UPPER DIVISION UNIVERSIT Y SCHOLARS REQUIREMENTS C O L L E G E O F S C I E N C E E N V I R O N M E N T A L D E P A R T M E N T S C I E N C E Environmental Science Scholars students will undertake three or four credits of research (EVS 491) in a supervising faculty member's laboratory on a project approved by the faculty member and by the department’s Honors Program Committee. A written report on the research project must be defended before a three-person faculty review committee (EVS 493). Honors Seminar (EVS 492) must be taken twice, and an oral report on the project must be given as a research seminar when the student takes EVS 492 for the second time. To remain in the program the student must sustain the grade-point averages required for admission to the program, as well as the approval of the faculty member supervising the student's honors research.