<).
l.t·(·turt·r. Dq)\. of
uf \ tirhigan.
:;KOWRO\, \X't\LTEH S. JH.: 1966. 1810 ,
',rl'j' l,
Suffi"!d. Cnnn.
~L() , \ '\. Dr. 'OH\!.",,\ F.: 19.57. \ta!":-i,' Btl .. 01,\:0."1'1\. \I it'll. ~9916. \ ...
ili·qaflt 11(11(,·.....or. Sd1U(J\ IIf F\ln'''lr~
\\ U(J(\ PrndU,'lil. \Ii"hi:.:an
( ni\.
\ Ill'. OALI:: G,: 19;):~. 128 Krut·ga. Orlando. Fla. :t2809.
5\11'1'14. J \ \IES J.: 1910. 21 Killllll'riin Dr .. Orot'l,porl. \ . Y. 14..t20.
1\ ~n.nj'lIlil"t.
\ .&P, T{'a Co,
En~i'll'l'rin~ 1)\·~if!l1t'r. B~'ill~ Co.
S.·IIllOIlI. Arlill~IIJll 1I 1~"
Ill. 60001. For,=tlt \lanag"lllt·nl. I .,s. Fori'''' 5t·nit·,·.
ST ·\EGE. DALE B.: I%:t Box 582. Bald\\in. \Iit'h. ~9:30-1.
5TE1:\I-I I LB. HEDIl '1'1-1 ~ l. : 19"1O. Hu, 22:2. 1):lirll ·~dal. ·. \ Ii, ·h. ·~99:);) ,
Pl'tJft· .... or. S('lIonl of Furt'lHr~ and \\ nod PrtJ(lul · I~. jl k hi~;1II '1" "'11 I nil.
,TEl ~,:;. DO:" '11.iJ H.: 19.57. H,. I. Il," 168. CI"",,·II. lIid.. ~9916.
STE\\:\HT. JOII'\ A, JI< .: 19.%. Ii EdW'I\()()(1 Hd .. Sa~ill:l\I. \tit'l\,
l8602. \ It'tii('ill Tf'(·huullll-!i:-1. SL I.ul..,::< 1I1)::"ila!. Sa:::i ":l\\ ,
;';'1'1\\ \ C. ~ 1 \TT It: 1912. D.'I·\·a""·11.
STIPE.JA \IES S.: 1952.20 <::'·(l:Ir :-i(" (;r.\11 F.. lI~. \ 111111. 59J.Ol, \1:ajllr.
\li ....:ll.· CII1IIhal Crt'l\ CI)tlllll.lIId,·r. t . ~ , ,\ ir Fun ','.
STI PEo HI( :11 AnI) I•. : 19.~O. 106 E. DULI!!i:!" SI .. Ilou;.:hl"Il. \ I it'h. ~()<):\ 1.
\l:Ina1!l·r. Land & FHrt'''lr ~ Dt·pl.. t PI"'r Pt'lIill~ul li 1'01\1 ' 1' ell.
:-;TOt.ZF.. GEOHGE 0\ .: 1967. :t:;:;s lIi·LllrI· Hel .. 1'01lI i;I'" \I il'h, 18057,
STO\E. DOl GI.A~ \1.: 1(K)6, nn I. Up\. l.:S6. I{n::nmHnnll 18(),~:i.
STO'\E. T II O\! ·\ :;; B.: tH7 E, Kal:lIllai'.ofl., \pl. = ;). 1.. H1~il1~. \ Iit'hi(!an
18912. I..llul '\ S I:lh' of \Hehir.11l - Ht ·pl. (If \.llurill H~'·
nil'jpJI '\ ri>l)ri",!. Ci!\ or \t idlnnd,
ST l CK. 1):\ \ I D L. : 196:t 250 61h A\r .. \ltllli~ II't '. \ I i('h. 4%60.
STl DE lt HO,\ALD K.: 600 \\ . Ed\\3rcb. lIouj!hlOn. j lidl, 49931.
