
Chapter 12 Worksheet
Is a family universal? Why?
Define: Polygyny
What is unique about marriage in Banero of New Guinea and also in the Loess plateau in China?
What is the difference between a family and a household?
What is a family of orientation?
What is a family of procreation?
Define: Marriage (in a sociological sense)
Incest Taboo
System of descent
Bilineal system
Matrilineal system
Patrilineal system
How is inheritance handled in patrilineal, matrilineal, and bilineal systems?
Define: Patriarchy
Discuss the similarities and differences between traditional and Industrialized societies. (Touch on marriage structure,
functions, authority, selection of spouse, household, inheritance, ect.)
Define: Patrilocal
What do functionalists state about family?
What are the 6 needs to survival of a society?
What do functionalists state are the functions of the incest taboo? Exogamy?
What do conflict perspectivists state about marriage?
Nationally, who makes what kind of decisions in a marriage? (hint: look at both text and graphics)
What do symbolic interactionists state about marriage – especially housework?
Define gendered division of labor.
What did William Jankowiak & Edward Fischer discover about love and groups?
What did Donald Dutton & Arthur Aron discover about fear and romantic love? How did they do the study?
What are two components of romantic love?
What are some of the social channels of love and marriage (aka – who marries whom)?
Define: Homogamy
Discuss some of the changes in marriage with regard to race that have occurred in the last 40 years.
What are some trends in family size / childbirth now?
Who does the majority of child rearing in families?
How many kids are in daycare?
What are the reasons for daycares lacking high quality care? (What is considered high quality care?)
How does social class connect to how children are viewed as developing?
- From the perspective of the working class?
- From the perspective of the middle class?
What does the term “adultolescent” mean?
Define: Empty Nest
Boomerang children
Widowhood effect
Diversity in Families:
What are some distinctive characteristics of:
- African-American families?
- Latino families?
- Asian-American families?
- Native American families?
- One Parent families?
- Gay & Lesbian families?
What is the difference between childless and childfree?
Discuss families without children.
What are some changing trends in US families from 1890 to 1950 to today?
What is a primary reason for this change?
Define Cohabitation and what are some trends relating to cohabitation?
What are some ways to measure divorce and what are the current numbers and percentages?
Discuss some of the characteristics of children of divorce?
What have Judith Wallerstein and Mavis Hetherington discovered in their studies?
What have Paul Amato and Jacob Cheedle discovered about grandchildren of divorce?
Define Serial Fatherhooh
Define Continuities
What are some characteristics of remarriage?
What are some characteristics and statistics of the dark sides of family life:
- Spouse battering
- Child abuse
- Incest
What are some bright sides of family life? Specifically, _____ out of _____ married Americans report they are very
Jeanette and Robert Lauer studied married couples – what did they discover? What did they find out about happy
What did Nicholas Stinnett find out about happy families?