St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 3 Scope and Sequence Quarter: 4

St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 3 Scope and Sequence
Course: Spanish 3
Course Code: 0708360
Quarter: 4
Topic of Study: Que harias en el future?
Strand(s): communication, speaking, culture
Standard(s): The student will be able to engage in conversations and exchange information, concepts,
and ideas orally and in writing with a variety of speakers or readers on a variety of topics in a culturally
appropriate context in the target language.
The student will be able to present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners on a
variety of topics in a culturally appropriate context in the target language.
The student will be able to use the target language to gain knowledge and demonstrate understanding
of the relationship among practices, products, and perspectives of cultures other than his/her own.
Learning Goal: Students will be able to use the target language to express ideas in future tense.
WL.k12.AL 3.6
Adapt speech and self- correct when
speaking on variety of topics to
convey a clear message.
Present viewpoint on an issue and
support opinions with clarity detail.
WL.K12.IH. 6.4
Describe various products across
Quarter 4
• Imperfect
 Ir a + infinitive in the imperfect
 Nosotros commands
 Object pronouns
 Subjuntive with unknown and
 Subjuntive with expressions of
 Verb + infinitive
 Subjuntive with will and wish
 Subjuntive with negation and
 Future tense
 Conditional
Students will be able to:
-Express interest and displeasure
-Invite someone to do something
-Describe ideal friend
-Express happiness and unhappiness
-Express opinion and disagree
Make suggestions
St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 3 Scope and Sequence
Expressing interest and displeasure
aburrir to bore
aguantar to stand,to tolerate
¿Ah, sí? Pues, yo creo que… Really? Well, I think…
las artes marciales martial arts
el atletismo track and field
el boliche (jugar al boliche) bowling (to bowl)
el ciclismo (practicar ciclismo) biking (to bike)
el dominó dominoes
Eres muy bueno(a) para… ¿verdad? You’re really good at… aren’t you?
la escalada deportiva rock climbing
escalar to climb
la esgrima fencing
esgrimir to fence
estar loco(a) por to be crazy about
estupendo(a) marvelous
fanático (a) fan
genial great
el jai-alai jai-alai
los juegos de computadora computer games
el kárate karate
Los/Las... me (te, le…) dejan frío(a). The…don’t do anything for me (you, him/her…)
Pues, la verdad es que… Well, the truth is that…
pasarlo bien/mal to have a good/bad time
remar to row
el rompecabezas puzzle
el remo (remar) rowing (to row)
el salto de altura high jump
el senderismo (hacer senderismo) hiking (to hike)
Sí, me la paso…
Estoy loco(a) por… Yes, I’m always doing…
I’m crazy about…
Soy un(a) gran aficionado(a) a… I’m a big…fan.
¿Qué deporte te gusta a ti? What sport do you like?
el tiro con arco archery
Describing the ideal friend
abierto(a) open
amigable friendly
la amistad friendship
atento(a) helpful
St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 3 Scope and Sequence
apoyar to support
Busco a alguien a quien
le guste(n)…y que sepa
algo de… I’m looking for someone
who likes…and knows
something about…
celoso(a) jealous
chismear to gossip
chismoso(a) gossipy
un(a) conocido(a) acquaintance
confiable reliable
confiar en to trust
¿Cómo debe ser un(a) buen(a) amigo(a)? What should a good friend be like?
contar (ue) con to count on (someone)
creído(a) arrogant
criticón, criticona critical, judgmental
dejar plantado(a) a alguien to stand someone up
desleal disloyal
generoso(a) generous
grosero(a) rude, vulgar
guardar los secretos to keep secrets
hacer las paces to make up
honesto(a) honest
inseguro(a) insecure
leal loyal
maleducado(a) rude, ill-bred
mentir (ie, i) to lie
¿Qué buscas en un(a) novio(a)? What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
querer(ie) to love (someone)
resolver (ue) un problema to resolve a problem
respetar to respect
romper con to break up with
seco(a) cold, unfriendly
los sentimientos feelings
solidario(a) supportive
tener celos de to be jealous of
tener fama de ser to be known to be
tener un malentendido to have a misunderstanding
tener mucho/algo/nada en común to have much/something/ nothing in common
terco(a) stubborn
tolerante tolerant
Un(a) buen(a) amigo(a) debe apoyarme y… No debe… A good friend should support me and…He/She shouldn’t…
St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 3 Scope and Sequence
(no) valer la pena to (not) be worth it
el álgebra (f.) algebra
aprobar to pass
el (la) consejero(a) guidance counselor
El(La) consejero(a) insiste en que tome... ¡No me gusta para nada! The guidance counselor insists that I take . . . I
don’t like it at all!
el cálculo calculus
las ciencias sociales social sciences
combatir to combat
los cursos classes
el (la) director(a) principal
la discriminación discrimination
el estereotipo stereotype
la falta de... lack of
la fama reputation
la física physics
la geografía geography
la geometría geometry
el horario schedule
la ignorancia ignorance
la imagen (positiva/negativa) (positive/negative) image
la impresión equivocada wrong impression
juzgar to judge
la literatura literature
¿Mañana vamos a tener otra prueba en...? ¡Esto es el colmo! We’re going to have another test in . . . tomorrow?
This is the last straw!
Me choca la actitud de... hacia... ¡No aguanto más! I can’t stand the attitude of . . . towards . . . I can’t take it
el prejuicio prejudice
respetar (a alguien) to respect (someone)
el respeto respect
el semestre semester
suspender to fail
tomar apuntes to take notes
la universidad university
Expressing an opinion and disagreeing
A mi parecer, no hay igualdad entre... The way I see it, there’s no equality between . . .
¡Al contrario! No estoy de acuerdo. On the contrary! I disagree.
No me parece que sea justo. I don’t think it’s fair.
¡Qué va! Eso no es cierto. No way! That’s not true.
St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 3 Scope and Sequence
Repaso de Vocabulario 2
Making suggestions
admitir un error to admit a mistake
besar to kiss
cometer un error to make a mistake
comprarle un regalo to buy (someone) a gift
la comunicación communication
comunicarse to communicate
el consejo advice
darle un abrazo to give (someone) a hug
Date tiempo para pensarlo. Give yourself time to think it over.
dejar de hablarse to stop speaking to one another
el detalle detail
la disculpa apology
disculparse to apologize
discutir to argue
estar resentido(a) to be resentful
hacer las paces to make up
¿Has pensado en...? Have you thought about . . . ?
herir (ie, i) to hurt (someone)
insultar to insult
maltratar to mistreat
No te conviene... It’s not good for you . . .
No te olvides de... Don’t forget to . . .
ofender to offend
olvidar to forget
pedir perdón to ask for forgiveness
pelearse to fight
perdonar to forgive
la reconciliación reconciliation
reconciliarse to reconcile
ser (in)fiel to be (un)faithful
Sería una buena/mala idea romper con... It would be a good/bad idea to break up with . . .
Sugiero que no hagas caso a los rumores. I suggest that you not pay attention to rumors.
Yo que tú... If I were you . . .
Créeme que fue sin querer. Believe me, I didn’t mean to do it.
No lo hice a propósito. I didn’t do it on purpose.
No quise hacerte daño/ofenderte. I didn’t mean to hurt/offend you.
Perdóname. No sé en qué estaba pensando. Forgive me. I don’t know what I was thinking.
Te juro que no lo volveré a hacer. I swear I’ll never do it again.
St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 3 Scope and Sequence