Sl il le \ IARTI'\ L.: 1962. 1227 l \'\\' '\ :\ll.. il1 ~ \\'a~ . Purll'nilk. Calif.
S\\ \ \~O'\. H,\LP II f.: J9~2. 811 151h St. S. \\ 'j,.('on:,il1 ibpid::. \\,i~,
5l-19~. Tilllbl'rlantl~
I ('pl ..
C(ln~t)lida l. ·.1 P'lpt'r~.
S\\,E\:'E\. EO~IO'\D I.: 1952. 707 Fr:lul.lin Dr.. CliliIOIi. \ Ii~... 39056.
S\\()HI). \!H:;. GI.E\: 19tt 2120 Pallh· \\\'. L,ullf! Bt·a .. h 15. Gliif,
:; \ 11'1'11. THO\ \ \S E.: 195k 17611 \E \\m.(·o. Portland. Ort'. 9i2:m.
t .S. Fi .. h & \X ilJlif" St'" i"I',
:-;\1ITII. '1'110:\\ \S \1. : 1957. 223 Sauruit'r... Par\.. Fall:o. Wi .. , ;Y"i~2.
:;\IITII. \\ II.LI \ \1 R.: 19.~2. BtJ' :HI. SI.I~fla(·t·. \ tieh. ~9781. Uj~lrjt'1
H:Ul~!W . l.S. Fon':,1 St'n in'.
SO~ I PPt. TAl '\0 ~1.: 1950. 2-\.53 Palm the .. Rl'thH)od Cil~. C':llif.
91061. "rol~'r l ~ Engill!w. Soul11l'rn Pa!'ifir Co.
SOOIH S. <; IHIIY: 196.,. !'.O. flQ' 32. D,rl<"'. II kh. ~9'2.J..
:-iOHE\SE,\. CIIESTEH 8.: 1957. 741 \\' . Fairh:I\,·n. Ho;;:('hurl!. On'.
97 ~70. Timin'r \ 1 "rw~l'r. Burt'au uf 1"'ln.1 j lanu;':I·lI1l·nl.
:-;P-\F.TII. 1) .\\ 10: 1962.2.:;7 Sfmlhdl'l\ PlaiT. SE Salt·lIl. Ort·. 97:K>2.
:-;PALOI\G. HOBEHT \\.: 196.~. 11120 S. \t'rI101l \" ' .. Chil''';':o. III.
60628. PrcIgr(II11l11t·r. Inl:lnd Sln·1 Co.
SPI LKr\. J-\\IE5: 1967. B Blr~ . S127 '\rl ~. ,\PO Sdll F'ralli' i~'·H. <:.. Iif.
96:Hi. A rlillt'r~ Ballt·r~. l .S. Arl1l ~ . r it'lllal11.
SPIHOFf. KI HIL JR.: 195,. 2116 W;I,;hinl!lun Alt' .. hhpt·min;.:. \lit'h.
~9S.W. ~.lll ·" F.1l!!il1'w, jlt'lal Pr(Whlt'l;;: nil,. :\ruh'O Slt·.·1 Glrp.
SPI HOfF. \1 H:";' K' HI L JIt: 1958. 2116 \\',,:.'hin[.tloll 1\"... b,hp'·lIlin;.:.
\li"h, 49~H9.
~POEHKE. JOll\ It: 19.;2. HI . 1. E;lgl.· Hill·r. Wi~ . Forl'~1 \l n l1a~"rnt' nl
Dil .. \\ i::,'nll:-i n nl·pl. {If COIl:<t'nuliorl.
S!'OEII!.. GEHIILI) I .: 1950. il l. I. no, :161. P,,,' F,II,. IIi,. 5h552.
Fort·~I,·r. \\ ·j .. t'UIl~jl1 Dl'pl. (If ('A.IIl"I·nati.m.
ST·I CK. JOSEPII J.: 19~2 . 1:n.W 11,10 II,,·. :"E. "'.,111,·.11",10.9815';.
