Pointer • "'' ""

Stevens Point, Wis.
L tTEitAttr .
LoW ,\ L
(>olitc nCS>I Amon![
t 'hil dre n .
A .Jar of Honey
The ~a! l{ock.o~
A Vi.o~it to > a Loggi ng La m p ..
E t> t fVI! I A I•.
Sc n :STIY IC .
t-: Jertric•at
Pr<~!{f'-'~ ~
in 11'1!1'; ...
:t l
.. . . . . . l'a!{t·lW
f i,• ncr.al
,\ Tm .•:TW:!
F...,c"alli .. t '~ ll ca\'CII
OurT.. am
Volume Ill.
L::::::::~~~~:~~~~~::::::::: ]
'Tis only a m e mory of a n old t:ount ry c hurch yanl.
yet how d e a r to m e. U:1ily in going to rUJd from
school I passed and ofte n \' isitcd this s pol. Fitlltls u f
yellow. ri ]Mm ing gn1in l >r rus tling t·orn g n:w o n the
north in s ummer . On thiJ cast was a cool. sh~uly gro\·e
whe re the little squ irrcl>l fri skt:d a bout g:uhc r inl( the ir
s tore of nuts lo r wi nte r .• Aro und this y:~.rd was a
fll nce o f grn.y. wcuther·bcatcn bo ards. aud in the JXISt s
the b\u chird:!! made a home for the ir young. Wit h in
grew roses. marigolds and lilacs planh!d by lo~i ng rei·
ath•es and fricuds. 1 Sweet wild tlowcrs ahu n•lant ly
doued the green gra'", making a IJright cm·cr lo r those
who sle pt benc:lth. whi\o O\'Cr all the t r ees ("a:lt d ane·
ing. e \·er ch anging shadow~.
Tbe re we re many gnn-e~t. Some n m rkt.'<l by plain
wbite ~labs nnd u the n hy tnll m o u ume n l..!l. The 111nst
interestin~ gr.J.\'e to rue W IL'I lllllll:t.rkc•l sa\'tl by 1t HlO!I!I·
co,•e red pic kt'l fe n ce whic h s urro unded it. Probahly
at one t ime it was '' isiU.:<l. but no w it :~ecmctl olescrtcd
and forgotten. I inquired of the oldc.'lt settlers llS to
woo might be buried th('rc, but no o ne kne w. The r e
was one o ld lad y. h o weve r. w ho saiol i:lhe tho ug h t it
might belo ng to t he ltedruo n<l family t h:1t moved \\'e;Jt
s hor tly afte r the close o f the ch·i~ war. Ano the r lot
was marked by ti\'e white s labs. Fo ur sons nntl the ir
m other were buried he n ·
lmtl all been
killed i n war lUI(\ the motlltlr tlit..'<l of :1 broke n henri.
A gra,•e befo re which I ha\·e o fte n paused was headed hy a s tone bearing th is in!lt'r iption :
··Re membe r y outh a..~ you pa"s by.
As you art! now. ;ro once was I
As I am no w. 80 y o u mus t 00.
Prepare to die and fullow me ...
I uSE'd to ponde r o\·er this s t ra nge ve rse and •nu,;t
cunfeM it kept m e from d o ing n uuty mi,..·hie \·o us •le<:, \s .
If I stopped to \"is it this cemetery in the m o rn in){ I
seldom me t a uyone. b ut o fte n at C\'Cning I nu•t a little.
old man. who Ji,•ed a herm it. life . A lot in t he smnhCa-'lt ttOr o e r o f the y anl was always ke pt ne a t a nd t'le a n
by h i;~ uutir)ng hand, . He Willi tl\'er kind tu me. ano.l
often sat tlo wn on the edge o f a gr:I\'C a111l toh l m e
storie;J. He wo re an old threndhare s u it of IJlnc clu thcs
while for a oec ktie he userl a r ed (:o tt on handke r t·hid .
Some o f the count ry gossips said he ha d \)t)o·n olisap·
pointed in \o \"C: o t hers said h i"' s weetheart h:ul tlieJ
and he r 's WM t he grn,·e he te nded $0 faithfu lly. lie
had no rclati \'e..'l o r frie nds :md so r m ad e u. sole mn \"ow
to c:t.re fo r the gr.t\'es afte r he w:t.'l <lead : hut :ll:ls: t lw
Number 4·
puor o ld m an h:1,; lonu- htlen slee ping t he sleep that.
k n o w,; no waki ug. and I h:w e hut J)()orly ke jJt my \'OW.
I hn,•e ofte n '' isited this c hur c h y:u"~;i o n a fJUiet stnn·
me r :1fter n oon. and :1..'1 . I g:~.:-.etl on t he white slabs
g le:1min!o( in tho s unl ight. a i:lllperstitio us awe would
s teal o \·er m e . It w:l!l hut fo r a mo me nt. h o we \·er, fo r
why s hnultl I fe a r what t h o hinl:! a~otl t h o bt..'es lo\·e!
Th~re is just bree:-.e e n o ugh to stir tho to pmos t bmnc h·
es of the ultl poplar hy t he g:ttu. the cloml>~ m o vo, n.s if
in th.,ught. :n-ros:1 the blue " ky. All nat ure soom~t
]JCal'cfu ~ aml tJUlc t. The s turdy butte r e uvs nnd brightoyctl dai sic~ olr oop ttrulc r the hut my" o f the s un, while
the meek little ,·iolotil have 00\\"('d t heir he:u.l~ nnd :lre
taking an ahe rn•mn nap !11110ng the gn1ss and lea\·es.
The r e is no r us tli n g in the ,:-o rn. o nly a g l:u-e rlnd gliil·
ten that hu r u m y eyus nnol causes nw to g o to t ho d ark .
t•ool gro,·tl lmt·k o f t he .}"a rd. In the t~~idst o f all this
idlene~s and heat I t oo fall !l.Slec p. anti w he n I awake
t he t rees are c ni!ling ltlng s hadoH\"S he foro m o. I slo wly r ise and walk towanl tho gate WfJm le ring at -t.hu
I.IC:,uty o f thi ~ place ami why it lms s uc h a c harm fo r
me. I h:n;_e o ften. since t he n. \' isitt.'< l so me o f o ur m ode r n cit y ccnw ter ics. with t heir do>~oly c u t g r:.\Si!, and
long, r l!g u lar line>~ of t rws. I h:l\·c w~lke~l :1lo ng pal\~11
bunlc rcll Ly mre tluwcl'l:l. ha\·c :ulmirt..'t.l the t..'Q!itly mo n·
nmc n i.S an•l lJeantifu\ ,·:..scs. but still the boo.uty of t hat
dea r o ld dmre h yard w hic h I v isited in c hildhood fo.r
c:o~ cced,; th om a ll.
Whtm I die I IHJI.IC my r(."Sting place m ny be i n t'Qs
s.:uuc ljUiet plao·e wlw r e the birtb. the bt..~"' allll tho
wiltlllo wc l"!l will keep watl'h u.IJ<H'C m_v hcutl.
u.:u..\ CIIAs•:.
~ot. lo ng
a gu. while I 1\' l lll teaching school. I read a
story t u t ht: ptq>il.~ one mur ni n g, which w:l.'l lllellnt to
c on\·cy a lcssu u .-ou po lite nCs 'l. One t h ing in pa rtic nl:lr :lJlj.IC:Iic•l to t he IJ< I.)"S rl.il IM!ing \'cry odd indeetl.
tha t the little Lo)'S m c ntioneol liftetl t he ir h:1h1 w hen
saluting :1 lady.
It wu.s a t·umpnrati,·ely ne w idea tn t he m. aud at
recess time. many quel'tiu ns we r e askt.'(l abou t t ho mat·
tc r : w hy tb1:y <lit! i t ~ d iol hnyil tlo tluit uo w ~ and
m any m o re
I toltl the m that as a rule gt·ntltJIHCn :11111 hoys lifte<.l
the ir hats whe n s pe a k ing t u a lady. So witho ut a ny
cx pre:~sct l wishe.~ nu my J,art. t he boy;; 11g r eet l tha t if
t hat Wa.ll t he J)r o pe r thin g tu oln. they wnuld •lo so too.
The next moruing. white t:oiti ng a s hnrl wa l k hefo rc
,.c h•tOI t inw. I m et u no uf thl' ltOJS. I no tic(.'t.l t hat
t lwre w:~..-; l>nm c t h ing 1meuli11r :thtJOH h i,. ;l i'IJCBrnncc
Jon).( be fore h e o·:tmc nt:a r enn ug h for mo· tu sec what it
w1~ .. Whe n he did I u hsern:<l t h:1t it w1u h is hat: he
<;(.'(:lllctl to ha1·c worn it fn r t ill' ot·o·:l.~iun . It wa;~ n
large light-culorcd fell hat, t.-o unuon lJ k nuwu M a
cow·boy hat. h C\"idcntly hdun~o:t.~l to hi" fathf'r u r
older brothe r, anll WIL3 llllll"h lou large fur him ; hut
he had tirr'e..l in the btuu l wil h Jll\JK'r tu make it tin:
proper 1izc.
Now it, fitted him mote 811Ugly than he thuu~o:ht . fur
11.8 he tried to lift the hut, in l l som cwlm~ un,·um·crnc• l
m anne r. some how the luu wnu!d not co me otT. l~ 1 t
lift he would. C\"011 it ltl"fll JUircd the L"(lluhlm!•l c!Tttrts
of IJo th humls, with nu ;mmlltunotmt u f tu~~o:iug :w•l
jerking. The IMt ilidewi~ glant.-e I hMI of Gt•tll)(c. luWM busily ettgagetl in l"tl·ztdju&tinJl the paper tu m:tk e
thtt.t bsod the JH"" J>e r tir..e :t~Vt in.
1-'anher down tl.fl roa1l I met August. n liule c;crman
boy. Now August iii \'c r)' Jlrcci!l4! abnut e\"cr: thin~~:
he does, and be Wll!l ne \·er k nown to hurry . Thi>~ lillie
matter of poltenif'J!I WM 1111 c:u:eptiun. II•J luul l1i"
din ne r pall in one han.!, aud hi.!! s\:uc and hook In the
othe r. He seemed pm::r.h.'<l for a moment : but :It b,.t
h ~ settled the mntt.cr by \'cry dhlibcnuely !H.'IIhiJl olm1•n
the dinner pail. rl!:ttinlo_t" the book a1ul i!lntc un lUJI uf ir.
aull then u d elibemtel~· II hell-or, ruther touk uff- his
J have !Iince learned that thi.!l fashio n
out In that ,-h-i nit.J .
•1nite •li1'tl
K It F.
" Wo rking. workluJC In tho su nsh ine gathe ring hHncy
all the dny," !!ani( Aun t Mnry nit ~ h e c:uuc !I lowly up
•the ~nrden walk wit h a hc1 u •y hnskct nn Iter arm. En·
terlng the su nun e r kitc hen i!hll to.;~-d her !ltm · bunncl
iota a chair and rc&tod " few momunt-11. The n ilh•! pru·
eeetletl to em pty the btuket. Aft er se,·eml !lmnll pal·k·
ages had been put away on the pantry s helf. she l':tre-fully took o ut rt. Jar~nnd ilald to hef'Sillf as she hllld it up
ta the light. "Now wrun 't it fnrtunnte tb11t they shun ill
g et In some frc&h honey down at the Corneno thi.!! :If·
tern uon. I ' ll just mako 110me warm biscuit!! for ii UJIJlc r
and we wO"n't can • for nnything-el~~e:· Sn with her
mind full of c ullnnr)' duties ahe set the jar in tim
pantry window and bulltlt.'t.l orr to !lee lllxmt t ill' tiru.
Hardly had tho stove l.'O\'ers bcl(u n to rattle nml
tho oven door to 11lam , when two b r igh t eye!! JICejJt!d
over the wood pile ami dliiOO\'en:d the j11r.
