Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans [LAVA] [Donnie Tate] [2014/2015]

Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
[Donnie Tate]
Grade Level and Subject Area
6th, 7th, 8th Grade Earth Science
Time Frame
45-60 minute period.
Possible extensions: 5-20 minutes
Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
In this lab students will analyze and collect data of the 4 factors that affect lava flow: Temperature, Thickness,
Volume and Slope. Once data is analyzed, students will apply knowledge of the data to engineer a solution for
a model town that will experience a lava flow.
Current Science Standards/Next Generation Standards (will include and update)
Science 2010
8.1.3 Science 2010
8.4.2 Science 2010
5.1.2 Science 2010
Standards for Technological Literacy
Students will use collected scientific data to engineer a solution for a scale model of a volcanic
Common Core State Standards in Mathematics
Students will use collected scientific data to engineer a solution for a scale model of a volcanic
Common Core State Standards in English and Language Arts
Students will use collected scientific data on a template created to engineer a solution for a scale
model of a volcanic eruption.
Prior Learning
1.People have preconceptions about how the world works. We interpret things based on what we
already know.
2.Learning with depth of understanding enables people to adapt to new solutions.
3. Students with experience living or who have traveled near volcanoes will be able to describe their
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
-Several bottles of liquid soap (dyed red for lava)
-At least 20, 15ml graduated cylinders
-Plate warmer
-4 Scale model cities (Provided)
-Data collection worksheets (Provided)
-Smartboard document, power point or transparency of file to project (Provided)
-dowel rod
-several 25-50 ml beakers
Objective: Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
[State the learning objective for the lesson, which may be repeated from the unit objectives.]
[Describe your plan for activating the prior knowledge and experiences of students in this lesson.]
# min.s
Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks
NOTE: You may write this section as a set of procedural steps. If you
prefer, you may also use a Madeline Hunter Model (anticipatory set,
instruction, guided practice, and independent practice) or 5E Learning
Cycle (engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate).
Formative Assessment
[Describe your plan to check for understanding and progress during the lesson.]
[At the conclusion of the lesson, closure is the time to help the students organize the information that has been
presented to aid their retention. The students should do the thinking and discussion rather than the teacher. The
teacher can engage them in a short review by posing questions. The students should be given a chance at the end of
the lesson to personally reflect on the lesson, to share their ideas with others and with the class as a whole.]
Summative Assessment
[Describe your plan for measuring student understanding and performance of the concepts and skills taught during
the lesson.]
[Repeat this table for each additional lesson, as needed. To follow the model used by EiE,
consider including a lesson to introduce the context of the engineering problem (lesson one), a
lesson to gather background information on the problem and type of engineering (lesson two), a
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
lesson to plan solutions and test materials (lesson three), and a lesson for creating and improving
your design (lesson four).]
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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