The Odyssey Study Guide: Lines 56-210

The Odyssey Study Guide: Lines 56-210
Name: ______________________
Period: _____________________
1. Odysseus says the Cyclopes are a people “without a law to bless them.” (Line 57)
What does Odysseus mean by this? Why does Odysseus not think highly of lawless
2. Why is being “indifferent to what others do” (Line 67) unacceptable to Odyssues?
(Hint: he does this again in Line 95)
3. The line “young Dawn with fingertips of rose” appears many times throughout The
Odyssey. What does this statement mean? Re-phrase this statement in your own
4. Odysseus is an Epic hero. What does he tell his men he will do in Lines 71-72?
Which Epic Hero trait(s) does he embody in these lines?
5. What does Odysseus’ metaphor in Lines 91-92 imply about the Cyclops?
6. Odysseus says “not a slave in Maron’s household knew this drink (Lines 104-105).
What does Odysseus mean by this? What does this say about the quality of the
7. How do people usually drink Maron’s wine?
8. List some of the items in the Cyclops’ cave:
9. What do Odysseus’ men want to do with the Cyclops’ belongings? How does
Odysseus respond?
10. Re-read Lines 144-147. What does Odysseus’ description of the Cyclops
imply about his strength?
The Odyssey Study Guide: Lines 56-210
Name: ______________________
Period: _____________________
11. Re-phrase the Cyclops’ question in Lines 156-159 in your own words.
12. Which event is Odysseus referencing in Lines 167-169?
13. What does Odysseus mean when he says “Zeus will avenge the unoffending
guest”? (Lines 174-175) Why would Zeus care if a guest was uncared for in
another’s home?
14. What attitude does the Cyclops have toward the gods in his response to
Odysseus’ threat? (Lines 178-182)
15. Why does Odysseus lie to the Cyclops about the location of his ship?
16. What does the Cyclops do to Odysseus’ men in Lines 191-197?
17. Why doesn’t Odysseus kill the Cyclops after this attack? (Hint: Lines 207209)
18. We know Odysseus survives his encounter with the Cyclops because he is
telling this story to King Alcinous. In two sentences, predict how he will
make it out of the cave alive.