STADEL\lA '\. CIIAHI£S JIl .: 1959.050:3 , .
TlH:.JC. HOBfJ{T G.: 1961. ;;0:1 Coolidg'·. lI iol"'"oI_ lIid .. ,!SOlO. lI u·
:-iTBECKEH. I.AHIO :oj,: 1968. 8:H 1 19 \li ll' Hd .. ~Jlltl 1.11.1'. \Iid ,.
:oj\\ OHDE\'. PHII .LlP G.: 1969. Bo\. 191. lIu" Ohio 'l-352.~.
TA;\ASCl . jl ICH 1\ EL
c.: 196;~. PO Bo:\ 145. Philjp~bur~. ~IOIlI , 598.:;8.
TAil HI\SKI. H·\\IO\ L: 1%7. PO 1-.i2 P'lri ~. -\rl..ulI.;;a- 7285.~.
no '\.
TAYLOR. TAD I.: 19~i . •
FIO\\I.'r. Plwt'ui\. ,\riz. B50Ut
TEDDY. I-I AHOL.D I.: J9·W, :~02t. ~bnlt,~ Or .. \ Iidl, 48910.
At'~I. (;".nlll. Onii't·r. P"r~unnd Dil .. \I idli;.:an Sltllt· Polit'".
TEEGl \ HDE\. Dr. DE,\\I~ E.: 19.:;:3. I7:J2 W t'~I\\I)I, )l1 (;1 .. Rirlllllond .
(~llif.'91803. ;\ ~:-!H.'bh' IJro(I':-~ur .)f Fon·:- 'r~. l ni\l'r~il~ of California.
Ot·rl.l·I.,\ .
TIIEILEH·. JERHY F.: 1962.21 \\. 1.111(·0In. ')'umah,,\\k. Wi..: , 5~.J87.
TIIEI LEn. HA \ \10\0 H.: 1960. BU\. 126. PIlI~on. \Ionl. 59860. FI)r"!l!'
t'r. Burl';!u of Im1iiln '\ fr" ir::. Flallw;lt\ t\ pt·IIt'~.
'I'll EI H' '\G. JA~IES \X.: 1966. 17:3:3:3 ,\ 1lIll'IH·:-1t'r. 01" roi l. ~I il·h . ..18219.
T II EISE'\. PAl L '\ .: 1962. PO 13tl\. 89. T.·~:th·~mll'n~. I "·"(Jlhu. Soullh'rn
:\ fr;"a,
1'IIEI 5[ \. PETE I{ A.: 195H. IliO S\\ Ballol\ IJI:,H·t·. B.·:\It'rlul1, Ort·.
TIIOjIPSO:\. \\AI.TEH J.: 19.:;2. PO Bu\. Hi). Olla. La. 7It6.5. Fort'~1
~bn :I~I ·r. Ct·(lr!!i,·ifit· Corp .• ' Crt~.:::t·11 Dil.·l r:lnia.
TODD. HOBEHT L..: 1951. 1.5:33 \\ hillllan ·h.·" ~ I,·dford. Ort'. 97501.
F'Hn·:otIt·r. Burt'au of L:UlCl j la naf!.I'tlh·IIL
TODD. WI LLlA\! A.: 1918. ~21 E. Arl'h SI .. \ Iarllut'lh" \I it'h, ~98.sS.
Pn·::idl·nl. t....1II!!~.·M Cornp,lI1il·';;.
TO~ILI:"SO".l'f~rEH ~I. : 196:1. 113:31 19 11 i1,' Rd .. l,i,·". 'Ii,·h. ·1S07S
A ,o;!ii~ lanl Prof. of \;tlurlll ~·il'lh·I·. \l al'om !, AJllnl~ C()tlllnunil~ ('..,1·
TIlEly rOW. KE\ 1\ P.: 1968, C':lIuhri'L Wi::.
