Judgment in Jena, LA COM Consulting-Discussion-Activity by Dr. Comeaux

Judgment in Jena, LA
COM Consulting-Discussion-Activity by Dr. Comeaux
Frame/Context: in a small southern town in Jena, La, August 2006:
• Three nooses on a tree at a local high school - hate speech
• School yard battles (other violence) – hate crime
• Why?
• How did this happen?
• Who is responsible?
• What could have (should have) been done?
You are a consultant on race relations and communication and your task is as follows:
View the CNN documentary on Judgment in Jena and transcriptions by Comeaux;
Read the excerpt from Barack Obama’s Speech on Race (March 18, 2008);
Read the article (BB, “Readings in Rhetorical Theory”) titled: What Would A Theory of
Communication Be For; focus on the following sections: I (pp. 22-23) and III & IV (pp.
Considering Obama’s counsel for the “path to a more perfect union” what would
you advise the selected/assigned group below?
Write down your advice (you can use bullets or listing) and be prepared to explain
it (and defend it from your readings—especially the article above, experience and the
Obama speech) with others who have selected the same group.
Also consider the above questions as you prepare your advice.
Select one of the following groups to advise:
1. White freshman & her mother vs. Kenneth Purvis & friends (black).
2. Billy Fowler & white school board vs. Cleveland Riser & black community.
3. DA Reed Walters (white) vs. FBI Donald Washington (black)
For class (see schedule for COM Consultant Group activity):
Individuals will be grouped according to their selections (above) and in round table
discussion to attempt to reach a consensus about advice they would offer their selected group.
NOTE: I will collect your individual written advice and return them to you the following