What Can You Do Each Day To Make A Difference?

What Can You Do Each Day To
Make A Difference?
Campus Sustainability Advisory Committee (CSAC)
Co-Chairs: Steve Sansola and Paula Willoquet
•  “Sustainability is improving the quality of human life while
living within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems.” (IUCN-The World Conservation Union)
•  “A sustainable global society” is one “founded on respect for
nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of
peace.” (Earth Charter)
•  “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.” (The Brundtland Report ,
March 20, 1987, United Nation's World Commission on
Environment and Development)
•  How much of the earth’s resources is required to
meet your needs?
•  What each of us consumes and its demand on
the planet.
for more information visit:
• Energy Efficiency
• Water Efficiency
• Waste Reduction
•  Close exterior windows and
doors when heating systems are
in operation
•  Turn off lights when exiting a
room. Use task lighting if
•  Activate your computer “sleep
•  Use public transportation or
rent a Marist Zip Car
•  Marist Ride Share
•  Refrain from purchasing bottled water
•  Use your Marist reusable personal water bottle
•  Use less water when washing and bathing
•  Reduce your consumption of paper by utilizing
electronic transactions and publications
•  Print on both sides of the paper
•  Use the blank sides of documents as scrap paper
•  Use a reusable bottle/coffee mug to reduce the
amount of plastic or paper that goes to landfills
•  Bring returnable bottles and cans to the grocery store
for the bottle refund
•  Avoid using paper and plastic products when possible
•  Reusable mug program = discount of 25 cents
•  Ink cartridges, cell phones and rechargeable
batteries can be recycled at the Help Desk
•  Double sided printers at computer labs &
•  LEED compliant student residence facilities
•  Composting of dining service food waste
•  Green roofs on campus
•  Cardboard collection on opening day move-in
•  End of year clothing and food collection
•  Join a campus organization that promotes
Do you have
any other