Chabot College Basic Skills Committee MINUTES December 8, 2009 Present: Carolyn Arnold and Rachel Maldonado Aziminia, co-chairs, Marcia Corcoran, Yvonne Craig, Sandra Genera, Katie Hern, Hisake Hintz, Alisa Klevens, Deonne Kunkel, Jennifer Lange, Rani Nijjar, Linnea Wahamaki CALL TO ORDER The BSC was called to order at 12:05 p.m. Carolyn welcomed everyone and introductions were made. BUSINESS Presentations of funds available for spring 2010 and deadlines for proposals Carolyn reported that approximately $100,000 are available. The Vice Presidents of Student Services and Academic Services decided with input from the BSI allocation committee that 50% would be for FIGs/projects and 50% for student services. She reiterated this information on the email sent yesterday and hopes it is enough time for faculty/staff to submit a letter of intent. PRESENTATIONS BY BASIC SKILLS INITIATIVE FIGsPROJECTS ESL SLOs for Adjuncts – Linnea Wahamaka This project was coordinated by Linnea and Ken Uchiyama. In spring 2009 the full-time instructors wrote the student learning outcomes and rubrics for the ESL courses. The purpose of the project was to meet with the adjunct instructors who teach ESL 110A and 110B. ESL 110A and 110B courses were selected because most adjunct instructors teach them. The instructors were paid for two hours of meeting time—one to review and explain the student learning outcomes and rubrics and one to learn how to collect data and input into eLumen. They were instructed to keep data on their class rosters. A total of six instructors attended the meetings; four actually collected data and are waiting to input data into eLumen, one forgot, and one did not collect any data. It was easy to input data in eLumen, but there has not been time to analyze the data. They plan to have a meeting to review the scores and examine the student learning outcomes more closely and the assignments used. They will also examine why the performance was low. Finally they want to further review the eLumen program. Issues encountered were: o It is difficult getting the adjunct instructors to make the meetings, therefore, two different meetings were held. o Two hours were not enough; instructors will be paid for three hours in fall 2009 Linnea questioned whether she can use funds that have not been expended. She was informed that she could. Therefore, she plans to hold another meeting to review and analyze data. The division is in the process of reviewing the ESL program and there may be changes. She was questioned on what were the student learning outcomes. They were grammar and tense structures. WRAP UP OF FALL SEMESTER A summary of basic skills FIGs/Projects presentations was distributed for review and discussion. Comments were: o It demonstrates that the needs of the basic skills students are across the curriculum and is the key to student learning and is not isolated to one group. o It is important to create an awareness of the student services available and to continue to support those services that help basic skill students. o How do the interdisciplinary groups take it to the next level? o Active learning really uses multiple approaches—how do we document deeper student learning? o How to increase student engagement if everyone bought into it? o It is important to begin to link the data that has been collected on the various projects. The logic modeling handout was reviewed. This is a statewide model used by groups that are working on short and long term goals and activities. The plan is to implement in spring 2010. There was an interest in having a Friday retreat that would require at least a two-three hour commitment. Carolyn will contact Anniqua Rana to set up a time. She will calendar and put out dates as soon as possible. Carolyn questioned whether we should continue with FIGs/project presentations. It was recommended to continue with the presentations that are more relevant, e.g. Jump Start because it is reaching a greater number of students. Adjournment The BSC adjourned at 1:05 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by Rachel Maldonado Aziminia 2