" I wonder wh».t Aun t :\l:~orJ 's got then:. " s:ti• l Hob.
" It Jooka good. 1 gnes!l I 'll go~:· As he St(IO(Il)t}·
n,eatb the window and looked up 111- the golden nee·
ta r be mu80tl :
•·l\t)'. would n't thnt be uil-c t.o IItke
fo r a h:mch wh e n I go 1\shlng ID·mor ruw!
and honey's the bellt llu iT n. feller u n hJU"tj wlu:: n
he'll awful hungry.
I Jl ii i!!JI I 'll :,.;;k Aunt. fo r it"
Af te r a few wowent.il thought he t·tm ti uued . ··Hut I
know she won't e11ru If J j ust t:tke it now , ~n·s to
have lt ready," and slipping it cantiou;tly under h\.!1
coat b~ marched oiT tuwanl the btt.rn
T be ht8CuitA had been ttlkl!n from the JlAIIS. t he
A~~~: ~!; :e,:tv~:~~~:,•~Rh~7~:~~ ~~~~-:~~~;~~~~:.- w~~:
looked high and lnw but lind it ~Jhe eoultln't.
d eclared, when ttU~tlun t!fl. tluu he lutd ht.oen IIICtlll ·
l ng Hs hing rods all the RfLCrnoo n ru u l h:uln "t heenln
the bouse aran..- \\~bio•h WM perfllctly tnll'
Fnnhc r
Inquiry was use\~ so she bro ught o ut :fllnw of he r
choice presen·c11 an d rdng t he hell fur .!I UJipt!r.
While tht• m.V..tl'l"y was b~·i n g tlil'cu~l 1\t tho tuLle
Huh 1\":t" thinliin~o: uf to-morrow'!! plcruture and how
J.:OOtl tlw t·on!l•nt1 uf the jar in tbu !my mo w wo uld
l.ltt lc •lid he SIISJJCcL th:tt anotlmr a\u lng di·
t'l't·tly :tell•,.~ the table was th in king o f t he hitting
pl:wl'. ~ila~. the l1iretl man. had llt.'t! n Hob stetll into
the Larn with thU j1u· nnd unobscn ·ed lmd IIOlL'll
wtwre he put il : -lit whcu ho hc:t n.l :\unt Mnr)' ("('late
tin· f:u ·t~. l•e n• : t ~u 1wd thus to hliuself:
"Now it
w .. uttln'l 1...- ris,:ht fur me to tf'll o n the li ttle rase~~ol,
tlmuj.:h lw uu).!ltt tn pay for hi;; thic ,·i ng
I gut'U I
cau nmna~o:•• it t" suit Uuth :~ides.·· So just be fore he
went fnr tl•c ~'OWS thnt t•\"cni ng lm w~nt tu the hay
III"W :u ul ;;lipJII<t l the jar under hi1 e1111l.
:\ il he
~anntcn••l niT whis tling 1low n the lane. nntJ nC \'f! r
wu ul•l ha\'t· gnt·~-.~..... 1 !lmt ht• h:-t•l a he:t\·.~· lmr.lc u naxt
h i~ lw:trl.
Enu•rin J,: thc wooh ] 0 \'cr lly thu cm· u li c lo l
lw ~lo JIIN'•I nc:tr a hull uw lug and stoopi n~ d uw u
loh>kt.-tl in
Fimling it ~ uil ed h is purpnsc, hu s li JlJJCtl
the j:1r in. ~ayi u~o: tu him:.clf. ··Nuw t hiil It~ jut~t the
pbcc ttl put it r.. r ~nfe kf'cping .
T he )'UIIIll(.!lter
wun"t tinol it hen: ar11 l smne time \\' ln: n the folks nrc
awar 1"1\ take it lt:wk tn ·the ho use:· Satislietl t ha t
lw l;:ul tlun~ rhd1t. he went on his w:1y •·al\i r1g the
''""".:i and whi!itliug.
:\ow it h:tpJ M'IIl'il th:u :after snpJM!r T um 1\ml Ned.
Bt~ h":~ oldt•r brut hers. fouud it ncc.:e8llnr)' lo go 1ln wn to
the cor·n tic lol :v tlu M11 n1• unlinis he1l hoeinl(. Aa they
wcrt•t:urui nJ,: humc wit h the ir hne!IO\"Ur their 8ho uhl e rM
tht•y ,;aw ~ll:ts u1·c r• in the p:t !n urcamln o~it.-etl him pu t
stomcthing in the I"Jl· They wondered wbnt it m ight
he :111ol Ned !llllo:M<!S icll t.hat they gu O\"e r rtud lind o ut.
lm t 'l'o111 rcm in•lcd him thmt it \\'M geuinu: hue and 11.!1.
·· ~i' " tui~~:ht return at lUI.'' time, tlu~y lmd better wait
tillto·lliOrrnw: "" the)' trudl(f'tl nlf homtJ !!ll ill•·uriou.!l
1\i! to what it t·uu l•l be.
Tlte next muruing lnstentl of going to the fie ld tO
hue, the tWn lh>)'ll we nt s tr.1igh1 0 \'er to t he wood a nd
iiiUJlJK.'I I hy I he hnllow lug. It Wa..'l llo mu m i nut e.~ lm·
rurc cit iwr t·n ul• l ma ke UJl hiil mind to r cue h in . At
lust T o m Jlluckl~l UJl co u r:~g~ and put \u his ha nd . T o
the utter n.maY.eme nt of hut h the jar WIL'I brought to
··Well. if that dun"L heat n.ll. Who'd e\·e r thought it.
wns nltl ·st· th:u tonk Aunt Mu ry'11 hone)'.'' snld Ned .
··An•l Unm~otht it .-leur rt11t here to hi ~ l e lt.''aaid T o m .
Uu t theru it \\":til What iilmulrl t lu~y tlu! 'fh ey could
nl"""'r take it hu me 1111<1 tell "Si." 110 they agreed to
hitlc it and .wmc d1ty whe11 they lmd time, e njoy it.
th em~ h -e-A. Su th ey l"nrril•• l itm·cr to the furtl ter s ido
o f the eur u tiehl :t nt! 1111 t tlown to dl11euss where and
how tu euureal it. Tnm IIUJ(gl!iltetl that M \t WU tho
rnshiun ror pimtc1 nnd thicl'ei tn bury their valuo.blet.
it woultl 1MJ heoot tu diJC a hule and CO\'er the jar with
cnrtlt. ZOOt.~ I a,~tret.'t l :tml with the aid of tho hoet thia
WUi!IJUil'kl)' duue lllld o: nmc suds carefully laid to coo·
L-en l the Jllace. Wbeu tlu~y luul bnuhed away the Una\
tmt·c •r their tlii(JCi lll( 1hey went hllCk to the ir wo rk,
t ~tlking u f t he line ti me the,\' 1hnuld have emptying U~ u
Urwie ,Joo luulthiil \"C I"}' m orn ing fo und it nt.'Ct'el'llry
tv .go lO o ne uf tho nei ghbors for JSOiue borrowed
too l!! ami L"OIIIi ng hu me hnd taken 1\ il ho rt c ut acrou
the tielll &. He he11nl \'Oit-ew when he neared the co r n
lieltl, :l.nd as he c:une closer. "!Ill' the boys •liJ.!j.d ng.
Wondering wk1t mischie f they wet·e up to, he ,;tuJIJX'ol
to watch them ant'! whe n he di:J.Col'el'cli what they wcr~
,Joing. he laught..••.J soh!~· to him;;ulf and d c,·id ctl th:u he
. also must h:11·e :1 han•l in the g:lml'. Arter the Uoys
h:ul gone b:u~k to the ir hoeing h~ lifted the "OtiS. tonk
the j:1r and we nt on his w:l)'.
No o ue cnjoyo.:.:l :1 joke mon• than gnod-uamrcd t:rwlt•
Joe. and although Aunt :\lary nft ... u st·oltl<!d him fnr
his pr:wks. thtl hoJS tlwught ~he w:lS 1wn·r <111itt• :1s
seriuu.~ with hi1n ail slu: W:L" witl1 thl·at when they haol
been i nto mhwhicl llad s he ~cc n him this morn in~: :r.s
hc(·arnc ":u"<mnd the o·m·m:r of the Waj!lln hnu~e and
went in to put :HI':ly tlw woh> s lw wunltl surel.1· han•
notil-,:,~1 the miso·hicvous twinkluin hi;o eye.
In the aftc nwon Aunt .\lary 1\'fl..il ,[.,in~e ""'nc hakinjl
:and. tu.~·di ng ,..,me fresh e,.::,~:s. tl'ippt•tl ,~:aily nllt 10 gt•t
them. ~Ill' 1n•nt st migi11 to the waJ.!<ltl huus•• where
nlci SJ,.,'l'klc always made her nest tuult•r the hij!h ,;cat
or the oltl farm wa~nn ~tt·ppin,~t li,~thtl_l' upon the
whl'el ,.he Jll'CjX'•I in. ~ur·o•ly ht·r cyt!"' mu~t olo••·••in.'
her. She looketl aJt::lin. There. s un· PtHllt~h. was !lw
jar of honey in old ~Jl>Ct'kll'' s nest. Sttnt<'how ,-\unt
:\lary forgot all al)<)ut. llw egg,; anol went b:wk t" tlw
house with :1 dctcrmirmtinn nf ha1·inj! th:tt houey for
s upper if sl){' had t•l Jlllt it Utuler lott·k :wd key_ ~he
de<·lanod she woulo.J lind out the t·ul prit :uul whO<'I't•t·
he was he shouldn't lu11'C " a IJit u( tlw lmnt•y. nUt a
When :1!1 wcreseau•rl at tho tea t:thlc that c\·uninJ.!.
Aunt Mary cam\.' triumphantly forth with till' \\'t•ll
k uown jsr. T he lunksnf a.stuui;ohmcut on the tliiTert•tH f:wc~ t•an not 1-e ima,~:im·•l and the c:owlaim:1tiuus uf.
" Where'd th:at come (rnm ~ "
"\\'n.s it \'uu ~..
"Who t~ok it. au yw:n. I'd liko tu know • ..
" We ll. I ti<·L·larc:' I Lhought",1uitc puzzled Aunt Mary :a.s tn whkh wa" tilt' re a l t·n iJtril..
At last l'nclc J oe could •·ontain himself nu
longer a nd he b.ughL~ I heartily. sayinJ.! he guel!St·tlnld
Speckle s tole it.
At this they a ll l:augho..•d anti ct1c h told his ll:trt of the
9tory and th ...·lar(.'(l it was tim best lwncy he C\'Cr tast1:d.
Aunt Mary .·onldn't pnni;oh them :\!1. Stl ~lu:: agrccrl to
let them ofT if they woul•l promi:~e to mend their w:lys
in the future.
J~t;tt,\ A. lh; tu.: ~: .
The i)(.'!ll pl:lcc from whid 1 to l'icw the ~cal ro.t·k!i i.~
the bai1'0II)' nf an elt!j;t:UII hntt•l huih on the t.up of :1
high dill O\'Crhanging the blue wntel'l!' of the l'adli•·
uecan : the far-falll(.'tl l'lifton house. Fro m here the
rocks are plainly seen lifling thei r hc:ulg ah•~\·c the
water a s hort dis tance from the t·l ill. lint they seem
to be ali1·e. they arc i n constant mution. E\'cry part
of them is e ngaw·d in :1 ceascles.'! lllO\'in.l' to aucl fro.
The c nnlle uf thi!O :!' ~·xplain crl in their name: they a re
a lh·c with sea l,;.
These animals make it indeed a lil't•ly place.¥ tlwy
go rollin}.!: :uul tumhling :1bnut. splashin.l' in the watc:·
nnol c limbing O\'er the rm:ks. keeping np all the while
:ul uninterruph'<l hark. resemUling t he hark nf !l 1lug.
