Art of Mexico and Conclusion of “Like Water for Chocolate” (Chapter 5) Teacher: Mr. Diaz Date: 9-12 October 2012 Subject/Course: Latin American Studies Grade: 11/12th CA Standard(s): NA-VA.9-12.5 REFLECTING UPON AND ASSESSING THE CHARACTERISTICS AND MERITS OF THEIR WORK AND THE WORK OF OTHERS Students identify intentions of those creating artworks, explore the implications of various purposes, and justify their analyses of purposes in particular works Students describe meanings of artworks by analyzing how specific works are created and how they relate to historical and cultural contexts Given a free response form/question, Analytical Notes, Biography Research Form, Poster Paper, video, Reading Graphic Organizer Form, textbook, and Ipads, students will discuss, analyze, read, write, research, organize, and analyze the major Mexican artists as well as their motivation for creating art while demonstrating understanding through completion of analytical notes, reading graphic organizer, biography research, group presentations, and scoring at least 70% on an exit slip quiz. Who are the major artists of Mexico? What style of art are they known for? What is the purpose of the artists’ work? How is art connected to culture and historical events of the time? Essential Question(s): Assessment: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the Mexican art movements through evidence on Reading Graphic Organizer. 2. Explain the “who, what, where, when, and why” of Mexican artists through Biography Research Form and group presentations. 3. Completion of What, Why Important, and As a Result in Analytical Notes. 4. Exit Slip Quiz. Do Now: Free Response- (Creation of Art) What factors lead an artist to paint a particular piece of artwork? Explain. WHOLE GROUP *Free Response *Frida Kahlo Video DIRECT INTRUCTION COLLABORATIVE STATION COMPUTER ASSISTED STATION MEXICAN-AMERICA WAR MAP ACTIVITY * DIEGO RIVERA AND FRIDA KAHLO ANALYTICAL NOTES. *PG. 224- “BORN IN BLOOD AND FIRE” *MEXICAN ARTIST ARTICLE ANALYSIS . *COMPLETE AND ARTIST GROUP PRESENTATION FOLLOWING THE HANDOUT PROMPTS AND PRESENT TO THE CLASS.. WEDNESDAY *REVIEW FINDINGS OF ANALYTICAL NOTES. *EXIT SLIP. *READ CHAPTER 5 OF NOVEL AND COMPLETE JOURNAL REFLECTION FORM IPAD STATION BIOGRAPHY RESEARCH ON THE MAJOR PROTAGONISTS OF THE MEXICAN ART MOVEMENT, INCLUDING” FRIDA KAHLO, DIEGO RIVERA, DAVID ALFARO SIQUEIROS, JOSE GUADALUPE POSADA, JESUS HELGUERA, AND NAHUM B. ZENIL.