TBEl L. LARHY D.: 1969. 119 161h Slr"I'\' SI:tmh:lIli!h. j l it'hi~:tII
THQ\IBLEY. GOHDO~ t.: 1952, 6216 1)"~luna Cin·lt·. Boi~t·. Idaho
83705. r,.mnl1li::-.~itln,·r (If Publi., l "lIld",. !'11Ih' Hf Id:lho.
THOXEL. CH \ULE:, 0.: 1962. I:J() Bu:\ f. Prit'~1 L11..1· Ihl1J.~w Sin, :"ord·
rnall . Idaho H:m 18. l · SF~.
Tl BBS. I) '\I .E PI: 1955. 12:\ ~ \\ . lIilh 'r~':o1 Dr .. .AndlOrat:~ · . Ala::.ka
995(Xt At'lin~ \rl'.l \ IJI1,I::,·r. '\1:1:-1.:. n il. of I ..'lud,;, ~WII' flf ..\ 13,.l..a.
Tl (]'EH. C.\HY F.: 1959. \ ..(loI\:olllll!' CI. '\. 81h :0;1. \\ t ' ~! Hi\l·rwn.
\\ '~lIlIlinr
T'l I.EH. \\ Ill.! \ \1 II .: 1<.K)k 1B2i GIt'I1\\I)I,1I1 ht· .. \' · illou::h"~. Ohio.
l-U>CH, I ,:-'. '\ rJll~,
4(H hI.
:-iTHEJC, I.ADDIE \I .: 1%2. :J,'>O '\. \1.1 1" SI .. I ... "ull.m!. II I. 601 Ul H.··
II1IHII·lill;': ~JII·';;lIlall.
Bt'r\\11 1 \\ ,·.;;I,·rll.
\ ':\ Inl 'S, GF:HALD K.: 196-t Hu>.: 108. \ lohtl\\ k• .\ l id1. ~99')O. Ih~i:<lanl
Forl't:l('r. Land &- F()rt~lr~ Oq)l .. l ppt'r P.'nint'ula Pu\\('r Co.
, 'AS L005E:"\OOHD. \'(' ,,-Y\,E: 1951. 207·
pai;::n. l it. 61822.
f;lir Or .. ApI. 26. tht!!lI.
\ ' A,DE 1-1 EI. CE HAU) L.: 1958. 80, :381. 511:1\\'(1110. \\'if:, 5 H66. \ h..
Ilumilll't' Liai:<QIl FOrt·~it'r. \rie\ '()n~in Dl~pt. of \ :lIunil Ht'~jIUr~"' ~'
\'A \'DE H II EID E. TO\Y J.: 1965. 1010 E. :\nn. Ann Arbor. :'\!idl.
IS 1O-t-, l ' nh('~il> of \l idli!!311,
\ I it'h.
\X'HITE, JA \IES '\ .: 1960. :3:20 )' I,'adl!\\ l':ITlt', \ (Iflh BC'Il'1. Orl 'f!0n
\'( II IT \I ·\HS JI. BHl CE C.: 1957. 128 ( :ql ul'I1bia
\\ ' a~.
\ lol1l m:','. Colora·
d" 81 WI. . \ rc'3 \lal1l.11!l·r. Bun',1lI of Land \l;lIla~l·nl\'nl.
\\ IDDEIL JA \IE:; J.: 19,-;7.62:3 \'( .. \1 ,·rrilll;II '. D,~I!!,'\ill,'. \\ i,..
\·:\ '\D~: R Ll S. OH\'ILLE J.: 1<).)9. \Ic-Kl'llzit' Hunf!\·r :;[:11;011. :-"Id(, 'nz;,'
Bridge. Or." 971.01, ron'~tt'r. l.S. FOrt,::-! ~:nit't'.
\.\ "\ TI LBl ' HC. JO.\ 0.: 1968. 2:~lOS :;\(HlI',\Jm(Jk Drh.,. \orth Olm.
~t,·d. Ohio U070.
