The reading journals are designed so that you will discover... E.M. Forester means when he declares, “How can I tell...

Reading Journals: Land English 1A
1 - 2 pages typed
The reading journals are designed so that you will discover for yourself what author
E.M. Forester means when he declares, “How can I tell what I think till I see what I say?”
Writers love composition because the act of moving the pen across the page generates
thoughts. In the true sense of the word “essay” – which means journey of thought – your
reading journal is the place for you to wrestle with the new ideas presented in the course and
the readings. Even though I request that you write in relation to some of the course themes and
that you summarize key passages from the course texts, the format of the journal can be up to
you. The basic, bottom line requirements:
Analyze the most recent course reading discussed in class by applying the theoretical
lens or question mentioned next to each journal.
(Note: your journal will be about the pages discussed in class the day the journal is
assigned. You may also include references to the current night’s reading, if relevant or
to earlier passages you have not written about yet. But doing so does not mean you can
ignore the assigned reading entirely).
Include specific, accurate references to 2-4 passages from the recently discussed
reading using a combination of paraphrase and quote sandwiches. Include the top bun
context, voice markers, and page references whenever you refer to a text.
Since personal response often helps readers to engage the text more fully and to
understand the deeper theoretical significance of a passage, personal response is
allowed but not required. Try to balance personal response with at least as much
analytic commentary.
Share with me your thoughtful, diamond like gems. Keep the fluff!