There are ;oo many of them and they :1re .10 like the
rocks in color that ODil can scarcely tlistiugui;oh them
except hy thei r'•·ontinu:tl lllOI'itlll aUout. T uuri,t.<s and
in tlrt• loca lity du nut dist inguis h tlmm. hut
people whu lin• the re d:tim tn k now the tliiTerent :~enls
:1.)):11'1. Some yeai'S :tj!u tht•y wen• :act•u,;tom<.'tl to po int
out one lliJ.: ft•lluw. who was I:II'Jo:l'r. barketl loutlt:r :\till
tumblt••l a.-o u nd IIIOI'C than :1ny of the rest. They
•·ailed hi1u Ueu Uutlcr.
T aking it :all iu all. the s1wt is an iutcresting o ne;
tlw hutcl on it_;; IO\'t•l.v height.. the beat·h tat t he foot of
tlw clitT. tlw restlt·:t~ nct':ln ll'a\·e~ and the r(l(!ks in tho
ol i~l:ln•·e~all t·r•mliitHl lu lend :t c haron 1111t !lOOn forguucn .
-~ _
C. H- M .
Orw night. last winter :1 :nu:all p:u·ty of us rodu out to
a l(>g,~:in,~: t·:uup. :thunt ci,~:ht miles from ho me. with
two ministen~ who 1\'tt'c tu cunohwt a sen ·ice t here.
The la:•t. tht·ee m iles nf the 11':1)' wa,; t h rnugh :1 thickly
wvnolc•l section
It was 1·ery thll'k ami ,;till nnd wu
t•nu],] sec uut.hing Uut the t:11l pines looming up indis·
tiu•·tly all arnul,lol us. The s nuw g:lcamed in white
When we renchL'tl thu
patt·he:t thruugh the tr·o..-c".
~·:unp \\~ th•11t intu the " men ·.~ s hanty." :1 loug. low
lu,~: ~h:tnty . T he lantern ~ ~:1\'C only a dim light and
J.(I'C!It tl:ark s haolo ws c rept. nul from the cnrncf}l.
Tht· uu:u silting silently a lung tho ~itle;~ of tho room.
their fa.•es iu the shadow. tlrcllst.'<l in the ir hright colurctlm:a.. kin:\W.'! and Jlau nel ;~hirt.<t. K'll'u tho who!ea
utust gypsy-like appcanull'c Men with big blnc k eyes
null hl:u•k h11ir anti whisker,, tho:ir factJs n•oltle no..'(l by
cx pos n ro to the cold , luukctl pusiti i'Ciy licrce in tho
dim li,l(ht.
One man, :1 most !'nlemn looki ng SWL'<IC. owned ~
!1111!111 tan dn~ which ke pt running :ahn ut. much to IL8
mt·ncr·s an iHt)':u tcc
Um:e during proyct: when tho
rloJl wa;~ , l!l.rtii'Uitlrly iil't:ly. the poor man al mo~t in
•IC.'!j>emtiunl!nct·ce•lctl in cruh·i ng the innocent animal
to his s itlc. Stealthily Ju- .i trctt·hcd n ut hi~ long. bony
h:md and ;ouddenly c aught. tht: niTeu•ler by the head
:tnd g:are him the wnnH s panking he c1·er had. Th~
S\1'• tic maintained tlw l·nu mcr.t:u~t·e of !\ tombs tone
thr(oUgh it :1!1. But it w:as not ,ouch a sole mn OC't.:Mion
to us poor girls.
\\'e felt that we >~htoulll luwe to
s hriuk, hut tlarctl nut even 11mile. We ~lid not trusL
onrseln.!.il tn lomk at either the tlog o r t hQ.ruan again.
M. B.
The fullo win~e arc stomc t·rmuh~ picket! up fro m
titc Fr:at t:dJle. and kiu.lly put in the t-ontrihution
Nu hrc!lkfasts in t.he af·
:\le:lls scrvt.><l promptly.
tcrnnnn hereafter.
Latest irr deserti!.- Ohotehki"~es :11111 fr uit:
''!'is n' t hard fnr pinus po-...oph• to :k.'C why Fruit Wall
o·lecte1l d1aplai~t of the Fmt. i10 it?
Who t·an run 24 imu~ l'>'ithtJut swpping! Ju11t
Wlltl'h \ \' :Lte r hury.
"Vi ktor:~, wheru art thon :II ij rl'l'lock in the mo r n·
ing ~" "0h ~ju~t heginninl( - lll get ri'Niy- tu I{Ct upgrruhu•lly."
On exhibit :ll t.hc t,.;luU Huu.'IC. free-A gen uine Dia·
mnnd u f the lir.'! t I'>'IIICr l.afJI!CiOI know n, latest grown.
S cat irll'itntion.'! wen· issue•! IJy the Frnt. boy8 for
their :-:\JU'f!tatl. Dec. :!'~. 1811i The ,;wcclcllt co-008 were
tbt• rc. and a pleasant t::\'CIIi lll( Will! c njo;p..'<l. with Mnt.
Elliott a.1 c hnpcrun. "All we nt mcrr~· u a marriage
JAN UAR V, 1898.
Butared &ttlle
l'ootollice~• ~tev•u• l'otut,
\\'l• .• u lo:C:O nddau
coutht t!l litcrnry ttnd bnsiuc.s:!l nwcti ngs. and lo become
ttccustomed to :~ penkiug i n public. Tho Forum does ·
the !l:une, hut limits its IJenoliWJ lo tho fa\'orcd. Tho
Geugrn11hy J~yce u m olTon~ tt simih.r traini ng, but di·
rcl"t il it.s c!Turtll ~ peehllly to tho nmlm o f geography.
l'hc ~t Cecilia, tu ul tile Sketch Clu b, both oxorci~ an
llllm•ati,·u influcnt·c, :lnd :u-u cxclll lc nt iu the ir rc!ip<'c t.i\'0
litwil - mus ic an•l tlrawing. The Or.ltoricnl, and tho
l' rui'!l AliSOCiationJJ htn-c mlssetl yo u from their
E~nor- ho-Chlef
0. " · ftof;l .. U. .. . . . . . .
.. Llt ~ r .. y I:CIIIlor
.. Sdcutlnr ltdltur
Wtu.!A. Utuo Dr'OUI,I •.
.. , BlrChiUllc Kdhor
RUTJI R O I&IIn ,, ,, .,,.,
.... Local Kdltur
. . . .."bl•llcKdltor
. . Model .School Kd!tor
, ,, Hn•ln n o)lonage r
AaNoLD L . O&IILL •• • •
L••~- - ...• . •.
.U.lll AJt~
::~~ ~~~~:o". f ··
lf ttw mnu y of thC!;C gnod things aru you r njoying!
l'nn you nlftll"ll tu lltuy away ! Is 110 me o no else gelling
,\·our :oha rc, s impl y because you arc imliiTcrcnL: o r be·
cause ·•your L:l>:I IC.i do n't lie In t hat line!'' If th ey
.Jun' t lie in t he right li uc. c ulti\·aw t hem. Tho feast is
..;pre:ul, tlw, itl\'itation is gi\'Cn. W ill yo u not eumc!
••• /l,ollllalltBPPIIIUO Joi iDII:I!U
There is nn bell• r place than '' Normnl School in
non •J.o<:UTto!<.
T""--.. · ·
tlec .. .
g· i:T,:;\i~.:~::; :::::~:·1 ~. t:•. ~~sl~o~::EJ tl~~~~~• 1<~f ~::~~;:;nt~l~:;l~l\~!r-:',;·,~~~~;
Pn1 . ....
'." : . .
Ra•Lnu• lhn a.ge r .
Cnrrnpnnden tefnlleltedfrom formerlllU.lcnlt.
.Addrt"uolt bll o lne..-leuer ~lu>b •
Hude r~ aodlllb!onrtberearc rcl l'ul!tflllly ""ta e•t<~d
to patrollt7.<'
oa radunt11n.
Slttce Ch ri.'!ltnta.:t. t wo nf th o utli('(•ri! uf the l' rt!~-'1 A:4S<.I·
elntlo n - the l'rc.-.i tl e nt :uul til<' 1-A.Iitur-in·Chil'f of Tltl'
Polnter- hnt·c withllrnwn to tcndt
The \'RciWl"il's
thus caused h1u ·e il<'en lilll'll - whcthc r " "i,;cly ur no t.
time will s how.
Fo r t he prc!!Cnl. your indUIJCI'IICt! i.~ a >! l.:t•d towftnl
th o mis ta kes common tu aumteur cditon~ . While we
w ere ~tri\·i n g to coniJtmr thu nt)'.!Stcriu>~ nf proof-rc;u llcg. anti lcjlrnlng how to mak t• :\till use tho,;e hicleuus
hierogly phics whidt mean >!O utuch In the ini t hUo..'< l.
do ubt.les." ntftny m i s wk o>~ hnt·t-- not t· r cpt. hut hnldly
walked into thci!C J)ltJCI!!i. l.nnk no t with a tTi t i•·nl <'YC
upnn the '"ioht tluns o f gnun mar. thu tn i.!S·Spcllt.'<l worcls,
and the tyjJOgrnphica\ crrurs. Fully renlizhtJ,t: that
t here 1!1 grcn.t room fur improt't•ment. a nd re!!ph•ing
that the room ,; h :~o\1 gruw le!l!l. we al!k you tn remcmhcr
that an editor h tu~ nmch 10 learn. and tn "I leal .~C••n t ly
with the e rr (or ) in g ...
Do you get the utmo,;t •lilt of et·c ry muml•ttt ~ Are
you rom king the most uf yuur O!JIJollrtnniti c:!' ~ Here
you are oft"crt.'< l O JIJ~trtuniti e.<~ fnr 1\ hro>u l llml nuut y·
!lidcd d e vt>lo pOtt> nl . WhM nrc you •luinl{ wit h t hm11 ~
For yo ur lei:Jure m umetit.>~. t hut·e is the re:uling roo m
ami library. r.lwny,; o pen tuul ready fo r yuur ttk."
There i1 the JlYIIIUIL~ium with it.;; :l p)J:\r:ltll" w:~iting
fo r yon.
For your time out uf ~- houl. t hen• i~ the Uarto- lhte
Clu b meeting c\·ery \\T o•dn~h1 y nt 1~:00, whusu l!llrJmse
i!J to keep yo u ahrc:&..'4L with llw tim o..'lo. and by its fretl
; d l&eusslon to ffh·c yu u 11. full :&lid i nqmrti:l l dew o f tho
bappeniuJC:t _of W·•by . The Aruna. •·ost tUlJIIII\tan i n
char-ac te r. w ith llt;;\rt.'CI.)' any 11'l! tril-tiun M tu 1111' 11lbt~r­
· hl_p. p,lfords yo u 1111 ~:Xt"t'llc n t dtnn<"\' tu lc:~rn ltuW to
make schuol h•:whers" I n a sehoul of t his cha r:u-ter an• to be fuund teadtcrs nf thtl past, presen t and
future - thn;;o who h:n•e tnught-. tho!W who are teachi ng
and tl u•St• who arc prepa ring t.o teach. Here aro
tt•:u·lwr~ from t he commo n school:;. fro m city schools.
ami from uni,·e r>~itit!li A glance at th ei r fa ces wil l
s ullit'C to s how t htlt they. at lell!>t, arc no t quiw ll!l mis·
erahlc as t:arlylc pictttt"e:'l them . In general t h ey seem
like a clnJt~ o f JICil plc who nrc e njoying lifo. The.)" do
ll " l luuk [1.11 tho' tho god;~ had i nllic ted mo ro m\;;ory
upon them tlmn II I)On othcn. fh cy nrc cheerful a nd
hnt•JlY · They work hard . lmt thlly d o not feel that
their work is dr udgery. They study long h o u n~. but
1hcy e njoy it. They r('alizo th e rcsponsibllitl ~ of a.