Forl';o-h'r. Slall' of \\ i":c'lIl1:-ill, DI·pl. of \ :tlur;II, He't'qur" I·~.
\\ 'IDEHSTHO)'1. Gt \ \ .\H :\ ,: [967. Ho\ 212. Prc ·:-I on. \linn, 5.-;96,i
Di .. 'ric·1 Fore,,.Io'r. Dil. fl l .:md:- & fur":-Ir~ . \ linllc'''IlI :1 r.lln~"r\atifll1
\ 'EESEH. \\ 'ILLl A\l L.: 19-J.9. ChipP,'wa Trail. n"llur Ba\, \ I idl. ~9922.
\"i~'c·Prt·",illt·nt. f\ Jtnjllj~lralil!n. l Plx'r PI·l1in~lIl:. Pml"' r Co.
\\ I 1.1 \:-iKI. PETEH K.: 1967. 8068 Coolitl~"
VEHCI-I, LOl IS \'r.: 1956, 12:~ Woodland Il ls .. Hhilwi:nl(ier. Wii1'.
.5-h50l. FMl'~lcr. ~ I :llc of \~ ' i~(·()I1~in.
:1111 Oil'lrid Furc' .. I"r. \X·i.. clIll.::in 04·Pi. of \ ':llural Hn.l)url "''',
\X·III TE. EL\I EH H.: 19·1-6. :l 15 \X ', kffl·r~'!Il. Grand L"41~4 "
\'E RT. CI-IAHLES F,: 1968.817:) Bnl\ Hi! .. \ It. \ llIrri:-<. )'lieh. 181.~,
t ', . Arl111.
\' IAt. HOBEH '!'
19·H. Edgl,"\I}{KI A' ·r'·~' Cha~I'II. \ I kh. ~9<)16.
I'OGEL. THWDOHE C,: 19,>9, H ~D. II'"" L.. b.non. \ . H. 0:1781. B, ..
~"ard\ Fon's."'r. C,S, COl.
lI'AG'(E lt DA 1' 10 '1',: 1967. 1016 Gnn,,1 ·I,,'nn,'. ,II" 2o:J.
lI 'j,. ;;1101.
WAGE:\' ,\ ,\lt JOEL W.: 1968. HI t '-\rlin~lon. 50111h Dak. ,57212.
W,.\ GO'ER. HAHHY X: 19-1-7, HI 3 [,.Irl. )' Ii,'h. ~96:H. :;{'nior ).I(lnu.
fal'luring Enp:in ""r. E\arl Pr(Klul'IS Co.. Pla:-lil's Di\, . :\nwril'a n \ 10'
WAI S:\:\,E:\,. PETEH S.: 1962. 70.- 81h 51.. Pi)S.1 F:111..:.. Idaho 8:~S.-».
lI ' ALI~IAA. CEO HCE J.: 1961. 0"",·",,·,1.
\'(IA I.I'I'AI..O, HER)'l A.\': 1951. .101 5 ·ho(l..' Pilh.'s, Coo~ Ba~. Ofl·. 971~20.
F'orl''r. Ou \If Land .\l anagl'Ill,·n l.
\t' !\I.L. CII EST EB 0.: 19.51. 110 1 Arro\dll':ld Btl .. Dululh. )'l inn.
5!i80~t [npintwinp Ai(!' Earl" Ru bl,' I,,'V A~~OI · iall'~.
\'( 'A BH E:\,. JOB.\' II.: I%l, HI 1 ).I t· o:lsI1:l. K j..:, 5~9')2. Park :--l unag,'r.
1·Ii~h Cliffs 51a'" Park,
Wt\ TSO;\,. DOI 'C LA . B.: 1958.4:398 \AJUll lr\ l ':IIlI' ~E, Salnl1, On',
97:303. H it.:hl .of' \" a~ Age'tll. Foresi<'r, Orl'gt;n SWl!' H i~h\_ a~ OI'PI.
