Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire


Emerging Europe and the

Byzantine Empire

Chapter 9

Transforming the Roman World

Chapter 9-1

The New Germanic Tribes

• Most of Western Roman Empire now under Germanic control

▫ Visigoths, Franks, Anglo-Saxon, Ostrogoths

The Kingdom of the Franks

Clovis: strong military leader who established the Frankish Kingdom (500 C.E.)

▫ first Germanic ruler to convert to Christianity

 “Jesus Christ, if you shall grant me victory over these enemies, I will believe in you and be baptized.”

▫ Roman Catholic Church support

• Defeated local tribes and unified Frankish people

• After death sons divide empire into three

Germanic Society

• Roman and German culture mixes

▫ Family is very important

▫ German law makes actions personal (blood feud)

Wergild: amount paid by a wrongdoer to the family he/she injured or killed, varied based on social class

Ordeal: means of determining guilt, based on ideal of divine intervention.

Physical trial

Role of the Church

• Christianity becomes supreme religion by end of 4 th century

▫ Roman Empire is gone

▫ Roman Catholic Church dominant role

Organization of the Church

• Using your graphic Organizer

• Organize the Church.

• Use page 304

The Carolingian Empire Documentary

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnFctcpZI



Chapter 9-2

Crash Course

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV7Canyzh


End of the Carolingian Empire

• Charlemagne’s death creates a power vacuum of leadership

▫ West Frankish Kingdom (France)

▫ Middle Kingdom (Italy)

▫ East Frankish Kingdom (Germany)

• Invaders will set Europe back further

▫ Magyars

▫ Muslims

▫ Vikings

 Why might the death of a strong leader make a nation vulnerable to attack?

Geography Skills: Invasions of Europe

• Open to page 309

• Answer the two questions which pertain.

History and



• Read about the Vikings

• Answer the questions which pertain

The Development of Feudalism

Feudalism: political and social order in which powerful lords offered protection in return for service.

Vassal: warrior who served the need of the lords

▫ Normally swore an oath of allegiance

Knights: heavily armored Calvary units

▫ Great social prestige

Fief: grant of land given to a vassal

Feudal Contract: set of unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassals

Infographics: Feudal and Manorial


• Open to page 311

• Read about this system

• Answer the questions which pertain

Feudal Society

• Feudal society built around a culture of warfare

• Land is essential to the political power of lords

Tournaments: contests where nights could demonstrate their fighting skills


“A Knight cannor distingush himself in a war if he has not trained for it in the tourneys”

Chivalry: code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold

Eleanor of Aquitaine: strong independent woman, who married for political power, and established a culturally rich court.


• Open to page 312

• Look at the illustration

• Read the headings

• Answer the questions which pertain

The Growth of

European Kingdoms


England in the

High Middle Ages

• Norman Conquest

William of Normandy: 1066 lands on English shores and defeated King Harold in Battle of Hastings.

Crowned king of England

▫ Normans and Anglo-Saxon marry

• Henry II and the Church

Henry II: 1154-1189 C.E. enlarged the English monarchy, trials increased, took property from nobles

Common Law: law that was common throughout the entire kingdom

Thomas á Becket: Archbishop of Canterbury challenged Henry’s desire to try clerics

The Magna Carta

• Runnymede 1215

▫ English nobles rebel against King John

▫ John forced to sign a legal contract

Magna Carta: “The Great Charter”

▫ based on mutual rights and obligations

▫ Monarchs power is limited not absolute

Parliament: representative government under King

Edward I

▫ Bishops and Nobles-HOUSE OF LORDS

▫ Knights and townspeople-HOUSE OF COMMONS

Turning Point

• Open to page 318

• Read about the Magna Carta

• Answer the questions

Creating our own Magna Carta

• Imagine that you have united the class (town) and want to establish some rules (locally)

• Now establish your Magna Carta for the School


• France in the

Middle Ages

▫ Sean K

▫ Jeff Z

▫ Irmis S

▫ Tyler V

▫ Kayla A

▫ Destiny A

▫ Chelsea

• The Holy



▫ Megan C

▫ Dean B

▫ Val R

▫ Kai R

▫ Joey L

▫ Will W

▫ Faris A

• Central and



▫ Abby G

▫ Joey B

▫ Justin B

▫ Chelsea L

▫ Ethan W

▫ Aidan A

▫ Sean V

Group Project/Presentation

• Read and reseach about the topic from pages 319-321

• Become experts!

• Use your paper to illustrate, define words, key people etc.

• We will present tomorrow!

Byzantine Empire and Crusades


From Eastern Roman Empire to Byzantine


Justinian: Emperor in 527 C.E.

▫ Determined to reestablish Roman Empire

▫ Codified Roman Laws in The Body of Civil Law

(Justinian Code)

• Issues

▫ Too much land, empty treasury, decline in population, Rise of

Islamic States

• Emergence of Byzantine Empire

▫ Loss of territory only consists of Balkans and Asia Minor

▫ Greek becomes official language (not Latin)

Eastern Orthodox Church

Life in


• Riots in 532 C.E.

▫ Justinian Rebuilds a splendorous city

 Pubic Baths, Hippodrome, Hagia Sofia (Church of Holy


▫ Largest in Europe during middle ages

 Center of commerce

 Goods from East and West cross here

 Silk, Spices, Jewelry, Ivory, Wheat, Honey, Furs

Justinian Code Activity

• Read the handout

• Create your own laws in your groups

• You will create a Venn Diagram about Justinian and American law code and see where your group agrees and disagrees with either party


• People in World History: Theodora

New Heights and New Problems

• Macedonian Emperors (867-1081 C.E.)

▫ Expand the empire and stimulate trade

▫ Renewed prosperity within the empire

• Religious Issues

▫ Catholic vs. Eastern Orthodox Church

▫ Pope vs. Patriarch (excommunicated each other)

Schism: separation between churches

The Crusades

Crusades: 11 th -13 th centuries series of military expeditions to regain the holy land

Alexius I: asks European leaders to send military support against Seljuk Turks

Pope Urban II: Challenged all Christians to take up arms and fight in 1095 at the Council of Clermont

 “All who die… shall have immediate remission of sins”

 What does this mean?

 “It is the will of God”

The Early Crusades

• First Crusade

▫ Mostly French Warriors

▫ Captured Antioch in 1098

▫ Captured Jerusalem in 1099

 Massacre of its inhabitants

• 4 Crusader States Created

▫ Relied on Italian cities for supplies

▫ Hard to defend

▫ 1187 C.E. Jerusalem captured by


The Later Crusades

Pope Innocent III: calls for the 4 th Crusade

▫ Crusaders get involved in fight over Byzantine Throne

▫ 1204 crusaders sack Constantinople

Children's Crusade: led by Nicholas of Cologne

▫ Youth march to Rome

▫ Pope tells them to go home

Lets take a look at the perspectives

• http://historyunits.wix.com/the-crusades#

Geography Application

• Open to page 326

• Look at the map and answer the questions

• Respond to the following question

How did the Crusades impact the overall European civilization?

 Look at page 327 to find out more!