ICtll'llil r';,~ cn rocr. but arc not howetl dow n hy their.
What Ucuer'\YnlJ)Ilnions are to be found t han school
te ac he rs ! Not th e dogmatic, fretful. narrow-m indctf
te:lc he r ... whom tho god tJ would make miJJCrnble."
an<l ll"hu make:~ others misemblo. hut tbo c hoo ry. c ucrJoCI' IIe. ~y •upathctlc n nd cu ltu red teacher. S uch a o n u
i>~ 11 lit"inK refutatio n of Carlyle's il peech- nntl fortu·
n:ltttly. there nru many of t hem .
T lw o th e r day !l student of this school who wuln a
hurry to J.!:Cr home fo r her di nner. carelculy left. t he
tlnor u f her wa rdrobe OJ)C il . Whe n comi ng up the
"tair~ 1111 her retu rn . 8he s aw a large whiw oo.nl pi nned
to Tth.l tlonr. now shut. Wo nde ri ngly s he hastened he r
steps :uul tlhlc o \'erctl that this card was no t a re ward
uf merit. :1.11 !!he hlld s up posed. hut rather a rewa rd of
clmnc rit. for tlmru i n lln.mi ng 1cttcl'8 so that " he who
runs may rrnd"" were these wo nlll, " Pler&Se 11hut the
dnnr" \Vhen s he hnd ot·erc.nmc her ama1.ement s uDlciuntly ''~ take o tf he r wmps. she di.st:ovenJd that the
piMCH. rd projcctt.-d alJO\'C the door o n the in1lde and
~· n.!l pri ntt.'t:l wit h thc s:uue wonls. while below were
p:&.. tCI I the ntUll j!g of those wbu hung thei r wrups.l n
t h\ >1 l•wkt:r . It tht:n read. " l'le11-"e 11hut t he d oor, Mary
M.. Ka teS .. Xam·y W ." There WWJ no t.'&CB JN! fro m
tha t d ro:u lful l":lrd . Wbethl:lr tho doo r WM open o r
!!hut. it wru~ still vi!lible and cnultl he 8ef!n hy 11\1 pau·
c u -by . The lcs.'l<m Wll!'l lcarnud. and t hat d oor l111h ut
hut the " """" ' ;, ""' ;., """
:mtlu ori tit·~.
Fmm an articlcc nt.i llcd " A Ht: t ro• pc•·t of tlw Yo•:tr
18!17.. in the S..:icntitk Atu e r k an fur ,J:'wu:tt',l' 1~1. it i.s
Cl'idc nt that the g z~atc_,t proJ{rt'.'" h:l:< )l('cll 1uado· in
the elt.'Ct ri cal world . \\' c take llll' fnllv •dn~o: fr" m tht•
··The clc~· t rio.: al cng inl'cr s till col u ti nn c.'i '"maintain
his s uccessful inl':lsion uf tlw tit•ld,; um'<' o ·xd u ~i n ·)v
held by tlw ;;tc:un engi nee r. Th is i~ \'t'I'Y Hutil'< ':t hlo· i;,
t he OJKlr:tti• n of f:ll'torio•s ami mat·h int' s hup.•. wtwr.·
iudcpenlicnt elcctrie m otolr~ wn r kin).: olin·•·t ly :II th e
111:whines an: rapi tlly takinl{ the pl :n•o• "'shaft i n~ anol
belting. with :1 S:ldng uf •p:wc au•l :1 1-(rt':tl<'r <'011\"o•tli. e ncc in manipu l::ttion . Th t: t:lectrk mut"r .is ho·t·• •minl!
s irnjJI)" n b i qnitnu.:~. and it is hf'i i!J! put to a thn u ~anol
~~,:~ ~~~ ~ tu:;,~i ~~~~ t \;: h:,~::, 1:1~• 1:·m~~::~:~~t:i~~~t~·:::,'.~\1, ,',l,l •i•~ ·~:: :;:
>ileadily s upplant i ng ste:uu tr: lction nn s u ln u·h.'lu :uul
internrh:w Jin es. and tl tl! und o uht eo l ~ u,.•·••s.~ ,.f the
third rail System on the Jl artford·No•w l~ rit:dn li no ·~ olf
th e New HM·en railroad lm.~ proi"P<I to tilt' satisfao·tion
of th a t comp:my th:u it i.:~ ~tt••r :ubpte< l than ,;u.,a m
fo r s uch work . T he nnly "el"iints a\I Ptnpt to us.- ,.J,., ..
trit: tractin n un main lit w.,; i,; nnw l>l•in~r mado• in
FrntH'C. where t he cnrinus !!ullman lut·n tn otil·•: is l ~t·inl!
tes ted with what arc r c po rtNI to ht: promi sin~r rcs otll~
The t hird rail road sy ~ t e m h; also tu he i nst:dlcll " n t lw
Central l; ud e r~rronnd r:1ilwa_v. Lo nolo lll. fnr whio·h tht •
co ntr:t.l't was let. to :1.11 Ameri•·:m lirm this .v••a r T ho·
great work nf t'•JIIippirtJ.( SOllie lih.r m ilo·~ .,f t lu..1 ,.tn••·t
r ailways o f ~CII' Yo rk with t lu- undctg-t nnnd 1rollcy
was c:lrrit."<l out in the latter ha lf o f the ye a r ju~t •·luscol
:uul w o rk has IM:cn started fo n !t hu_l(~ · l"c n tral WlW<·r
h ouse whi c h i~ to h:t\"C a l"apacily uf 70. 1100 hm·s••
power. Tl.c intentio n of the l"o mpan y w hidt is tu ak·
ing t h e chnngc i" tn eq u ip the whol e of it" 200 mi ll'S
with the tuul crg r o utul trullcy. di st•an lin}t tho• 1·ahlt• un
i t.'l Uroadway a nd Lcxinl-(1"11 11\"CIIIIc l in e.~. T ltc tll iliz·
ation of th e wo rl tl",.c wate r powe r by <:Oil\'ersinn iuto
ele<•t r ic c urre n t goc.~ un npat·e, a n•l the yl• ar ha,.c ~e•• n
tlw tnw s mi !!.!!ion of pnwer fro m ~i :tj.(ara tv BufTalu ;
the upeni ng nf th e grea t l.:u·hi n e ltn pitls hydro·elt't" lr io·
pla n t ncar :\l untrcnl. whidt b; tv ha n• a l":lpa l"ity u f
20.000 horse )'HIWC r : and the !H,ti\·e construt·tivn uf tlu•
grca~. phtnt :H Hh ci nfc ldcn . licr man y. whkh is t u 1!•'11 ·
e mir from 15.000 to 18.000 lwr~c )loll'l• r . T he ~uo-et·~~·
ful wo rk wh ich has hcc n do ne iu dcc tr i•· l•lll"a)!c "n
t•a nal s is pro m isin.l( for its fu ture C!I:ICu~ion
··Jn I"C('o rd i n~t adnuwe mc u t in theelet·tri<·allidolu .. ·n·
t io n must 00 m:ul c o f t he fea ts in high s pec•I tcle l{r:l]• h.r
performed by i.i e ut S<Jili t•r :to •I Prof. (.;rdmre. whu. hy
making usc ol the al te rna ti: g c urre nt :1.11<1 ,.c pcc ial d e·
s i~n ~ of rccei\•e r and transmitt.er, ~1h"I'CC<k~ l in ..;cm liltJ.(
lllCS.Sa.l(e!l O\"C r a win: :u t he t•ate o f 1.:!00 wut·d"' a min·
u te. A se n ~ ati on:d in\"tJulion o f till' year wa::< t lw ti c·
,· ice o f Marconi. :l young It al ian. who utilizc• l t he
H ertzia n ,-ihration for teleg:-aphic m t.'"il~"\gc.~ o1·cr a
d ista nce of eig ht miles without th e nge uf wirco;. The
in\'ent ion ha.~ ht.-eu tak e n up by the British J>O~t o llh-c
111('11 1 ~
wlu o
t': lnyi n ~o:
01 11 t•x lmu,;tivu ox1mri-
Tlw l 'nito•ol ·~tah'~ '""11.~111 at {'n•fcltl. {; c nnanr. ro1'"1"ts tiw ,Ji,:o·on·ry ., f a tww ilhnuinant. H is bri;•f r e·
1'"1"1 ha~ lot·o'll pl"intt·ol anti sl:l\t'" that l-:i"ll l'St. :-i:l11.etll.. •1"\!. din••·t"r nf tho· )!:t~ ll"oarks "' th e t·ity of Crcfcld.
wh•• ntaoh• tlw di st·on·,.,.,.. ··lai tu s that...t lltl new ~\·~ te m
wil l in tiuw Tako• tlw j,lan· uf tltt• elc t·tri c an· ¥li ght.
ll isi n rt• n 1i•mis.in fat·t.auimprol\' c mt•ntuftheinc:t.n·
<1"~•·1• n t J!:l" lo un lt'T'S. ha~•·•l upo n tiw t li ~·HI'ef}' 1-hnt
wh l'll t he pre.~,;urc of tht• ga~ i~ •·•m s idt•mhly inc rea.sed
np"n tho· itw:m•h·st·cnt '""i.1·. that Unoly e mit.'! a gold on
.l"o• llow li~l 1 t. n•r.1· :q.: n·t• ahlc tu the t' yf'. •li;;!ll:i.ying objo•c· t" in tlwil· nallll~d ,·ol ow.~ .
T lw inV•·nt,t· d aiu1~ that tlu• nl~t of hi;; incand e~ent
li;!ht " ' t.:;uo t· anol! t• puwo·1· is u ul y ·II ce n ts JIC r hour,
wl,iit· that of tlu: "nliua1·y lit{ltl nf 400 c:u ttllc J>O we r in
t ;,•rnt:tn.\" is I~ <"<' HI S po·1· hu ur .
At so• n•n , ·,.J,.,.k in s1 H11uw r anti at eigh t in winte r a
;~;;~-~=;;.::,.:: 1t1 0:~~: ~~~~-~·~· ;\11u•t ::::e;;~~:::;, ~~~::1 ~i~~-il:~;~~o~~:
;-.iattti<-:11 :\l ag a zi nt•.
E\"t•ry line i~ clentt.'tl th at t hi!l
m•~.~s: IJ.(c 111a.1" h:an1 fn •t• ,-., u rsc . T he m e5;1ngc ill a!J fol ·
luws: h . h I. 11 . lot· 111 . au r .. w hi c h m c:uu. · ·l:l ier Be r·
liu. _l!"tate n m ui"J.:"C II . m u nsic u r " ( ··Here Berlin, good
'""'·nin~t . ~ir"" ), and ins t :tnlan cu usi y Ue rlin recei ves in
n ·ply. 11. h . b.~· J.( . m. m. r . (l·le rtJ H :unhurg [o r anothur
pl:wcJ ·J.("'"l mm·nin g. sir ). Aud th e n the business o f
t lw day hej.! in~ . Thi.; , l:ail y •·cn•tuun y gil·cs the time to
the t;,· rn mn •' mJl it•·. tlw ll"atd1cs a n<l clol.'ks o f which
ino lk a1o • tu id d lt· Europo•au tin w .
Tilt' yo•: ar 1~117 is tl ul S\JI"cn hundre• lth annh·crsary of
tiw II "<' of nJ!il. In I 197 a h lat·ksmit.h mlmcti"H ul\lolz. of l.io•.u:o•. !~cij!iu m . fu n nol a hl:lek .:~ tone which
W(ml ol hlll"ll. :111d whio·h Ill' II Sl•d a,; fu tJI: th e !il.OIIO IVIUI,
nf co tt r<c. •·oa l. and j.!t.a dttall.\· o·ame i nto ge nural Ustl,
T lw Frcncl1 n:lttlt' for t"na l i hu nill e ) poq >e tuates the
tt:Uilt' of th e m an who Sc l'llll hundrcol ye:l r.i ngo intro·
tlll<"t~ l thc tuiucml a~ fu,.J. - llill" uC !-it-ien tli iiiiC.