W..\'I ' O~, JAC K c.: 195..1.. \X'l'..:t 2nd SI .. Cle' EllItll, \X'ul'h. 98922, HI"
i1't)url'C' As.::i'::lant. I ' ... FOrl'f l Sl'rv ict'.
"':\ 'I'50:X. LA HHY G,: 1951. 260 1....'lrlHlr Or .. K(llulIl(lJ:(I(). ).l illh, 4<xlO2.
Cunsu lt ing Ci\il Enpilll·l·r. \~ 'a~Jalld InF.I'f:-oll.
\X'AT f5. LY:\7\ W,: 1965. 1017 Anwlia 51 .. HOIal Oak. ~l il' h. 1.807:3.
Pnxlllt.' lion Fort'man. Fort! )'lolor G)" SII'r1in~ Plant.
\v EBEB. JOSE PH '1', JH .: 1968. 17765, PaIn \ 'I'rd" - A pI. A·S. TUl'slIn .
Ari%. 8.571:3. C r:!du ~I! I ' Sl ull('nl. l'ni\"(l::i " nf ,.\ ri%oll:l,
WEBSTEH. :\I.A:\' H.: l C)6.l. 1:3 lSI S, .. Suu;h Hang", \l il'h. ~996:1. A,..
~i:!-t:llll Art':1 For.'sl!·r. \l i~Il\labil ' S I UII' Ft)rc·~1. ). lidlig:1II Dc'PI, ,l \';tlll'
"\t'.. Ct-III"r lilli'. \ I idl,
\~ 11,1.1·\ \ IS.
Dr, 11.\1. '\.: 19.=)L HFD:!. 1111:11'11. \Ii"h . ,t88~i , Ph~,.i ,'ian,
\X ILI.I '\\I :'. TIIO\l ·\ S E.: 196:3. HI I. 13,,, 2:n. [, .. lc·lh. )'linll ..)57:l--~,
..\ :-.:.i:-I:l111 \ \ Ir:,rr~
Supl" I :;F:-, E",II,th Tn',' \'lIr:-~'r ~,
\~ ' OEHPE I.. LO HE\'
:i: 1961. 6:H :-':1111.. Dr" P'"'I \X :. ~hjl\~lon. \'( i~.
WOJACK. J EHO.\IE '1',: 1961.. 1195 Lung H i d~e Uf" Sprin~fi\·ld. On' ..
9i,ni, Fon·.. II'r. l 5 . F, )r,·'" ~"r\ in',
\'( 'OLFE. !lOS:' \1.: 1951. 97 ~ ,,"o(ldhinl' Bhd, J:l4')..s.IIIl. )'Ii, 'h. ~920:t
F'ort':-tl'r. \ l id':lip-arl :-i1 (I\I' lI igh\\:t~ 1),'Pt.
\\ (01). LEO\AHD F.: 1950. HI. .5, Bo, 2S0. Z:lI1l' ~\il1 c·. Ohifl. 13'701.
:::'up,'ri llll'lIdl·rll. Ztnl':-\ illl' ~I:tlt' \ur"I ' r~. ~1;111' (If Ohio. D"pl. of \:lIU'
ral H'·:1C1Ufl't''':'.
\X 'O{)I). HOBEIr1' D.: Ic)()(). H12. 130\ 168, Tra\l'rsc C:it~. \lil'lI. ~968-J..
""( 01), \'('11 .1 .1:\ \ 1 n,: 196:t 780 \l c'adl/\\' Dr" Hhilld:tlldl'r. Wi .... 5-1..0501,
,\ S~i~I :ITlI \latla~l·r. I-I ugo S3u,'r 'lIr"I'f~. \X'i"(' D"pl. lit' ,alural
Hcsour, ','I'.
\X'OODWA HD. BJO IAHD \ .: 1962. 1980 61h 51. E. \X·"l1:llc·hl"' . \\ 'a~h·
in;..:I!)1l 98801. ForeSln ( SFS.
\X' UIGI-rr. CIl AIH,ES J,: 1961. G"11I'r:ll OI·1i\\'r~. Dol"'r Ba~ . \ l idl,
YA.\'KEE. HtCIl AHI) A.: t9S7, III Lill t'uln St. .
~965 t.
l.:.1)..\, Cil~, \l i('h,
I{\'giunal Supnilll,·nd,·nl. \X Ilf.)tl PrlM 'lIft'tnl'lIl. P:tc').. ;t~ini! ( :orp.
of Alllt'ri, ·:!. Di\, \If ·I\·lln,·(·o. 111(',
YOI" G. FBEDE HICK. Ii.: 1967. ~27 HlIl'l" '1J :\ \1' .. \'~ ' ·)"off. \'. J.
07 IS I.
VOl .\'(;S. VB..\ ,W :J~ G,: 19~t. 1222 ).tic ·h. ~98.'H, Pl:U1\ \I :llIa/!I'r.
~ l:wGilli~ & Gihhs (-:C:,.
YPSILA;\'TIS. \'(I LU:\,\I C.: 1968. C'.:dllnh'l. \ lid) .
ZA t C. I) ,\ LE .\ .: 196.5. ':>021 Tomah:II_1.. TfaiL \1.Idi,."II, \\' i.... 5:~'70.):
ZF: \ bKE, ,\H TJ-I l H H.:
8 100 \'oit! \ \1'"
,\ l i,ult':lI)l)li ...
\I inn.
H I'l'o ur('t'~,
\X' E I ~ B E H G, GLE;\' 1...: 19 1,2. 5 11 Br ornl'lon PI,te 'I'. Chil';!;":!)' III. 6061:1.
:\~istanl III Iht' Prt'sidl·lIt. H O~ :l l COIlIil1 " l1lal Bo\ Cn,
\X 'EISI XGEH. HL'SSE LL J.: 1962, PO IlII\ 7i. Ibra!!;!. \l io-h. ~<)<X}8,
,_!{ !{, DASIEL \X',: 196 ~, ClWI' I Il UI Hi,I!!I' Hd .. I)l)\l'r l'I,l ill~,:\', y,
IX F..1
1. :-.... '..
\X' E.\:'z'j.:L IJt A I ~E K,: 1951. :l(X) X, 51h SI .. Cnslal FulJ,., \l idl. N920,
Carlle.· Biolt)).(i~ 1. '\l id l l;:::!u Oq)1. 411' .\'alural li,-,;:uur"(~.
\\' EHH A;\'E, ED IEH F'.: 19,:;~. 6:~9 lI arulF HI!.. (;1"11\1 .. \\ , Ill. 60025,
DiFlrit'l FUfl'slt'r. :;:111!c' of I llilloi:-.
WHIPPLE. JA).lr. ... W.: 196 k 206 Cl a~. "\'ill~,il1,·. \X ' i~. ;; ~hm. A .. ,. i~l·
Z£ \ KE. '1' 1\1 c,: 1962. :n:;2 !"Iarl..
SI ..
f.1li!I'llo', Or,·, 9 7 1D2, Vor"I'I"r,
130\ li,~,
Pailw:-d;tI". \ I i"h, ~<)9.:;:; , Chid'
ZIE\lE B. lIi\ 1\ H.: 1961. flO
rl/rl'~h'r. (~IPl k'r Han!!" ( ~) .. F"r""II'~ Oi\ ,
ZO I.L'E H. J.\ CK :\.: 19;)2, HI. J. Hm :~02·J. \IUlli:<ill;':. \ lidl. WH()2.
.\,. .. i.. l:ln l Dis.lril'l Forc,,.I,'f. \ li"hi1!:UI D,'I'1. '11" \alur';tl 1~ " .. "un·I·I'.
Zt 11 )[ \\ :\. \ II <:II :\EI. H.: I<)6.L
81h .\\C' .. '\ .. [~' ·;IIt;tba. \I i"h.