O ne uf th•• us••s for whi<·h h:all•.><l!IS may be e mployed
i~ t lw invc~tigation of tit•• sc:l hu t.tum .
I t hns been
fu nwl hy ac ro nalll " th:ll fn•• JIIt'ntl y !he hottunl ii'l c lear·
ly d s ihlo · fro m a hal loon t"ltroug lt the Wtllc r . This fac t
ha,; a·c··•· ntly I"''' " mad •• u ~e uf to I"CCUVt!r n t.orpl..'d O
l~•al whio-h had lto•t•n : n~t uiT T n u luu
:-lnt only WM
thi~ fn un ol. lout ai~•J t wu otlwr.... wh ic h had \'a ni!ihcd
at an l'arlicrd:ltt·.- Sci1·n ti ti1: :\nu:riran .
:-;,.:, n·t·ly an y ·of th• · .u:rc:ll st• if• n ti.~ts agree as to th e
l.oro l Kcll"i n lixcs it at tlbout
lo•ttlpcra tu re uf the s un
1'1.1100 ; ( 'e nt ig ra•l• \ while ~e,·c hi. an e min e n t Italian
a~trun.,m c r. lh•>I TI(ht that it. c·o u ld he little if any !!hort
uf tu.tiOO.tKlfl; l'cnlil(r:ul•• . Other IHHc• l me n give it
\"aluc.; :Ill the wa_,. hctw•••• n tlw;w tw o and so me e ve n
!.!" a~ low :1" 1.4UU~ C•·1 1tig rad e .
It is ~ta H:< I hy a Ne w y .,rk paJmr tltnt withnut d oubt
T h.,nm!4 Edi,.o u has tak e n out m o~ p:uenu than any
.,ther i n nmtnr. Ht: O""Cll hi ~ fnnnn ~ an ti hill f:1mc to
some nf th e m . an d 110 has lnst gre:aH: r f!Jrtun e aud pc rh:tJIS greatc 1· f:am e hy not hci ng 11blc to protect hi ll
ri ghu in othel'!:l.
E. D. lbHuhl ~ uf Uurand. - ~ ()t' U L a few ol:1y's 1·i~it
with his brotlwr lb.IJ!h. the \;a,t part uf UccemUcr.
Mid Mnry As hmun, who tcal'hc.~ at ll ul'!cy. s pc ut :1
<illy 1\t the Normal ju:.t IJcfurc tlu- wiuto• r n•n ••,..
MiM Lillian Ar nott came tluwn f•·um Supo•rhor I"
her \'RCIIlion at hun ll'. anti ,·bi t f t·i c ud ~ :11 J1,.
~pe nd
Martin llt:1·er , uf :o'hcrr~· . l!J.ICIII a fo:w day;.. till' tin-t
parL nf th f! mmuh. in l' isitin~t ulol fri<'rul~ :11 !lw
Charle!l Holes c ame olnwn from hi!< S<· hunl :11 :\nhurn ·
dale. to ll ho.kc luuuls wilh l1h1 frhmds :11. t ile .• o·lmul.
M i!IS Mn.rgarut A ~ hmuu 8pi!nL a fCII' olays .,f hl' l'
Christma:1 nwntion, l' i ~ iling fri c nol:' in the •·It)'
... B. l'ullcy W:lS II wcknmc l"is itur r.. r tho• ,,.,,. d a_\'S
he !!pent with u.;~ on tlm r·u·o]Jt.miu.:: uf !Itt• tr•rm .
J e!!Se Ha rker s pent hill t:hrist rnn-1 ' ' tll':atinn at humc.
and ,·isltetl fri e ndil at th e Nprnml. bdtH'C lw n·tnnwd
to his post in t: hical(u.
Edwin O'Brie n lm.s withdr:awn 1<1 :ar ~·t·pt. t!'!e l"'"itirur
of Second Assllltant in th e ll i~orh St.·huul :u AppleTOn .
H e and Mr . l.iukin ropre:>en t our :\'oruml Wl•ll In t lrut
If you Wiil h tn intb~:~e rlhc fur 11 li r.lt ,.lla,.,,. t."o hl \'ll timml
journnl. ru J•I proc ure l'l J>Uclal rates. du•n JH.!I' tlnur rhu"C
for infe ri o r jou rn als. npply to the bu.<~ hH!:>.'I m:umgc r M
T he Pointer. l-le_<-an ar·comm•l(hlle yun .
Guy Ulenroo has. th ro ug h hi t~ c llort$ . s ucco•colo•ol iu
c hsnglnf( hiil .l(ntmmn.r '"' hool into a lrigh sdurul with
a fo ur yearil cou rsu. M i s.:~ K:atc Smith has withtlr.1.wn
to fill the. position o f :assis tant under hit tl .
Literary editor Rounds w:1.:1 c· all(!(l ho llll' ju~t h•·fore
the holidsy rece!lll. o n ar·comll nf the •lenrh uf hi ll
y ounge r brother: hut we an: gh11l tu ;cay t hnt Ire ill
again with u-.
Of o ur fac ul ty, i\l i.u Tanner, Mi88 t:r:awfu l'll. Ml'il
Bradford. l~rc6ident l'rny. P ro f. Swift. l'ruf. l.h ·ing;uu n .
and l'ru f. C:uh·ur. :Htcnrk'l l tire M ilw:IUkt!c Tcn dJI!r~ ·
Conve n tion . Mi8S Cnlwford rt•tu l n p:apcr 1111 · T im
Phy!IICII.l ldell.l." ~ I nt. UriUUtml ]m:.~' llll'd :l carefully
p rep a re.! d iM'O Unltl •m " IJdCt'l" and ltc mcolic" in l' r: u ··
tlce T eaching ."
Am ong No r malitcs whn wert• iu :lltl•llflrtm·f• nt th e
l\lilwau kce(;on veur.ion we lind : Alla n Prny. E I St·ott.
l\1 . 0 . Hi ll. (;h~ . Holcl!, . rt nd \\' IIi Hr:~t Uord .
Mi!M Ka te Smith nn ht>r t!Cilft rtun!, wn.'l hnnort••l hy
an ei!ICI'II'ting retin u e whic- lt nPt•u mpnui t~ l lwr rl.'" fur :l.OJ
Ju n<'tio n C ity (of N o roual:<•·hnol fame ) l h •n• thOJ):trty
took up t he ir nbode." in rh e lint•>~t h o tt·l nf the mc t ropo li ~. " The Rmwbnd," wlwre t lwy c njoyt•d a n t•lwcllt!n l
s uppc!r before th ei r re tu rn to th e Point By ~ti\'i n g the
names o f th<' ]M!ri!Hnll wh•• t'U II!!ti tut•·•l tho• t'""'llany
tho magnitude o f th t! lu11 tlui.t.- Wll."hnol may he int•• t·n ••l :
Mi!M108 Ho be r ts. ] .R.Ivi~ . Fnllc r . Uc•t·cr. n nd ~l•·l"l••llnn.
a nd Messrs. !'eft.!ll'. Hnto•hki ll". nnrl. IJ r:lolrnrd .
t'oltowing are t he 111\llle.~ of tht· itlldt•nt~ whu t•n ll•re<l
tilt' :Snrm:ll nn tht• re·OJ>U uin~-t of t he te rm : Albina
,J,•nn it• Brown. l,e na ~ l cClnsc hiu. Lo re nn.
He 1·c r. Eum ra ll a,\·um. 'l'hos. Lew is. Jle tcrGci ner, ThM.
llan i lin . :IIIli t 'brJ. \\'hitrr.x·k . The ro llowing have
withoh·nwn: 1\,•lc n:J. Eide n , Theotlor'i' Kh~wikofsk i,
:1nd t\nni•• ~ l o·(;•HI' IIII .
.•\ I 11 uwc linj.t l1eltl l>y th<l imeno lin;:: co n tcSL:~nts fo r
tlw lut·:ll <H':II,.rit·:d t'<.llltcsl. Fcht· u:Lry tlt h w as decided
IIJIH II a_., tho• tby ll')lt'll that 11 1+1111CIII0 11.! e\'011 1 ~thoUid
ra ke Jd:I<'C. T il!' iutt•r-:\'onn:tl ••on tcst w h ic h i" tfrbo
lwlol :II l'l:lll+' l' ill(• this p•:U". takf'S Jllllt'C the twe n ty·
tir.-r.,f:'o l are h .
T h<" huy,; of tltt: EiJ.thlh ( l mdt: rc:adi11g t•las~ haxo
'"~anl~.• ·ol a r·c:uliug d uh ur .. lt•r th e di1~ . ·1i1• n .. r their
t t":~t· lu • l', 1'. !. l'• ·a~t·
:'o l t•el!nJ..:~ :t re hc ltl Pl't• ry S:Lt n rd :ry o' l't'lliu;;:
Alth"IIJ.tll :\l r. Sy]n ~ te r• i;; rat· aw ay iu \' o nk crl!. Nt:w
Y11r k. 11<' t•t·hl c raly n:ta itr'+ :1 tJI,u•c in hi >~ heart fm· his
man y )'•HIIIJ.C frit•ml~ at the :\'nnual. judging fro m
:lflpCIIrtiii<'C!O •ut l' hl'i s tlllll-1 (ll'e .
,\ n '''"Jiert. ""'lit "''by tlw :'olilw:utket!· Eler·trit• Se n:'icc
l 'u . " ]M' IIt a •lay :U tho• :-.: .. rum! in rc)l:lir i n~ th othc rmu,.t:ll" anti [Hilling i n new Ollc.i where it was
In tlw. Yuruh' .. t..'<>mpa n ion n f Lk:co rnhcr :IDth, we lind
an •· -~··••lh•n t h u: nnt'"ll" .. tury. !Jy P rof T ee ple w hi c h is
1\'o•ll worth ro· r uliu~or . 'l'l1er\J ar\J On!! or lwo mOrl\l!i imIM•dd!•d in it If yun "nly want to pull them out : First,
th:tt tlwrt• i;~,wir•ncc t.' \'C n in " ' wh :111 unscien llllr· th i ng
hay : so·t:u ud , that. nftor all ijrCc n hurn!l d n
c~ist. o'l'cn if tlwy ~lw uld 1111]1 ]}{'11 w como fro m n.
:\'••rmal ,.,·hutll
:1 '" lnao l in~t
A " Mann:d tu the 'l'c'\"t lluok o t Algchra ." hy l'ro f.
l '••llin,". i~ ju"l O>!lt . It t•rmt:lift ll tlr e~:~uh ttlun u r ditli c u lt
p rolol cm ~. n nol !lnggl!!lt iu ns n!l tu I111W t o present tho
serc,ral topit· ~ . T he work Ill •lt~~ igu eo l ttl ho hoi ]Jfnl tn
tca<!i'l•'r" us in!C ~ l r . Cfllliu '~ text in :algub rn. ami thi!l
o•!ld it t't rl:a in l.)' will :acr·umpli! h.
At a meetin~or o f tl1c Pres!< A .:~sod at ion, I, , 1•. f'e:Llle
ll'll.il elcr·tct l to ti ll the l':lt'a llt'.)' of p re.~idc nt, ldt by
M i~ K11t c ~m it h .
Uy ht! r lamentable tlcpartu rc t he
t•ha ir· uf ••ditur· in· t'IJil:f un T he l'uintcr iltnff wa.'l a lso
loft l'a<'tlllt. :'oli ~~ Ly di :1 Wlu:e lur:k wn!l c lt!ctcd to Jill
tlw l' a ,·nn•·y )l is~ !huh Hobc r ts was e lected cxclmngc
l'+ li tur
. .:..l'ht• ~ ··nior" w hn ~mduruc at the t!nd of th is ttll llrte r
nrc : ,\ . •l. l.attun. FAII!l1 ll nrntlckt:r. :uu l Kate Smi th .
Tlw cl emcnt:1 ri~ nre : J . S. U:lrtl, Esw lla llebanl,
A•la l ..e wi .~ . .Juscp hin u :'o f urr.1y, M:lud Whitnoy, a nd
Frank ,J. 'I'IHI1111M• m. They lm\'e been examin ed by
rh c re u-ular cx,uuining c·•muniuce~ Supt. J . Q . F:mc ry.
HCJr• 'IIU :'olciJil l and ,J c nkin .:~. au.! Majo r l{oekwootl anol hat'l' all !lur l'i\'Col t he tryi ng ordeal.
State Sntter\llt t•rulmtt Emery s pnkc before the I!C bool
murn in ~ cxerd!lel!. ,J:anna ry Oth . 'l'ho talk, II..! us ua l.
:u r i rn prcsll i n~ uno ll o ii ]JOkc o n th e Wl ~tcOn!li n
~lnt•· tr.i\' cli n~or 1ihr:1ry liJS if'm, whkh hii!J o t late. co.m u
ittl •l pnhlit· prmuillcnt~· li e oh vc lt ma inly lljW111 the
uwri t ~ of the :>.)'!llem : :llrd " " Lho fu.ct. t ha t. tu cn lth·a to
ll pa~h: lll r tho re:ulinll uf g oucl literatu re s hou ld be
nne uf th o m~+.U prmui,neut aim.! m t he cmmtry IK!bool
currit-ulum .
w:r ~
P rof. Collins an d Ml"'. :\l ustard h:w~ "haol tlwir
tu rtl" on the rostrum at mornin~o: cSt·rdSl'S. J'r,>f.
Co)] lin;~ spoke on the s uOjcl't ''' "Calendars ." ~o:il·i n,~t a
•le wih.'tl :Iecount of the hi.~tory uf tl1c t·alc udar, and in·
reres tiuJZ fans <v nt·crucol with it.~ e 1'uh1tiun
Mrs . :\l us tanl ~ave a \'C ry s pirito•ol talk on tilt' pr:t<'·
tical sidt· of c< hwatiuu. ~splainin_l!' tho• f:lt't that tlwl'<'
two ways nf Jr"lll).: tu sdtuol awl of ,;uulyin).:
llrn :ulnt·~"' in t·llllc:ttion. ;;he madt• •·l~ar. ll' a"' IIC<'<'•S:tl'.\'
for the dc•·el<•pm~llt of t he w lwlt• mall .
that nn <lilt' man. n1· ,~tro u p uf nwn . can ).:II tu work :ami
int't' ll\ "II<' l'<'ltlt'dy whi<"l1 will. likl• some patent mC\Ii·
o·i m'"· <'lit'<' :1ll ,.,-;)... :-'11ddo•n n•formacinn i~ inqwssi·
h i~ . auol tlw ll'r"IIJt ~1111 1.,.,. tu wnrk fur. E•·ol ution ti uw aud it ,; 11:\llll'al dlall,t.:<'" •·:1n o n ly briug ahout
~~ ;;; i ::;~ •< I! ,';';,l•i;;;~ ':~~::: ~~~ •s : h ::... ~···l~l)t:~t~t~;\ Li~;~~IO~
mauno•t·, Ill' ill!]<l'•'·""''d tlw f:ll't that a hroadHrt•dtw:uion
;\~: : :·~~.\~::·, ::::: ":~·~~ r~: ~~·;~ ;:;~~;,t;:~ I~ ai: r~ :.~:-~:;·l~c:~~~, I hat a
J :muary ';'th. at uu 1rninj.! cx e n·i ~ t·~ . )li.~~ Linton a)!:tiu
h:ul ready one uf lwr mu~it-aiJII'IIg'l':l!ll~ f, l. tlw ••nju,\'·
th e s('hu.. ; :\l r . 4i:tl' ill
Co lrCJ.!C. rcndcn•ol a l' o·r.r dTc<'li•··· .~ .. 1... "( 'a h·ary."
which hrn nj.!hl f.,rth ho•arty applau,..o•. and wa .~ 1'<'~1"""1e<l to by an ctll'lll'<' :-;,, :\!1 in tlw )! I•••· and .-t .. •rll~
hHnk. was tlwn ~llll]l h)' !lu• ~ ··h.,.,] : :tfto•r whio-h :\lr
C:uuphell sanj.! allot her ""I". ••ntitlo•d " 'i'ho·JI,.]_,. t 'it y ..
Tlw th ird uumll<'t' of our h'••ture <"<ll tt'so• i ~ Ol'ur. This
wa.~ pun·IJ an <''\\r:l. f!'•·•·lo :1llt\o-kct huldcN. and was
<lloly maolt• pu.~,;ihle loy tl11• fa•·t that ••ur I'Utlrse h lt.ll
'"'''" a <~ll· in)t S lh'<'l·.~ s litHilll'iall,l' a" well as sue Ially
:111ol imd .t·t·tuall)•.
,\I.H•· ' I :!~0 o·uurst• tiekcL'I at 0110
,\., li ar han• I we n sohl in tho• s.·ho••l. anti the SU)lport
""' ~ id•· lm" 1w1.'n \' 1'1',\' ,~to: t11'ruu.;: .
T hn•1~ umubeN rc·
ma i n
Tlw Li~to:man t 'o<IH"<"rt. .Jan . 1:1th; l'ro f. Cout.
~;~~~;~:~:~~,:;:::.]IIi~~:~~~~~ a~;:;;~~~-~~ l'i ,;:·::~,::~~ :~~:~;,.t ~ ::~:.-i :~;;'
;. ~.: •;:1~; ~ t~.::l~-~ ~~;~.- 1-:~:~;;·~~~:~·;·11 tt::1~~~~- l'i~; •f;h~:r~::~t ·1~ ~~~c~~::j
l'amp\,..11 of
: , ;:
:::::·::;·:;,:.:;::;~:~;.:::~!'~:. ·::::;~:~ :.':::,:·;: ·: : , ::.:::· : : .~3:·.::~ ,: ': ~~·:·:t;:\:~~·,:::::::,:::;:~~i ::::;:..,~:~~;:~~:~;;;;~;:
phly J.!il'en hy till' pupil" of the tiJ'amll'l~r :..;,-h.,nl. tho•
day )}('fore tho• hnlid:\y rcn!."~
l't•rhap~ tht• p la y m:\,1'
hc reJ~at cd in thc,~rymtms iun JII'or!l~~l'mloly room wh l'l'l'
more spectator;; •·an lw a•·•·o•ulllo~<lat~·l than in till'
licJl:ll'ttuellt r<H•m
•·nuloll1old nnly :1 "lll:tll 1111111l)(•t' of <>lll- sitlt•t·~ :111•! '"' ' lent~ Th o~ o· ,,., ,., w .. n· fur ·
tun a te enough. howo•l't•t', tu nhtaiu stnr~<linJ,:" rnmu. n •port that the I'I'Jircscntation .,f :.;,·ott ',; l.ady nf the ],:ok t·
1\'hieh tht•y saw W:\"' <lo' <·idt•olly [[nod. aud a en•• lit r..
e •·ery mcmllt•r "" th e l'oh• T lw <'!l."t of ··hara<·lo•r.~ in
:\li•· Jail•' ,\dd:un-"1. f:muou .~ tl1ruugl1 her t•nnnection
with th•· " ll ull ll uu;;o•" nf t'hit•:t)!o. SJlnkt• o n En~li s h
and Alllt'rit·an :-;,,..inl :..;eul c mt'lll."' :ll the Norm:tl. Jnn,
ll•·r·lco·wre h:ts '"-'t'n pronnurtced :1-'1 being one
nf tl11· Jtl't•at cst C l' t•nL~ i 1 the annals of Stct·ons Point,
arHI the :-'t<•t'o•n,., !'oint ~ornHII. ."ibc tlc.'! orihetl : liNt,
tlw :-'o ...
~o: ttl~·n1cut s in Eugl:u111 ; anti th e n briefly
111\' lll i•olled th oo;<t• iu Amerif'a. gi•·irrj.! a dctaiiC\I tlescrij)rion of tho• ll ull ~cttlcm c nt :OO)w do•alt m n.inly on th e
work olnnc hy that ' ins ritution. how it was supported,
~~l~c!:'t~,,:~t~~:. fo~l_l:'.'~'". ·.
o·arr io•d nut . at ..,! what o•ud~ it h:t.ol i n l'io w.
IUtOtlcrick Uhu . . . . .
James Fit~. James .
Uoo1glass .
:\l alt•nhu .
~~~?;~;. :•.·.
\~-~::~:~~· ~:~:~\::~-~~ ~~~~~~~~:~·;,',1-!tl;," 1 :~~l~·:ul~ h1:11,t,IJ:~";~~. :~ ::::;n: ht: :1: 11: 11 ~:~~s ~~~i~!
. ·. ·.
. . . .. .. . E 11~il!11 AI well
. . .-\ lfrl•d ll all'nf>oe n
. . llan o!.! ('uh·,·r
w ilh th e (.Hour, ami dl'u:r:tdo·d t/1:11 "you will ahvays
han: wid1 ,1•111" Thc aii"Wo·r:; too the tj UCs t ious tlmt
.':?i~:~~·~;§~: : :~; ;,~ ·~!:,,: : : : :,~·: ;:,:·.::·::~:1.::::::·..~:" ~:~~~::;~·.:~:
~pace will mot IK'rmit 1 • 1 a dctail t.'< l ao·e.,tlllt uf the
play. but uumtinn mn .~t Ill' mado· uf t h•• warlike apjH•:tr·
a nee o f HhooJc rkk and his h:uHI. the n·~· al olt•mcan"r otf
F itz J:uue.s, and tho• ll'\l'l'll<·lll :\l'tin~r .,f :\lako lm :uut
Ellcu . :\lueh •·r.... lit i~ •Inc :\li~,~ lira,\', f11r upu n twr fo•l l
pr.lctie:lll)' th e l'nlirc t:LSk uf olrill in~ . pru•· idiu~ ,..,. .
tume.-o. anti maro:lj(ing the ~shihit i oro
Thc sceoiul numbe r o f the lco·tul'l! •·•mr•o· h:a<l a ll t ho·
~JWl't.'i!S that atte nolcol the tir:;t
\\' ,\ S t·<~tt. \'r .. f
o f ~Souomit-s at the l' nil'ers it_.-.,r W i~t·o n ~in. ~poko• u n
" The :o;,.w Er:t." Th., li~t part of till' lt••·tun· wa~
e:q.H1sitory in its llltl!i~e. ~i l' iu~ :1 dl.'t:ti lcd des•·r i pt iou
of the formatinll :aud c.-olntiull uf th e fu oll' J;:"l'l'!ll d a~···~
uf houuauity - the l:ti.H•n· r, thl• f:II'IHo:r. the miol•lle mau .
sntl th e <'iljJit:a li~t This part ,f the tli sl'"ur~ c wa~ ,.,. .
t'L't.'<ling'y iuto•rcstinj.! !IIIII CSIJ'Ceiall _y iu•trtll'ti•·c _ l11
the Iaue r !J!il'l of tht: talk th e d iif., l'l!lll re nwdie" ot!Tc r ct\
for the cltisti n)! con<iiti.,n~ wcr.• L1·i c tl~· m~utiun• •• l th e ~in~lc tax :oche mc 11f H ~ nry Gehi'Jo;C. :utart·hi~m.