~9829. Art'a Fllrt':-Ic'r. B :t~ ,14' \ IM' SI (,I,' FII!·' ·1'1. \l il'lli!!:!1l I)q)\. III' \ ;1\.
uf,ll I~~·",our, ' ,';o-.
General Contractor
Building Construction
Gundlach Redi-Mix Concrete
Houghton, Michigon 49931
Quality Men's Clothing
Since 1883
Heodquarters for levi Sportswear offering the largest selection of color and
size in the U.P.
Houghton, Michigan
P.O. Box 8397
205 W. Rankin St.
Jackson, Mississippi 39202
Forests Make Floors
Permanent Forests Insure
Permanent Industry
The work of foresters, dedicated to the
perpetuation of these great natural resources is a guarantee of continued employment ana prosperity for thousands of
fellow Americans engaged in the woodusing industries of the notion.
Hardwood Floors Make Happy Feet
Dollar Bay, Michigan
Bond Falls -
OuloU090U County -
It's part of our' iob to keep it looking as
beautiful as it is . . .
and we are!
Supplying plenty of dependable, economical electric energy for the expanding needs of the Upper
Peninsula is our primary responsibility, but maintaining, through proper use, the land and woter re-
sources that God has provided is also vital to us.
Our land and Forestry Deportment carries on an extensive timber and land-management program
over the Company's 50,000 acres. This watershed land, essential in the hydro-production of electricity, is open to the public for their enjoyment, produces a timber crop for industry, and supports the
community tax bose.
Thousands of visitors each year enjoy Bond Falls Park and other Company facilities for fishing, hunting, camping, picnicking, hiking, snowmobiling and sightseeing. It's there for all to use and enjoy .
Upper Peninsula Power Company
T.OIVOLA, Michigan HOUGHTON, Michigan -
Did you hear a crack?
•.. Rugged
•.• Compact
... Powerful
, 'Tugmaster"
Skidder Winch
.. 980\
Phone 482-442 1
" Overlooking Portage Lake
and the Lift Bridge "
1 10 Sheldon Avenue
Houghton , Mich igan 49931
Electric Heat -
Roam Phones -
Cable TV
120 Shelden Ave.
Houghton, M ichigan
Stores Located in:
Calumet, Laurium, Lake Linden,
Hancock, L'Anse, Ontonagon
Special Checking Accounts for Students
f~"' ii";"J
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"",~ . ...
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Haughton, Michigan 49931
Member Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation
Real Estate
234 Shelden Ave.
Houghton, Michigan
- Hancock -
55 North Huron Street
Houghton, Michigan
Phone 482-5450
Specializing in
Commercial, Industrial and Private Construction
Ready-Mix Concrete
Quality Blacktop For
Private and Municipal Roods
Drives and Parking Areas
Compliments of
Escanaba, Michigan 49829
Alee '1~lle Ilest
\\'e Hal\'e
Visit a neighbor with Cable TV. If you're not sold
when you arrive, you will be when you leave.
People who have Cable TV love it. And they don't
mind saying so.
Sometimes our customers use a thousand words to
tell you how great Cable TV is.
But one picture would do the job.
Cable TV serving Haughton , Honcock, Ripley, Oollor Boy, and Chassell.
Best Wishes
Crystal Falls
Michigan -
"Everything for the
120 Quincy
Hancock, Michigan
King Koil Bedding
Houghton, Mich igon
Distributors of:
Drainage Products, Highway and
Industrial Equipment
ManiStique, Michigan 49854
Escanaba, Michigon
Compliments of
OntonQgon, Michigan
Manufacturing rugged and dependable Cary-lifts, Cary-Ails, High-lifts,
lag Skidders and lag Slashers for the
logging, lumbering, pu lpwood ond
construction industries since 1951 .
Winner of the 1966 " Product of
the Year" award -
Baraga, Mich igan 49908
-'f{ L,"~
, ,
~\ ~~