ami §IH"ialbm . l.onkinf;t' :11 the;oe in :1 !m):ulmintiL'tl
way. Ill.! said that. ahhtough th1•y had l' irt Ut•s , none
<"OU\d f)ll!isihly tlu :til tlw y dttimcol
lh· ~aitl furtlwr
<ol'atio11 at the :\urmal 'llm i'S<Iay f'\'t'ning. Jan. 13th
T he s turm .,f applause after en•ry se lection ca ll~ I
furth umny hu ll' .~ ami l' ltt''ll't.':!l on the part o f i!:ae b per·
f<~rmc r
i ' h:uui n:ule 's ":OOJIIIIIII\11'." 111111 lh ·omk'll
"{luart l•t in F ... hy thu •!ll!ll't<'l. were eiiJJCo·ially we ll
n 'l·t• in·ol . T lw l' i11lin "'''"-~ loy the h•ad cr. lkr nhar1 1
!.i~lt•uoan. ~huwt~l :l " llrpri ll iu~r nm.~tcry uvc r that difli·
o·u it i n~tr<IIII O'I It. an<l lllll"t h:ll't' l~t:CII t he loe:tt e1·er
h;•ard in th i"' l'i ty. with tlw pr >hahl c l'Xt'6J>tiun uf tho11e
loy t l"' l l un)!ari:m l' i ulini~t. ltc unmyi The 'ecl111 i10lo~
to~· Fr:tn~. \\':IJZtll'l' •n•re n·markahlo· for th eir clcarnc..~.~
au• I •lll••uthnl'~~ of 1"111'. :mol ••xcc utiou
Maude \\'i n k l1·ho·•·k I ::ut<lt't'au x. till' ~O (H~il"' s11luis t W:\..'1 eltCCt!<li ny ly I"'J!u lar w lt l1 tlw :uodicm·c. wlw f:worc<l her with
r••( ll'all•ol "'':II i"'"' l h:r l'uit·t• i'l a full. rkh .!IOJlMi no uf
~ro•nt cotmp:t,..• and lh·.;ihilits .
llt•r rentle ring o f the
SttH,:t·a:o l'ulka, II,\' )lnl•h•r, with it.'> ditlit:ult trills , Wt~
rl'markahlt· Tht· d11 ~ ing l' ioolin "'"lu n l :\lr. Listcman
wa~ th e e1·•·ut of tlw e1·cni11JZ
:\bny peuple a•·:ailcd
thcm~e h·cs of tlw o pJIUrtmoit)' ,.f li"tc n inf;t' to thi.~cxce l ·
le nt t•omp:uty. :mol the Xorm:~l a ssemhly ruurn Wll.>l
pa1·ko.~ l to it.s UIIHOSI hy l':tger li>~tc nl'l'>i
I IOI'C my luh·•·N!l.ry·~ h•J.( '" kit-k.
To fri~k 11).1011 hi;J f••aum·~ wit h my fl't'L
Or hunt him in thl' ~tomad • t ill hl·· .. ~io-k
A ll !hi .. i;1 """''''1.
I smile to ht•:•r hi-1 e.,l\:&r huuc •·olbp ...•.
A••co mp:&ni c.J It,\' hi .. t•xpirinj.: s•· n ~t·•· l1.
T u l' ral•k hi.! rlh,o I~ h:l)lpim·~•. Jl{•rh:q• ~.
\ltl)"UI HI all n ·: tl'il
My ~tu n-l y hco•l i nto hi li " JI Ine I j:t m.
T o beat hill mo uth unti l he J ~< •nl -1 at fat<'.
T o ptuwh litcrnly In tlw oliaplll"l' l-\'111
(,; rn pturc
Th:UI to ( l{! l'l't'l\'1~ h i.~ umul_l' lol'""l r un n ·<l
!'l'o !(rente r jny o•:w un1u uw 1~< • ~h"l'll ,
ll ut 1\1 nne kh•k '" ki• •k him <luw n .. , .. ,,. d ,·ad ,
Thai , th:u hi lw:.n·n ·
te:un O ther college 11 111 1 Normal Sch ool teams seem ed
tu l.~o.t ufr:lid u f m l't!ting 1111; o r , if th o] we ro not, they
l":lnedlct l th('ir •11111!5 on mt he r "Slim" excuses.
'1'\11• game wi lh l.:nnenoo Unl\·onJity was u.n easy
ry fur tlu• h(I LIII'! team . l.a.wrenc,•u bnu:ed up lo r a
f••W m inute• in th e llt'\.'01111 half, 1\llll score<{ ll touc h·
.!t~wn : hut the jtal"'l' wru~too f1uot fo r her, and Ste1•en s
l'uint ~""" ll" ' the h:1ll. while J.nwrc nce Jllaycd o n rh o
, J, .f,·n~h·t! fort iiC' N· nm i ntler o f t he g:un e. The S uperio r
;ranw w:. ~ tlw ha n lest uf tim >~ea.io n ; if it had not been
funlw fnml oll.'s tlm t we mutle lim !H:Ore wo u ld probably
ha,·c l"'(' ll l:al)!'l'r
:-o..·,Hu: - l.:lwrcncc il : ~tci'C II!t Poi nt 22.
:"lufWrl r-.r 1'1.
:otte \"CII S Poi u t 1;1 .
,·i•·• ..
'I'Jw !l r.<t ;ram1• uf has kf'l lmll \)(: ~wee n the Phi Be ta
1'.-i J!.oar1 1i111: •·l ult :urd tho S orm:ll schOI'•l tell m ot•e ur~:lt nnl:l ,\', .Jan l !'i .
Uut h tea m s plnycd " good
.1!!1 11 11 ' . •·un~i• l t•r i nJ.t the a mo unt 1tf Jlrllclit•c t hey ha\"c
ha.L Th•· Surmnl ~ •litl t lm l.tt!~ t t('nm wor k. w hich :lC''"""'~ fur tlwir l' i1·1ory
Tlw !ll'll rt• Wtl.'l ltl to 0. The
p l:ty iu~or .,f Hu-I'IH•rry. Smirh, llnln,uln . Sprin~cr nod
u.. tr wn ~ I'~ (.ICI'i:l ll)' gnod. T he re:uns lined Ill' as fnl-
Holman as cnpllli n and ]f'fl half •lid !,!""'! t\"u rk
w ith the tt!11111 . llo l'inycd :1 .. tl'ttll].t th•f1 · n ~in•. ami wa.~
alway& sure of g etting lht• 111 :111 if lw J:"' liw lim• . bm
be wu nof !IO 'ltro n~o~: ll n :l)t)trc,..;h·•· jJlayt•r a.s lw wa.s
lll!lt yen r. a ltho ug h he tu:aolt• ~ ~~~ "' 1:'""1 g'ain~
Springer at. right h:llf ,Ji,J ex(•t•lle nt wu rk iu till'
iotcr fc re nL'il: he wu 1 a lio•r1·•· t:ll'kle r. :111•1 a J:'"" l
ground gai ne r:
King al ,co plll)'CI I it. ... trtm)l 1{11111(• n t lmlf hat·k Hra tl·
fu rd pnt up n I(OOd ganw nt full h:wk
Fnll1•r a l ~"
played a u r o ng ~r.mtc 111 full h:wk . liP lond.:t·d th e
line han!. an~l dil l j.Ctl<Hi wo rk in till' in lt•rft·n •n•·1·
Pea~ Jllaye.J !t llte!n l.)', r('\iahle~:t:t m c 111 •JII:trLI' t' h: tt· k
kee ping u. cool he1~o~l nu matter wh,tt lmpJH'tlt·d
w as II UN tu nmke 11 lllti u w!Lt' llt'l't' l' the ha ll wa .. llil"<' n
to him.
~":'el~~ ~1d" ~~~" ~:~ 1;~::~~e ~-~~~;·;;,', a1 ;~:;.·,~~~ ..~~~~· · ~;:: ::~
whencn·er th e bnll
KiVell '" rlwm .
l'ho lhu t-..
:S or -1~
l.o't'>' . . . . , .... ..... h:ts kel.
, ..... H olt
:-tmith, l"apl , .... , . , . fo rward ............ .... Pease
)l :w ;r. ..
. ...... furwnro l .......... . .... CIL!;~Ciil
t ;illll.'rt
..... . .. t't'nh'r .
H ol mnn
and tackling the 1111\11 . Bot h wo·rc :_.cnud ~-tntu 111 t g:tincr--Mathe . (.;owftn nn• l ThrunMJn furnt~••l :• ll':tll :11 co· ult·r
aJfftinlll wb h:: h il wa.~ u~le•,. fnr !In· tt j tpn~injl tt•:uu th
di rect 11.:1 plays
Now that the f ovr-hall .. ,.a~uu i .. '""••r. :a l•ri•·f •·•·l'io·w
o f tbe 5C.UOn"l wo rk m ay I~ in t crt·~ti n ;t: T l..- fo"•t·IJ:tll
t eam receh •e.-1 e :ccl•llt'nt !ILIIJJk•rt fr,.,u •h•· f:~< · U ltl·.
&tudents a11tl the l'iti'l~n.. T hi .. yo•:ar·~ 1t•a n1 , :allltuu~h
lighte r th a n t hose uf f••ruwr ,\"l'lli"'o. Lllhl••r tlu· ••llicicul
traioing uf J oo M:arshal l nin l 1"\':ac·ht., J a •lr1: n-.· ••f ,,, •.
velopment wh ich urull' u f t ht• ut l ll'r~ :uta i n o-.1 T J,..
team was stron~o~:cr at .Jcf,~ n .. il·e phl,\·i n ~ot: 1lmu :any .,f
the former teanu. Ther•• wer1• " "~tat' t•l:\y<• r" i u tht•
tesnl. b u t it tilt! s trnn!( w:un work
E\·cry man ~ u c w
h i& part In the piny, :utt l lw u ! •mlly ·li·l i1
It wa .. 11!1 ·
fo rt lltJIUC t.hllt we t·uultl nut IC•'I rnnro· jl:l mc .. :t hcr "''
muc h muncy an d tl u w had ltt'C II " 1"'111 i n tr:1ininJ: tin.'
. ... gm1rd
.. . C nh·er, Cnpt
W ill Cu l l'l~r i~ ~·a tJ tllin u f lhf' team e hnJIC n from tl l6
II i~ 11':\m wil l pmll:thl y •·un~liit o f th e follow tn:.t: J lt' r~uu- . \\' ill (' n h·e r. Will H o lman1 W ill 1-tolt.
\l •• r1 l':t .. ~•- 1". Willi:an1 Ur:ttlfnnl. ,\ rc hie l{nsebe ry. P .
\,·, wr.·n•'(> \\•;tit•. Tim t E>'~ m ~ prac tice thre-e time:~: a
,,.,.,.k Tht•y :u ·e rn pi•lly J:Cltlng i nto cnndition ·a nd
with a li tt lo• ,.,,:1chi ng l ho·~ will put UJI a s tro ng game .
'l'h·· l' hi ll••ta l'~i ll uan linl{ e lu U hlli'C orgnn i.-.ed 11
lr:l"kt•t hall tt•am with W ill Smith manager a nd \Vill
lh·dh:l<'k IH'IIl:lloter. Th e following persotu will prob·
~ru ;,•;,._.~::{\ \~ ~~~
r.1· M:w 'l.
sn~p~~;; g~~1\ e, ~~~~~~:~.::, 1 ~ ~~~~~~::;.IC ';~:,•~::;, ~ha 1 i~:.";:•1~:
::.:: ·::.: ·:: : :~~~~~~ ·······:: :::·: .r~~':;~~
Hin tnnol .
• ;:. ~~.~~:~~:~~~~:; ~~:11;ii~tge~~ I~:::
.Joh u J.,•es.
tir~t ro·~ul:&r ~t:nme
. , T lw
u f b:nkct .ball w ill he played
1 ll•·~da,l" ' ' 1 ''~111 ~K- J a n . !!~ . In the ~ o rm ll l gy wnosi um .
,\ ~m ·• ' l ; 11 1 111 1 "~tnn fee w11l he t•hllrgcd. th e proceed.! to
K" IUI\'a nl .. the Jla)'IIICDI n f the d ebt o f Athl e ti c 3.!80Ci·
:uinn Orlwr Q:Uml"" willl~~yed '!'ter.
Tho• .'""""ll l:.dit-. hat·e o rganh:ed two basket ball
Th(•y rlrt• •~mc h ed by MIM Crawfo rd and prae·
ll"l.'Ck They e xpc1•t to h•u·e som e ex•·i1in1: c·u nll••ti< in the near futnl't' .
!••:am ~
Ji,.,. t hn.,- linw" a
T lw .\ l :ull-un hi ~t h !!•h•ml fouL l.t:t-11 team defea ted tb e
~iadi &o n ,
Hntl:!lo hhth -..·huulu•am on Chri Kt mu day
lo,\' ,t,•f••:& tin~ot th i~ team, wo n t l1 e high &ehool c h&mpio n "hip ,.fflll" l ' ni!l'o l St:tW! .
At :&llll 't'ting u f th•• Atl~atlon P. J.oAwrence
1 '1.' :& ~1' w:1~ t' il•t·h'd lllllllltge r of th e l.l::t!!ket. ba ll tea m .
If ,....,....ihl(• Itt• will arnmge 11 wun e with some o ther col-
tl ':& ln,
[: ::~~~~:~:~?:~~~::::::
Oh. why now s prechen sic Dcutsdu- ~
What. pl easun.~ sray can sill halwn ~
You crannut im:1gi nc how much
Y ou bc1ther unfortunate Kn:dJen.
Uch11te r Freund : ginJ Ucsser work.
Nkht so hal"ll. cin kurtztlrct·lcsson.
Oh, then we willtlllt try tu s hirk.
Un.! nnser will gahcn sic hles"4! n :
11~ nh-h t now lO th..-cli nc
··Meine;~ Hrmlcrs ~ros!K!rc ll au:wr:··
··Die Fasscr·· of "":llt ruthe r Wt.'in""
C:tn gh"t' ~~~ no 1mssi hl c joy. sir.
Oh. ask
Die Muller nmy tnagen ci n Hot·k.
E:tL schwartz Brod nnd tlcm Ka ~t·.
Die (i:tn'~ may he hn.ngcn on hudt.
Hu t what can it. m:ltte r to me. sir
l{cturn 7.11 ihr uwn tmtinl ton~nc.
l.c:n·e Dcn tsd1 nntl Saner Kmut w the IJtu c hme o:
And seek not to t(','l.th to the yuun~
The s prnchc bclouging to !luch men.
Und now"t is my snlcmn bel ief
That ir yu u uicht gr:lnt thi il ]>etitio:t.
Sic um~t sd trciben mei n Vater ci n Hrid.
To :my that ich bah cin ··Condition.··
How dcn.r to our hcarl!l is the old ilil\·cr d oll ar.
Whe n iiOmc kind subscriber presents it to \'icv.::
The liberty head without neektie or collar.
And all the st range thin~!! whic h to 11!'1 see m sn
The wide spreading eagle the arro w;o below it.
The ,;stars !Uiclthc words wi!lt the s trange things
they tell :
The coi n of our fathl.!rs. we're ~lad that we kn ow it.
For some time or other 'twill come in ri~t h t well
The spread eagle dollar.
The stnr·ilpangk'tl dollar.
The old 'llh·er (]oll:t.r.
- E:t.
Wealllo\'CSO well.
Whi le the s uhsf'ri]Jiion price of the Jl3J}Cr i~ only one·
half of the ··ol(l si]\'Cr dollar.·· it is :.till welcome. The
fact that it is half and not all o r a dollar. ought tu
mnk c il!l payment. an easier matter. l~ay up prom ptly
\\' c ha\·c trusted you iiO far. anti can"t you tntst uil for
the balance o l the issue11 ~
Little Oolphie had o. mirror
And he licked the back all oiT.
Thinking rashly in hi ll te r ro r
That it cured the whooping cough .
Some days later Oolphic' s mother.
Wt.'C ping. ~aiel to Mrs. Hrown :
"Tw8.'1 a c hilly day fo r Oolphie
Whe n the mercury went t.lown .·'-- Ex.
\\"hat Wt• <"alt ~in•. nut wlwt W<' c:w J!::llll, i~ tho true
11\c:ISUI"I' uf JIUII"I'r in lif<•. Tlw hardo•t· tho times. the
~ tu ·•·r the test in thi~ 111<1\11'1".
Wlwn girin,t.t •·o~ts more
than us ua l. it i~ Uctto• r worth while tu give. T hc.'kl :lro
tho• obys fnr thl' ,t.ti•·in,t.t uf uur nwau~. vf nur s trength.
of o ur .;ympathy. to th"~'' whn arc in eX("c ptinualuo..'Otl.
It i ~ tiuw to gin•. ratho•r than-· t" ~ain. or 10 gain
thN•u~h ).(idng .
/lnw •l<'al" tu my lwart i .~ tlw •·:1.s h "" ~uus~dptioHr.
Wlwn thl' j!llll<'rou!l s nh.~c·ril .. •r· prc.~cnt....; it h> view.
But tlu- man wluo wuu't pa,\" ll"t' refrain f t~llll descri ptiuu
F"r pe rhap ~. J(cntlo• n•aoler. th:1t m:ut might l>e you.
- 1-~x .
The in wan] life i" the indux uf the ouLw:u-..1. the re ral
Ucillj.( hu~ the o11tg:rmnh elf till' principles,
whcthct· :lllllolmt·c•l n r not. T he clesil-es anti impui:Ws.
with tlu- thonj(hh. l>et·<H II<' cry,;ta!izcd into pnwtical
a•·t.o~. •·onMitutiul,! the lrtlt' •·hamo·tcr.
o·har.~t:tc r
An Pnd{':lfnr is heinj.( mad•• hy the l'res hytcri:ln~ to
an cno luii'Hit' nt fmul ,,f ~20.000, 00() for the \ Vest·
Uninm•ity at Dt•n•·o•r. Cnlnmtln. The plnn of
the Uni1·cr.~ ity i.o1 base•! nu that of Yale, Harvnrd tlnd
r.1i ~c
min ~h·r
Chica.~en .
Political Econ omy.
·· l wauta hill. my fathcr <le:lr,""
~o wrote the Juni or lumte to !'a.
"" For money <lo we s tuoly here.
Plcaso>M.:ntl it •tuick. --Hos:1.··
One nf our t•:te hanp:cs dclines a school paper In tho
foll owi ng mariner : '"A puhlieation to tho contc nl!l of
whit-h onC-J~r t'ent. uf the schrml contrilmtC: :uul wit b
whit•h the rcnmining nincty·nim• tincl fault .'"
:O.: ow par:1ttts. Frcshie tli.,.it
Cum a sad nml dolcfnllnuk :
··Alle rechte." Prof. rciiJI<IIl<lit.
:-.lihil. sc ripsitinhi>~l:took . ·- 1-:x .
Yo u can lc:ul :1 horse tu w:ue r,
But ynu t'anunt nmk•· him drink:
Ynu <":Ill riolon little I"'"Y·
BuL ynu ca n nnt make hint t hini:. -Ex.
\ \'c tin not want an Engli11h tludc.
Totc:u:h "" f:u hiiHtll lltlll·,
For in uur .JegretJ or latitude
A ·· Yankee Dood·lu"" tlo. -- Ex .
T eal'irer (lmndin.u; bac k 1111 cssay j-·· Don"t you t hi nk
this is dry ~·· :'I! iss D.- "" 1 t·an't hel p it. I copied it
from an cneycln pne<li:l. ·· - K'I: .
E\"C ry student i n cnterin~ Kansn.s Wt~slcya n Unh·er·
!lity is reojuircd tn radd the prio·e nf the college pnf~r
when he pays his tuitiun .
··The gt·catl'Sl thing in a mtut i!l his
gre:ltC!Il thing in Jl )l(•hnnlis ~t.l s pirit. ··
One word leads to annther. whether y.m
the Hi hie or a dim~ nonl .
nnd the
Teachers Wanted!
The follo wing prngr.uu w:~ >IU(>t•(•!')'l fllll_\' o·arl'it•• l nn
in the !lfimary olepartme nt he fun• the hulio l a~· .. :
· Beautiful Ch ri st mll.~ Tinw . . .
. . .. Schnol
When Sa nta Cl:111s Come.<~..
. . Beulah
If Yon'rn (iood ................ ..... . ....... ... Hin ls
. . Hcginal•l
Santn. t:lan.'l .
Mo the r Gnnse..
. . Ba hin:Hang Up the Chiltlrcn·,. :o;w,·kings ... .. ... .. Wnrk•· rs
t l.ann•nt•t•
J olly Old St.
J Ht•Jtinalcl
1 (;I Ibe r t
l Julm
Grandmo the r's Sto!'kl 11 g
. ...... . . FI· •re nl·c
. . l ..... nra
San ta C laus nnd the M ou .~c ..
A J..euer From ~lllltn. Chills ................. ll ow:u'll
An Add ress to ~a nta C lan :o~
... ... Uu :o~y Bees
Hang Up the Baby'8 ~t OI.' king ..... . ........... Wayn t·
The Bini 's C hrist m as..
. .... Mi lil'cn t
The Snow ..
• • • • . . . . . . . !->dJUn l
The Chris tmM T ree ...
. ..... ... .. ....... Spurr
The Best T ree . ..
Xmas Confusion .
Reading X roM Story ..
Grandma 's Story ..
X mas Night in Bed .. ~ .
Xmas T ree . ...
Co me nnd Join Our Carol
l .•auren~e
............ .. J ohn
. ............. (;ono \'e.r
. .... Nvrm:~.
.. Harold
. . . ............. Anna
jMilice n t. nntl
····· I C horus.
Bells AeroAA the Snnw ................. ·I1 ~~!;~:,'trn·t!
The Doll nnd the C r ih
. . Isabe l
The Xmas Carol . . .............. .. .... .. .... . Isabelle
Xmaa 'fwlce a Yen1· .............•. ... . . .. .. . Harold
J est ' Fore X miLS ..
. ... Hown nl
Santa In Hill Den ................... . ........ Jam ie
Xinaa Eehoos ... . . ................ . ...... Eigh t IOirl,o
Distribution o f presents made by t'hiltl ren.
Mlu Qulnn - "What is thu lar·~est
world !"
Beulah- ' 'Tho base ball tllnmund ..
o lir~.u1 nn d
REV. L . D . BASS , D . D .. MGR .
. r~.,_,,.,, c ...... N,..., o~''"'"· '·"·· ,v,.., y.,..,t., .v. Y.,
w ...ltl•r'""· n, c .
Fr,.•cin•. c .. t.. Clric;op,/11.,
Pitl•~· ~r.J'..
St l.~•i•, '" " ·•
""<i o~.,.,,..,CH.
arc lboau.ndl uf p<>e. ltl o 11~ '" bll dlled. \\'c bad over 8,000
ucaac!c~ du ri n~ tb c pa•l ua•oa. Unqualified fac\IHicf for pladag
tu.c hcu In av .. ry p.. t ro f 1110 U. 1' . and Caoad•. One fcc r ~gltterl
Tb~ r~
In alno olllcn .
i\dtl ~ ...
Mil MPJtl l ca llotlll 10 l'IM it ab e r Ko P a.
The Fisk Teachers' A~ency
N c titics t e:: achcrs
or \'a C:-tnc ies
for positiou s. Send for marlu a l.
~·. 't:. ~1:~;:~~~SG. MgN.
378 Wabash AYe.,
E VERETT 0 . FI SK 6. CO .
... VIA,.,
in till'
Practice Teachtlr- "\\' hat olo yo u sec t hnl 1
draw fint !"
I~lule Boy-· 'Tho ell pso."
Second Boy- " I tlon't see any li t);! ..
There Is ll new baby in the ~ orma l fal·u\ty . l1ilf.!l
-Collins will 10011 take hf! r place in tht~ :'tl otl e\ d e·
partment. It's a iM!(' ret. Don ' t U!\1.
J A S. 0 . P ONO, Gl. P . A ., MIL.WAUK••.